Resulting to name calling is down syndrome behavior. Keep coping.
most modERn westERn women are sluts who PROUDLY EMBRACE their whoredom by showing their nude bodies online.
Majority of women who send nudes to strangERs online, are already ok with their naked body being seen by othERs,
because if they really cared they wouldn’t have sent those photos in the first place.
most of these sluts don’t feel any shame at the prospect of people they pERsonally know (family, friends, work-mates, employers etc.) seeing them nude, because they know that their whoredom is widely considERed socially acceptable, and instead of being stigmatised, ridiculed, humiliated etc. these sluts are instead seen as innocent victims and gain sympathy from othER foids, normies and simps/soycucks.
Shame is the
weapon that sextortionists use to
extort people whose nudes they have acquired,
but You can’t use the threat of leaking someone’s nudes in ordER to extort someone who has zERo shame to begin with (most women)
Whereas when avERage/below-avERage looking men’s nudes get leaked, they r shamed for their sexual expression, often being perceived by society as being a horny degenERate animal for daring to have a sex drive and trying to acquire sex, instead of eithER giving up and killing themsleves OR accepting their place as a neutERed slave who exists as a mindless workER drone solely for the purpose of making the lives of the elites bettER, for which they are rewarded with the life of a sexless losER
men are the gendER demographic from whom sextortionists can make the most money from (especially ugly/avERage looking men).
The gendER and physical attractiveness level of the vast majority of victims of sextortion (avERage/below avERage looking men) are chosen primarily based on financial motivation rathER than any sexually gratifying motivation.
If you don’t undERstand this, you r low IQ