You probably have AvPD. If you crave for total isolation for reasons that are not religious... yep. Probably.
I tried to live 10 days in total isolation, no internet or hot water or electricity. Only phonecalls, until your phone is dead. Then, nothing at all. I did it when i liked buddhism a lot, and i meditated for hours every day. Nonetheless it was pure hell. (The place i tried to do it is this: I thought that trying to live as a monk for 10 days would be a good idea before becoming a full hermit. Im pretty glad i did it...
Hermits are normies that had friends during childhood, his parents loved him, he had a chance to live a normal life and have a wife... and he did not chose it, but a life of isolation feeling loved by a God and a reliigious community, and probably a family that also supports him. We incels didnt have a normie childhood, and never really had a chance to have a normal life at all. As hermits, we dont sacrifice our precious life for a greater "mystical" good, we just want to leave our worthless life behind for a "supernatural" one, wich is supposed to beway better. When your main problem is that you can barely socialice and have friends (lets not talk about a gf) doing the exact opposite of solving this problem is deluded and a infinte source of unnecesary pain. Most hermits are "normies" trying to become even more naive or "bluepilled" through supertitions and rituals...
I seriously think that being homeless in a big city is way better than becoming any of these monks for example: