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Attack on Titan's ending was terrible

Normie cucked Anime Eren died like a cuck
What a surprice there is an attack on titan ending hater on an incel forum LOL

I am not a reddit fag but jeez i loved r/yeagerbomb and r/titanfolk subredites. Sadly reddit niggers teleted yeagerbomb.

Btw based hater i also didnt enjoy the ending

What a surprice there is an attack on titan ending hater on an incel forum LOL

I am not a reddit fag but jeez i loved r/yeagerbomb and r/titanfolk subredites. Sadly reddit niggers teleted yeagerbomb.

Btw based hater i also didnt enjoy the ending


Also the whole "love" aspect to the finale was stupid. Eren showed barely any interest in Mikasa yet he acts like a beta cuck in his final scene. I think a better ending would be if he fell in love with Historia and had a child with her instead of the random farmer nobody. This way he could say his motivation for the rumbling would be to ensure his child's safety and well being since a genocide against the rest of the world would protect them from war. But no, apparently he's just an idiot and a psychopath who wanted to see a certain site. It also would've fit narratively as he would be the first one in his family to NOT raise his child with propaganda and as a vessel for his own goals.
Tbh I think Eren and Mikasa is perfect. Eren does show that he cares for her, and in that scene where they infiltrated Marley he clearly wanted her to say he was something more than family. She shows immense loyalty to him, is a badass, appears to be good-looking despite being half or quarter Asian or whatever (as Rehab Room said, Asian girls are only popular due to Juggernaut Law tbh), and overall is a good fit - even if the relationship was partially built on shared traumas. I disagree with Eren being a beta cuck simp, tho - they could've handled it much better. He could have maybe had a grim face, confessed his love, been more composed when he said the thought of Mikasa being with someone else hurt him, but ultimately wish for his friends to live great and long lives or sth.

tl;dr I just think loyalty should be rewarded; she's got the looks and intelligence to pass the gene test, and also immense loyalty and care for him. Anything else kind of feels hollow/disrespectful to this, though I agree the beta cuck simping was unnecessary - even if Eren was scared shitless of death/didn't want to die, was tired, traumatized, sad, etc.
That's true. It was very in character for someone like Armin to oppose Eren, but everything we've seen of Mikasa is basically just sucking Eren off. There's no way she would oppose him.
Tbh, I personally think it adds some more character to her and makes her love more valid/feel more in-depth - or, at least, is an attempt to do so. If you truly love someone, you'd care about their well-being, them making good decisions, etc. If your friends or family or wife or whatever suddenly went insane and said they wanted to kill someone, would you let them just because you love them? Most probably wouldn't, especially because they love them - they don't want them getting hurt, having blood on their hands, getting in trouble for it, etc. Hell, it could even be that it shatters someone's vision for someone's else - e.g. Mikasa's vision of a noble and good Eren, or whatever - and it could be for as selfish reasons as that. But imo it shows Mikasa still has values and agency despite loving him, which imo is a truer love as it's more genuine, less forced, less brainwash-y (if it makes sense), etc.
Yeah the ending was retarded.
Yeah, water. That's why you should only watch CHADgon CHAD
I haven't seen many anime but most of the few I've seen all have had underwhelming terrible endings. Death Note, Erased, and AOT were some of the first ones I've watched and they all had endings that were awful despite me loving watching the show till that point
Please God not Chainsaw Man
I had to explain to my retarded Chad friend why the ending was so trash. I'll put what I wrote here since I think I did a pretty good job explaining my gripes with the ending.

The main reason the ending sucked was because of two primary reasons.

A. Eren's character was retconned completely.

Eren from the very start of the show was shown to value one thing more than anything else. He yearned for freedom. He would always look at the birds flying up in the sky, and he would feel jealous. He hated being confined in the walls and wished for nothing more than to be free. He values this more than anything else, even his own family. The first episode's entire plot is literally about Eren having an argument with his mother because she doesn't want him to join the Survey Corps. He shouts at his mother and runs away from the house, with Mikasa following him. That's when you see the colossal titan appear a few minutes later.

Obviously, his mother then dies, and he is extremely stricken by grief and contempt for those responsible for killing his mother (this is important, I'll come back to it in a second). After this we all know the story that goes on from here, where he joins the Survey Corps and figures out that he can titan shift and etc.. Eren reinforces the idea that he hates being a slave through all of this, he wants to do things for himself, and he believes that he has the right to see all of the things that Armin talked about in his book from the outside world.

The show goes on and we see later that Eren figures out that the titans are just Eldians who are turned into titans, meaning that the things that he hated were just his own people this whole time. Logically, this means that the ones responsible for the suffering that he and everyone else on Paradis went through, was the outside world, since they labeled them demons and wrongly persecuted all Eldians. That's why he wishes to destroy everything in the world, because the world is against him and holding him as a slave.

Therefore, he starts The Rumbling much later and all of that. He starts The Rumbling because he knows that he has a responsibility to protect his people on Paradis, since they had suffered for so long. He knows that the rest of the world despises them and that there is no chance at peace. That thinking was only reinforced when they attended the speech that the Eldian Rights Group was giving. How even they considered the people of Paradis to be devils.

It's either that he goes forward with The Rumbling or Paradis gets destroyed. He KNOWS that peace is not possible. He looked for a way to peacefully end this conflict, but he knows that it was no use. (Also important.)

He only has two options, either he spares the world, and Paradis gets destroyed; or he literally destroys EVERYTHING aside from Paradis. There is no in-between.

So, he decides to go forward with the Rumbling even though his friends try to stop him. Zeke himself literally chains up Eren, and Eren is SO MOTIVATED that he SCREAMS and tears off his OWN FINGERS to go stop Ymir, and convinces her to instead give him the powers of the Founder titan. He tells Ymir that she doesn't have to blindly follow orders, and that she is a human, and she can make her own choices. Ymir is so moved by this that we finally get to see her eyes as she cries, finally feeling like she is finally understood.

So therefore, she makes the choice to give Eren the powers of the Founder Titan. He then goes on with The Rumbling, as it goes on, he kills 80% of humanity. Now here is where the retcon finally happens.

He then talks with Armin, and he MAGICALLY decides that he actually DOESN'T WANT ALL OF THIS AT ALL. Eren, who knew that he had a responsibility to protect Paradis, and those who suffered along with him for years upon years; decides that he suddenly doesn't want to do ANYTHING. Armin literally asks Eren why he killed 80-percent of humanity, to which Eren QUITE LITERALLY ANSWERS "I don't know."

Now, Eren has neither destroyed everything outside of the walls, nor has he chosen to spare them. He just killed 80% for no reason. And yes, Eren had the ability to actually fight off his friends, he says that he allowed them to kill him so that they could claim that they stopped Eren, and so they could go make peace with the rest of the world (???)

He KNOWS that peace is not possible. He looked for a way to peacefully end this conflict, but he knows that it was no use.

He knows that peace is not possible; yet goes on to try and allow his friends to try and make peace with the rest of humanity that's left? Dude, you already killed 80% of the world. They're not going to magically forget about that. You KNOW that they're going to want revenge, and you say YOURSELF that they have the capability to build up again and destroy Paradis.

Anyway, the dumbest part of it all is one thing. Remember that thing I told you to remember? How he wanted revenge on those who killed his mother? Well, according to the ending, he was the one who killed his mother. He literally led the smiling titan to his own mother to EAT HER.

Now for the other reason the ending sucks.

B. Ymir is extremely retarded.

Despite us literally having that entire scene with her crying and finally feeling like someone understands her, according to the ending, she actually was still not free. Nothing changed at all. Eren literally made her cry and finally feel like she was understood, yet the ending tells us that she was waiting for Mikasa to kill Eren so that she could finally feel free from King Fritz. (??????????)

Because apparently Mikasa killed the one she loved, so Ymir seeing Mikasa kill Eren was enough for Ymir to decide that she was only now free. That's actually ridiclous and maybe the dumbest way Ymir's character could have been treated.

That's the reason AOT's ending sucks. It's inconsistent
I had to explain to my retarded Chad friend why the ending was so trash. I'll put what I wrote here since I think I did a pretty good job explaining my gripes with the ending.

The main reason the ending sucked was because of two primary reasons.

A. Eren's character was retconned completely.

Eren from the very start of the show was shown to value one thing more than anything else. He yearned for freedom. He would always look at the birds flying up in the sky, and he would feel jealous. He hated being confined in the walls and wished for nothing more than to be free. He values this more than anything else, even his own family. The first episode's entire plot is literally about Eren having an argument with his mother because she doesn't want him to join the Survey Corps. He shouts at his mother and runs away from the house, with Mikasa following him. That's when you see the colossal titan appear a few minutes later.

Obviously, his mother then dies, and he is extremely stricken by grief and contempt for those responsible for killing his mother (this is important, I'll come back to it in a second). After this we all know the story that goes on from here, where he joins the Survey Corps and figures out that he can titan shift and etc.. Eren reinforces the idea that he hates being a slave through all of this, he wants to do things for himself, and he believes that he has the right to see all of the things that Armin talked about in his book from the outside world.

The show goes on and we see later that Eren figures out that the titans are just Eldians who are turned into titans, meaning that the things that he hated were just his own people this whole time. Logically, this means that the ones responsible for the suffering that he and everyone else on Paradis went through, was the outside world, since they labeled them demons and wrongly persecuted all Eldians. That's why he wishes to destroy everything in the world, because the world is against him and holding him as a slave.

Therefore, he starts The Rumbling much later and all of that. He starts The Rumbling because he knows that he has a responsibility to protect his people on Paradis, since they had suffered for so long. He knows that the rest of the world despises them and that there is no chance at peace. That thinking was only reinforced when they attended the speech that the Eldian Rights Group was giving. How even they considered the people of Paradis to be devils.

It's either that he goes forward with The Rumbling or Paradis gets destroyed. He KNOWS that peace is not possible. He looked for a way to peacefully end this conflict, but he knows that it was no use. (Also important.)

He only has two options, either he spares the world, and Paradis gets destroyed; or he literally destroys EVERYTHING aside from Paradis. There is no in-between.

So, he decides to go forward with the Rumbling even though his friends try to stop him. Zeke himself literally chains up Eren, and Eren is SO MOTIVATED that he SCREAMS and tears off his OWN FINGERS to go stop Ymir, and convinces her to instead give him the powers of the Founder titan. He tells Ymir that she doesn't have to blindly follow orders, and that she is a human, and she can make her own choices. Ymir is so moved by this that we finally get to see her eyes as she cries, finally feeling like she is finally understood.

So therefore, she makes the choice to give Eren the powers of the Founder Titan. He then goes on with The Rumbling, as it goes on, he kills 80% of humanity. Now here is where the retcon finally happens.

He then talks with Armin, and he MAGICALLY decides that he actually DOESN'T WANT ALL OF THIS AT ALL. Eren, who knew that he had a responsibility to protect Paradis, and those who suffered along with him for years upon years; decides that he suddenly doesn't want to do ANYTHING. Armin literally asks Eren why he killed 80-percent of humanity, to which Eren QUITE LITERALLY ANSWERS "I don't know."

Now, Eren has neither destroyed everything outside of the walls, nor has he chosen to spare them. He just killed 80% for no reason. And yes, Eren had the ability to actually fight off his friends, he says that he allowed them to kill him so that they could claim that they stopped Eren, and so they could go make peace with the rest of the world (???)

He KNOWS that peace is not possible. He looked for a way to peacefully end this conflict, but he knows that it was no use.

He knows that peace is not possible; yet goes on to try and allow his friends to try and make peace with the rest of humanity that's left? Dude, you already killed 80% of the world. They're not going to magically forget about that. You KNOW that they're going to want revenge, and you say YOURSELF that they have the capability to build up again and destroy Paradis.

Anyway, the dumbest part of it all is one thing. Remember that thing I told you to remember? How he wanted revenge on those who killed his mother? Well, according to the ending, he was the one who killed his mother. He literally led the smiling titan to his own mother to EAT HER.

Now for the other reason the ending sucks.

B. Ymir is extremely retarded.

Despite us literally having that entire scene with her crying and finally feeling like someone understands her, according to the ending, she actually was still not free. Nothing changed at all. Eren literally made her cry and finally feel like she was understood, yet the ending tells us that she was waiting for Mikasa to kill Eren so that she could finally feel free from King Fritz. (??????????)

Because apparently Mikasa killed the one she loved, so Ymir seeing Mikasa kill Eren was enough for Ymir to decide that she was only now free. That's actually ridiclous and maybe the dumbest way Ymir's character could have been treated.

That's the reason AOT's ending sucks. It's inconsistent
Well said. The remaining 20% of humanity isn't just going to brush off all the death and chaos Eren caused, Eren should've just killed 100% of the world except Paradis. During the credits we literally see Paradis being bombed and war starting again, Eren failed at ensuring peace on the island. What's especially stupid is that Eren knew this would happen since the founding titan let him see the future.
Well said. The remaining 20% of humanity isn't just going to brush off all the death and chaos Eren caused, Eren should've just killed 100% of the world except Paradis. During the credits we literally see Paradis being bombed and war starting again, Eren failed at ensuring peace on the island. What's especially stupid is that Eren knew this would happen since the founding titan let him see the future.
"B-but he did it so his friends could live happy lives!!!"

Ah yes, because Gabi was his friend.
"B-but he did it so his friends could live happy lives!!!"

Ah yes, because Gabi was his friend.
I wish Gabi fell off of Falco's bird titan and plummeted to her death in the final fight
It should've ended when the Rumble happened, and ending up open-ended.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned in this thread, but the author was unironically inspired by Avengers movies and other such capeshit. which explains a lot, tbqh
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The second half of the manga was very tedious (annoying) to read.
For fucks’ sake, as if Levi being short wasn’t bad enough, he also has to end up becoming crippled.
The ending is shit and retroactively destroys the rest of the manga because it revolves around women, and not some idealized version of women but rather actual bioshit women.
1. Historia settling down with the farmer who stoned her rather than thinking about her nation
2. Shitkasa acting like a total BPD femcel whore, killing the man who never gave a f about her (with her imagining he "abused" her) rather then helping him
3. Ymir being revealed to like being the king's cocksleeve since the start of the story
SnK was for over 90% of its course a work about (manly) struggle vs impossible odds and reclaiming freedom & land against apparently unsurmountable horrors just because "We were born in this world". SnK women usually just followed men, and those who couldn't grow balls usually felt remorse anyway (major example being Hitch Dreyse thirsting over the idealist Marlowe in spite of being a materialistic, coward basic bitch).
The last arc completely flips the table, making the Man (Eren) the enemy women have to defeat. And the whole cycle of hatred schtick that started everything was revealed to just be a meaningless meme created by Ymir because she wanted to see a woman killing a man. The message of the story was reduced to "women have to free themselves from abusive relationships" when it was Shitkasa having oneitis for Eren and not the other way around. But the point is the story was never about this shit lmao.
It is not a coincidence that Isayama had to retroactively turn Eren's mom into a martyr: his "bad deeds" against women weren't enough to justify the final crusade against him so Isayama had to add some spice.
Levi's mutilation, Reiner sniffing the letter, Jean becoming a non-character are also symbolic of the Man losing his power and becoming irrelevant. While Armin becomes basically top 3 important characters is due to his femininity.

Shame on me for writing so much text for this garbage.
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