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Ban Discussion Megathread

@Biowaste Removal @Castaway @beyondschizo Thin ice :forcedsmile:
Lifefuel. Knowing how retarded he is he’ll unknowingly break the rules again while obsessively spamming his threads
is this the biggest thread on the website heh. why do people get so many bans haha
this is not where you come to post your thoughts GrAY
you said you are the person in the right of your avatar and you are taller whiter and looking better then the left. fuck you and you look jewish
Lifefuel. Knowing how retarded he is he’ll unknowingly break the rules again while obsessively spamming his threads
It'll only be a Month, but still.
Aren't you Greek? Greeks vs Turks :feelskek:

Just like myself v. Incelerated was like Romans v. Persians
Or like the Battle of Lepanto -Coalition of Christian Countries but mainly Italians vs Turks- with that other Sand...
Or like @Castaway who is Czech also, who fought against the Ottomans
Same for @beyondschizo who is Balkan...

I think I see a pattern here. :feelshehe:
Lifefuel. Knowing how retarded he is he’ll unknowingly break the rules again while obsessively spamming his threads that nobody opens except for his fellow brown countrymen
Corrected it for you brocel
Last night I was visited in my dream by a wizard from a faraway realm and a million years in the future, he told me that @MassEffectKoala is himself a dabbler in black magick and suggested that I should seek out his counsel to commence my own training in these dark arts. By utilizing a circle of rose quartz, which engirds a pentagram I have carved into my mother's kitchen floor, I have quite effectively trapped Mr. MassEffectKoala. It was with a snap of his eldritch fingers that the dream visitor taught me this method.

I mean to ascertain the truth of this matter.
Last night I was visited in my dream by a wizard from a faraway realm and a million years in the future, he told me that @MassEffectKoala is himself a dabbler in black magick and suggested that I should seek out his council to commence my own training in these dark arts. By utilizing a circle of rose quartz, which engirds a pentagram I have carved into my mother's kitchen floor, I have quite effectively trapped Mr. MassEffectKoala. It was with a snap of his eldritch fingers that the dream visitor taught me this method.

I mean to ascertain the truth of this matter.
im gonna dnr that
Wastedcodeine reports he is dating a noodle whore now and whilst he has yet to fuck her he believes he is on the cusp of ascension.
she will dump him or at best cuck him JFL :feelskek:

like this guy

Wastedcodeine reports he is dating a noodle whore now and whilst he has yet to fuck her he believes he is on the cusp of ascension.

Since the majority of you have let it be known that you want users here immediately hardbanned who get even this far via the essentially bullying me to hardban and remove Made In Heaven for similar reasons, I have fulfilled the userbases wishes by removing Wastedcodeine as well.

Can’t be biased right?

All users should be treated the same right?

Well it’s what the majority here wanted so hope no one complains over it!!!
Yeah he said he wouldn't have children with black women and doesn't want shitskin descendants
Now that is ridiculous

His genepool is already infested with inbred shitskin mongrels
He claims he's white
He isnt fucking white. Holy shit you can literally find posts of him shitting on the white race calling them cuckolds and celebrating them as a dying race :feelshaha:
He claims he's white
Does this look like a white person talking ?

1990s is ancient shit according to this snow nigger

Your fault got letting white women be whores who abort their white babies

As if snow niggers are innocent victims in any event they're involved in. Regardless, enjoy your extinction.

And yes this just proves one must be strong in order to protect their sovereignty. The only reason turkey managed to end up ina better position than other countries is because they fought back and fucked over the greeks, French, Russian and British
Yes because those British kikes were doing D&C no different than their Jewish kin. Many arabs were loyal to the ottomans and regardless, Faruhdin pasha prevented the British from encroaching upon arab land.

I love white genocide
Stop saying we're too nice. You're not nice. You're cucked. There's a massive difference in these two. You are genetically predisposed to be cucks.

What rights? When were Middle Easterners ever enslaved by Europeans? You didn't give us shit, Middle Easterners simply kicked your asses out of the Middle East and now you're getting replaced by us.

Your point is that whites are wimps, and that only the elite few, by the will of jew, ever managed to accomplish anything. Meanwhile, most whites, much like yourself, are simple losers.

No, there are many Islamic groups that fight back, such as Afghans, whereas you sit and watch as your white children are killed. Even then, it's not easy to fight back when whites are allied with jews.

Yeah, you just had your entire country, culture, race, religion, and demographic future taken over by Jews. And when did JEws ever take over the Middle East aside from Palestine?

Jews were under Arab rule for 1000+ years, so no, it was not "less than a generation". Plus, you've been cucked by Jews for 2000 years, goy.

You won't do shit.

No it isn't and you know pigskins will continue to be cattle. Every fucking time some shit happens, you fags sit around doing NOTHING. Four years since the truck of peace, 200 ran over, what do I see? Muslim population in Europe still growing.

>gets tricked by jews
>embraces feminism
>embraces communism
>embraces LGBT
>embraces atheistic degeneracy
>we iz smort

Considering that's about to lead to the extinction of your race, I'm baffled your're still beaintg your meat to this as if it's a good thing.

He didn't though, I don't know where you get this delusion that the past 200 years have been paradise for whites when they died in 2 world wars and had 12 year old boys being sent into coal mines or dying of diseases on ships sailing to the new world. Or wha of the millions killed due to communism?. It was only the elites that ultimately benefitted from most of this.

I already debunked this stupid claim during out last convo, so it's hilarious to see my words fell on deaf ears. Let me just copy paste what I said last time

"It was not every European race though. Irish, Icelanders, Greeks, and Polish easily are outperformed by Berbers, Persians, Turks, and Arabs in the Middle Eages and Early Modern era."

English, French, and Spanish aren't the only "white men" around. Don't know why you can't get that through your head.

White men are not gonna go back to being strong, just as Rome never recovered, but was rather replaced, so too will you not recover from this.

>Those whites you beat weren't REAL WHITES like my 5'5 ass

Iberians are white as are Balkanoids. You flipflopping with this is just pure cope. And no, Northern/Western Europeans were in fact beaten at times, and many slaves from there were brought to MENA. And of course, NW Europeans also got there asses handed to them and expelled out of MENA and lost there colonies within 30-40 years maximum, even Algeria was only colonized for 100 years because Ottomans told them not to fight back. But you already know all this from out last convo.

This inbred chimp wishes he was white
Does this look like a white person talking ?

This inbred chimp wishes he was white
I'd love to post some of my relatives from the so called "Swarth lands of the South" which he has an obsession over, as well as some from my potatonigger side & have everyone(including him) guess where who is from.

Oh boy, it would be priceless. :feelscomfy:
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Now that is ridiculous

His genepool is already infested with inbred shitskin mongrels
Yeah iirc, MENA DNA already has some Nigger in it & also Turks are mixed with Mongols-Asiatics on average like 5%
He claims he's white
He isnt fucking white. Holy shit you can literally find posts of him shitting on the white race calling them cuckolds and celebrating them as a dying race :feelshaha:
White as a term should be exclusively for Europeans, since they're the ones who are all descended from three main "White groups" are all linked Socio-Culturally, and also on average are much lighter than MENA

There's "White" & then there's actually White(European)
Yeah iirc, MENA DNA already has some Nigger in it & also Turks are mixed with Mongols-Asiatics on average like 5%

White as a term should be exclusively for Europeans, since they're the ones who are all descended from three main "White groups" are all linked Socio-Culturally, and also on average are much lighter than MENA

There's "White" & then there's actually White(European)
I seriously dont get why any of that even matters to him.

It's like imagine wearing overpriced faux snakeskin boots but you think you're as high and mighty as the real thing. That is what he is.

Actual whites laugh at idiots like him. They can tell right off the bat he isn't one of them, just like any other racemixed mongrel manlet who happened to inherit colored eyes and/or brown/blonde hair.
I seriously dont get why any of that even matters to him.

It's like imagine wearing overpriced faux snakeskin boots but you think you're as high and mighty as the real thing. That is what he is.

Actual whites laugh at idiots like him. They can tell right off the bat he isn't one of them, just like any other racemixed mongrel manlet who happened to inherit colored eyes and/or brown/blonde hair.
He only has a ginger beard

He literally has jet-black hair & t50s, Whites can have dark brown hair & brown eyes(I have the latter)but having literal jet-black hair & t40s-t50s is clearly a non-White trait since even in Muttmerica I've never met a White with that.
He only has a ginger beard

He literally has jet-black hair & t50s, Whites can have dark brown hair & brown eyes(I have the latter)but having literal jet-black hair & t40s-t50s is clearly a non-White trait since even in Muttmerica I've never met a White with that.
He's not white-passing, I don't know why Chad-worshippers on here buy into that shit and think he's some sort of mogger

He "passes" for Iranian at best, he's swarthier than most Turks even

And why are we talking about who has such traits on an incel forum anyways, this isn't looksfag. Yet another reason why he deserves to be perma'd, and just sent to looksfag instead.
@KANGAS VS BELGRADES how did he get sniped already jfl
He's not white-passing, I don't know why Chad-worshippers on here buy into that shit and think he's some sort of mogger

He "passes" for Iranian at best, he's swarthier than most Turks even

And why are we talking about who has such traits on an incel forum anyways, this isn't looksfag. Yet another reason why he deserves to be perma'd, and just sent to looksfag instead.
Eh, from the images I've seen he is "lighter" than a lot of Turkroaches to be fair

But ye that's also a good point jfl.

And also, most people here don't know how to even rate correctly. Rabbi Schneerson will legit call any normie-tier White guy a "Chad" jfl
He's not white-passing, I don't know why Chad-worshippers on here buy into that shit and think he's some sort of mogger

He "passes" for Iranian at best, he's swarthier than most Turks even

And why are we talking about who has such traits on an incel forum anyways, this isn't looksfag. Yet another reason why he deserves to be perma'd, and just sent to looksfag instead.
he is not white passing in the slightest
his features are giga ethnic and a dead giveaway jfl
from the images I've seen he is "lighter" than a lot of Turkroaches to be fair
An opinon based on hatred rather than facts. I believe you're still harboring resentment over our previous discussion in which you dipped out after playing victim.

It is safer for your kind to sneak away and discuss topics like these with other clueless people. I understand.
Why is @Dneum912 unbanned ?


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