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Ban Discussion Megathread

Free @HighTGymcel !!!
shit who was @HighTGymcel and @monkaGIGA banned so quick, i din't evne see i happening
did he get permabanned?
Welcome back
@Chad Stacey
bye infiltrator cuck
thank god SirLech50 was hard banned
the “intended purpose” doesn’t matter. zyros had like 1000 blackpill posts similar to this where he was trying to make a point using his experiences

1. I just used 13/14 as an example, I was actually around 13 the time that it happened so she was younger, probably 11, so yeah, she was that young, so no wonder she wasn't looks obsessed yet

2. Please realize the absurdity of you comparing me saying an extremely young and impressionable girl MAYBE liking me, to a guy who bragged about getting laid multiple times, I thought incels were supposed to be the logical ones, when I start seeing BS posts like this it gets disappointing, like were really no different to normies, and bias blinds everyone. If you are being honest you know full well that is a ridiculously false comparison.

3. Dude stop pretending, you know full well there's a directive to make the site "tamer" in an effort to keep it from getting banned or from getting on the "radar" of normies. I'm seeing a lot of "extreme posters" getting banned, and noticing a trend of strong self censorship among the users, when you start seeing posts by users saying - "you shouldn't say "insert violent thing" else you'll get banned" that should tell you enough about the direction the site is being taken. I understand where the mods are coming from in the regard of keeping the site up but if you take the site in that direction is it even an incel site anymore, if even incels have to censor themselves in the place they come to, to vent.

You guys are on your way to "braincels 2.0" where the selling point is - "As least we don't have female mods". Wasn't the entire point of this forum was so that incels didn't have to face censorship like they did no reddit.

I literally made a post not encouraging a guy to rape but telling him how I would do it, and what I would avoid doing to prevent getting caught......... 20% WARNING.

This forum is becoming a joke of an incel forum where if your posts are "too violent" or "problematic" you will get severe warnings and even banned.

Please don't pretend to be ignorant, I got 3 consecutive 20% warnings that led to a ban in a matter of a few days (spread out through weeks) for making the same kinds of posts I made here EVERY SINGLE DAY, so either the rules changed, or I became a target, but to say nothing is going on is an outright lie
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This forum is becoming a joke of an incel forum where if your posts are "too violent" or "problematic" you will get severe warnings and even banned.
i need to agree, that the rules here are a bit weird, some times i see post, that i'm surprised weren't deleted, other times i'm surprised some user is banned.
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1. I just used 13/14 as an example, I was actually around 13 the time that it happened so she was younger, probably 11, so yeah, she was that young, so no wonder she wasn't looks obsessed yet

2. Please realize the absurdity of you comparing me saying an extremely young and impressionable girl MAYBE liking me, to a guy who bragged about getting laid multiple times, I thought incels were supposed to be the logical ones, when I start seeing BS posts like this it gets disappointing, like were really no different to normies, and bias blinds everyone. If you are being honest you know full well that is a ridiculously false comparison.

3. Dude stop pretending, you know full well there's a directive to make the site "tamer" in an effort to keep it from getting banned or from getting on the "radar" of normies. I'm seeing a lot of "extreme posters" getting banned, and noticing a trend of strong self censorship among the users, when you start seeing posts by users saying - "you shouldn't say "insert violent thing" else you'll get banned" that should tell you enough about the direction the site is being taken. I understand where the mods are coming from in the regard of keeping the site up but if you take the site in that direction is it even an incel site anymore, if even incels have to censor themselves in the place they come to, to vent.

You guys are on your way to "braincels 2.0" where the selling point is - "As least we don't have female mods". Wasn't the entire point of this forum was so that incels didn't have to face censorship like they did no reddit.

I literally made a post not encouraging a guy to rape but telling him how I would do it, and what I would avoid doing to prevent getting caught......... 20% WARNING.

This forum is becoming a joke of an incel forum where if your posts are "too violent" or "problematic" you will get severe warnings and even banned.

Please don't pretend to be ignorant, I got 3 consecutive 20% warnings that led to a ban in a matter of a few days (spread out through weeks) for making the same kinds of posts I made here EVERY SINGLE DAY, so either the rules changed, or I became a target, but to say nothing is going on is an outright lie
TL;DR. if you find it too hard not to talk about any sort of success in this forum, maybe you should give looksmax.org a shot for those sort of things. what may barely be any amount of validation to you may very well be a huge thing for other incels.
poor @SpringHeeledJack

but there is the don't unban twice rule?

so i think he is screwed
What happened to @HighTGymcel now?
fuck @HighTGymcel got banned agian
Holy shit @SpringHeeledJack got unbanned? For any newcels out there this is extremely rare. A double requested ban is almost always permanent. Anyways welcome back
Holy shit @SpringHeeledJack got unbanned? For any newcels out there this is extremely rare. A double requested ban is almost always permanent. Anyways welcome back
something tells me the unban has to do with the benign nature of the poster. Can't wait to hear him squirm about "racism" and "right wing cry babies" once more
What happened to @HighTGymcel ? He was posting less than an hour ago.
Holy shit @SpringHeeledJack got unbanned? For any newcels out there this is extremely rare. A double requested ban is almost always permanent. Anyways welcome back
Historical moment tbh. Lifefuel also.
TL;DR. if you find it too hard not to talk about any sort of success in this forum, maybe you should give looksmax.org a shot for those sort of things. what may barely be any amount of validation to you may very well be a huge thing for other incels.

Nice attempt at a deflection (as expected), nothing you said had anything to do with the matter or what I said.

Why not take your logic to the extreme (to its logical conclusion), held a girls hand once, had a woman look in your direction without displaying a face of disgust, boom you aren't incel, nobody is incel then, there's a problem of infinite regression with the BS logic you are applying here, why stop at your arbitrary line of "a young girl maybe liking you", why not go further and apply your "may very well be a huge thing for other incels" argument to other things.

There's always an incel who has it worse (except for the most worse off incel on the planet)

i need to agree, that the rules here are a bit weird, some times i see post, that i'm surprised weren't deleted, other times i'm surprised some user is banned.

Its going to get worse, ironically until the site population is just tame incels, endlessly spamming memes and cuck threads from reddit.
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Why not take your logic to the extreme (to its logical conclusion), held a girls hand once, had a woman look in your direction without displaying a face of disgust, boom you aren't incel, nobody is incel then, there's a problem of infinite regression with the BS logic you are applying here, why stop at your arbitrary line of "a young girl maybe liking you", why not go further and apply your "may very well be a huge thing for other incels" argument to other things.
yeah, soon saying "a girl hugged said hi to me" will get you a warning

Its going to get worse, ironically until the site population is just tame incels, endlessly spamming memes and cuck threads from reddit.
i think the site population will resume to mods friends, and the mods themselfs
yeah, soon saying "a girl hugged said hi to me" will get you a warning

i think the site population will resume to mods friends, and the mods themselfs
If it's in the rules that you shouldn't write that, I don't see why would anyone write that and then complain about their warning saying how it should be allowed to be said. Just don't write such stuff and you'll be fine, it's pretty easy.
If it's in the rules that you shouldn't write that, I don't see why would anyone write that and then complain about their warning saying how it should be allowed to be said. Just don't write such stuff and you'll be fine, it's pretty easy.
it's not directly writen there,it's just "no bragging" and that's it,with very little detail
If you need to be worried about unknowingly breaking the bragging rule, you probably shouldn't be on this site. That said, I still agree with blkpllpres in this case.
it's not directly writen there,it's just "no bragging" and that's it,with very little detail
But everyone knows how strictly the rules are enforced, at least in regard to that. Talking about your example, it seems obvious to me that getting greeted with a hug is something you are not supposed to post about here.
But everyone knows how strictly the rules are enforced, at least in regard to that. Talking about your example, it seems obvious to me that getting greeted with a hug is something you are not supposed to post about here.
you and me know that, but people newer to this forun end up getting a ton of warnings because of that
If it's in the rules that you shouldn't write that, I don't see why would anyone write that and then complain about their warning saying how it should be allowed to be said. Just don't write such stuff and you'll be fine, it's pretty easy.

I don't think you get the point of how vague the rule is, and how arbitrarily the standard is being applied, again if I guy on this site says - "a girl looked at me and smiled, I think she possibly liked me" should he get a warning.

1. He doesn't know she likes him

2. She could have been looking at someone else behind him, daydreaming or even looking at him like he's a joke and emoted a "warm smile" to hide her disgust/laughter

If someone can state they THINK something, and that is bannable, and there is no clear criteria, then anyone can be banned for any reason.

I actually hugged some girls in my class once............. when I was like 6 years old.

:chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer: - "bannable offence bro, you aren't a 1/10 that would disgust little girls from hugging you so you aren't really incel"

I was a pretty bold kid unlike some of the guys on this site, I was mostly high inhib, quiet and shy, but at certain points I'd push myself to do things hoping something good would happen, I remember even confessing to a girl I liked her at the age of 4, I got rejected, I got the "were good friends" excuse, how many guys can say they got friendzoned before even hitting double digits in age. (she was asian, probably the impetus for my yellow fever)

TBH I don't think the mods actually believe the hyperbole I stated above, I think they are just using the vagueness of the rule as a "security feature" to purge the site of undesirables (like myself), let me say again, I got 3 CONSECUTIVE 20% WARNINGS over a matter of days and my way of posting did not change in any way from how they were. They can't just outright ban "undesirables" because that would make the site look weak and "normie like" which ruins the reputation of the forum.

After I saw that shit (3 consecutive convenient 20% warnings in a row after months of never reaching even 40% warning level) I decided to stay away for a month, to let the "warning level" die down, because it seemed like the "its only for a few days" spiel was a bait, so I would return, begin posting as I did before, and now they could just permaban me with the illusion of "it was a fair ban, he consistently broke the rules".

If they just upped and permabanned me now after returning with an entire month of no posting it would make what they are doing obvious, they want to get rid of "extreme posters" who draw "bad attention" to the site.

I've noticed a distinct "culture change" among posting on this site, before there were all these serious, long and detailed posts, speaking about theories, what acts of violence one might commit if given the chance, etc. Now look at the site and tell me I'm lying, its mostly meme posts, a few personal stories here and there, and a bunch of "this guy is cucked" threads, especially from reddit about guys getting cheated on or in open relationships.
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I don't think you get the point of how vague the rule is, and how arbitrarily the standard is being applied, again if I guy on this site says - "a girl looked at me and smiled, I think she possibly liked me" should he get a warning.

1. He doesn't know she likes him

2. She could have been looking at someone else behind him, daydreaming or even looking at him like he's a joke and emoted a "warm smile" to hide her disgust/laughter

If someone can state they THINK something, and that is bannable, and there is no clear criteria, then anyone can be banned for any reason.

I actually hugged some girls in my class once............. when I was like 6 years old.

:chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer: - "bannable offence bro, you aren't a 1/10 that would disgust little girls from hugging you so you aren't really incel"

I was a pretty bold kid unlike some of the guys on this site, I was mostly high inhib, quiet and shy, but at certain points I'd push myself to do things hoping something good would happen, I remember even confessing to a girl I liked her at the age of 4, I got rejected, I got the "were good friends" excuse, how many guys can say they got friendzoned before even hitting double digits in age. (she was asian, probably the impetus for my yellow fever)

TBH I don't think the mods actually believe the hyperbole I stated above, I think they are just using the vagueness of the rule as a "security feature" to purge the site of undesirables (like myself), let me say again, I got 3 CONSECUTIVE 20% WARNINGS over a matter of days and my way of posting did not change in any way from how they were. They can't just outright ban "undesirables" because that would make the site look weak and "normie like" which ruins the reputation of the forum.

After I saw that shit (3 consecutive convenient 20% warnings in a row after months of never reaching even 40% warning level) I decided to stay away for a month, to let the "warning level" die down, because it seemed like the "its only for a few days" spiel was a bait, so I would return, begin posting as I did before, and now they could just permaban me with the illusion of "it was a fair ban, he consistently broke the rules".

If they just upped and permabanned me now after returning with an entire month of no posting it would make what they are doing obvious, they want to get rid of "extreme posters" who draw "bad attention" to the site.

I've noticed a distinct "culture change" among posting on this site, before there were all these serious, long and detailed posts, speaking about theories, what acts of violence one might commit if given the chance, etc. Now look at the site and tell me I'm lying, its mostly meme posts, a few personal stories here and there, and a bunch of "this guy is cucked" threads, especially from reddit about guys getting cheated on or in open relationships.
stop using this place to whine about your warnings and post about your delusional conspiracy theory. you can PM me or whoever warned you if you want to talk about it. this will be the last time i warn you verbally.
When is my next warning babe? <3 XD
stop using this place to whine about your warnings and post about your delusional conspiracy theory. you can PM me or whoever warned you if you want to talk about it. this will be the last time i warn you verbally.

Arlight I'm done...... the irony of this post though lol

What are you talking! You have to be 0/10 to be here ... people have to run away when they see you on the street for you to post here. Less if you're a ... ... ...

Hey hey hey, be careful now, you wouldn't want to get banned for complaining, aren't you aware of the new site rules, just STFU and be a good little site user, else somebody on a power trip will teach you a lesson for having the gall to speak publicly about an issue. Don't you know you are only supposed to complain to your alleged persecutors privately, about said persecution, its common sense really that they would listen to you then, when they can simply ignore you under such conditions.

Gonna go sleep now.
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Arlight I'm done...... the irony of this post though lol

Hey hey hey, be careful now, you wouldn't want to get banned for complaining, aren't you aware of the new site rules, just STFU and be a good little site user, else somebody on a power trip will teach you a lesson for having the gall to speak publicly about an issue. Don't you know you are only supposed to complain to your alleged persecutors privately, about said persecution, its common sense really that they would listen to you then, when they can simply ignore you under such conditions.

Gonna go sleep now.

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