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Discussion Average number of sex partners Vs. Mean number of sex partners

  • Thread starter Zhou Chang-Xing
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Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022

Average statistics tend to be severely corrupted by outliers, so here are a few nitpicks to show that not every toilet is a slut.

17. A study on the average number of sexual partners by state reveals that Louisiana residents have had the highest national number of lovers, averaging at 15.7.

The sexual number report reveals that the average is different for each state, with Louisiana being at the higher end. Utah residents are at the other end, with only 2.6 sexual partners on average. This study encompassed 41 of the American states, amassing around 2,000 interviews in 2016.

According to the map published by Superdrug Online Doctor, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Nebraska were also above average.


This could literally be just a handful of hyper promiscuous Chad's and toilets driving the number up.

18. 16% of Americans between 18-60 years claim to have had one sexual partner in their lifetime.
(The Sun) (Relationships in America)

A 2014 report by Relationship in America shows that most heterosexual men and women in America have had between four and six lovers in their lifetime.

Moreover, around 16% of them claimed to have had only one lover. In comparison, 14% of the British from the 2018 survey stated having had only one sexual par[UWSL]nTer. [/UWSL]


[UWSL]These are JBF (just be first) relationships, any incel over 15 or 16 is not going to be enjoying these. I'm not saying that there are no virgin toilets over these ages, I'm just saying that the ones that are are so because of extremely high standards, the one with only one sex partner are all JBF. JBF artificially lowers average number of sex partners like how sluts and he-sluts do it in the opposite direction (let's be honest, it's as easy for a Chad to get laid as it is for a toilet, so he's not a stud but a slut). [/UWSL]

[UWSL]20. The average number of sexual partners in college for an average US student is around five.[/UWSL]
[UWSL](College Statistics)[/UWSL]
[UWSL]In a study interviewing actual or former college students, researchers found out that the mean average number of lovers was almost the same for both men and women – 4.98 vs. 4.90.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Furthermore, the results of the survey show that, for women, 43% of their total number of sexual partners came from the time they were college students. In comparison, the college years brought only 35% of the total sexual experience for men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]21. The CDC promiscuity statistics reveal that the median number of sexual partners for men aged 25-44 between 2011 and 2015 is lower than the one reported in 2002.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Data reported by the CDC shows that American men in the age group 25-44 years claimed a median number of opposite-sex partners of 6.1 in the period 2011-2015. This number is lower than the 6.7 reported in 200[/UWSL]
[UWSL]On the other hand, the median number of women of the same age group reported was 3.8 sexual partners in 2002. This increased to 4.2 in the period 2011-2015. 2.)015. [/UWSL]


[UWSL]Too often we only see discussions about average numbers of sex partners, an average number is what happens if you take the total and divide it by the total amount of participants, this can severely skew the numbers if some outliers have extremely high body counts. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]Slut pride puts a megaphone in the hands of these outliers and while the average number of sex partners for toilets have been rising a lot, the median number has only been rising by almost negligible amounts. [/UWSL]

"On the other hand, the median number of women of the same age group reported was 3.8 sexual partners in 2002. This increased to 4.2 in the period 2011-2015"

This means that it's 4 sex partners that divides 50% of all toilets in the USA. 50% had more and 50% had less, this number only rises a little with age, sluts ride the Chad carousel (historically the Cock carousel but it's increasingly difficult for Sub-8 men to participate in it, historically sluts used to sleep with any man that moved giving us incels a shot, today's sluts are Chad-only, ugly sluts are Normie-minimum).

So sluts aren't as common as most Blackpilled channels make it out to be. But the longer you're single the more likely it is that you'll have to settle for a slut, if you're over 25 then you cannot afford to not be into sluts, at this point the market is largely sluts-only and if you're not willing to be with a slut beyond this point then it's over for you, buddy boyo. That or you'll have to settle for a femcel (mentalcel that has a shittier personality than almost any slut, except for maybe so schizo-sluts and bipolar-sluts). :feelswhat::blackpill:

So yeah, the relative rarity of sluts compared to their reported numbers (probably closer to 15~25% of toilets, rather than the 99% most incels here claim) isn't a Whitepill, it is a Blackpill because the older you get the higher the probability is that these are the only toilets on the market that we have a shot with.

This isn't slut hate nor am I shaming them for being sluts, given the same opportunities I'm sure that most of us would be promiscuous and I'm sure that most ascended incels if they have daughters would produce giga-sluts. I'm just saying that they are qualitatively less valuable as relationship material than other toilets and that as beggars the only toilets we can realistically expect to settle with are sluts. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Surrogacy here i come
If you ascend then your genetic quality will be lowered due to standart atrition you did after countless foid rejection.
Lots of foids downplay their laycount out of embarrassment of being slut shamed anyway. They get sex so easy compared to their looksmatch, Stacy sluts and Chad's are on another level though of course.
i think

average normie dude : 7-15

average modern Foid : 50-150

Surrogacy here i come
If you ascend then your genetic quality will be lowered due to standart atrition you did after countless foid rejection.
True. The genetic quality you have to offer to a child gets worse after the age of 30. The agepill is actually more brutal for men than it is for women since women always retain their infinite smv, even if they are not fertile. In fact, some men prefer old women mainly for that reason. :dafuckfeels:

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