Notice how you didn’t counter with life experience back because you have none?
Lmao. Countering "life experience" with life experience. Amazing idea. Or we could look at stats and surveys.
My point is that a) individual cases don't matter. The claim is not "no short man can't get a woman", the claim is "women have a massive preference towards tall men and many short men struggle to attract a girl primarily because of their height, among other things".
But more generally, coming into someone's thread and telling them that the thing that they feel the worst about when it comes to their own body doesn't matter, and you know it because you saw a couple with a short dude when walking home, is just absurdly rude, insensitive and dumb.
Let me "counter with my own life experience" then: In the first self-help group for autists I went through, all the men over 25 had a gf, pretty sure they were actually all married as well. So clearly, being NT doesn't matter. It's all about w/e makes
me number 1 on the victim hierarchy.
The sad thing is that I actually agree with you, in the sense that being NT is a huge deal and on a similar level as many of the most impactful physical traits. But I can't stand the self-centered way you make that claim at the cost of someone else, how you argue from personal experience as if your life should be the primary source of all knowledge for everyone and how you indirectly demand empathy without offering any.