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NSFW Based Black Man Walks in Store and Beats the Living Shit Out of White Female

He knew she was lying
It's funny that they think saying "I'm pregnant" will affect anything. Bitch he already punch and stomped your retarded ass 17 times. Monkeys don't grow a conscious
That is a racial attack pure hate
If he doesn't know her why the ferocity
Fucking useless hooligans, and these are the guys sluts go for
It has to do with the slavery that happened in the dirty south in the 17th century. Blacks hates whites because of that, even if alot of slavers were actually jews but most people don't know that.

Jews have also brainwashed black people into hating white people. I think jews actually invented gangsta rap in the 80s. So they're one of the reasons for black on white hate crimes.
Very funny. In all seriousness, this is why I always always keep a close eye on niggers whenever they're around me and make sure to never get in arms reach of them.
Right now is just the very beginning. Wait a decade or two from now and see how much worst it will be.

Here in the sf bay area I observe how the spic thugs and niggers behave. They have taken over pretty much and cause mayhem to society. They commit all sorts of crime and they drive recklessly. They don't observe the rules. Whites don't clamp down on them by policing them. Whites used to up until the mid 2000s to early 2010s but afterwards I sense that whites have already given up. That was a time when whites actually cared but right now white numbers simply aren't there. A lot of white women don't have children and a lot of white men are with asian women. The hispanics are the slight majority now and they emulate/adopt black american inner city culture.

So with that said its completely logically that its gonna get worst and worst from here on out.

In most of American history there were periods of decadence and then periods of "correction" where Whites would become more strict with enforcement and punishment but thats simply not gonna be the case anymore. Its a rapid descension from here on out.

What I'm seeing now is that nigger and spic thugs are venturing deep into the safe white suburbs to commit their break-ins, grand theft, and home burglaries. Its gonna get worst and worst.

There will be a mass exodus of white and asian people from SF/Silicon valley in the decades to come. Businesses will leave and property values will plummet. Most whites and asians will leave but as always, there are always the few stragglers that will get robbed, beaten, and murdered by the hordes of niggers and spic thugs. And the daughters of these poor stragglers usually end up single mothers.

Cars will get stolen regularly. Businesses robbed. People will get shot and killed regularly in the streets for no reason because of gang initiations. Home invasions will happen on a regular basis. Kidnappings. Ransom. drugs, prostitution, homelessness, corrupt city government officials, etc...

Someone here the other day said that America isn't going anywhere and will be here for a couple more centuries.

I just laughed at that.

Most of America will follow California and what I see everyday in California is complete lawlessness and impropriety from blacks and browns. They don't care about themselves, they don't care about anyone and its evident. And the whites and asians are completely decadent, immoral, soft, effeminate, and oblivious to whats coming ahead and whats coming ahead is a dark age not just in America but for most of the world.

It was not too long ago that conservative pundits talked about how they were so concerned with a terrorist funding state like Pakistan to have nuclear weapons.

Well... not too long from now, America will be an unlivable black and brown hell hole with mass crime and corruption from the lowest level of govt to the highest. And America has a large arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Just being Nostradamus for a moment here after reflecting on this video...
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niggers and ethnics always attack in groups or they attack someone whos giga weak and cant really defend himself. In bulgaria and in greece we beat gypsies and turks all the time and no one gives a shit. Everyone was racist in elementary school i think whites in western countries are too scared of the law in comparison to niggers.

why aren't they beating and running out the shitskin invaders from asia?
why aren't they beating and running out the shitskin invaders from asia?
east euros are all the time
bulgars shoot people at the border even
east euros are all the time
bulgars shoot people at the border even

i saw a map saying that athens has a shitskin majority now, or is on the way. was it a stormfag lie?
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i saw a map saying that athens has a shitskin majority now, or is on the way. was it a stormfag lie?
no but it does have a lot of analbanians who are brown just like every other capital
Bitch probably gets wet remembering getting beat up by a nigger
"Do you have uh-" and beats her very poorly but enough to run out with that chunk of change
She must have sat on his dick, and then cheated on him with another black guy. It's quite possible that this event becomes a scenario for her to masturbate whenever she feels horny, after all, they are hibistrophilic and like to be spanked.
Libtard explanations:
1. He's poor
2. He goes to a bad school
3. His father is absent
4. Lack of role models in TV
5. Holocaust
6. Slavery
7. The Crusades
8. White supremacy
9. Systemic racism
10. Misogyny
11. Patriarchy

'Uneducated' right wing explanation
1. He's a violent low IQ nigger because his ancestors came from the jungle.

Now apply the Occam's razor.
albanians are white.
no they are not from experience the majority of them look no different than turks and they behave worse than turks.
Libtard explanations:
1. He's poor
2. He goes to a bad school
3. His father is absent
4. Lack of role models in TV
5. Holocaust
6. Slavery
7. The Crusades
8. White supremacy
9. Systemic racism
10. Misogyny
11. Patriarchy

'Uneducated' right wing explanation
1. He's a violent low IQ nigger because his ancestors came from the jungle.

Now apply the Occam's razor.

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