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SuicideFuel [Atomic RopeFuel] SOMEONE explain how this is POSSIBLE



Brb, writing my manifesto boyos
Aug 29, 2018
This guy rocket moggs me all the way to alpha centauri and he has to settle for this????
I would get rejected by this creature..... Think about that for a sec:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:

Hand me the rope boyos:kys:
you know she was voted the ugliest girl alive? jfl

I feel so bad for her man.

I went to high school with a girl who looked like her but plus 10% bodyfat. she was truly hideous. no deformities, just as ugly as you can possibly get without genetic defects.

her older sister looks pretty good.. definitely fuckable
holy shite wtf how is this thing alive??

... volcel if you wouldn't
Smart, married a literal 1/10 so he could never get cucked.
He is not settling. You have to understand men are the nicer sex, and can sometimes genuinely overlook an abomination like her.
See how fuck up the world is, at this point we don't even have to debate the vid or care. It's seriously over !!! And i belive even he can get cucked, women are the source of all evil.
status maybe? Btw I would'nt ever be with her not even if her parents were millionaire
JFL at these comments.

Ulani217 3 years ago



louisa 4 years ago

i love how he accepts her for who she is


Of course they want men to accept women however deformed, ugly, obese etc they are but they wont even fucking accept an average man because an average male is considered a repulsive subhuman freak to them. Fuck this gay earth.
thats pretty mean bruh
It's weird because... I mean, looks aside she is also REALLY underweight. Which can only be negatively impacting her appearance o.O
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no. I genuinely do feel bad for young ugly girls. I'm always nice to them. I don't care if they've been gang banged by a whole football team. this only applies to young ugly girls cause they have a shitty life ahead of them. they'll always look up to Stacy and they'll know that they will never be the girl their boyfriend shows off and is proud to take out. she'll never be part of an instagram travel couple.. they're also generally nicer to me, but Stacies aren't exactly mean. young ugly girls have it pretty bad, though not as bad as male incels. they'll eventually get betabuxxed. idk, I can't help but think that they're not a part of any problem. just sad about the hand they were dealt in a world where its mandatory to have a 50,000ng/dl serum estrogen looking face and ass.

It's every girls dream to grow up to be instagram hoe. Something these girls can never be.
It's weird because... I mean, looks aside she is also REALLY underweight. Which can only be negatively impacting her appearance o.O
she has a disease that prevents her gaining bodyfat.
no. I genuinely do feel bad for young ugly girls. I'm always nice to them. I don't care if they've been gang banged by a whole football team. this only applies to young ugly girls cause they have a shitty life ahead of them. they'll always look up to Stacy and they'll know that they will never be the girl their boyfriend shows off and is proud to take out. she'll never be part of an instagram travel couple.. they're also generally nicer to me, but Stacies aren't exactly mean. young ugly girls have it pretty bad, though not as bad as male incels. they'll eventually get betabuxxed. idk, I can't help but think that they're not a part of any problem. just sad about the hand they were dealt in a world where its mandatory to have a 50,000ng/dl serum estrogen looking face and ass.

It's every girls dream to grow up to be instagram hoe. Something these girls can never be.

she has a disease that prevents her gaining bodyfat.
This whore is with a man 6 points above her, and you feel sorry for her? Incels can't even get a looksmatch. Death to her.
Just shows how low men standard are, if roles where reverse the female would get so much hate and criticism for dating such a subhuman. He also mogs me I guess it's over for us all
thats pretty mean bruh
How am I mean?
Sure this girls is ugly and repulsive and will face difficulties in life.
But she gets to experience love and acceptance just because she is a female.
Meanwhile I get to rot in suicical loneliness my entire life just because I'm a below average male...
FK this life
How am I mean?
Sure this girls is ugly and repulsive and will face difficulties in life.
But she gets to experience love and acceptance just because she is a female.
Meanwhile I get to rot in suicical loneliness my entire life just because I'm a below average male...
FK this life
I think you're cooler than her :)
Look at how healthy her self esteem is... Tutorial island has no challenges. Imagine those horse lips gliding up and down your cock.
i don't think they're together dude
Smart, married a literal 1/10 so he could never get cucked.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: Just kek if you think she´s not gonna fuck a chad that has a kink for deformed chicks, LUL
This whore is with a man 6 points above her, and you feel sorry for her? Incels can't even get a looksmatch. Death to her.
I'm sure her life still sucks. imagine going out looking like that. literally everyone is staring at her thinking the same thing.. "damn that bitch is fucking ugly"

If a guy was fucking a girl 6 points above him and then he got brain cancer, would you not feel bad for him ?
Literally 1/5th his looksmatch, for those trying to ascend, better start cutting your standards into oblivion.
I'm sure her life still sucks. imagine going out looking like that. literally everyone is staring at her thinking the same thing.. "damn that bitch is fucking ugly"
At least she's not fucking incel
search for it dont have a link right know
What should I type, top 10 live stream suicides?
Literally 1/5th his looksmatch, for those trying to ascend, better start cutting your standards into oblivion.
We gotta get corpses, and the grotesque kinds to
she looks dead.. how is she even walking?
I'm sure her life still sucks. imagine going out looking like that. literally everyone is staring at her thinking the same thing.. "damn that bitch is fucking ugly"
Tutorial Island man...Her life is 900% better compared to an incel
He's clearly got a fetish for people that look like her. It's why whale sized women have literally no issue finding a guy that will date them. It's no surprise, men have far higher sex drives and tend to lean into the fetish scene far more, so even Goblins like her will have a line of men willing to fuck her. There's also the 'Checkbox' mentality to it, even most normal guys would fuck a literal midget because its just something to say you've done. This attitude isn't understood by whores so they believe that they're generally considered attractive and not some fetish material.

No doubt in a few years or so she'll think she can do better and leave him. She's also got an entire subscription base of desperate cucks and people trying to virtue signal constantly telling her how wonderful she is and how she deserves anything she wants. Give it time and she'll be ignoring anyone that isn't 8/10+.
Tutorial Island man...Her life is 900% better than an incel
as opposed to chad/stacy's life being 10,000% better. her life still sucks.

I'm not debating tutorial island. I'm saying life can still suck on tutorial island and girls can have dopamine shortages on tutorial island.

its a big island
He's clearly got a fetish for people that look like her. It's why whale sized women have literally no issue finding a guy that will date them. It's no surprise, men have far higher sex drives and tend to lean into the fetish scene far more, so even Goblins like her will have a line of men willing to fuck her. There's also the 'Checkbox' mentality to it, even most normal guys would fuck a literal midget because its just something to say you've done. This attitude isn't understood by whores so they believe that they're generally considered attractive and not some fetish material.

No doubt in a few years or so she'll think she can do better and leave him. She's also got an entire subscription base of desperate cucks and people trying to virtue signal constantly telling her how wonderful she is and how she deserves anything she wants. Give it time and she'll be ignoring anyone that isn't 8/10+.

High quality post:feelsokman: high iq
"Juggernaut-law" is as real as gravity at this point :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Her looksmatch roped on his placenta.
you know guys like this rape babies or something on the side. Virtue signalling only goes so far until it gets fishy
He's just virtue signalling so he can fuck other foids who admire "his bravery" or some shit. I bet she has permitted him to fuck other foids as long as he LTRs her. Reverse cucking essentially.
SHe literally looks like a human bird
Auto ER if you get cucked by that thing.
:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope: she´d cuck me, hell negative/10 foids would cuck a 7/10 guy for gigachad because gigachad had his balls full of cum and wanted to creampie a deformed chick
Genetics is a bitch
This only proves men can genuinely like a woman outside her looks, for women this is unthinkable.

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