This will never happen. You and @ethniccel1 need to accept that if White Americans didn't massacre Black Americans, they will tolerate anything. I will probably make a thread of this if I care enough
Why would I be pro-white when whites always start wars in MENA alongside their kike pals?
Holy pajeet projection. You're envious of Whites, not me. My hatred for Whites comes from the millions of Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, and Palestinians who's lives, families, and happiness they have destroyed for decades. The average white has constantly supported Israel because they perceieve it as a white western nation
You're such a demented bootlicker. Imagine if someone said "There’s no point in trying to convince Palestinians to stop hating Jews; their feelings were always rooted in envy; “colonialism” was only ever a convenient justification."
You're such a miserable, brainmelted monkey baboon nigger.
I'm not a white nationalism, you dumb shitskin