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Being Born Ugly is a Curse from God

There is no god. Religions and all the gods are a cope for humans because they can't deal with the fact that life is shit and sucks. Besides pure survival of the fittest and procreation there is nothing. The earth and the universe doesn't care about you, in fact the universe doesn't care about anyone. To the universe it doesn't matter if someone gets killed, raped, tortured, commits suicide etc.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that religion has convinced people that we are better than animals. That's just so wrong, look arround you how humans behave and then tell me we are not just animals with a bit better brain capacity. It's all about money, who is better and sex.
nausea said:

Yes. Do you really want to live like a sheep for the rest of your life? Like cattle? Livestock?
Kointo said:
I'm speaking truth.

you speak ( other thing )

also please if you like to comment on any of those two threads just do it there
Life has value because we assign value to it. Life is objectively worthless and that's a fact. I value life (especially animal lives) because anything else would make me feel worse and because I have a personal interest
Kointo said:
Maybe it can, but at what cost? It's a scam and a lie. Edgy? What is that supposed to refer to?

I'm speaking truth.

makeup is a scam and lie too. women dont care about fairness or morals. Why shud I?
I will do anything to benefit myself even if it means fooling females to believe in religion.
they do the same everyday, fooling males with makeup and lying cheating and stealing.
grayjedi90 said:
There is no god. Religions and all the gods are a cope for humans because they can't deal with the fact that life is shit and sucks. Besides pure survival of the fittest and procreation there is nothing. The earth and the universe doesn't care about you, in fact the universe doesn't care about anyone. To the universe it doesn't matter if someone gets killed, raped, tortured, commits suicide etc.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that religion has convinced people that we are better than animals. That's just so wrong, look arround you how humans behave and then tell me we are not just animals with a bit better brain capacity. It's all about money, who is better and sex.
Kointo said:
Yes. Do you really want to live like a sheep for the rest of your life? Like cattle? Livestock?

yea because our progenitors lived like sheeps instead of fucking fighting to survive and strive against beasts and maladies eh?
grayjedi90 said:
There is no god. Religions and all the gods are a cope for humans because they can't deal with the fact that life is shit and sucks. Besides pure survival of the fittest and procreation there is nothing. The earth and the universe doesn't care about you, in fact the universe doesn't care about anyone. To the universe it doesn't matter if someone gets killed, raped, tortured, commits suicide etc.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that religion has convinced people that we are better than animals. That's just so wrong, look arround you how humans behave and then tell me we are not just animals with a bit better brain capacity. It's all about money, who is better and sex.

That's the truth. Thanks for this post. The only thing that matters in life is feeling good (This is why we envy Chad)
nausea said:
yea because our progenitors lived like sheeps instead of fucking fighting to survive and strive against beasts and maladies eh?

Yes. People fought to survive in Neolithic times and earlier Paleolithic times. Once agriculture arose, the higher ups needed to create religions to keep their people in check.
Kointo said:
Yes. People fought to survive in Neolithic times and earlier Paleolithic times. Once agriculture arose, the higher ups needed to create religions to keep their people in check.

Kointo said:
And what? It's a fact.

Religion is just a philosophy after all if we eliminate God. God was their only tool to gain power
nausea said:
fact that it fucking worked

lol it worked for a while soon after that their religions became too powerful and caused wars, destruction and suffering everywhere
Facade said:
Religion is just a philosophy after all if we eliminate God. God was their only tool to gain power

God is the center of religion. If that is removed then you're left with nothing.
Facade said:
Religion is just a philosophy after all if we eliminate God. God was their only tool to gain power

our ancestors believed in gods not god, also indians are full of gods and buddism has none

grayjedi90 said:
lol it worked for a while soon after that their religions became too powerful and caused wars, destruction and suffering everywhere

yes but that is because history, politics messed with religion etc
Lestat said:
He hates u.
Most people biologically find ugly/below average males repulsive.
So if u fall into that category, ur ENTIRE life will be literally hell unless u become a hermit or monk.

To function in society u really need a certain level of looks. 
To just be a friend with women u need to look good. 
To be invited to parties u need to look good.
To be treated with respect u need to look good.

Proof that god is ur enemy.
There is no god, just genetic recombination, misfortune is our true enemy, not femoids or nature.

But even then life just, is.
im so sorry for incels who are atheists.
Not only are u all ugly, but u have no hope or joy in life as well hahahahaha

At least ugly christiancels are happy with delusion
Kointo said:
God is the center of religion. If that is removed then you're left with nothing.

Ofc like : Love your family,don't steal,don't kill, don't lie etc All of these concepts exclude god
Facade said:
Ofc like : Love your family,don't steal,don't kill, don't lie etc All of these concepts exclude god

But they all relate to God creating those commandments.
Lestat said:
im so sorry for incels who are atheists.
Not only are u all ugly, but u have no hope or joy in life as well hahahahaha

At least ugly christiancels are happy with delusion

Yes I do have joy l. I'm an absurdist. Nothingness and meaninglessness gives me freedom to act with my own morals and beliefs.The worst thing that can happen is nothingness which isn't bad because I won't perceive nothingness
Lestat said:
im so sorry for incels who are atheists.
Not only are u all ugly, but u have no hope or joy in life as well hahahahaha

At least ugly christiancels are happy with delusion

Maybe they are.
Lestat said:
im so sorry for incels who are atheists.
Not only are u all ugly, but u have no hope or joy in life as well hahahahaha
At least ugly christiancels are happy with delusion
they make the silly equation

religion=jesus, budda, vishnu, etc
Kointo said:
But they all relate to God creating those commandments.

Yes because some faggots liked these concepts and had to connect god to them to give them a universal meaning. God is used to assign objective meaning to subjective morals
Lestat said:
i dont even believe in religion and i am against pastors and churches for lying to people.
however it was much better in the past for subhuman males when christianity had more power. U didnt even have to believe in it, just lie and say u did and u wud get a virgin jailbait once u had a decent job and were in shape. 

If u were smart u wud have gotten what I said by now.......................

LOL you deserve to be incel tbh. Genetic trash needing to change the natural order of things so their subhuman genetics arent rid of.
GeneticDysfunction said:
LOL you deserve to be incel tbh. Genetic trash needing to change the natural order of things so their subhuman genetics arent rid of.

it's not the fucking natural order
Facade said:
Yes because some faggots liked these concepts and had to connect god to them to give them a universal meaning. God is used to assign objective meaning to subjective morals

GeneticDysfunction said:
LOL you deserve to be incel tbh. Genetic trash needing to change the natural order of things so their subhuman genetics arent rid of.

there are tons of women who are genetic trash who also deserve to be incel.
Lestat said:
there are tons of women who are genetic trash who also deserve to be incel.

But horny males will put those nasty pieces of shit on pedestals because of vagina. I.e. genetic superiority its over, we should all er
God isn't responsible for your genetics. It was predetermined the moment your dad fucked your mom and released sperm inside her pussy.
Facade said:
[font=Merriweather, Georgia,]Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time![/font]

[font=Merriweather, Georgia,]But He loves you. He loves you[/font]

This. If you really think about it it doesn't make any fucking sense. Also if heaven was real wouldn't we eventually find it
If god exists then he's not a merciful one and has never been.
Kointo said:
nausea said:
no man it's not that, our ancestors knew this
Our ancestors didn't know shit. They were too busy coming up with ways to survive. They didn't have the time to think about these things.
Greek philosophers and Heian Japanese aristocrats maybe...
Wow people like you deserve to be incel. How can you talk about your ancestors like that? They understood women so much better than the cucks of today. They knew thar giving women equal rights would destroy the fabric of society and their behaviour had to be controlled to an extent.
Juxtaposition6 said:
If god exists then he's not a merciful one and has never been.

well how can he be merciful. most humans are cruel sociopaths and evil.
NeverSubmit said:
 How can you talk about your ancestors like that?

Because they don't exist anymore.
Lestat said:
well how can he be merciful. most humans are cruel sociopaths and evil.

Then why did he create evil people in the first place?Only to punish them for the trait that they received from him. That makes god even more sadistic

The only thing that we can't rule out is an abstract being or force that doesn't give a shit about us and doesn't resemble us.Either way the invisible man who lives in the sky does not exist
Facade said:
Then why did he create evil people in the first place?Only to punish them for tge trait that they received from him. That would make him even more sadistic

The only thing that we can't rule out is an abstract being or force that doesn't give a shit about us and doesn't resemble us.Either way the invisible man  does not exist

i am not evil or a sociopath or cruel. And im sure some incels here are nice people as well.
Lestat said:
i am not evil or a sociopath or cruel. And im sure some incels here are nice people as well.

Exactly this is why god is a lie
Facade said:
Exactly this is why god is a lie

so how come we were created and given life?
something or someone had to create us and give us life.
Lestat said:
this thread was about how horrible life is for an ugly male
and how religion can save incels.
I dont care whether religion is true or not or even wanted people to argue about that.
I only care for the benefit of myself in dating.
Just shut the fuck up, i dont give a shit if u think ur an edgy atheist.
U are part of the problem causing inceldom letting women whore around

Nature causes Inceldom.

I will prefer a real solution, attacking the root of the problem that is biology himself, if you study philosophers and antropologes, you will see that liberalism is a consequence of materialism, and materialism is a consequence of wealth, even fucking saudi arabia is starting to liberalize, is unevitable, you should stop chasing inefficient fantasies.
Lestat said:
so how come we were created and given life?
something or someone had to create us and give us life.


I'm not arguing this lol
Lestat said:
so how come we were created and given life?
something or someone had to create us and give us life.

Every possible outcome exists in infinity.If we assume that we have multiverses or a cyclic universe (Collapse and reborn again) 

Religious person : Everything has a beginning ,nothing can come from out of nothingness
Atheists : Then where did god come from?
Religious person : God was always there 


I already said that I can't rule out a higher being or force, but it's not likely,it wouldn't be like us and not omnipotent and it clearly does not care about us
Lestat said:
well how can he be merciful. most humans are cruel sociopaths and evil.
God is portrayed as kind and loving.

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