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JFL Attracted To Teens=Low Testosterone

I'm gonna catch some shit for this, but listen I'm tired of all these heber cels throwing around the soy emotes because it's projection.

In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.

Then at the bottom are the actual peds- the no substance sickos who want to mentally scar kids because they are not men. More like ghosts or something... closet gays probably. but slightly above them are the young gf or bust cucks, who are not usually evil or anything like that. But low T?yes. Society says it's a beta male mindset and by society I mean thugs who are so disgusted by hebes that they literally want to beat or kill you irl, and do not differentiate between you and actual pedos. Get it? It's not the roastie worshiping redditors on your case that makes you a beta male. It's some real men who mog you and the fact that you think you can only satisfy an inexperienced young chick, which is cope because they're not inexperienced, and you're an ugly male with low status so snap out of your insane daydreams.

tldr You can have such predilections and receive no serious judgement from me, but you forfeit your manhood and should not be allowed to charge your bashers with being IT types because they are actually acting in accordance with a code of what is now traditional masculinity regardless of their overall identity.
Not a single word of this cope thread was read.
3rd world shithole
It's a superpower now, idiot, get with the times!
It's "manly" to be attracted to landwhales? What the fuck is this shit?
You can review this thread to find out why. I explained it several times.
Cope @op. I have gotten my t levels tested and was at ~800 and I am not attracted to landwhales.
Most beta cucks are with landwhales and hung chads and tyrones fuck model looking stacys.
I'm gonna catch some shit for this, but listen I'm tired of all these heber cels throwing around the soy emotes because it's projection.

In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.

Then at the bottom are the actual peds- the no substance sickos who want to mentally scar kids because they are not men. More like ghosts or something... closet gays probably. but slightly above them are the young gf or bust cucks, who are not usually evil or anything like that. But low T?yes. Society says it's a beta male mindset and by society I mean thugs who are so disgusted by hebes that they literally want to beat or kill you irl, and do not differentiate between you and actual pedos. Get it? It's not the roastie worshiping redditors on your case that makes you a beta male. It's some real men who mog you and the fact that you think you can only satisfy an inexperienced young chick, which is cope because they're not inexperienced, and you're an ugly male with low status so snap out of your insane daydreams.

tldr You can have such predilections and receive no serious judgement from me, but you forfeit your manhood and should not be allowed to charge your bashers with being IT types because they are actually acting in accordance with a code of what is now traditional masculinity regardless of their overall identity.
fat lover GTFO , u still can get a landwhale used up roastie
i knew who made this thread when you tagged me


View attachment 311572

View attachment 311571
You and OP are both phaggots

This is what High T men like (found on Reddit):


You low t twinks can enjoy your pancake women
A few extra pounds in the bottom half. Squats and another dose of pubert. Then we talk
Not a single word of this cope thread was read.

It's a superpower now, idiot, get with the times!
You must have edited it. Didn't appear on alerts
You and OP are both phaggots

This is what High T men like (found on Reddit):

View attachment 313338

You low t twinks can enjoy your pancake women

A few extra pounds in the bottom half. Squats and another dose of pubert. Then we talk
jfl, i like that too.

but don't call me a faggot for liking skinny girls either
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Uh, could you please spoiler that sort of content next time?
It gave me a boner and now I have to fap
lmao what's with all the no fappers on these forums?
Cope @op. I have gotten my t levels tested and was at ~800 and I am not attracted to landwhales.
You're a fucking liar. Or not incel.
You and OP are both phaggots

This is what High T men like (found on Reddit):

View attachment 313338

Why'd you call me a phaggot? That's exactly the type of landwhale I'm talking about I agree with this post.

Btw all you openly drooling over @Personalityinkwell's porn are some worshipey gigasimps, shame on you all. @PotatoTomato @catcel etc.
You must have edited it. Didn't appear on alerts
I don't recall editing it. .co automatically edits posts after a few minutes when nobody else posts after you do.
It's "manly" to be attracted to landwhales? What the fuck is this shit?
Literal CuckTears logic. Wouldn't be surprised if OP was an infiltrator
Gay thread tbqh ngl
attraction to teen girls is extremely high T tbh
they are prime age in their looks and health tbh
perfectly fit for sex and baby having
landwhales on the other hand are unhealthy, not fit for having children
and unless you find it attractive, they are disgusting
but tbh i can find some chubby girls and landwhales attractive
but it's obvious i prefer slim or curvy-thicc girls
not mountains of fat that i can't even find her vagina

damn bro that made me a little hard bro. tfw no virgin jb teen girlfriend
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most definitely...
Didnt read lol
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This is true tbh. I always cringe at the JB virgin wife or death logic. Chad is attracted to and fucks all from JBs to used up milf roasties
This is true tbh. I always cringe at the JB virgin wife or death logic. Chad is attracted to and fucks all from JBs to used up milf roasties
Chads even fuck dogs. Shane Dawson a Chad had dog licking scandal.
This is true tbh. I always cringe at the JB virgin wife or death logic. Chad is attracted to and fucks all from JBs to used up milf roasties
Interesting point. Yes, chad gets the whole spectrum. That's something both I and my critics kinda overlooked.
this thread = roastie worship

There should be strong selection on males to control females' reproduction through direct coercive control of females.... Evolutionary thinkers, whether informed by feminist ideas or not, are not surprised by one of the overwhelming facts of patriarchal cultures, namely that men ... seek to constrain and control the reproductive capacities of women.... Juvenilization decreases the threat some men may feel when confronted with women; many men are comfortable around women whom they can clearly dominate and are profoundly uncomfortable around women whom they cannot so clearly dominate. The hypothesis that femininity signals ability to be dominated through juvenilization is an alternative to, but not necessarily mutually exclusive of, other evolutionary hypotheses that posit that femininity signals, sometimes deceptively, reproductive value and fertility
Gigacope. Femdom and being attracted to roasties and especially muscular foids is the true low T sign. Being a cuckold is low T as well.

As a high T man, you want to dominantly, sexually subjugate young, fertile and cute foids.
Gigacope. Femdom and being attracted to roasties and especially muscular foids is the true low T sign. Being a cuckold is low T as well.

As a high T man, you want to dominantly, sexually subjugate young, fertile and cute foids.
Blacks love fat women tho and are def highest T race
I like chubby women too. But some women are chubby at their teens...
I hate chubby women tbh, my t levels were tested to be exactly average don't if there is a correlation
You take your obese black women, ill take a fresh 16 year old of any race thanks

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