This is cognitive dissonance at its finest, masturbating to videos on a computer is unnatural, fucking talking to another human being hundreds of kilometers away from you via said computer.............. nah I can give that an arbitrary pass for not being natural, dude please stop being illogical, there is no consistency to your life choices, if you are trying to be natural leave fucking modern society and go be a monk, anything else is arbitrary and pointless.
Nothing about being a modern day human being is natural, I'm speaking to you across the globe via a data transmission system that uses light, using a device that is the most unnatural thing in existence, someone in my house is cooking food on a stove, I have various juices being cooled in a fridge to drink when I eat, there is nothing natural about being a human anymore, those days are gone.
Also JFL at the appeal to nature fallacy, something being natural doesn't make it good
Its a placebo, I'm not surprised someone as illogical as yourself can fall for it though, before speaking to you I would have doubted you'd fall for it, but now it makes sense why you of all people fell for this placebo.
JFL so why stop fapping then, isn't it more "natural" to simply go along with the ebs and flows of your body, rather than try to force it to stop doing something.
Morality is subjective and a blue pilled cope, I think it is also ironically the reason as to why society became degenerate to begin with
We should all have to operate on whats logical not whats moral, morality is subjective and every person has their own version of it, and everyone thinks their version is the right one, and that very arbitrary nature of morality is why it always leads to degeneracy.
You ever think you are just low T, and that's why you can no longer get erections like you used to, because this is sounding low T as fuck.