The bear vs woman discussion has been absolutely fascinating to watch unfold.
It's the absolute perfect topic for man-hating feminist women.
1. They get to self-victimize and fish for pity points by listing literally every single 'bad' interaction they ever had with men, most of which are self-inflicted, self-caused, grossly exaggerated or just not that big of a deal.
2. They get yet another opportunity to mindlessly hate on men. Now every single time a man does something that slightly inconveniences them, they can go and circlejerk and say ''heh, the bear wouldn't do that to me. and they still wonder why we pick the bear
3. They get yet anoter opportunity to push for feminism. Every single time men understandably express confusion and offense at the idea of women thinking literal wild fucking bears are less dangerous than average Joe on the street, women get once again to circlejerk ''
oh my goshhhh, men STILL don't get it. they can't take NO for an answer even in a hypothetical! this is exactly why we need feminism''
4. Male feminists, beta soys, desperate simps, beta orbiters, they all get to self-flagelate for being men and they take the women's side ''I am a man and EVEN I would pick the bear
. Us men really need to do BETTER
. Poor qweens... Can I get some pussy crumbs now pretty please?
''. This also feeds into the ego of women.