Deleted member
he's lied to you, then.Well, that's what btp told me
if you don't know which party is right, you shouldn't post stuff like "the mods fucked up, he's totally innocent" as you have.How am I supposed to know what's right or wrong? Trusting the central authority completely is more retarded. Anyways, apparently he can't make a ban appeal, so how else can he speak his side? Seems like he made a Reddit account to pretend to be an IT user or something with permission from some mod. I don't really see the point, but each to his own. Why would he tell you what his IT account was?
this is the last time that i'll explain this to you thick headed folk.
this was his "permission" thread: https://incels.is/threads/re-can-we-go-on-r-inceltears-to-defend-ourselves.120371/
as you can see, he's talking about attempting to debate with them about the blackpill. meaningless to bother with, but sure, whatever. knock yourself out.
while this was the sort of crap he's posted there:

"incels praise toronto shooter". wow, great debate thread. he annihilated them.
"incel thinks his own mom should be imprisoned and sterilised". awesome thread, inceltears destroyed.
as you can see, he TOTES wasn't there to give inceltears more material to work with. TOTES wasn't trying to attention whore/karma whore. he was a moron, and so are you.