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Blackpill ATTN. INCELS: Therapy is a danger to your personal health and safety

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May 11, 2018
"Just talk to someone bro"

A good friend of mine was severely depressed and was told to go get mental health counseling, arguably the stupidest piece of advice that could ever be offered to anyone. He booked an appointment with a well-known therapist. After a number of sessions, during which he foolishly revealed that he was thinking of killing himself, the therapist decided to contact police. The police came to his house and kicked in his front door. They arrested him and dragged him to a hospital emergency unit, where he was strapped down to a gurney. The shrink on duty recommended that he be transferred to a psych ward for further evaluation. He was placed in a straitjacket and locked up in a state mental hospital, surrounded by violent, drooling retards who would howl like animals all night long. The examining shrink diagnosed him as schizophrenic and recommended immediate forced injections of Haldol and Thorazine.

The more my friend complained about his treatment and the wrongfulness of the diagnosis, the more the shrinks came to believe that he lacked insight into his supposed "illness." In response, they merely increased his dosage of Thorazine. To stop his whining, he would be tossed completely naked into solitary confinement, where he was forced to defecate and urinate in a cardboard box on the floor. He would have to spend hours forced to smell his own shit and piss. When the shrink came to visit him, he would be placed in a full body restraint and held down by a dozen security guards. At this point, he was pumped so full of drugs he could barely walk or talk.

He spent almost a decade of his life having to endure this brutal treatment because some idiot said "Just talk to someone bro." Now he has difficulty brushing his teeth and putting his clothes on in the morning.

If you're smart, you'll avoid therapy at all costs.
bro idk if this is true but this sounds like that movie changeling with angelina jolie.

but man if it is that sucks to hear
If you trust psychiatry you're a fool. They poison and kill tons of people
sounds extreme, might be a larp, but there is some truth to all this

My mom has a work colleague and her son killed himself by jumping outside their appartment window. He was severly depressed and hurt himself prior so his mother send him to a mental institution because she was completely overwhelmed with him. He was pumped full with medication there and apparently it was absolute hell for him. After a few weeks he was let home again. Afterwards he still didn't feel better so his mother actually wanted him to go back there. Her son begged her not to send her back but she insisted. The day before they wanted to get him to go back to the insitution he just leaped out the window...
This is a real story and it happened like 5 years ago, he was 17 at that time
Why would anybody ever admit to wanting to kill themselves to someone. If I was going to rope I would do my damn best to keep it on the down low
Small story: a therapist baited me into saying I sometimes think about killing my parents ("Not ever? Not once?"). Promptly calls them in and tells them I think about killing them.

Another time my mom wanted some test done, so she called and asked how that could be done. She was told to take me to some sort of hospital and tell them I was thinking about killing myself. They took me in, strip-searched me, and then wouldn't let me leave for 3 days no matter how I begged. And, big surprise, they didn't do that test whatever it was.

If you do have a therapist - lie lie lie. My current therapist tells me to lie, because he said if I tell him I feel like killing myself, or am thinking about committing a crime, he is obligated to call the loony bin and cops to take me away.
Fuck the entire 'mental health industry'.
Not only that, but therapy just has you chasing after moving goal posts. The real therapy you need is sexual experience with that critical first girlfriend, and then your other problems will either start to get better on their own, or else they won't matter as much.

BTW, it's funny to me that normies are now deploying Jordan Peterson against us: "Clean your room."

In other words, on the one hand they are stereotyping us as a bunch of shut ins who need to get out more; and on the other hand they want us to stay in our rooms to clean them - which of course you have to do all the time.
doesn't sound fake to me, psychiatrists are predators... not too long ago they would have opened up his brain and removed some parts to make him more docile.
Btw did you know that until the 1950s women who got angry in public were diagnosed with "female hysteria" and psychiatrists locked them up in dungeons and used sex toys on them to "cure" them? why would anyone ever trust a psychiatrist is beyond me

lol while psychiatry is kind of retarded, this sounds really fake. Modern psychology is OK, if you have a good therapist you will probably be fine. CBT, ACT, and other shit is actually helpful and SSRI's are mostly OK at least they dont cause long term effects. Won't cure inceldom though.
doesn't sound fake to me, psychiatrists are predators... not too long ago they would have opened up his brain and removed some parts to make him more docile.
Btw did you know that until the 1950s women who got angry in public were diagnosed with "female hysteria" and psychiatrists locked them up in dungeons and used sex toys on them to "cure" them? why would anyone ever trust a psychiatrist is beyond me


Haha, and I remember there was a feminist movie presenting that as a cool first act of a man in favor of sexual liberation of wamen. Modern feminists are so blinded by their own pitiful pursue of pleasure they don't even realize how actually hard it was by the time for women.

Whats the story with that female therapist you said you wanted to acid face? Most of your old videos are gone so I never got the story.
psychiatry is just a way for people with useless psych degrees to pay back their student loans. they don't give a fuck about you.
Lot of youtube videos concluded we should be seeking help like this lol

reality is you got to learn to deal with your own shit. other people just going to give you some happy pills
This is exactly why I avoid psychiatric "help", I'm terrified of being imprisoned and kept alive against my will, even though the chances are slim for something like that to happen. And besides everything else that they will do is also useless for us, maybe if you're a mentalcel that has some hormonal deficiencies that is responsible for your mental state then anti-depressants might work.
But the only medicine for the blackpilled is death.
I don,t see the point talking to someone who gets paid by the tens of thousands just for sitting down having to listen to peoples problems something in which any person can do
Therapy and psychiatry has damaged me beyond repair. I could write a whole book about how horrible that whole scene is. And yea abuse is rampant in mental hospitals. Nurses/doctors hate the patients in there and treat it as a punitive affair. People have serious physical medical conditions in some of the mental hospitals, and their condititions get a lot worse because medical care is limited to once a week (if you are lucky). Vitals are supposed to be taken every day, and when they actually do take vitals and somoeone is in a bad place heart wise or something, I've heard nurses just laugh about it in another room. I've also heard nurses joke about patients who have passed out from too much sedatives, asking other nurses to check if the patient is "dead", with little interest from the other nurses. Asking for help from anyone except fellow patients is considered annoying by the staff NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. Everyone gets shit from staff, even the most calm patients. One of the reasons self-coping skills is huge is because staff doesn't actually want to treat a patients problems, and often they can't because stuff like debt, romantic issues, abuse households, homelessness, etc are totally something outside of their control and instead more attributable to ~the society we live in~. Gang weeder / psych patient alliance.
It always backfires. Caused similar problems where it effected my personal life too. Total scam. It's just a job to these people and they are usually not even good at it.

Edit: As well the people that work around the wards and offices everyday become very jaded. I've been the target of their own emotional shit, because they act just like any normie does when they're irritated. I have yet to consider any of these people professional.

The atmosphere is always so cucked, there is always women working, and always tons of signs that state you will get kicked out if you say basically anything to them.
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If you trust psychiatry you're a fool. They poison and kill tons of people

THIS. Ask yourself how can someone help you by talking to you? Well they can't so they pump you with drugs, and while their drugs might be safer than heroin they are still slowing down your mind and have several side effects.

Then ask yourself if you would be "depressed" had your life been better. I certainly would not be suicidal if i had a loving gf
Therapy is blue pill bullshit that tries to put the blame on you instead of genetics and society.
going to therapy as an incel is like making a starving ethopian sit down with a shrink and the shrink then tells him all those feelings about hunger are a sign of mental illness and he needs medication.
It's a huge waste of money that could be better spent on looksmaxing/escorts.
The amount of cognitive dissonance therapy caused me was insane. I am so glad I got out of there before I was drugged out of my mind, or locked up in a mad house.
All incels need to be made aware of this, do NOT buy into the psychology meme.
Therapy and psychiatry has damaged me beyond repair.

The entire "mental health" industry (therapists, nurses, shrinks etc.) is dominated by sadistic control freaks who inflict terrible emotional, physical, and sexual abuse on their helpless victims, but get away with it because of their professional status and the fact their "patients" or "clients" are drawn from the lowest rungs of society. This is what makes the profession so attractive to those who can only achieve sexual arousal by watching others suffer.

To further illustrate the damage caused by "mental health" practitioners:

My friend would tell me about typical therapy sessions. The shrink would force him into a room and spend an hour insulting and laughing at him. The shrink would call him a loser; he would tell him that he would never amount to anything; he would mockingly ask him why he was never able to hold a job; he would tell him that he would never find a girlfriend because he was worthless; he would even call him uneducated and stupid because he flunked out of college, pointing out that he was better than the victim by virtue of his position as head shrink.

This shrink was absolutely vicious, deriving an intensely erotic pleasure from watching his victim suffer. His name-calling and abuse would sometimes reduce my friend, a grown man, to tears. This so-called therapy continued along these lines for days, weeks, even months.

My friend, tired of the constant emotional and physical abuse, told the shrink to go fuck himself during a therapy session. The shrink pressed an SOS button on his necklace to alert security. 12 guards burst into the room, seized the victim and placed him in restraints. His pants were pulled down and he was given an injection of Haldol. Other drugs were administered. My friend passed out. He was then stripped naked and placed in solitary confinement.

You see, there's a reason why shrinks are attacked, physically maimed and even killed far more often than real doctors.
jew pills and jew fake doctors scamming incels
No one will hire a looney also, fake it till you make it.
Yeah. I'm really glad I found this place. Was thinking about seeing a shrink a few weeks ago. Luckily I'm broke so I'd never be able to afford it.
The truth is that no one is out there to help you as an incel, and certainly not jewrapists.
it's funny normies are saying go to therapy, but they also say incels are beyond help so...
Haldol does damage the brain to a large extent
Psychology is a meme science.

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