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It's Over Been rejected 5 times and ghosted once in the last month



Apr 13, 2018
I've had enough of this bullshit, I went well below my looks match and I'm still not enough for these hoes. I can't believe standards have got this out of control I didn't do anything wrong they just have too many options. Life is suffering for sub 8's
Here's your complimentary ticket to thailand, buddy boyo
As the Italians say, mama mia, it's over. :feelsrope:
Just LDAR or try to improve your looks if that is possible
I´m atleast a 7 and I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.
Just LDAR or try to improve your looks if that is possible

I'm looksmaxed, I'm probably slightly above average which clearly isn't enough unless you consider landwhales an option. You need to be at least an 7 to get skinny plane jeans every so often
I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.

I've blew up at a Stacy for doing that stuck up face at me before, It really really upsets me. I don't get how women think that's an acceptable thing to do to someone minding their own business
I'm looksmaxed, I'm probably slightly above average which clearly isn't enough unless you consider landwhales an option. You need to be at least an 7 to get skinny plane jeans every so often
Then it's pretty much over for you. Do you consider having plastic surgeries?
I´m atleast a 7 and I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.
>I'm at least a seven

No you are not
You are posting on incels.is
Then it's pretty much over for you. Do you consider having plastic surgeries?

extremely expensive painful surgeries to fuck a drunk land whale every few months, love 2018 man!
I´m atleast a 7 and I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.
You sure u a 7 mate?? Fat ethnic whores would die to date a white 7/10 male.

Your right that its over in the west...we are going feom 80/20 to 95/5 to 99/1 in urban areas..FUCK THIS CUCKEDSOCIETY :feelsree::feelsree:
Juggernaut law. Those below your looksmatch have been approached by the same guys with your looks or even better and they were all rejected. Thanks to you and the other guys she thinks she's hot shit and waits for a Chad-lite to pick her up. Now her looksmatch is going to register here thanks to you f*cks.
You sure u a 7 mate?? Fat ethnic whores would die to date a white 7/10 male.

Am I the only one alone in thinking it's a cuck move contributing to hypergamy? Guess it's pretty much a lost cause
You sure u a 7 mate?? Fat ethnic whores would die to date a white 7/10 male.
>I'm at least a seven

No you are not
You are posting on incels.is

He mogs the two of you into oblivion, just look at his picture. I think he's a 6, but my ratings are stricter than most PSL raters so he's definitely a 7 to other PSL raters.
Juggernaut law. Those below your looksmatch have been approached by the same guys with your looks or even better and they were all rejected. Thanks to you and the other guys she thinks she's hot shit and waits for a Chad-lite to pick her up. Now her looksmatch is going to register here thanks to you f*cks.

I'm certain chad lites will be full blown incels by 2021, the pysch ward was full of self harming broken down chat lites already
I'm certain chad lites will be full blown incels by 2021, the pysch ward was full of self harming broken down chat lites already
Other users have said the same here. If you go to the Megaratings thread you will find at least two Chad-lites.
I´m atleast a 7 and I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.

Is it cool to ask you to slide into dms with a pic of your self? I'm genuinely curious to see how I stack up
He mogs the two of you into oblivion, just look at his picture. I think he's a 6, but my ratings are stricter than most PSL raters so he's definitely a 7 to other PSL raters.
Must be so autistic that I NT mog him kek
Is it cool to ask you to slide into dms with a pic of your self? I'm genuinely curious to see how I stack up

taken from the ratings megathread
He's an average white with an exceptional eye area.
Probably autistic
Must be so autistic that I NT mog him kek

Kek, all these dudes mog me into oblivion facially and I NTmog them as well. But it's meaningless, they all get IOIs and I get IODs (indicators of disgust). :feelsrope:
I´m atleast a 7 and I go to speed dating events and fat 3/10 ethnic girls look at me in disgust and turn up their noses.

It´s beyond over in the West.
Something tells me you aren't really a 7. Probably 5.5-6.5PSL. Are you ethnic? What's your height?
Kek, all these dudes mog me into oblivion facially and I NTmog them as well. But it's meaningless, they all get IOIs and I get IODs (indicators of disgust). :feelsrope:
Indicators of disgust must be a myth
I really don't believe anyone who says random people express contempt for them
Am I the only one alone in thinking it's a cuck move contributing to hypergamy? Guess it's pretty much a lost cause
Speeddating is cucked
Must be so autistic that I NT mog him kek

View attachment 15809

taken from the ratings megathread
He's an average white with an exceptional eye area.
Probably autistic
Fucking kek. If this guy cant get a 3/10 he must be fucking aspie or autistic as fuck. Improve your socialskills man...youll be ok. Its not your looks.
Speeddating is cucked

Fucking kek. If this guy cant get a 3/10 he must be fucking aspie or autistic as fuck. Improve your socialskills man...youll be ok. Its not your looks.

Time for pERsonality improvements
Must be so autistic that I NT mog him kek

View attachment 15809

taken from the ratings megathread
He's an average white with an exceptional eye area.
Probably autistic
Whoever is in that pic: come to Brazil, you'll get results approaching as a decent looking blue-eyed gringo.
Cashiers are always nice because it's literally part of their job bro.
HAHA most of them are neutral, not nice. I have some bad experiences, I'll tell two of them in chronological order.

A currywhore teen, her queue was empty so I went to hers so I could go home quickly. She did not greet me, as is store policy, she just scanned my items without saying a word, not asking if I have a discount card, also story policy to ask, and when she scanned all my items all she did was wait for the money. She didn't say how much it cost or how much change I got either, also store policy and she did not even ask if I wanted a receipt, also store policy and I did not get one. She completely ignored me, that filthy currywhore.

Another supermarket but there was this ethnic female, right in front of me was a tall, white Chad-lite. She was talking to him all nicely, smiling, and when it was my turn, instead of scanning my items, she literally pauses to rearrange the money from the cashier machine which took like at least a full minute. I did get pissed off because I knew she wouldn't have treated me like that if I was even remotely decent looking. Superficial cunt.

So no, cashiers are a great way to determine how subhuman you are. I don't demand to get treated nicely by cashiers but to be a complete dick for no reason is just hurtful.

And I've got more stories from cashiers being cunts.
Speeddating is cucked

Fucking kek. If this guy cant get a 3/10 he must be fucking aspie or autistic as fuck. Improve your socialskills man...youll be ok. Its not your looks.

I believe him, I'm younger obviously so I can't really compare my face to his but I'm a little below his rating and I've been rejected by a girl that was literally mangled. She's now with a chad, not a chad lite an actual 6' 3 borderline slayer
HAHA most of them are neutral, not nice. I have some bad experiences, I'll tell two of them in chronological order.

A currywhore teen, her queue was empty so I went to hers so I could go home quickly. She did not greet me, as is store policy, she just scanned my items without saying a word, not asking if I have a discount card, also story policy to ask, and when she scanned all my items all she did was wait for the money. She didn't say how much it cost or how much change I got either, also store policy and she did not even ask if I wanted a receipt, also store policy and I did not get one. She completely ignored me, that filthy currywhore.

Another supermarket but there was this ethnic female, right in front of me was a tall, white Chad-lite. She was talking to him all nicely, smiling, and when it was my turn, instead of scanning my items, she literally pauses to rearrange the money from the cashier machine which took like at least a full minute. I did get pissed off because I knew she wouldn't have treated me like that if I was even remotely decent looking. Superficial cunt.

So no, cashiers are a great way to determine how subhuman you are. I don't demand to get treated nicely by cashiers but to be a complete dick for no reason is just hurtful.

And I've got more stories from cashiers being cunts.
Fuck that currywhore story hits home...these bitchfaced cretins really think highly of themselves just because they are constantly orbited by dozens of currycucks. Fucking whore you should have slapped the shit out of her..that would have teached her some manners
Fuck that currywhore story hits home...these bitchfaced cretins really think highly of themselves just because they are constantly orbited by dozens of currycucks. Fucking whore you should have slapped the shit out of her..that would have teached her some manners
I really should have, stupid currywhore. Turns out she treats my brother the same way, but he's not ugly at least, he's had a girlfriend above his looksmatch, so the currywhore is probably a self-hating deathnik cunt who wants to get dicked down by some below average white guy just because his penis is pink. I am sorry to hear you can relate.
I really should have, stupid currywhore. Turns out she treats my brother the same way, so it's probably a self-hating deathnik cunt who wants to get dicked down by some below average white guy just because his penis is pink. I am sorry to hear you can relate.
Of course they are selfhating..they hate that their pussy is black as fuck...all the whitening powder on their facein the world wont change that fact. Instead of accepting who they are they become desperate for any white cock. Ive seen 8/10 currywhores with 3/10 white autistic dweebs...stupid desperate cunts
I'm looksmaxed, I'm probably slightly above average which clearly isn't enough unless you consider landwhales an option. You need to be at least an 7 to get skinny plane jeans every so often

I've blew up at a Stacy for doing that stuck up face at me before, It really really upsets me. I don't get how women think that's an acceptable thing to do to someone minding their own business

You’re DONE if you’re not a Chad in 2018.
Of course they are selfhating..they hate that their pussy is black as fuck...all the whitening powder on their facein the world wont change that fact. Instead of accepting who they are they become desperate for any white cock. Ive seen 8/10 currywhores with 3/10 white autistic dweebs...stupid desperate cunts
:lul::lul: Absolutely savage, you should come here so we can roast the shit out of that self-hating deathnik roastie. I think I hate self-hating deathniks more than racist people. At least they still have the decency to be friendly to me as an individual. Stupid deathniks.
no idea

I believe the reason why she hated u so much is not only because you are ugly but you are ugly and curry like her. You reminded her of her insecurity (belonging to an undesirable race)

Jung's theory of the shadow. The part of people that invokes dark negative feelings about themselves.
He also argues the shadow is the reason why we hate certain people. They trigger some insecurities we don't like in ourselves.

She was actually above average for a curry, so I don't think she thinks she's ugly. But it's definitely because we're both ethnics, same with the cashier in the second story. I just didn't expect her to treat me like absolute shit because North Africans always treated me neutrally. :feelsree::feelsree:
:lul::lul: Absolutely savage, you should come here so we can roast the shit out of that self-hating deathnik roastie. I think I hate self-hating deathniks more than racist people. At least they still have the decency to be friendly to me as an individual. Stupid deathniks.
The truth is that the majoritu of ethnics is selfhating..they are basicly cucks for all that is white. No respect for their own heritage or ancestors..but so desperate for that white validation. CUCKEDSOCIETY IN ACTION :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
The truth is that the majoritu of ethnics is selfhating..they are basicly cucks for all that is white. No respect for their own heritage or ancestors..but so desperate for that white validation. CUCKEDSOCIETY IN ACTION :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

I blame the lack of representation in the entertainment business. All they see is white people so as a result their beauty standards become Eurocentric as well.

We need more ethnics in the entertainment business so we will have less deathniks.
It time to RopeCel !!!!

I blame the lack of representation in the entertainment business. All they see is white people so as a result their beauty standards become Eurocentric as well.

We need more ethnics in the entertainment business so we will have less deathniks.
Never gonna happen. Whenever you see an ethnic in movie or politics..its the most westernized ethnic ever. Also these cucks are so afraid to piss off their white overlods that they cant afford to be their own persona but instead turn into some kind of model ethnic who constantly needs support from white peers. It never even began voor ethnics in the west
Never gonna happen. Whenever you see an ethnic in movie or politics..its the most westernized ethnic ever. Also these cucks are so afraid to piss off their white overlods that they cant afford to be their own persona but instead turn into some kind of model ethnic who constantly needs support from white peers. It never even began voor ethnics in the west

That's true. Filmmakers want ethnics in their movies so they can portray a stereotype. The west should be nuked tbh tbh.
That's true. Filmmakers want ethnics in their movies so they can portray a stereotype. The west should be nuked tbh tbh.

You'd be doing me a favour at least
HAHA most of them are neutral, not nice. I have some bad experiences, I'll tell two of them in chronological order.

A currywhore teen, her queue was empty so I went to hers so I could go home quickly. She did not greet me, as is store policy, she just scanned my items without saying a word, not asking if I have a discount card, also story policy to ask, and when she scanned all my items all she did was wait for the money. She didn't say how much it cost or how much change I got either, also store policy and she did not even ask if I wanted a receipt, also store policy and I did not get one. She completely ignored me, that filthy currywhore.

Another supermarket but there was this ethnic female, right in front of me was a tall, white Chad-lite. She was talking to him all nicely, smiling, and when it was my turn, instead of scanning my items, she literally pauses to rearrange the money from the cashier machine which took like at least a full minute. I did get pissed off because I knew she wouldn't have treated me like that if I was even remotely decent looking. Superficial cunt.

So no, cashiers are a great way to determine how subhuman you are. I don't demand to get treated nicely by cashiers but to be a complete dick for no reason is just hurtful.

And I've got more stories from cashiers being cunts.
Jfl at those cunts
HAHA most of them are neutral, not nice. I have some bad experiences, I'll tell two of them in chronological order.

A currywhore teen, her queue was empty so I went to hers so I could go home quickly. She did not greet me, as is store policy, she just scanned my items without saying a word, not asking if I have a discount card, also story policy to ask, and when she scanned all my items all she did was wait for the money. She didn't say how much it cost or how much change I got either, also store policy and she did not even ask if I wanted a receipt, also store policy and I did not get one. She completely ignored me, that filthy currywhore.

Another supermarket but there was this ethnic female, right in front of me was a tall, white Chad-lite. She was talking to him all nicely, smiling, and when it was my turn, instead of scanning my items, she literally pauses to rearrange the money from the cashier machine which took like at least a full minute. I did get pissed off because I knew she wouldn't have treated me like that if I was even remotely decent looking. Superficial cunt.

So no, cashiers are a great way to determine how subhuman you are. I don't demand to get treated nicely by cashiers but to be a complete dick for no reason is just hurtful.

And I've got more stories from cashiers being cunts.

Cashiers can't even be nice to us once in a while...it's over
id just stop and focus on looksmaxxing then try again
and if not :feelsrope:

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