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JFL Attracted To Teens=Low Testosterone

Romello Gaghan 2

Romello Gaghan 2

No Descriptor
Aug 6, 2018
I'm gonna catch some shit for this, but listen I'm tired of all these heber cels throwing around the soy emotes because it's projection.

In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.

Then at the bottom are the actual peds- the no substance sickos who want to mentally scar kids because they are not men. More like ghosts or something... closet gays probably. but slightly above them are the young gf or bust cucks, who are not usually evil or anything like that. But low T?yes. Society says it's a beta male mindset and by society I mean thugs who are so disgusted by hebes that they literally want to beat or kill you irl, and do not differentiate between you and actual pedos. Get it? It's not the roastie worshiping redditors on your case that makes you a beta male. It's some real men who mog you and the fact that you think you can only satisfy an inexperienced young chick, which is cope because they're not inexperienced, and you're an ugly male with low status so snap out of your insane daydreams.

tldr You can have such predilections and receive no serious judgement from me, but you forfeit your manhood and should not be allowed to charge your bashers with being IT types because they are actually acting in accordance with a code of what is now traditional masculinity regardless of their overall identity.
In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.
Thoughts @mental_out?
Most beta cucks are with landwhales and hung chads and tyrones fuck model looking stacys.
I'm not into kids. But...

In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.

This makes this thread seem like satire of some kind.
Gay thread tbqh ngl
In the order of things, it goes landwhales first. That's the highest level of testosterone if you're into adult landwhales. Means you most likley have a big dick and can "handle" the thickness and mog her other partners, all of whose dicks probably rivaled yours in size. Being able satisfy an obese black woman is probably the ultimate in manhood.

By your logic I'm the highest T incel here, as I wish a woman could strengthmog me ngl.
JFL attraction to teen girls is feminine and unmanly? You’re a dumbass. Men who do it are doing what is natural for men and I read that in macho culture, sex with barely legal teens is a sign of a robust sex drive. It’s extremely masculine it isn’t feminine. Sex with post-wall roasties is girly and unmanly
I await the studies that support your claims.

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Most beta cucks are with landwhales and hung chads and tyrones fuck model looking stacys.
Yep. OP is dumb as fuck tbh. OP somehow forgot about the fact that good looking guys slay teen pussy, yet when ugly men are simply ATTRACTED to them they're "low T"? JFL :lul:

Actual CuckTears logic

By your logic I'm the highest T incel here, as I wish a woman could strengthmog me ngl.
No bro that's your seeking a traditionally feminine station.
sex with barely legal teens is a sign of a robust sex drive.
Interesting. Not that barely legal=legal. It really is about numbers like it or not.
OP somehow forgot about the fact that good looking guys slay teen pussy
If they're doing it illegally and it becomes known, they'll be accosted by the high T gorillas same as anyone.
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Its manly to be into landwhales? Are you drunk OP :feelskek:
No bro that's your seeking a traditionally feminine station.

Interesting. Not that barely legal=legal. It really is about numbers like it or not.

If they're doing it illegally and it becomes known, they'll be accosted by the high T gorillas same as anyone.
Macho men like young women and teen girls not post wall roasties
No bro that's your seeking a traditionally feminine station.

Interesting. Not that barely legal=legal. It really is about numbers like it or not.

If they're doing it illegally and it becomes known, they'll be accosted by the high T gorillas same as anyone.
Doesn't matter, the sluts willingly seek them out. You think they're innocent little agents or?
Macho men like young women and teen girls not post wall roasties
Again though, if it's not legal, they'll be targets 90% of the time. Being prey to thugs=low T.
I'm not into kids. But...

This makes this thread seem like satire of some kind.
I can’t tell. Without the context of his actual views. It does seem a bit sarcastic and bait-y. But I'll bite
and do not differentiate between you and actual pedos.
I don't think there should be any difference(from legal perspective) between hebes and actual pedos. Both predilections can go to hell and burn forever. I would actually vote for a representative who professes harsher punishments for pedophiles and hebephiles, if they are caught doing illegal activities that are not thought crimes.
Doesn't matter, the sluts willingly seek them out. You think they're innocent little agents or?
Sure they will for grown chad. But if grown chad goes for it his fate might just end up being a prison wife. Prison wife=virtually a woman so no balls. It's also a sign of having no balls to get beat up by a mob on some social pariah shit.
Just fuck landwhales to prove you're high t bro
Sure they will for grown chad. But if grown chad goes for it his fate might just end up being a prison wife. Prison wife=virtually a woman so no balls. It's also a sign of having no balls to get beat up by a mob on some social pariah shit.
Chad = low T and has no balls apparently

I haven't seen this level of cope in a while
absolute cuck thread.
jfl at this bro @Personalityinkwell @Colvin76
Girls between the age of 14 to 18 are the most attractive to me. Yet i'm high T af, and a psychopath.
absolute cuck thread.
jfl at this bro @Personalityinkwell @Colvin76
Let's see you or them go explain your preferences for youngsters to a group of random men, masculine men- and see how they treat you. My point is just so clear and the projection is real. Nobody actually disagrees with me about this in their heart of hearts. Come on, now.
absolute cuck thread.
jfl at this bro @Personalityinkwell @Colvin76
i knew who made this thread when you tagged me



Again though, if it's not legal, they'll be targets 90% of the time. Being prey to thugs=low T.
That’s because those “thugs” are brainwashed by society, otherwise they’d also fuck young women. If the AOC was 30, they’d attack those who fuck 29 year olds. Also, in hypermasculine environments many men do desire young foids. 84% of college rape victims are raped as freshmen or sophomores and frat boys (who are hypermasculine) are 3x more likely to rape and college athletes also rape more often and so do college men who played aggressive sports in hs
Tyson probably had the highest T on the planet in the late 80's / 90s but he only dated skinny black / white women.

Not one landwhale among his conquests...

i knew who made this thread when you tagged me


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The landwhale part of this was not the point so that's fine, we can have our disagreements there. I was just using it as an outline for the hierarchy that explains my actual point. You're probably right, it's interchangeable what body type your're into on the hierarchy. But your perceived masculinity is a numbers game still.
Most beta cucks are with landwhales and hung chads and tyrones fuck model looking stacys.
The skinnier the foid is the more her smv is generally

Pretty funny how just being skinny makes you a Stacy when it comes to foids
The landwhale part of this was not the point so that's fine, we can have our disagreements there. I was just using it as an outline for the hierarchy that explains my actual point. You're probably right, it's interchangeable what body type your're into on the hierarchy. But your perceived masculinity is a numbers game still.

Vigilantes get rilled by outed hebephiles because they are protecting prime/cusp of prime age girls.

In hunter gatherer societies only the chief gets jb.
That’s because those “thugs” are brainwashed by society, otherwise they’d also fuck young women. If the AOC was 30, they’d attack those who fuck 29 year olds. Also, in hypermasculine environments many men do desire young foids. 84% of college rape victims are raped as freshmen or sophomores and frat boys (who are hypermasculine) are 3x more likely to rape and college athletes also rape more often and so do college men who played aggressive sports in hs
Respect from those thugs is a big part of what makes you a man like it or not. Even if you're slaying whoever you want on the daily, if they don't like it, you're a bitch that's just the way it is. Brainwashed or what, that's irrelevant.
Vigilantes get rilled by outed hebephiles because they are protecting prime/cusp of prime age girls.

In hunter gatherer societies only the chief gets jb.
I think the wording here might be a little too complex for me to understand. Wanna dumb it down some?
Where do you find this stuff?
the internet

you do realize the girls create this content themselves? they're not "innocent and exploited".
My grandmother once said, "You grow old, but your mind still thinks you're young. This is why you need to think for a moment and remember you can't do those flips you used to when you're 83."

And I agree. I might get older, but my attraction doesn't change either. If I was attracted to an 18 year old when I was 18, I can be 81 and I'm still going to be attracted to the 18 year old. I know very well I would not get with that 18 year old at the age of 81, but that won't stop me from being attracted to it.
And the same can be said for many which is why you always seeing situations of much older rich guys getting with girls that can be as young as 20 or so. If they weren't attracted to that, they wouldn't go after that.

This is a stupid thread.
the internet

you do realize the girls create this content themselves? they're not "innocent and exploited".
I am not asking that. I am asking where do you find it.
the internet

you do realize the girls create this content themselves? they're not "innocent and exploited".
man those vids are pure suifuel. anyway im too afraid to download incase they are under 18
Respect from those thugs is a big part of what makes you a man like it or not. Even if you're slaying whoever you want on the daily, if they don't like it, you're a bitch that's just the way it is. Brainwashed or what, that's irrelevant.
No. Many of those thugs wouldn’t want you beating people up yet violence is very manly. This appeal to authority fallacy is dumb because many of those thugs will refuse to do manly things strictly forbidden by society. According to your logic, if these thugs condoned wearing a pink dress, pink dresses are manly. What macho culture calls manly and what nature calls manly is manly not what gay thugs say
They’re sucking Tyrell’s cock as we speak and OP is white knighting them as if they give a fuck hahaha
No. Many of those thugs wouldn’t want you beating people up yet violence is very manly. This appeal to authority fallacy is dumb because many of those thugs will refuse to do manly things strictly forbidden by society. According to your logic, if these thugs condoned wearing a pink dress, pink dresses are manly. What macho culture calls manly and what nature calls manly is manly not what gay thugs say
You act like their conventions came from nowhere. There's a reason they don't look kindly upon men in pink dresses and never will. And many of them are indeed violent. Gangsters bro. Construction workers who brawl over pocket change bro

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