Rich incel here (duh, see username), well comparatively so. Make a comfortable six figures, have a house, two vehicles, can afford nice things, trips, going out, hookers.
Money makes coping easier. I think if I was a poorfag or hated what I do to make money, I would just blow my fucking brains out already. When I was younger I felt kinda like the OP, as I got older I stopped giving a fuck, or at least giving a fuck as much as I used to. Escortcelling is somewhat easier with more money, you can go for higher-end whores and there's less risk of being robbed by some desperate crackhead rent-a-cunt. Of course after fucking one of those high-end cunts you look at how much you paid for it, realize that Chads fuck the same level pussy for free, and feel some buyer's regret, but fuck it.
If you want to moneymax. It takes pulling over $250K a year (CEO salary) to fully compensate for shit-tier looks (and I'm no fucking CEO and never will be). And everything that goes with that of course (bespoke or super-high-end clothes, irrationally expensive watch/car/jewelry, etc.). Anything below that, you are seen as just another wage slave/middle manager/techie, of which there are thousands if not millions. Making just over $100K (in the US) isn't a "thing" anymore, you may be able to pull some washed-up fat roastie that needs your LTR betabux to survive, but even so she'll probably cuck you with Chad.
I'm not complaining mind you, things could be a whole fuckuvalot worse, and being able to fuck clean(er) expensive whores is nice. But as far as ascending out of inceldom, you need a LOT of money, which requires the looks and personalities none of us have.