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Blackpill Being born into a religious strict family as a sub5 is better than being born into a "believe in what you want" family



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
I see so many sub5s coping with religion since they were raised in a strict religious family where they were forced to follow certain moral values.

Take a look at Islam. It is an absolute amazing cope for sub5s as all muslims consider themselves close and a brotherhood is formed where you feel like belonging somewhere.

I come from a broken family and religion was not pushed on me although my mom and dad are Christians they are not devoted nor forced me to accept their beliefs which resulted in me becoming an atheist.

I wish I was indoctrinated in a certain belief so I felt a sense of belonging somewhere instead I feel all alone with no purpose at all.

Religion is a great cope. A lot of children stop being religious after a certain amount of time even if they were forced to believe by their parents in christianity (especially women and CHADs) but that does not seem to be the case for sub5 men.

Without belief humans are nothing. Back in the day men fought for what they believed in and had a purpose they wanted to spread their religion and go to heaven as a reward , they were willing to do anything for what they considered the truth.

Take a look at certain parts of the world where majority of the young men are atheists. Take a look at Eastern, Southern, North, Western Europe and East Asia.

What do these regions have in common ? Well, let me tell you : High suicide rates, demoralization, low birth rates, high NEET percentage , mental illness, hedonism.

@ElTruecel @DarkStarDown @Ci Jey @SerbBurekConsoomer @juche necromancer
I see so many sub5s coping with religion since they were raised in a strict religious family where they were forced to follow certain moral values.

Take a look at Islam. It is an absolute amazing cope for sub5s as all muslims consider themselves close and a brotherhood is formed where you feel like belonging somewhere.

I come from a broken family and religion was not pushed on me although my mom and dad are Christians they are not devoted nor forced me to accept their beliefs which resulted in me becoming an atheist.

I wish I was indoctrinated in a certain belief so I felt a sense of belonging somewhere instead I feel all alone with no purpose at all.

Religion is a great cope. A lot of children stop being religious after a certain amount of time even if they were forced to believe by their parents in christianity (especially women and CHADs) but that does not seem to be the case for sub5 men.

Without belief humans are nothing. Back in the day men fought for what they believed in and had a purpose they wanted to spread their religion and go to heaven as a reward , they were willing to do anything for what they considered the truth.

Take a look at certain parts of the world where majority of the young men are atheists. Take a look at Eastern, Southern, North, Western Europe and East Asia.

What do these regions have in common ? Well, let me tell you : High suicide rates, demoralization, low birth rates, high NEET percentage , mental illness, hedonism.

@ElTruecel @DarkStarDown @Ci Jey @SerbBurekConsoomer @juche necromancer
I can see Why islam is a big cope, since it has a supposed solution for incels (pray and fast and dont worry allah will reward your piety in jannah)
religion makes it even worse, religion will only give you a naive view of the world.
Interesting but might look into it
Take a look at Islam. It is an absolute amazing cope for sub5s as all muslims consider themselves close and a brotherhood is formed where you feel like belonging somewhere
Only if you're low iq and nt, if you're high iq and non-nt you'd feel cringe and disgust at the retardedness and do not wanna be around no Mooslim filth
I see so many sub5s coping with religion since they were raised in a strict religious family where they were forced to follow certain moral values.

Take a look at Islam. It is an absolute amazing cope for sub5s as all muslims consider themselves close and a brotherhood is formed where you feel like belonging somewhere.

I come from a broken family and religion was not pushed on me although my mom and dad are Christians they are not devoted nor forced me to accept their beliefs which resulted in me becoming an atheist.

I wish I was indoctrinated in a certain belief so I felt a sense of belonging somewhere instead I feel all alone with no purpose at all.

Religion is a great cope. A lot of children stop being religious after a certain amount of time even if they were forced to believe by their parents in christianity (especially women and CHADs) but that does not seem to be the case for sub5 men.

Without belief humans are nothing. Back in the day men fought for what they believed in and had a purpose they wanted to spread their religion and go to heaven as a reward , they were willing to do anything for what they considered the truth.

Take a look at certain parts of the world where majority of the young men are atheists. Take a look at Eastern, Southern, North, Western Europe and East Asia.

What do these regions have in common ? Well, let me tell you : High suicide rates, demoralization, low birth rates, high NEET percentage , mental illness, hedonism.

@ElTruecel @DarkStarDown @Ci Jey @SerbBurekConsoomer @juche necromancer
As someone who grew up in an extremely orthodox kike family, this is a cope. They’re just bluepilled forever and don’t want to face reality.
Religion destroyed my life and added a fortified layer of impenetrable steel to the seal of my KHHV inceldom. Even if I ever could overcome the causes of my inceldom my unfixable religious brainwash will not let me to ascend.
As someone who grew up in an extremely orthodox kike family, this is a cope. They’re just bluepilled forever and don’t want to face reality.
i guess then this applies only to the muslims , it is very hard not to lose faith when you live in a feminist society which pushes you away from religion.
Religion destroyed my life and added a fortified layer of impenetrable steel to the seal of my KHHV inceldom. Even if I ever could overcome the causes of my inceldom my unfixable religious brainwash will not let me to ascend.
do you live in the west ?
I see so many sub5s coping with religion since they were raised in a strict religious family where they were forced to follow certain moral values.

Take a look at Islam. It is an absolute amazing cope for sub5s as all muslims consider themselves close and a brotherhood is formed where you feel like belonging somewhere.

I come from a broken family and religion was not pushed on me although my mom and dad are Christians they are not devoted nor forced me to accept their beliefs which resulted in me becoming an atheist.

I wish I was indoctrinated in a certain belief so I felt a sense of belonging somewhere instead I feel all alone with no purpose at all.

Religion is a great cope. A lot of children stop being religious after a certain amount of time even if they were forced to believe by their parents in christianity (especially women and CHADs) but that does not seem to be the case for sub5 men.

Without belief humans are nothing. Back in the day men fought for what they believed in and had a purpose they wanted to spread their religion and go to heaven as a reward , they were willing to do anything for what they considered the truth.

Take a look at certain parts of the world where majority of the young men are atheists. Take a look at Eastern, Southern, North, Western Europe and East Asia.

What do these regions have in common ? Well, let me tell you : High suicide rates, demoralization, low birth rates, high NEET percentage , mental illness, hedonism.

@ElTruecel @DarkStarDown @Ci Jey @SerbBurekConsoomer @juche necromancer
Jesus Christ can be more than a cope ,it can deliver real healing.

Isaiah 53:5
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
No religion for your genes
I wish I was indoctrinated in a certain belief so I felt a sense of belonging somewhere instead I feel all alone with no purpose at all.
After the realization that God is either evil or not real, it would've caused you immense grief to realize your entire worldview is incorrect. That's what happened with me.

A lot of children stop being religious after a certain amount of time
but that does not seem to be the case for sub5 men.

I know there are some religious sub5s, but that's not the majority. DBDR on yt (a blackpill/incel channel) once did a community poll which I believe had 10k responses, and it found that only ~20-25% were religious. Interestingly, only ~20-25% were atheist. The other 50-60% chose the answer "I dont know/agnostic". I know that is only one specific corner of the blackpill community, but I think it is a good gauge. That lines up with my experience on this site - some very religious users, but most seem to lean towards agnosticism, and some are atheists.
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>Being born as a sub5​

... is death sentence.

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