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Serious Been in Hospital for the last week.

Deleted member 301

Deleted member 301

"The Pessimist Was Right All Along"
Nov 8, 2017
Ok, so as those who know me know that I am an absolute, raging alcoholic. 18 cans/pints of 6% cider plus half a bottle of vodka a day. Well on Monday last week I woke up and felt like someone was punching me non stop on the top right hand side of my abdomen, I already have chronic pancreatitus so I suspected it was that. I stuck out the pain until Wednesday when I literally thought I was dying and ascending, using an umbrella as a walking aid I managed a few feet before collapsing on a bench and some pretty decent normies and oldies (it has to be said) carried me up to my doctors (about 5 mins away, but everything is uphill where I live. Plus bear in mind I stink and look like a Hobo) and soon as my doc seen me he phoned an ambulance. He cancelled all his appointments and waited in a room with me for 4 hours whilst all I could do was scream in agony and writhe around on the floor.

Eventually got admitted to hospital with acute alcohol hepatitus, a peptic ulcer, pancreas is almost dead on its feet and need my gall bladder cut out. Pretty much I'm screwed but I've known and accepted this due to my lifestyle for a long time, I get just about every opioid painkiller imaginable so as long as the pain is numbed, and I get wasted due to side effects as an added bonus I don't mind :cool:

The hospital treat me like royalty 9 times out of 10, even though my condition is self inflicted. A Becky nurse went and purchased me a pair of Totès socks, two pairs of tracksuit bottoms, pyjamas, brand new t-shirt and 2 pairs of y-fronts as I had the same clothes on for 2 months when I was admitted. Also I can't control my bowels anymore so Becki's and Stacies have to show me how to put nappies/diapers on as this is all new to me :feelskek: The wifi is about £10 a day here but the Becky nurse who bought my clothes gave me the admin password, I even had her sat listening to St. YogaCels (Steve Beierle) album with me. Naturally she doesn't have a clue who he is but she liked "I'll Sleep in Paris" and "No Shame" so much that she put them on her Ipod :forcedsmile: She thinks he's an up and coming singer/songwriter LMFAO!!

I'm in hospital pretty regular, apart from getting off alcohol which is the worst withdrawal EVER, I usually get double portions of food etc..

The only thing which pisses me off is the crazies on the ward who scream all night and wonder into your room unannounced, if you don't watch your back you can very easily become currency in these places.

I recorded two short clips of the last two nights in here just so you guys can see what night time can be like in here. Plus if you have a weird desire to hear my voice then it's on there. Take care fellow CelBro's, keep up the witty posting as it's keeping my spirits up.

It is over, friend.
I wish you well, brother. :feelscry:
Take care brother.
how much longer do you think you'll live?
I wish you all the best bro, place sounds like a nightmare with all those psychos wandering around.

Good thing you're not in America tho, hospitals stays here will put you into bankruptcy while giving you some halfassed treatment just to kick you out asap and the nurses are a bunch of a bitches 9 times out of 10.
Sounds like an adventure. Best wishes brother.
It is over, friend.
Its over.
I know guy's, but for an Incel I have had a fairly decent life. I'm known as a guy not to fuck with (even though I'm a 5 foot 4 manlet) as anything closest to me is (was, as those days are at an end) a weapon. Be it a crowbar, hammer, bottle etc. So i never got picked on, done pretty much what I wanted and that was getting wasted everyday in the pub or anywhere.
I wish you well, brother. :feelscry:
Take care brother.
how much longer do you think you'll live?
I'm still withdrawing from alcohol, even after a week which shows how addicted I am. If I can stay off it for the rest of my life and get a pancreas transplant I may get 10 or more years.

Which, as likely will happen, I carry on until the bitter end drinking then I fully expect to join my fallen bro's within 2 years MAX.
I wish for you to go to heaven brother. How old are you?
This is the worst way to commit suicide.
At this point, it sounds like it would be worse to live than to die. Though perhaps that's true for most of us.

If we suddenly stop seeing you post, I suppose we'll know why.

If you pass before we have another chance to chat...your thoughts determine your experience. Death unto itself won't free one of addiction.
I wish you well brother, guess you have to control your diet from now on.
how much does it hurt?
Nice avi. Enjoy your last days :feelsokman:
This is the worst way to commit suicide.
I'm not actually suicidal, I really just was born to be a hardened drinker. I enjoy the whole lifestyle and I accepted my life would be significantly shortened because of it.
I wish you well brother, guess you have to control your diet from now on.
If I want to live then major changes must occur right now, whether I have the desire to make the necessary changes for the right reasons or just out of fear of the agonising pain I will endure remains to be seen.
Ah you had an account on sl00thate too if I'm not mistaken because your back story is all too familiar.

I shouldn't laugh but your BlackOps2Cel avatar looks like he consumed the same amount of alcohol too.

Would you say your alcoholism was slow suicide due to your incel?
Holy shit. Even if you don't care for your physical well being, surely being surrounded by those nutjobs should be all the motivation you need to get the hell out of there?!
It's the demented other patients that get to you isn't it? I've had my share of hospital stays and thought so too. Anyway, could you explain the appeal of the drinker lifestyle to someone who has never even been drunk? Compared to other copes like video games. Must be something special for it to be worth this ordeal.
Hope you get better bro.
Wish you well. I have 2 pending surgeries: 1 for my leg, 1 for my shoulder. It’s over for unhealthycels
The hospital treat me like royalty 9 times out of 10, even though my condition is self inflicted. A Becky nurse went and purchased me a pair of Totès socks, two pairs of tracksuit bottoms, pyjamas, brand new t-shirt and 2 pairs of y-fronts as I had the same clothes on for 2 months when I was admitted. Also I can't control my bowels anymore so Becki's and Stacies have to show me how to put nappies/diapers on as this is all new to me :feelskek: The wifi is about £10 a day here but the Becky nurse who bought my clothes gave me the admin password, I even had her sat listening to St. YogaCels (Steve Beierle) album with me. Naturally she doesn't have a clue who he is but she liked "I'll Sleep in Paris" and "No Shame" so much that she put them on her Ipod :forcedsmile: She thinks he's an up and coming singer/songwriter LMFAO!!
I hope you get better and manages to quit being an alcoholic. At least you're being well-treated.
interesting read but you really need to stop drinking
Chatting up a becky nurse :chad:
Reminds me of one of the first threads I posted about my visit in the hospital. I never felt such luxury from foids as I felt there.

Hope you feel better man, and please... Enjoy the company with them while it lasts.
Didn't read LOL.
how much does it hurt?
Without Morphine and other necessary pills to take the edge off the pain, I seriously would beg someone to kill me rather than go through the excrutiating agony for any amount of time.
Ah you had an account on sl00thate too if I'm not mistaken because your back story is all too familiar.

I shouldn't laugh but your BlackOps2Cel avatar looks like he consumed the same amount of alcohol too.

Would you say your alcoholism was slow suicide due to your incel?
I haven't been a member of that website bro, there was someone on here that I communicated with who also had pancreatitus back along, perhaps it was him? Yes, StBlackOps2Cel does look like he's on a diet of undiluted vodka and nothing else in that pic lol. Kind of like Jsanza did when he was skinny.

Jsanza skinny 2

No, I like the feeling of being drunk, always have. I'm a strange Incel in that I have a large circle of friends. I'll elaberate before I get accused of being a FakeCel.

My local pub in the village that I live in, which is tiny and full of forever alone/incel farmer type older men is a safe haven for me. There is literally about 2000 people here, probably 1500 men/500 women (and about 400 of those are old 50 + women) and the pub is FULL of single men/divorcees for the last 20 years, there is ONE femoid who comes in here who is 55ish and in an LTR with one of the barmen. There is never any pressure with anything femoid related as they are never in here plus all of us know we're going to be single forever, even joking about it.

So basically I kinda just fell into drinking ti socialise and it got waaaay out of handl
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Holy shit. Even if you don't care for your physical well being, surely being surrounded by those nutjobs should be all the motivation you need to get the hell out of there?!
In a truly strange way it's curiously entertaining, like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
I would actually live in a hospital for as long as I live,when it keeps me away from society, I would truly be happy, but the government would not want to pay an average of 400 pound a night to keep me there
Damn that's sad tbh:feelscry:

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