I am over 30, no higher education, no job history (not even a day), no real job interviews even (I have applied to some jobs in my life, but there aren't many that I fulfil requirements).
I would like to try to have a normal job to prove some people wrong that have said to me: "just get a job, loser". But I have no prospects of ever getting a job, I am way too old already and can't even apply for education, because I never went to gymnasium. I have one worthless vocational education degree (that line of work no longer exists) and because of that there is a rule that I can't apply for new vocational degree.
I would like to experience what it would be like not to be long-term unemployed loser. I've been unemployment since before the Lehman Brothers shock and financial crisis and now there's the global recession brought by lockdowns.
If I lived in the USA, I think I would have got a job because the economy is so much better there. What destroys young people here is that it's so big of a risk to hire someone unlike in the USA, because firing a normal employee is impossible or very expensive and time-consuming.
NEETing may be fun for a few years, but being a middle aged man without job history sucks big time.