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Ban Discussion Megathread

Can we just lock this thread already? Why are we discussing bans of people?

This thread turned into an excuse to postmaxx, and shitpost “Free X” dozens of time.
What a useless thread.
This thread turned into an excuse to postmaxx, and shitpost “Free X” dozens of time.
What a useless thread.
If you haven’t noticed, we aren’t allowed to do that anymore
i've just sent out a whole load of 1-week reply bans on this thread to everyone who have used it to banter about looks theory and whatnot. stop doing it or the next ones will be permanent.
i've just sent out a whole load of 1-week reply bans on this thread to everyone who have used it to banter about looks theory and whatnot. stop doing it or the next ones will be permanent.
What is that?
I give @Michael15651 one day max before he gets perma banned again
INCEL is not just face. There is sick mind that can be overcome by 8/10+, or extreme dicklets.

Low IQ but we’re not allowed to talk about looks theory in this thread. The fact is that zyros was a sex haver that bragged about his looks and sexual escapades. He doesn’t belong here
Low IQ but we’re not allowed to talk about looks theory in this thread. The fact is that zyros was a sex haver that bragged about his looks and sexual escapades. He doesn’t belong here
I understand.
the conversation was getting gay. nothing straight about discussing a mans penis in detail

Just lol at the conversation getting to that point.
Nobody with a brain would ask for this.

Hahahahahahaha have fun asking that retard fanboy with a gambler avatar.

Lol what a faggot.
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@SLAVICMorPheus why?????
Probably for necrobumping threads
just checked and its temporary. but the guy was gone for a while, so idk what kind of warnings he got that would get him banned

free my nigga btw
How come I can't message @Zaetheus ? Apologies if I'm not supposed to ask this, but he was banned during my multi-month hiatus from the site. I liked the guy. I wonder what he actually did.
@uninstall thanks for the new uploads.
Why was @catfishman23 banned, specifically? Just because cocksucker didn't like him?
Why was @uninstall banned, specifically? Just because cocksucker didn't like him?

I guess I'm next. I'll stick around til I'm banned, but that won't be too long I am afraid.
read the ban appeals.
Yeah, they didn't break any rules. You decided they were misrepresenting themselves without talking to them, and made up your own mind to ban them. It's really petty, and shows that you have a hard-on for needlessly lording over others.

no, you're not "next". is your ego so big that you think you're being targeted?
Absolutely. The things you banned them for you could dig up about me too. Oops, is that an "admission"? No, of course not - but if it gives you an excuse to flex your muscles some more, by god you'll interpret it as one.

Also, you just had me at 90% because I wanted to meet Elliot Rodger. That's only 10% away from permanent ban right there.

I can tell you love throwing your weight around, so I figure you'll always find some reason to ban somebody, just so you get your kicks. Or maybe you'll simply delete my posts to keep the official narrative in your favor. Whatever it takes to remind yourself that you're the big-shot here.
uninstall was a confirmed larper. cfm should've been banned a while ago, him claiming to be incel was just the final offense to do him in. in both of these cases, it was not me "making up my mind" or "being petty". their bans were discussed by the mod team.
What do you mean they were "larpers"? You mean that they had sex? Yeah, that's not against the rules; something I would hope you were aware of.

"i" didn't dig anything up. neither of those decisions were mine alone. you should stay quiet when you don't know what you're talking about.
Sorry, I didn't know there was covert whisperings by the secret ruling elite of incels.is. And if I only talked when I knew what I was talking about I'd never say anything.

i gave you 40% which set you to 80%* for saying how you were "planning your ER since before columbine". you have an extensive history of being an edgy retard with multiple mentions of your ER fantasies, so the warning is more than justified. you should drop your ego and think rationally, rather than throwing a hissyfit over a single warning.
I am an edgy retard, and will probably keep doing dumb shit like that. And it didn't bother me that I was warned, I appreciated that I was told I was essentially endangering myself.

Why do you think I have such a big ego? I'm just disgusted by authority, especially what I feel is abuse of authority. As far as I can tell those two bannings were unprovoked. They were ejected from this board merely because they were disliked, not for breaking rules.

This forum is really ban-happy, which surprises me because it's the only forum I have not been banned from yet. But it's bound to happen sooner or later -- and in the meantime I'm not going to kowtow to you or other mods.
CFM was an obnoxious, bragging, virgin bashing piece of shit with over 30 warnings, and uninstall larped as an incel. they weren't banned because they were disliked, but because they didn't belong here. their bans were most definitely not "unprovoked". if we went around banning people because we didn't like them, things would be much different.

anyone who takes personal offense to a warning like they're being targeted, such as in your case, has a victim complex. this is what i mean by ego.

feel free to continue breaking the rules if you feel that way, then. you'll be banned just the same as any other user would be. lets not derail the thread any further
Derail the ban thread by talking about bans? My thread was deleted because I was told to talk about it here.

I don't take offense to being warned. I wrote that I "appreciated that I was told I was essentially endangering myself."

I still think the bannings were unprovoked, especially considering the quality and tenure of the members we are speaking of. But, I don't make the rules here, so now that I've said my piece I'll drop it.
Derail the ban thread by talking about bans? My thread was deleted because I was told to talk about it here.

I don't take offense to being warned. I wrote that I "appreciated that I was told I was essentially endangering myself."

I still think the bannings were unprovoked, especially considering the quality and tenure of the members we are speaking of. But, I don't make the rules here, so now that I've said my piece I'll drop it.
how can you not recognise how emotional you are being? no one's targeting you. you're “nobody”, so to speak.

catfishman offered zero quality to speak of. he was a regular virgin shamer and was, at best, a (literally) retarded downie jester to laugh at, not with. he was a non-virgin who claimed to have had sex with 35 seperate females in the past, and he often brought his alleged success up against incels to put them down. i, along with other mods, have voted for his ban.

uninstall was a proven LARPer. he all but called himself a truecel here, and said that he's only had sex with a single landwhale he luckily dropped off Badoo when he's made threads on lookism about his success with many females, whom he personally described as "above average", and has mentioned that he’s rejected many others who were all over him simply because he deemed them physically below average. this is the very definition of LARPing. he was an attention whore and nothing more, and you are an idiot for falling for him to this extent. again, i, along with other mods, have voted for his ban.

checking them out, every single warning you've received have been deserved. you're a tranny worshipper and habitually speak of illegal activities. frankly, you're lucky that i haven't come across those posts of yours myself. you thinking that you're anywhere near important enough that the mod team would conspire about you is proof that you're an incorrigible narcissist with delusions of grandeur. learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.
I never said I felt conspired against, or that I was important. I think I'll probably be banned because I tend to talk too much and end up inadvertently breaking rules.

Catfishman posted videos of himself luring women to meet Chad and then berating them for doing so. I thought that was good content.

Uninstall (claimed) to have approached 1,000 women. No one else here has done anything like that. I have not seen proof he was larping, merely that you found his postings on other boards to be breaking the rules of this board.

Neither user seemed to have specifically broken any rules to earn their bans at this time, rather it was privately decided they were not true kvlt incels.

I can see your point of view, but I personally don't agree with it. And if I learned from my mistakes I wouldn't be here. I'm a loser just like catfishman, uninstall, you, and everyone else reading this.
But it is over for your friend @Sniffles
free @Sniffles (though I know that will never happen)
unban @notafed from the chat room. You can keep him banned on the forum but bring him back in chat.
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