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Venting Been feeling kinda crummy since I found out about Kobe Bryant’s passing yesterday

Deleted member 101

Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
Yeah I know it’s retarded to weep over the death of someone who was better at everything and at life than me. But fuck. I feel like part of my childhood died after hearing the news. I wasn’t into basketball until late middle school but I remember seeing how great at the game Kobe was. Seeing him win back to back titles. The one against Boston. I wish I got to witness his 81 point game life. Was too young to really appreciate what he and Shaq did in the early 2000s.


It’s even more heartbreaking that his 13 year old daughter died with him.

I try not to look up to anyone. I have no idols. As Charles Barkley once said, “I am not a role model”. I know Kobe wasn’t a total saint. I don’t know if the rape allegations from years back are true or not. And it is kinda silly to idolize a millionaire athlete when there are so many on this Earth that are suffering. But I can’t help but feel sad after his passing. Felt the same when Mac Miller died. When Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell passed. When David Bowie succumbed of cancer. All people I felt connected with because I watched them or listened to them.

I’m not even a Laker fan. Been a Bulls fan my whole life. Never got to witness the greatness of Michael Jordan. Maybe that’s why Kobe’s death resonates with me so much.

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And it is kinda silly to idolize a millionaire athlete

I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
Life is cruel, whatever.
I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
I don’t know. Do actors and singers or anyone in entertainment deserve to make a single dime?

>I dont give a fuck about niggerball
Your opinion is now invalid
I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
Yes it does. People wanna watch it so he gets paid
I don't give a fuck tbh
This is the first time I’ve even heard of him tbh.
This is the first time I’ve even heard of him tbh.
Damn u must be living under a rock
Not saying you have to know anything about him but Kobe was one of the most well-known people on earth
Not trying to piss on you but not knowing who Kobe was is like never knowing who Michael Jordan is
I don't give a fuck tbh
I wouldn't care if the entire NBA and NFL got nuked tomorrow, along with every other sport, except UFC because that's the only one I watch.
I wouldn't care if the entire NBA and NFL got nuked tomorrow, along with every other sport, except UFC because that's the only one I watch.
l’ll be there to piss on ur parade when McGregor, Cowboy, Jon Jones or whoever die

Damn u must be living under a rock
Not saying you have to know anything about him but Kobe was one of the most well-known people on earth
Not trying to piss on you but not knowing who Kobe was is like never knowing who Michael Jordan is
I always wondered why the normies kept on shouting “Kobe” when they were shooting hoops. Thought it was just another brain dead meme, never realizing it was someones name.
l’ll be there to piss on ur parade when McGregor, Cowboy, Jon Jones or whoever die

I don't care about them as people, I just want them to be around to see if there's anyone in their weight class who can beat the crap out of them. It would be hard to know who the world champion is if all the top fighters are dead. Once they're beaten by enough fighters then I won't care if they die, because the brain injuries will probably make them suck after anyway.
I don't care about them as people, I just want them to be around to see if there's anyone in their weight class who can beat the crap out of them. It would be hard to know who the world champion is if all the top ones are dead. Once they're beaten by enough fighters then I won't care if they die, because the brain injuries will probably make them suck after anyway.
I mean I’m not sad in the way I’d be if a close friend or family member died. That’d be silly. But I feel saddened because someone I grew up watching and being amazed by ended up dying. And also because I think I still have a little bit of empathy left in my husk of a soul.
I understand where you’re coming from bro.

Being an old fag myself, I felt the same way when 2pac, Brandon Lee and Michael Jackson were killed, ie like part of my childhood had also died.

Kurt Cobain “allegedly” taking his own life in my generation didn’t help matters either, as it was like all my heroes both major and minor were literally being snuffed out by the random cruelty of the universe and the frailty of life itself.

Anyway I say “allegedly” in regards to Kurt Cobain’s “suicide”, since there was a conspiracy theory going around that it was Courtney Love who really killed him or had him killed years ago and since...

“Hey I wasn’t there”.

I can’t entirely rule it out.

I admit however it’s one of the very few conspiracies (along with flat earth) that I don’t put much stock or faith in since the guy was said to have had severe stomach pains he’d been living with for years, that doctors couldn’t do anything about which helped cause his severe drug use/abuse, so to my mind that chronic pain that he lived with would definitely be a strong enough motivator for him to take his own life.

All that said, though I liked Nirvana’s music and thought Kurt himself was a good guy, neither he nor his band resonated quite as powerful with me as the other above three childhood heroes of mine who died way too young as well, but Kurt is relevant for me to bring up anyway since I was about 13 when he died and I believe it all started when he died whereby my childhood idols sadly began dropping like flies for one reason or another.

Oh yeah it also didn’t help that I was and still am a major pro wrestling fan as it pertains to early and untimely deaths of my childhood heroes ie Brian Pillman and Andre the Giant also died when I was still quite young.

Pillman was awesome in his “Loose Cannon” gimmick and had he lived would undoubtably became as big a star as Steve Austin due to not only their strong backstage friendship and desire to help elevate each other’s career but perhaps even more importantly that mind of his that understood the business so well and almost better than anyone else save for perhaps Jake Roberts, Raven and a few others.

So it hurt bad when he died due to all the lost potential.

Whereas I suppose Andre’s death was more expected and perhaps accepted by the fans including myself since he was suffering.

He also though a hero of mine still wasn’t as much as Pillman since he was before my generation and I really only got to watch his iconic match with Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania on tape and his charming and excellent performance in the movie “The Princess Bride”.
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Well, I'm sorry you're feeling down about it.
Was a shocker, dude had everything people dream of. Seemed like a nice enough dude, I like sports a lot of weebs here hate anything sports related so not surprised by the hate. He got to live an awesome life and died quickly, much, much worse ways to die.

I personally found Chris Cornell And Chester Benningtons death harder to deal with because I tried to committ suicide in a similar fashion.
I mean I’m not sad in the way I’d be if a close friend or family member died. That’d be silly. But I feel saddened because someone I grew up watching and being amazed by ended up dying. And also because I think I still have a little bit of empathy left in my husk of a soul.
I grew up watching conan o'brien and jim carrey, but they ended their service of making me laugh, so I wouldn't care if they died too. I guess I can only care about people who are very close to me like friends and family and pets.
I love it when anything bad happens to Chad. They would feel the same when something bad happens to you.
I have always despised celebrity idol worship. I barely know who kobe is and i could care less.
I know this thread is filled with stormfrontcels but I’m with you OP. Sports is my favorite cope and Kobe was the GOAT
That whore would've grown up to be some bullshit nigress actress or singer and reject any man shorter than 6'6 .
Rip helicoptor driver. Good riddance rich faggot celeb
I don't know anything about nigger ball besides watching space jam but his death reminds me that life can sometimes throw a curve ball at you
I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
I support open market so yes, he deserves the profit.
Same, I’m depressed too from the news. I’m from LA, and I’ve been to so many Laker games it actually means a lot for me.

And although I know people here hate sports since it is all about worshipping Tyrones and Chads, it’s the one cope that I truly enjoy.
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atleast something good came out out of it tbh
This post seems pretty cucked to me ngl.
Yeah I know it’s retarded to weep over the death of someone who was better at everything and at life than me. But fuck. I feel like part of my childhood died after hearing the news. I wasn’t into basketball until late middle school but I remember seeing how great at the game Kobe was. Seeing him win back to back titles. The one against Boston. I wish I got to witness his 81 point game life. Was too young to really appreciate what he and Shaq did in the early 2000s.


It’s even more heartbreaking that his 13 year old daughter died with him.

I try not to look up to anyone. I have no idols. As Charles Barkley once said, “I am not a role model”. I know Kobe wasn’t a total saint. I don’t know if the rape allegations from years back are true or not. And it is kinda silly to idolize a millionaire athlete when there are so many on this Earth that are suffering. But I can’t help but feel sad after his passing. Felt the same when Mac Miller died. When Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell passed. When David Bowie succumbed of cancer. All people I felt connected with because I watched them or listened to them.

I’m not even a Laker fan. Been a Bulls fan my whole life. Never got to witness the greatness of Michael Jordan. Maybe that’s why Kobe’s death resonates with me so much.

I have always hated basketball and barely knew who Kobe Bryant was. I’m an MMA and tennis fan.
Basketball is such a vulgar sport, I have never played it, you should try something better like fencing.
I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
You got a point
I don't care, I don't worship chads. I don't care for people that have been given everything on a sliver plate. Not saying he did not work for it, but genetically he had a big advantage. Try and get some 5'5" manlet fucker to be a NBA star against guys that are above 6'.
I don't care, I don't worship chads. I don't care for people that have been given everything on a sliver plate. Not saying he did not work for it, but genetically he had a big advantage. Try and get some 5'5" manlet fucker to be a NBA star against guys that are above 6'.
My thoughts exactly fuck rich fags
I fucking hate how much people venerate athletes shitty sports. I don't give a fuck about niggerball, and the fact is most of these guys are just born supremely gifted. Kobe was born 6'5 and with good natural hand eye co-ordination. Does that entitle him to be paid ten trillion dollars a year whilst you work your hands to the bone and don't get paid enough to own your own house?
Seriously. Fuck this culture of cock sucking and worshipping dudes born with elite genes
Back when you guys were in high school, did people say Kobe whenever they shot something into the trash? It was quite common at mine and I’m not sure where it started.
Kobe was sick. Basketball is a much better cope than anime which is faggoty and bluepilled.
Shut the fuck up bluecel cunt

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