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Behind every incel is a disappointed idealist who had his world crushed at an early age



Dec 28, 2017
Having his life put through a meat grinder of bullying and social rejection as a kid or teenager turned him into a pessimistic realist who has given up on this clown world we live in.

You could say he's the most real compared to normies, foids, boomers and other types who probably had some varying degree of succeed in life which let them avoid turning into a cynical, jaded bitter blackpilled person.
I got completely formed at about 18 years old - vert little has changed since then.
I wish I was Chad

2459 1
I can relate to the title. Little did I know society is flawed because humans are flawed.
Society has no respect for ugly virgins like us.

They either want us to be slaves or want us dead.
Having his life put through a meat grinder of bullying and social rejection as a kid or teenager turned him into a pessimistic realist who has given up on this clown world we live in.

You could say he's the most real compared to normies, foids, boomers and other types who probably had some varying degree of succeed in life which let them avoid turning into a cynical, jaded bitter blackpilled person.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Life was meant to be paradise but I am not there yet unfortunately
yeah, sums it up fairly well. I have no reason to be optimistic about my life given that I'm a depressed social reject with multiple diagnosed mental illnesses. it's extremely unlikely that I'll ever go on to form healthy relationships in my 20s after spending all of my adolescent years being completely alone with no affection or intimacy or any emotional support in general. any chance I had at being a "normal person" is pretty much out of the window
Having his life put through a meat grinder of bullying and social rejection as a kid or teenager turned him into a pessimistic realist who has given up on this clown world we live in.

You could say he's the most real compared to normies, foids, boomers and other types who probably had some varying degree of succeed in life which let them avoid turning into a cynical, jaded bitter blackpilled person.
Yep that's me :feelsbadman:
yeah, sums it up fairly well. I have no reason to be optimistic about my life given that I'm a depressed social reject with multiple diagnosed mental illnesses. it's extremely unlikely that I'll ever go on to form healthy relationships in my 20s after spending all of my adolescent years being completely alone with no affection or intimacy or any emotional support in general. any chance I had at being a "normal person" is pretty much out of the window

I'm in the same boat as well. I was a happy healthy person who had generally positive views on humanity. But then life kicked me in the nuts and due to a lack of affection and isolation from peers when I needed it the most in my teenage years I turned into a very jaded and bitter person. I am very unlikely to form any long term relationships whether be it friends or with the opposite sex. My mind is warped so drastically that I can't talk to the average person and I really have to avoid groups. Besides this one.
jfl @ the low IQ response by IT

There's probably a reason for that, mate. Probably has something to do with the litany of "foid", "whore", "cunt" you spew at every woman who doesn't throw herself at you for existing.
fuck off man, majority of us were nice but have no changed since we given up, fucking IT retards
Having his life put through a meat grinder of bullying and social rejection as a kid or teenager turned him into a pessimistic realist who has given up on this clown world we live in.

You could say he's the most real compared to normies, foids, boomers and other types who probably had some varying degree of succeed in life which let them avoid turning into a cynical, jaded bitter blackpilled person.
Yes I was idealist and my dreams were crushed by my family and the society. I am very realist now but still believe in Idealism. I am a idealist who wants to kill are normies and chads and then use foids to achieve a ideal world. But I dont think it will ever happen, this world is too cucked.
Very sad shit man
I don't know if it's true for every incel, but it was for me
fuck off man, majority of us were nice but have no changed since we given up, fucking IT retards
not sure how many agree but I doubt most of the women hate here is genuine. not as in it's "meant to be ironic", it's always said in a serious context, but you can't really take it at face value. it's an impulsive, anonymous expression of frustration after a lifetime of being a social reject (often due to unfortunate circumstances like autism or one's upbringing) and learning to associate women with negative experiences. that's why I personally don't like to participate in it because it feels disingenuous to me; like a 'cope', to act like I feel personal resentment towards women when I ultimately just want to be cared about. even the most "blackpilled and based" users here would have no need to vent their emotions like that if they had someone who genuinely loves and cherishes them.
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not sure how many agree but I doubt most of the women hate here is genuine. it's more of a form of anonymous venting that should not be taken at face value. it's an impulsive expression of frustration after a lifetime of being a social reject (often due to unfortunate circumstances like autism or one's upbringing) and learning to associate women with negative experiences. that's why I personally don't like to participate in it because it feels disingenuous to me; like a 'cope', to act like I feel personal resentment towards women when I ultimately just want to be cared about. even the most "blackpilled and based" users here would have no need to vent their emotions like that if they had someone who genuinely loves and cherishes them.
I'd say 90% of users are cucks without the opportunity to become one
time and time again, it has been showed that most users would betray and kill other incels for a piece of coochie
very few users genuinely hate women, the rest would worship them if had the chance, I've seen so much indirect foid worship like "I'd kill just to feel a woman's touch" or "bros before hoes is cope"
it makes them no different from the soyboys who fuck over other men for women
it's the only thing I hate about the userbase, if you were truly blackpilled, you would naturally go MGTOW in a sense as ALL forms of foid interactions will end in disaster or little to no benefits as an ugly male
Having his life put through a meat grinder of bullying and social rejection as a kid or teenager turned him into a pessimistic realist who has given up on this clown world we live in.

You could say he's the most real compared to normies, foids, boomers and other types who probably had some varying degree of succeed in life which let them avoid turning into a cynical, jaded bitter blackpilled person.
Yes i took feminism and egalitarianism too seriously as a good hyper male brain autistic kid so i ended up feeling rage and pain in the soul when i noticed foids only use equality when it benefits them or to esclude weak men even more instead of giving them pussy and sex.
It Was basically all About a feminine sexual selection in an age of comfort and peace. Foids nature politicized
It's the only thing I hate about the userbase, if you were truly blackpilled, you would naturally go MGTOW in a sense as ALL forms of foid interactions will end in disaster or little to no benefits as an ugly male
This or going ER. High iq
Insane how normies expect us to have a great personality after they laid all of the groundwork to make us bitter and resentful in the first place.

It’s like cutting a tree down to its stump and then getting angry at it for not growing back to it’s full height.
it's the only thing I hate about the userbase, if you were truly blackpilled, you would naturally go MGTOW in a sense as ALL forms of foid interactions will end in disaster or little to no benefits as an ugly male
yeah this is very true and also what I was getting at. if you genuinely hated women on a personal level and didn't want to interact with them, then not having their approval would be completely insignificant to you. you would end up being true MGTOW who just wants to grill for gods sake. though some of us might not like to admit it, in reality "I hate women" here usually means "I desire women's affection and am unhappy because I cannot obtain it, this is my impulsive manner of venting frustration"
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I'd say 90% of users are cucks without the opportunity to become one
time and time again, it has been showed that most users would betray and kill other incels for a piece of coochie
very few users genuinely hate women, the rest would worship them if had the chance, I've seen so much indirect foid worship like "I'd kill just to feel a woman's touch" or "bros before hoes is cope"

At least not 99% like in a typical normie-world. And I think the number is lower, about 75%. Also there are some additional MGTOWs browsing this board without inclination to sign up marked as "Bluepillers: ***".
success is key, we changed because our expectations didn't meet their end
yeah this is very true and also what I was getting at. if you genuinely hated women on a personal level and didn't want to interact with them, then not having their approval would be completely insignificant to you. you would end up being true MGTOW who just wants to grill for gods sake. though some of us might not like to admit it, in reality "I hate women" here usually means "I desire women's affection and am unhappy because I cannot obtain it, this is my impulsive manner of venting frustration"

Spot on posts brother.

The only things I have to add to it is...

1. Once redpilled/black pilled on women’s true nature ie amorality we also I’d say become genuinely resentful of them or at least if not then per se the “natural” world or “god/s” ie whatever created/formed them, since I think most of us feel unfairly psychologically held hostage by a deep need to be and feel verified by a woman choosing to be with us and or desiring us but it never happens and so ultimately leaves us unfulfilled/unfinished as men and the rage/hatred/resentment then happens against women and whatever force that formed them because now being red pilled/black pilled we understand their true nature and mental level thus revealing that they are not all that special at all or at least not to the degree that blue pilled feminist bullshit would have us believe and so only natural resentment and genuine disdain can grow from having one’s entire self worth held hostage by such a creature who is quite often on the mental level of a petulant child who covers her body in ugly tattoos making her inner stupidity and poor decision making processes plain to see and who rejects you ie people like us a.k.a wizards and incels whom are generally genuinely kind and affectionate men despite the frustration based things we sometimes say in favor of some Chad who bullies, belittles, demeans and chokes her half to death on a regular basis in between using her as a punching bag to let out his frustrations and when the cops are eventually called by the neighbors instead of being grateful for being rescued she’ll scream at the police not to take her abusive Chad away. So to not hate or be disgusted by women once you come to realize how they actually are and that your self worth as a man is being held hostage to that? Well I’d argue it’d take one mighty minded wizard or incel to not hate or despise such a creature once they learned and fully accepted the grim truth about them.

2. IT fags and normies/NPC’s will always either pretend to not understand or genuinely not understand due to low IQ + lack of empathy that most of the female hatred ie “mean and viscious comments” made on the forum are simply venting/a way to vent our frustrations with women and also what your analysis post and mine have said about things (the reasons for our collective inner turmoil which are valid).

3. The IT fag’s post quoted in the thread enrages me as that guy will never admit to this realistic scenario I will lay out below for the class:

IT fag: you inkwells are just mad a woman won’t throw herself at you for simply existing!

Henry Cavill: Hey beautiful.

Typical foid: OMG! You’re like famous and you’re talking to me???!!

Henry Cavill: Of course. Say wanna come back to my place for a couple of drinks and see where the night takes us?

Typical foid: OMG I can’t believe this! Of course!!!

Now for the same foid in a different scenario approached by an incel who has made certain to be just as polite to her as the famous actor in the above scenario and not only that the incel in question is wearing stylish new clothes, a pair of expensive Versace shades, a gold watch and has just got done taking his 37th shower.

Incel: Hey beautiful.

Typical foid: Eww fucking creep get away from me! Do you want me to call the police because if you don’t get away from me now and stop staring at me with those rapey eyes I totally will!!

So as anyone can plainly see YES it IS valid to feel genuine resentment or possibly even hatred for women for not throwing themselves at you for “simply existing” since they do this for other men all the time based on level of fame and or looks which IT fags likely have claimed “does not matter” when it CLEARLY does.

I was retarded and always kept thinking people would be good. Until enough was enough and realized they're all trash
I unironically think incels at an early age used to be the ones who respected women and considered them like peers. Unfortunately foids consider that a sign of weakness and we all know how they treated us
Henry Cavill: Hey beautiful.

Typical foid: OMG! You’re like famous and you’re talking to me???!!

Henry Cavill: Of course. Say wanna come back to my place for a couple of drinks and see where the night takes us?

Typical foid: OMG I can’t believe this! Of course!!!

Now for the same foid in a different scenario approached by an incel who has made certain to be just as polite to her as the famous actor in the above scenario and not only that the incel in question is wearing stylish new clothes, a pair of expensive Versace shades, a gold watch and has just got done taking his 37th shower.

Incel: Hey beautiful.

Typical foid: Eww fucking creep get away from me! Do you want me to call the police because if you don’t get away from me now and stop staring at me with those rapey eyes I totally will!!

So as anyone can plainly see YES it IS valid to feel genuine resentment or possibly even hatred for women for not throwing themselves at you for “simply existing” since they do this for other men all the time based on level of fame and or looks which IT fags likely have claimed “does not matter” when it CLEARLY does.

Because of people like you they won't stop bullying us. You say that you're blackpilled, then you hate the women because they choose Henry Cavill over you. You guys are the ones decreasing value of blackpill.
A true blackpiller doesn't get angry if ITfags deny the truth. We have enough evidence proving that women gravitate towards the Chad, it has always been like this... So, stop whining and crying like a little girl, embrace the truth like a man!
Because of people like you they won't stop bullying us. You say that you're blackpilled, then you hate the women because they choose Henry Cavill over you. You guys are the ones decreasing value of blackpill.
A true blackpiller doesn't get angry if ITfags deny the truth. We have enough evidence proving that women gravitate towards the Chad, it has always been like this... So, stop whining and crying like a little girl, embrace the truth like a man!
Fuck off greycel.

You’re the one that’s whining and crying like a little bitch since you just revealed that you literally are emotionally vulnerable to IT’s bullying of you instead of having the correct attitude I and the other brothers possess that says: “Fuck those cucks and their kweens!”
i still have evidence on my computer of all the work I put in when I was at maximum mental strength and using it.

still have a bunch of long programs to do maths and show off the complex algorithms graphically with lattices and polygons and sets, no one gave a fuck at university, barely made a dent in my grades.
the maths-obsessed overachievers still got A's even though they didn't do anything like that, just solved the basic maths. and the professors decided to "grade on the curve" by basically pretending I didn't do anything special. this even though a computerized solution is what they asked for in the first place.
in fact, doing that even attracted some ire from a few semi-competent peers who didn't want to operate at my level, claiming I raised the bar too much and that they hated it.
later on the professors even tried to get me to do much more advanced work for them, and again for free, LOL.
this is finally where I stopped caring.

later on, there's even bigger multi-year projects, this time personal and nothing related to school, but again despite writing all the design and tens of thousands of lines of working code, it all goes nowhere because without money and a good team you're fucked. it doesn't matter that being middle class prepared you for intellectual pursuits. without money you can go fuck yourself.
so that's another idealistic sprint that ended up in a ditch.

note that all of these sprints were performed while already being exhausted by a shit life, meaning that going on them did extra damage to the psyche when they failed. since the psyche was being fed some kind of "just this one last painful effort and we've made it, I promise." lie to keep going.

then again, it was always like this, it was always shit, pointless, garbage. and there was never anything said besides "just hang in there", first from others, then from myself. repeatedly creating burnout and long periods of a zombie-like shuffling through life, as a completely dopamine-drained loser with nothing left. until it's time for another "idealistic sprint".
i still have evidence on my computer of all the work I put in when I was at maximum mental strength and using it.

still have a bunch of long programs to do maths and show off the complex algorithms graphically with lattices and polygons and sets, no one gave a fuck at university, barely made a dent in my grades.
the maths-obsessed overachievers still got A's even though they didn't do anything like that, just solved the basic maths. and the professors decided to "grade on the curve" by basically pretending I didn't do anything special. this even though a computerized solution is what they asked for in the first place.
in fact, doing that even attracted some ire from a few semi-competent peers who didn't want to operate at my level, claiming I raised the bar too much and that they hated it.
later on the professors even tried to get me to do much more advanced work for them, and again for free, LOL.
this is finally where I stopped caring.

later on, there's even bigger multi-year projects, this time personal and nothing related to school, but again despite writing all the design and tens of thousands of lines of working code, it all goes nowhere because without money and a good team you're fucked. it doesn't matter that being middle class prepared you for intellectual pursuits. without money you can go fuck yourself.
so that's another idealistic sprint that ended up in a ditch.

note that all of these sprints were performed while already being exhausted by a shit life, meaning that going on them did extra damage to the psyche when they failed. since the psyche was being fed some kind of "just this one last painful effort and we've made it, I promise." lie to keep going.

then again, it was always like this, it was always shit, pointless, garbage. and there was never anything said besides "just hang in there", first from others, then from myself. repeatedly creating burnout and long periods of a zombie-like shuffling through life, as a completely dopamine-drained loser with nothing left. until it's time for another "idealistic sprint".
That’s brutal

We aren't alive
i still have evidence on my computer of all the work I put in when I was at maximum mental strength and using it.

still have a bunch of long programs to do maths and show off the complex algorithms graphically with lattices and polygons and sets, no one gave a fuck at university, barely made a dent in my grades.
the maths-obsessed overachievers still got A's even though they didn't do anything like that, just solved the basic maths. and the professors decided to "grade on the curve" by basically pretending I didn't do anything special. this even though a computerized solution is what they asked for in the first place.
in fact, doing that even attracted some ire from a few semi-competent peers who didn't want to operate at my level, claiming I raised the bar too much and that they hated it.
later on the professors even tried to get me to do much more advanced work for them, and again for free, LOL.
this is finally where I stopped caring.

later on, there's even bigger multi-year projects, this time personal and nothing related to school, but again despite writing all the design and tens of thousands of lines of working code, it all goes nowhere because without money and a good team you're fucked. it doesn't matter that being middle class prepared you for intellectual pursuits. without money you can go fuck yourself.
so that's another idealistic sprint that ended up in a ditch.

note that all of these sprints were performed while already being exhausted by a shit life, meaning that going on them did extra damage to the psyche when they failed. since the psyche was being fed some kind of "just this one last painful effort and we've made it, I promise." lie to keep going.

then again, it was always like this, it was always shit, pointless, garbage. and there was never anything said besides "just hang in there", first from others, then from myself. repeatedly creating burnout and long periods of a zombie-like shuffling through life, as a completely dopamine-drained loser with nothing left. until it's time for another "idealistic sprint".

meanwhile the most successful apps run on react (instagram) and use javascript with a python backend or something simple

they only require advanced programming when they 100s of millions of years and need optimization

99.99% of apps/sites written will not need a high IQ guy doing complex shit

i'm no programmer but it seems advanced coding skills are not needed unless you work on the linux kernel
my signature tells it all.

Life has crushed me
meanwhile the most successful apps run on react (instagram) and use javascript with a python backend or something simple

they only require advanced programming when they 100s of millions of years and need optimization

99.99% of apps/sites written will not need a high IQ guy doing complex shit

i'm no programmer but it seems advanced coding skills are not needed unless you work on the linux kernel
skills are required unless you are exceedingly lucky and talented, we can't all come up with flappy bird. the weaker your position the more you have to work to make up for it.
the point is, in a corrupt system, no amount of work will get you anywhere. and you need money.

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