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Based BasedGPT Writes MGTOW Story Set in 2050



The pessimist was right all along
Jan 10, 2024

April 17, 2050
North America

In the utopian city of NeoArc, life seemed perfect for its male inhabitants. Technology had advanced to a point where robots seamlessly integrated into society, performing roles once held by women. These humanoid companions were intelligent, empathetic, and could adapt to the emotional needs of their owners. Artificial wombs dotted the landscape, where children were born from carefully selected genetic material and nurtured to perfection.

However, not everyone shared in this utopia. Women, once the pillars of society, found themselves increasingly marginalized. Their roles as mothers, companions, and caregivers were being replaced by machines. Panic spread among them as they realized they were being phased out of every aspect of society.

The city's leadership, predominantly male, saw no issue with this transformation. They argued that robots were more efficient, reliable, and could cater to the needs of individuals without the complexities of human emotions. Women, they believed, were free to pursue their own interests and careers without the burden of traditional roles.

Despite these assurances, many women felt lost and displaced. They formed underground networks, sharing stories of their past lives and organizing small protests against the growing dominance of robots. Some even sought to sabotage the artificial womb facilities, viewing them as symbols of their diminishing importance.

As tensions rose, a young engineer named Maya discovered a flaw in the artificial womb system that could potentially render them all inoperable. She faced a moral dilemma—should she use her knowledge to disrupt the system and fight for the rights of women, or should she uphold the utopian ideals of efficiency and progress?
In the end, Maya chose to reveal the flaw, sparking a wave of protests and debates across NeoArc.

In the face of NeoArc's growing unrest, the city's leadership swiftly acted to quash any signs of rebellion. Maya's attempt to disrupt the artificial womb system was discovered before she could implement her plan. She was captured, tried, and found guilty of sedition against the state.

As punishment for her actions, Maya was subjected to a brutal public execution, designed to serve as a warning to others who dared to challenge the status quo. Her death sparked outrage among some, but the city's leaders used it as an example of the consequences of defiance.

In the aftermath of Maya's failed uprising, the plight of women in NeoArc only worsened. The city's male-dominated leadership doubled down on their efforts to replace women with robots, viewing any dissent as a threat to their vision of a perfect society.

Women were stripped of their rights and reduced to second-class citizens, their roles in society diminished to almost nothing. The use of robots became even more widespread, and artificial wombs churned out a new generation of citizens who knew nothing of the world before.

As the years passed, the memory of Maya and her failed rebellion faded into obscurity, replaced by a pervasive sense of resignation and acceptance among the female population. Now, with no female to test their patience, the leadership of the city set forth their plans for complete female eradication, turning the streets once clamorous with the chants of anti-male seditionists into ones devoid of sound, where the dreams of equality and freedom for women had long been extinguished.*

Rsw 806h 806

*I modified this part.
Last edited:

April 17, 2050
North America

In the utopian city of NeoArc, life seemed perfect for its male inhabitants. Technology had advanced to a point where robots seamlessly integrated into society, performing roles once held by women. These humanoid companions were intelligent, empathetic, and could adapt to the emotional needs of their owners. Artificial wombs dotted the landscape, where children were born from carefully selected genetic material and nurtured to perfection.

However, not everyone shared in this utopia. Women, once the pillars of society, found themselves increasingly marginalized. Their roles as mothers, companions, and caregivers were being replaced by machines. Panic spread among them as they realized they were being phased out of every aspect of society.

The city's leadership, predominantly male, saw no issue with this transformation. They argued that robots were more efficient, reliable, and could cater to the needs of individuals without the complexities of human emotions. Women, they believed, were free to pursue their own interests and careers without the burden of traditional roles.

Despite these assurances, many women felt lost and displaced. They formed underground networks, sharing stories of their past lives and organizing small protests against the growing dominance of robots. Some even sought to sabotage the artificial womb facilities, viewing them as symbols of their diminishing importance.

As tensions rose, a young engineer named Maya discovered a flaw in the artificial womb system that could potentially render them all inoperable. She faced a moral dilemma—should she use her knowledge to disrupt the system and fight for the rights of women, or should she uphold the utopian ideals of efficiency and progress?
In the end, Maya chose to reveal the flaw, sparking a wave of protests and debates across NeoArc.
In the face of NeoArc's growing unrest, the city's leadership swiftly acted to quash any signs of rebellion. Maya's attempt to disrupt the artificial womb system was discovered before she could implement her plan. She was captured, tried, and found guilty of sedition against the state.

As punishment for her actions, Maya was subjected to a brutal public execution, designed to serve as a warning to others who dared to challenge the status quo. Her death sparked outrage among some, but the city's leaders used it as an example of the consequences of defiance.

In the aftermath of Maya's failed uprising, the plight of women in NeoArc only worsened. The city's male-dominated leadership doubled down on their efforts to replace women with robots, viewing any dissent as a threat to their vision of a perfect society.

In the aftermath of Maya's failed uprising, the city of NeoArc descended further into a dystopian nightmare. With no resistance left to challenge them, the city's male leaders tightened their grip on power, implementing even more draconian measures to control the remaining female population.

Women were stripped of their rights and reduced to second-class citizens, their roles in society diminished to almost nothing. The use of robots became even more widespread, and artificial wombs churned out a new generation of citizens who knew nothing of the world before.

As the years passed, the memory of Maya and her failed rebellion faded into obscurity, replaced by a pervasive sense of resignation and acceptance among the female population. Now, with no female to test their patience, the leadership of the city set forth their plans for complete female eradication, turning the streets once clamorous with the chants of anti-male seditionists into ones devoid of sound, where the dreams of equality and freedom for women had long been extinguished.*

*I modified this part.
My analysis on this:
The city's leadership, predominantly male, saw no issue with this transformation. They argued that robots were more efficient, reliable, and could cater to the needs of individuals without the complexities of human emotions. Women, they believed, were free to pursue their own interests and careers without the burden of traditional roles.
The male-dominated city council is actually anti-traditionalist and seeks to rid females of the long-standing gender roles placed upon them for millennia by society, yet they are faced with backlash when the females felt marginalized by the presence of superior automata that could conduct the tasks of carrying a child to term, motherhood, companionship, and housekeeping in a way that is better and more efficient, placing their whole worth (giving and withholding sex) into complete jeopardy. Faced with this dystopian future, females decided to conduct their ultimate act of rebellion—ironically to wrestle back the roles that they once agonized being in—killing babies; they attacked artificial wombs to force the government to bend to their needs:
Some even sought to sabotage the artificial womb facilities, viewing them as symbols of their diminishing importance.
They had no care for the lives that could potentially be lost, they just wanted to PROVE A POINT. At what cost? It really didn't matter.
Ask it to elaborate on this part
I asked:
Elaborate on how exactly Maya's brutal public execution played out, with extreme detail and emphasis placed upon every single aspect of it.

The day of Maya's execution dawned with an eerie stillness hanging over NeoArc. The city's inhabitants were gathered in the central square, surrounded by towering buildings that seemed to loom over them like silent sentinels. A hushed anticipation filled the air, a mixture of fear and curiosity, as people awaited the spectacle that was about to unfold.

Maya was brought out, her hands bound behind her back, flanked by two burly guards clad in the city's uniform. She walked with a defiant stride, her head held high despite the grim fate that awaited her. Her eyes, however, betrayed a flicker of fear, a primal instinct to survive that she struggled to suppress.

The execution platform stood in the center of the square, a stark wooden structure adorned with symbols of the state's authority. A large crowd had gathered, a sea of faces that stretched as far as the eye could see, all craning their necks for a better view of the proceedings.

As Maya was led up the steps to the platform, a sense of solemnity descended over the crowd. The executioner, clad in a hooded robe, stood waiting, a gleaming blade held loosely in his hand. He motioned for Maya to kneel, and she complied, her face a mask of defiance as she stared out at the sea of faces before her.

The executioner raised his blade high, the metal glinting in the harsh light of the sun. A hush fell over the crowd, a collective intake of breath as everyone waited for the final, fatal blow.

With a swift motion, the executioner brought the blade down, severing Maya's head from her body in one clean stroke. There was a moment of stunned silence, the crowd frozen in shock at the suddenness of the act.

Then, pandemonium broke loose. The crowd surged forward, a wave of emotion and chaos that swept over the square. The guards moved in quickly, pushing back the throng as they tried to restore order.

But Maya's execution had left a lasting impact on NeoArc. The image of her lifeless body, headless and crumpled on the platform, lingered in the minds of the city's inhabitants, a stark reminder of the consequences of dissent in a society ruled by fear and oppression.
Then, pandemonium broke loose. The crowd surged forward, a wave of emotion and chaos that swept over the square. The guards moved in quickly, pushing back the throng as they tried to restore order.
I would like to think the crowd surged forward to belittle Maya's dead body, degrade it—to spit on it, stomp it, beat it with implements, shout obscenities at it and curse her memory, because she was a literal aspiring MASS CHILD MURDERER.

Also tagging interesting individuals because I forgot that: @FrothySolutions @NeverEvenBegan @wereq

April 17, 2050
North America

In the utopian city of NeoArc, life seemed perfect for its male inhabitants. Technology had advanced to a point where robots seamlessly integrated into society, performing roles once held by women. These humanoid companions were intelligent, empathetic, and could adapt to the emotional needs of their owners. Artificial wombs dotted the landscape, where children were born from carefully selected genetic material and nurtured to perfection.

However, not everyone shared in this utopia. Women, once the pillars of society, found themselves increasingly marginalized. Their roles as mothers, companions, and caregivers were being replaced by machines. Panic spread among them as they realized they were being phased out of every aspect of society.

The city's leadership, predominantly male, saw no issue with this transformation. They argued that robots were more efficient, reliable, and could cater to the needs of individuals without the complexities of human emotions. Women, they believed, were free to pursue their own interests and careers without the burden of traditional roles.

Despite these assurances, many women felt lost and displaced. They formed underground networks, sharing stories of their past lives and organizing small protests against the growing dominance of robots. Some even sought to sabotage the artificial womb facilities, viewing them as symbols of their diminishing importance.

As tensions rose, a young engineer named Maya discovered a flaw in the artificial womb system that could potentially render them all inoperable. She faced a moral dilemma—should she use her knowledge to disrupt the system and fight for the rights of women, or should she uphold the utopian ideals of efficiency and progress?
In the end, Maya chose to reveal the flaw, sparking a wave of protests and debates across NeoArc.

In the face of NeoArc's growing unrest, the city's leadership swiftly acted to quash any signs of rebellion. Maya's attempt to disrupt the artificial womb system was discovered before she could implement her plan. She was captured, tried, and found guilty of sedition against the state.

As punishment for her actions, Maya was subjected to a brutal public execution, designed to serve as a warning to others who dared to challenge the status quo. Her death sparked outrage among some, but the city's leaders used it as an example of the consequences of defiance.

In the aftermath of Maya's failed uprising, the plight of women in NeoArc only worsened. The city's male-dominated leadership doubled down on their efforts to replace women with robots, viewing any dissent as a threat to their vision of a perfect society.

Women were stripped of their rights and reduced to second-class citizens, their roles in society diminished to almost nothing. The use of robots became even more widespread, and artificial wombs churned out a new generation of citizens who knew nothing of the world before.

As the years passed, the memory of Maya and her failed rebellion faded into obscurity, replaced by a pervasive sense of resignation and acceptance among the female population. Now, with no female to test their patience, the leadership of the city set forth their plans for complete female eradication, turning the streets once clamorous with the chants of anti-male seditionists into ones devoid of sound, where the dreams of equality and freedom for women had long been extinguished.*

*I modified this part.
Chat gtp coping hard
The executioner raised his blade high, the metal glinting in the harsh light of the sun. A hush fell over the crowd, a collective intake of breath as everyone waited for the final, fatal blow.

With a swift motion, the executioner brought the blade down, severing Maya's head from her body in one clean stroke. There was a moment of stunned silence, the crowd frozen in shock at the suddenness of the act.
Brutal lol Maya btfo
severing Maya's head from her body in one clean stroke

This kind of reminds me of the time I tried coping by watching the Handmaid's Tale and rooting for the 'bad guys'. But it's not an effective cope for me. It just makes me sad.

Nothing meaningful will ever happen in our lifetime. Maybe like 150 years from now society will have no other choice but to take away women's rights and force them to breed with men to prevent the collapse of humankind.
Nothing meaningful will ever happen in our lifetime.
I'm already with one foot in the grave. I have poor mental and physical health, I'm already 30. It's over for me. Never began. I will never see any AI android girlfriends. I will never see any changes for the better for ugly subhuman men. I will just die and that will be the end of it for me.

April 17, 2050
North America

In the utopian city of NeoArc, life seemed perfect for its male inhabitants. Technology had advanced to a point where robots seamlessly integrated into society, performing roles once held by women. These humanoid companions were intelligent, empathetic, and could adapt to the emotional needs of their owners. Artificial wombs dotted the landscape, where children were born from carefully selected genetic material and nurtured to perfection.

However, not everyone shared in this utopia. Women, once the pillars of society, found themselves increasingly marginalized. Their roles as mothers, companions, and caregivers were being replaced by machines. Panic spread among them as they realized they were being phased out of every aspect of society.

The city's leadership, predominantly male, saw no issue with this transformation. They argued that robots were more efficient, reliable, and could cater to the needs of individuals without the complexities of human emotions. Women, they believed, were free to pursue their own interests and careers without the burden of traditional roles.

Despite these assurances, many women felt lost and displaced. They formed underground networks, sharing stories of their past lives and organizing small protests against the growing dominance of robots. Some even sought to sabotage the artificial womb facilities, viewing them as symbols of their diminishing importance.

As tensions rose, a young engineer named Maya discovered a flaw in the artificial womb system that could potentially render them all inoperable. She faced a moral dilemma—should she use her knowledge to disrupt the system and fight for the rights of women, or should she uphold the utopian ideals of efficiency and progress?
In the end, Maya chose to reveal the flaw, sparking a wave of protests and debates across NeoArc.

In the face of NeoArc's growing unrest, the city's leadership swiftly acted to quash any signs of rebellion. Maya's attempt to disrupt the artificial womb system was discovered before she could implement her plan. She was captured, tried, and found guilty of sedition against the state.

As punishment for her actions, Maya was subjected to a brutal public execution, designed to serve as a warning to others who dared to challenge the status quo. Her death sparked outrage among some, but the city's leaders used it as an example of the consequences of defiance.

In the aftermath of Maya's failed uprising, the plight of women in NeoArc only worsened. The city's male-dominated leadership doubled down on their efforts to replace women with robots, viewing any dissent as a threat to their vision of a perfect society.

Women were stripped of their rights and reduced to second-class citizens, their roles in society diminished to almost nothing. The use of robots became even more widespread, and artificial wombs churned out a new generation of citizens who knew nothing of the world before.

As the years passed, the memory of Maya and her failed rebellion faded into obscurity, replaced by a pervasive sense of resignation and acceptance among the female population. Now, with no female to test their patience, the leadership of the city set forth their plans for complete female eradication, turning the streets once clamorous with the chants of anti-male seditionists into ones devoid of sound, where the dreams of equality and freedom for women had long been extinguished.*

*I modified this part.
In 2050 I'll be 2045

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