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Ban Discussion Megathread

melts me
You can check @GameDevCel's posts on .net and @Zesto's forum, he's down to fuck fem(boy)s and he worshiped a foid from r9k
Only thing I can find on .net is a thread of him disavowing femboys. Also, gay shit is forbidden on his forum.
Really not surprised that femoids gtfo is a faggot tranny lover

You can check @GameDevCel's posts on .net and @Zesto's forum, he's down to fuck fem(boy)s and he worshiped a foid from r9k
Not surprising tbh when you consider that faggotGTFO is a .net member and a butt buddy of GameDevcel. It all makes sense now.
Thank you, shiny gengar
I pmed him for you yesterday. Said he was banned for baiting but that wasn't his intention. He asked what the youngest age was we were sexually attracted to.
Free @DirtyCurryCell. He shouldn't be banned for turning down subhuman pajeetas while he mogs her facially. If that is the case then most people here should be banned for not wanting to settle with a landwhale.
Does he mog her facially? she's a 4-5 by curry standard, c'mon you're not gonna compare a 20yo fit foid to a morbidly obese bitch in her 30s
Yes, he mogs her facially. Remember that she was wearing fake-up, so if she is a 4-5/10 then she's actually at least 1 point lower. There is no "curry standard," only a universal standard. @DirtyCurryCell is a 5 or so he says.
No one gets with his looksmatch jfl we are in 2020.
In the west. But in curryland he should be able to get his looksmatch and even better since he's a 5/10. He could get a stacylite pajeeta given his status. That only works if you're 4.5+/10, if he was a truecel like me then he should have been glad if anyone wanted to give him a chance at all.
Free @DirtyCurryCell. He shouldn't be banned for turning down subhuman pajeetas while he mogs her facially. If that is the case then most people here should be banned for not wanting to settle with a landwhale.
Its not like he was getting offers for sex or relationship.
he's a 5/10.
Yeeeeeaaaaaah about that
Honestly i don't believe anyone who is rich in a 3rd world country, you can't be incel if you are rich in a shithole.
Doesn't he live in the west?
No he lives in curryland.
That changes everything. I thought he lives in the west so he had the right to get a better looking pajeeta since he has a lot more to offer for her. I guess in that case he shouldn't have mentioned the pajeeta at all.
No, he a rich guy living in india.
Jfl. My bad. @DirtyCurryCell in that case it was pretty dumb to post your match. Also, if you are rich you could use your money to get a stacy(lite) pajeeta. Go and ascend bhai.
Honestly you must be pretty autistic to be incel while rich.
I think if you're rich you can easily ascend. It's their ego stopping them. Same thing with @PPEcel.
Maybe the richcels hangout in places where there is only rich people, they need to go to places where the middle class hang out there, i mean give money and i would slay girls way above my looksmatch.
I couldn't even slay with all the money in the world (unless you count escortcelling). I would hire top-tier escorts in that case.
I think if you're rich you can easily ascend. It's their ego stopping them. Same thing with @PPEcel.
I don't agree
Maybe the richcels hangout in places where there is only rich people, they need to go to places where the middle class hang out there, i mean give money and i would slay girls way above my looksmatch.
Yes and no

I couldn't even slay with all the money in the world (unless you count escortcelling). I would hire top-tier escorts in that case.
free @-BrettyBoy-
@Bangkok or bust
Getting a tinder match is an offer for sex, isn't it?
If only that were true
I think if you're rich you can easily ascend. It's their ego stopping them. Same thing with @PPEcel.
PPEcel is hardly an incel. Guys has been fucking stacy escort after stacy escort since he was 18. And he is probably gonna betabuxx some lower to middle class girl anyway
@Indiancel another curry chad?
jfl all currycels turn out to be chad
jfl all currycels turn out to be chad

not surprising tbh only top 1% of currys make it through their adulthood post-blackpil so they must be the good looking genetically elite ones
How? Can you elaborate. Are you talking about escorts?
Probably escorts. And if you're a rich billionaire you can fuck most chicks with the promise of them thinking they'll get anything
@Indiancel , good riddance faggot.
you played yourself xD
Free @DirtyCurryCell. He shouldn't be banned for turning down subhuman pajeetas while he mogs her facially. If that is the case then most people here should be banned for not wanting to settle with a landwhale.

She was ugly even for curry standards

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