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Autism is destroying our cause



Nov 11, 2017
Autism in the real sense of the word. Back when I was on Incel discord I noticed many of the guys there showed telltale signs of being on the spectrum. Lack of empathy, repeating the same thing over and over, rigid black and white thinking, misinterpreting social situations, etc. A lot of them were even too shy to do voicechat.

Thankfully this place is nowhere near that bad but we still have morons on here going “If a drunk single
Mom hit on you once then you’re fakecel HURR DURR”. Idiots like this need to be banned because they force many many potential allies to turn away from us. And more likely than not, these same people would be fakecel by their own standards because it’s their autism holding them back, not their looks.

I wish there was a way to screen everyone for autism before they post here.
>tfw autismcel and lookscel
I would get screened out of here and be too much of a loser for the fucking incel forum.

it never even began
I wish there was voice chat. You guys are more relatable than any family or friends I have.
you would be NT if you had a gf.
The mods have autism.
incelman said:
you would be NT if you had a gf.

More NT than I currently am due to less anxiety/stress/depression +better social skills from interaction but still nowhere close to normal.
NegroKing said:
More NT than I currently am due to less anxiety/stress/depression +better social skills from interaction but still nowhere close to normal.

Don't doubt yourself.
NT is a lobotomy, no thanks... ADHDcel for life.
A good portion of incels have mental issues. Autism is just one of the many that would cause someone to be incels.

Create uglyfuckers.me if you only want to be around people who are incels because of their looks.
blackcel said:
A good portion of incels have mental issues. Autism is just one of the many that would cause someone to be incels.

Create uglyfuckers.me if you only want to be around people who are incels because of their looks.

Agreed. I personally welcome all kinds of incels but sperglords need to keep their autism in check for the good of the community.
I almost left due to calls of fakecel, amongst other reasons, but didn't because I honestly enjoy reading the forum.

The best thing to do is to ignore them, because if you flame back and they report you, the moderation will either warn or ban you. The sensitive truecels will be protected ; moderation won't bam them for their comments regardless of what they post.
Yeah these idiots crying "fakecel" at every little thing piss me off.

Sub8Hate said:
I almost left due to calls of fakecel, amongst other reasons, but didn't because I honestly enjoy reading the forum.

The best thing to do is to ignore them, because if you flame back and they report you, the moderation will either warn or ban you. The sensitive truecels will be protected ; moderation won't bam them for their comments regardless of what they post.

I think most of the people that cry "fakecel" aren't being genuine. 

I don't think the mods would take their side. Has this happened to you before?
Kointo said:

I think most of the people that cry "fakecel" aren't being genuine. 

I don't think the mods would take their side. Has this happened to you before?

It has, in one of the posts I was called a faggot amongst other things. It feels silly talking about it, because I just usually handle it and snap back and wouldn't bother , but I'm not going to engage in the cuckoldry of crying to the mods.

I was banned on r/incels for a bullshit reason when this happened too, that was for misidentifing myself as incel, even though I fit the definition in the faq. Just LOL. That was also due to a whining truecel.
if autism is holding you back then you are STILL truecel. you cant get rid of autism, its a cripple the same way looks are a criple. sure you can "practice" social skills the same way you can looksmaxx but nonetheless the end result is pretty much just a polished turd and you will 99% of the time still be incel.
Please stop with the autists have no empathy shit.
I don't use discord voice chat because I'm intimidated and scared of bullying which has happened to me when i joined voice chat in the past.
Hunter said:
if autism is holding you back then you are STILL truecel. you cant get rid of autism, its a cripple the same way looks are a criple. sure you can "practice" social skills the same way you can looksmaxx but nonetheless the end result is pretty much just a polished turd and you will 99% of the time still be incel.

I'm not saying that they aren't. It's just that they're idiots for calling out other people for being "fakecels". I don't care if their autism is what's holding them back, I have a problem with them tearing the community apart because of their jealousy and narrow-mindedness.
NegroKing said:
Autism in the real sense of the word. Back when I was on Incel discord I noticed many of the guys there showed telltale signs of being on the spectrum. Lack of empathy, repeating the same thing over and over, rigid black and white thinking, misinterpreting social situations, etc. A lot of them were even too shy to do voicechat.

Thankfully this place is nowhere near that bad but we still have morons on here going “If a drunk single
Mom hit on you once then you’re fakecel HURR DURR”. Idiots like this need to be banned because they force many many potential allies to turn away from us. And more likely than not, these same people would be fakecel by their own standards because it’s their autism holding them back, not their looks.

I wish there was a way to screen everyone for autism before they post here.

Incel is just part and parcel of the incel community. I will admit we get a little more of it here than we seemed to on r/incels. There is nothing we can do about it though. Autism is a force of nature. Autism has crafted the assent of humanity just like war has. The Napoleonic wars for example were terrible. It lead to 99 years of world peace (for the most part) enforced at gun point by the British and the end of the slave trade. Autism gave man the ability to explain Gravity, Electromagnetism, split the atom, land men on the moon. Create powerful personal computers which are now in every bodies pockets and create a world with so much excess even a lot of poor motherfuckers on neetbux are obese. It is simply a force of nature. The best we can do is try and harness it for the benefits it brings us.

I myself am on the spectrum, the graces of social interaction mystify me but i'm aware enough to understand that i don't seem normal and enough to recognise there is an element of our community who are raging untreated autists. I think you are being no better than they are by starting an argument over who can post here and who can't because you are the true arbiter of what is and isn't incel.
Hunter said:
if autism is holding you back then you are STILL truecel. you cant get rid of autism, its a cripple the same way looks are a criple. sure you can "practice" social skills the same way you can looksmaxx but nonetheless the end result is pretty much just a polished turd and you will 99% of the time still be incel.

Legit as fuck.
What "cause" lol that's way more autistic than the people you're calling out.
what I fail to grasp is this: how can someone call himself autist or semi-autist?

it is contradiction
nausea said:
what I fail to grasp is this: how can someone call himself autist or semi-autist?

it is contradiction

Autism is a spectrum disorder and not just that kid in the corner screeching and punching himself in the head. You can be severely autistic or mildly so, presenting some symptoms and not others. Being conscious of your own autism doesn't make you not autistic.
blickpall said:
Autism is a spectrum disorder and not just that kid in the corner screeching and punching himself in the head. You can be severely autistic or mildly so, presenting some symptoms and not others. Being conscious of your own autism doesn't make you not autistic.

but if you are conscious of it you can correct it or not?

yes I know the spectrum stuff
nausea said:
but if you are conscious of it you can correct it or not?

yes I know the spectrum stuff

If you're properly diagnosed then the answer is supposedly "no." It's like asking if a person who was born without legs can correct it or not. It's genetics, not a state of mind or something you can get a coach for or read a book about and resolve.
blickpall said:
If you're properly diagnosed then the answer is supposedly "no." It's like asking if a person who was born without legs can correct it or not. It's genetics, not a state of mind or something you can get a coach for or read a book about and resolve.

ah ok thx

you know what?

you are almost too patient...

a good dose of rage would help you
nausea said:
ah ok thx

you know what?

you are almost too patient...

a good dose of rage would help you

No problem!

Being angry at something never fixed anything, in my experience. Just makes your subjective experience of life even worse.
blickpall said:
No problem!

Being angry at something never fixed anything, in my experience. Just makes your subjective experience of life even worse.

example: be angry at alt accounts ----> ban them ------> better forum
nausea said:
example: be angry at alt accounts ----> ban them ------> better forum

Anger clouds judgment, it's not necessary to pass it. I don't know how to hunt for alt accounts anyway. It's ironic but the only IPs I have access to are other mods' lol.
blickpall said:
Anger clouds judgment, it's not necessary to pass it. I don't know how to hunt for alt accounts anyway. It's ironic but the only IPs I have access to are other mods' lol.

well you are the only mod willing to talk about this

I bet admin can and shall track ip and BAN unrighteous users

I will propose this action latER
NegroKing said:
these same people would be fakecel by their own standards because it’s their autism holding them back, not their looks.

No. You arent fakecel if something other than looks holds you back, you are fakecel if you get dates, kisses and blowjobs and still act like you belong here.
You will never find as many stupid autists as on an incel forum

this is coming from an incel who has been on incel and other internet forums for a long time
Im a stupid, fag autist. If i were ugly without severe mental issues, then id be getting laid with my ltr just like all ugly nt men do.

Fucking lol at anyone who thinks truecel is a real thing. You guys are all mentalcels. As far as having a forum of like minded people, how stupid do you have to be to think members dont lie to fit in so they can troll?

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