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Blackpill [Atomic JB Pill] SCIENTIFIC PROOF it is normal for average healthy men to find pubescent & even prepubescent females potentially sexually arousing



Dec 15, 2017
This is a post I've been meaning to make for a while but haven't because it's a challenging and provocative subject. In my opinion, this is the deepest blackpill about natural male sexuality that society wants to pretend doesn't exist. Men will deny it in public. Women will try to shame men who dare to express it. But at its most fundamental, society refusing to acknowledge this represents the public shaming of healthy male sexuality and the attempts of feminism to redefine what is "healthy" so that almost all men can be considered pathological. This cuts to the core of many hardcore feminist's beliefs - that men are fundamentally "wrong" in some way. That male sexuality is a crime just for existing. That "all penetrative sex is rape", etc. It is therefore important to address it.

I have always believed that scientific truth is greater than any one person's opinion. So I will review some of the primary scientific research on how normal patterns of male sexuality work relative to female age. My doing so does not represent any belief that any of this is "good" or "bad". This is simply a reflection of the objective truth. Truth has independent value. And it ought to be acknowledged.

How Norms of Male Sexuality Have Been Scientifically Studied
Scientific studies on the norms of male heterosexuality as they pertain to female age date back to the 70s. One of the primary ways this has been studied is with phallometry, which involves measuring blood flow to the penis to objectively quantify physical sexual arousal. Scientists have selected healthy average men from the population with no history of sexual aberrance, shown them pictures of females and males of all ages, and recorded their penile responses. Images of boys or men, or blank sheets of paper, are typically used for control purposes.

These studies have been done for two main purposes: (1) It is impossible to know what normal is unless you objectively study it, and (2) Defining normal patterns allows you to then recognize when someone is "not normal" ie. When the pattern differs. (Without a normal reference, you cannot define what is truly abnormal.)

How Male Arousal Varies With Female Age
The first major published study on this subject was "The Structure of Erotic Preference in the Nondeviant Male" (1970), and it's findings have since been replicated many times. In this primary study, 48 healthy young men of average age 20 enrolled in compulsory military service with no prior history of any mental or physical problems were selected and wired up for phallometry. Pictures were shown to these men of males and females of all ages, and their penile responses were recorded.

The results were as follows:


As you can see, the strongest penile response overall was to adult females, as one might expect. However, the response to adolescent females was almost exactly as strong as the response to adult females. It was in fact only barely less than the response to adult female. So these normal, average, healthy men were almost equally aroused by adolescent vs. adult females. Even more remarkable, the penile response to female children was around 60% of the response to adult women. The control response to males of all ages was very low.

The conclusion scientific researchers have drawn from this study and others is that it is therefore absolutely normal for a healthy heterosexual man to be capable of sexually arousal by adolescent females, and even to be capable of arousal to female children, though to a significantly lesser extent.

Deviant patterns would differ as follows: A true hebephile (prefers adolescents) might be difficult to distinguish from a normal man, since the response to adolescent and adult women is almost identical in healthy men. But a true hebephile would be expected to have a stronger arousal peak with adolescent females. A pedophile (prefers children) would be identifiable by having the strongest arousal peak to female children.

Thus the difference between normal and deviant men is not whether or not it is possible for them to be aroused by young females, but rather a matter of where their strongest arousal peak lies. This importantly tells us is that being capable of being aroused to any extent by a female child does not by itself make a man a pedophile, since 52-58% of healthy men experienced this. A pedophile is someone who experiences the strongest or even exclusive arousal from children, which is a different thing.

These findings have since been reproduced by many other studies. If you're interested in digging deeper into the field, the history of known research on this subject is summarized in this excerpt from a peer-reviewed journal article:
A series of studies in the 1970s and 1980s consistently showed that gynephilic men experience sexual arousal to prepubescent girls that is significantly greater than to neutral stimuli and to any age-group (i.e., prepubescent, pubescent, adult) of males. Freund and Costell (1970) first demonstrated that in terms of relative arousal (as measured by ccs of blood volume in the penis), gynephilic men showed the most increase to adult and pubescent females, the greatest decrease to all age categories of males, and arousal to prepubescent females falling between the two. Freund, McKnight, Langevin, and Cibiri (1972) assessed nondeviant gynephilic men using volumetric phallometry and again found greater penile responses to static images of nude females of all ages than to any of the male age-groups. Arousal even to the youngest girls (aged 6-8 years) was significantly greater than to males or to neutral images. Freund et al. (1972) created slides of specific body regions of the different age and gender groups, with results indicating greater arousal to the genitals and buttocks of young girls (aged 8-11 years) than to neutral slides. In a study examining nondeviant heterosexual and homosexual men, heterosexual men again showed significantly greater arousal to static nude images of all age categories of females than to male or neutral stimuli (Freund, Langevin, Cibiri, & Zajac, 1973). These patterns of arousal were replicated by both Frenzel and Lang (1989) and Blanchard, Lykins, et al. (2009). This pattern has been termed the “classical control profile” (Frenzel & Lang, 1989), such that as the female becomes increasingly developed and physically mature, penile responses increase accordingly in gynephilic men.

Why This Is Important
Average people generally find this truth about male sexuality too distasteful to acknowledge. This is likely because with the exception of females on Tinder who have no problems with men who rape children, most of society wants to believe that pedophiles are the darkest, most horrifying creatures imaginable. If that is true, than any physical arousal that might be provoked in a man by a child or adolescent female would also be deemed horrifying and impossible to accept.

Could average people accept that normal, healthy average men are capable of being aroused by female adolescents and even children, given that science has demonstrated this is the case? Could a woman sleep at night, knowing that her husband and father of her children might have had an erection over a female child or adolescent at one time in his life? Could she accept that if this was the case, the science suggests it would have been entirely normal?

The more I have thought about it, the more I think it's important that people confront this reality. People aren't usually interested in facts or objective truths when it comes to subjects as emotionally loaded as this. But they ought to be. In particular, the lies that people tell about what is "normal" or not for male sexuality can have serious ramifications for young men. For example, I do not think in the context of this known research, it would be appropriate to tell every man who has ever had an erection from a 14 year old girl in a skimpy outfit that there is something "twisted" about him for that experience. Raising an entire generation of men to believe they are "pedophiles" or "sick" or "demented" just for being within the normal range of healthy male sexuality is simply not the right thing to do.

What kind of world are we living in if we tell ourselves that just being born a healthy heterosexual man means you ought to be ashamed? Or hate yourself? Or pretend that you see the world in a different way than you actually do?

At it's heart, I believe that society's refusal to acknowledge that this is how men naturally work is a manifestation of the growing hatred/fear of male sexuality and movement to convince men that we are "wrong" and "broken".

How Male Age Preferences (Don't) Change With Age
Different research using online dating trends have shown that the ages of females that men find most sexually arousing don't change as men get older. Even when you are 60, you will inevitably still be jerking off (assuming you can get it up) to "barely legal" girls. You will get older, but the girls you like will never change.

This was shown in the study here. You can see that for a woman, the men that look best to her will grow older as she does:

However, for men, it never changes much at all. We like 20 year olds the best all the way down:

So we can conclude:
- Most normal healthy men are capable of being aroused by female adolescents and even children, although the preferred age of women is most often around 20.
- None of this appreciably changes as a man gets older.
- Thus we are almost ALL destined to inevitably become "dirty old men", if we aren't already.
- According to science then, "Dirty old men" = Normal old men.

Age of Consent and The Law
Again, it's important to note that everything I've discussed above pertains solely to natural biology. It has nothing to do with what is moral, or correct, or ideal for anyone to act on or indulge, even mentally. I therefore still personally believe that the appropriate age of consent lies somewhere between 14 and 18, as it exists almost everywhere in the world.

If you're trying to understand AoC laws and why I would say this, it's important to understand AoC laws were not designed based on biology. AoC laws were written by parents based on what age most parents prefer to have total control over their children until. Since most parents feel it is important for them to control their children until at least they finish high school, the most common AoC for sex with adults in the west is 16-18. This has nothing to do with what ages of woman an adult man is possibly sexually aroused by. One thing simply has nothing to do with the other.

Best Personal Practices
Reflecting on this, it might then be easy to think: "If it's normal for a man to be aroused by adolescent girls, then why not download all the JB porn I can and hit on as many teenagers in public as possible? Shouldn't that then be fine?"

This, it should go without saying, would be an extremely dangerous and stupid conclusion to come to. Just because your normal healthy male biology permits you to become aroused by girls below the AoC does not mean it's a good idea to actively indulge that aspect of your sexuality, especially not in our modern world. If you a normal man, you will have peak arousal for women >18 in any case. So you should not "need" to pursue erotic stimulation from women younger than this threshold.

Furthermore, irrespective of any morality one might apply to sexualization of females <18, it is adamantly true that in almost all countries, pursuit of pornography or sex with females of these ages is incredibly illegal and can land you in a lifetime of jail. Search on Google News "arrested for child pornography" and you can see examples of all the sad men who have ruined their lives in this way. Keep in mind also that your definition of "child pornography" and the law's may be different. In many places, any picture of any girl under 18 in a "provocative" pose, whether clothed or not, can be considered child pornography.

Agencies like the FBI keep databases of hashes (fingerprints) of all images involved in legal cases with their criminal backgrounds attached. If you download random amateur porn as a matter of habit from 4chan, you may not even know that you have "child pornography" on your hard drive. But if your hard drive ever ends up in the hands of a law enforcement agency (for any reason, even if it's an error), and they run those photos through a hash recognition process, one might be identified as a 16 year old girl and all of a sudden you are a child pornographer. They will likely prosecute you, and you will likely go to jail.

Is a boner, however normal it might be in that case, really worth that? I would say no, and I hope for your own safety you would too. As a matter of personal practice, I have therefore quit websites like 4chan years ago. I have deleted all amateur porn on my computer (because one can't be certain of age with amateur porn). I only download or keep porn from professional legal websites. If you value your freedom or not being jailed as a "pedophile", I recommend you follow the same practices.

It should also go without saying that you shouldn't hit on teenage girls either. Especially if you're incel and you know they will likely be creeped out and highly likely to report you for this behavior.

We are animals, driven by animal instincts, but we have self awareness and self control. Just because our instincts tell us to do something, doesn't mean we have to. And whether an instinct is normal or not does not reflect whether or not we should act on it. But regardless of our actions, it is important to be able to recognize what is normal. And whether society wants to admit it or not, this is normal male sexuality.
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JBs over everything. Older women (30's) are for pumps and dumps. If you are Good looking and they are rich maybe even use them as a sugah mamma.
You’re false when you said the most Western common age of consent is 18 though. In USA it’s 16, in Europe it’s 15.

Just because our instincts tell us to do something, doesn't mean we have to. And whether an instinct is normal or not does not reflect whether or not we should act on it.
I do believe it’s a good thing though for adult males, even above 30, to have relationships with teenagers though. The law might not permit it but I still believe it’s justifiable.

These teens (who may be as low as 13) aren’t kids anymore, and I’m speaking in terms of mental maturity, not only physical maturity. They’re whores who engage in promiscuity, despite self reported data saying that the average age of virginity loss might be 16 or 17.

The FBI and old hags designed an agenda to not allow grown males to fuck prime JBs. In case a relationship does take place between the two they’re quick to regard it as a “grooming” one and try to find some pseudoscience on whether the girl was “manipulated,” just because the male pursuing her is above 18.
AoC laws were written by parents based on what age most parents prefer to have total control over their children until. Since most parents feel it is important for them to control their children until at least they finish high school, the most common AoC for sex with adults in the west is 16-18.
Age of consent laws were written by used up hags and feminists. This is completely false.
Back when partners actually had the most control on their children and daughters esp. (pre 1920s), the age of consent was very low.
Modern parents don’t give a shit about their daughter being controlled. They want her having sex. They wanna let their girls fuck Chads their age left and right instead of giving them (through an arranged marriage) to a responsible grown male.
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With JBs that have decent personalities, not sluts, but that's becoming more rare
If you a normal man, you will have peak arousal for women >18 in any case. So you should not "need" to pursue erotic stimulation from women younger than this threshold.
16 is prime age imo, the only reason why 20+ year old men say or show behavior that it’s 20-22 is because society shames them if they don’t and also makes it illegal for them to actually see women under 18 naked digitally or makes it taboo/“creepy” for them to stare at teens IRL/high schools/etc. Thus they get a false perception that teenage girls are simply kids (to not mess with) and that 20 year old women are the “peak” women.
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16 is prime age imo, the only reason why 20+ year old men say or show behavior that it’s 20-22 is because society shames them if they don’t and also makes it illegal for them to actually see women under 18 naked digitally or makes it taboo/“creepy” for them to stare at teens IRL/high schools/etc. Thus they get a false perception that teenage girls are simply kids (to not mess with) and that 20 year old women are the “peak” women.

I don't think there's any evidence that that's the case. In the phallometric studies on normal men, adult females consistently beat pubescent/adolescent females, though not by a big margin.

I think that 20 is the most popular age over time because:

- It's old enough that there is full sexual maturity
- It's old enough that a girl is past the "acne and awkwardness" phase of puberty
- It's old enough that a girl is an adult in every sense and you can interact with her adult to adult
- It's young enough that wrinkles and sagging haven't set in

I think incels tend to gravitate to younger women than normal men because:

- JBs are perceived as less "used" by Chads
- Boys the same age as JBs can't MOG incel men as easily as university/adult aged men can
- JBs have less sexual history which makes them more relatable, more palatable, and less intimidating (fantasy of "purity")
- JBs have less social power which makes it easier for an incel to imagine persuading one he is "good enough"

A stronger preference for adolescents over adults would by definition make you a hebephile/ephebophile which according to studies is not the norm of adult male sexuality.
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Also @RageAgainstTDL your “preferred age” data was based on okcupid. Women under 18 aren’t allowed to be on there kek.
It’s mostly women 20 and above.
Also @RageAgainstTDL your “preferred age” data was based on okcupid. Women under 18 aren’t allowed to be on there kek.
It’s mostly women 20 and above.

Yes, but OKC allows women from 18+, and the preferred age wasn't 18. And it deviates higher than 20 (though marginally) with increased male age. 20 is a reasonable age to expect most men to prefer based on all factors listed in my reply above.

If you're aware of any studies that show differently, I'd be interested to see them. Currently, this is the evidence we have.
It's old enough that there is full sexual maturity
Full sexual maturity is above 14 usually. Breast size may increase a bit after 14 but that’s it.


It's old enough that a girl is in adult in every sense and you can interact with her adult to adult.

Massively disagree with that. You’d be crazy if you believe that women vastly mature (mentally) above a certain teenage age. Yes, parts of the brain might still grow, but most of the brain reaches “adult” levels at teenage years. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/brainwaves/the-neuroscience-of-twenty-somethings/

But again we are dealing with topics such as sex and relationships. You would be deluded if you think we require a vast amount of “adultness” to interact normally and have healthy sexual relationships. That’s cucktears logic. Adult foids all behave like children once they see a Chad.

A stronger preference for adolescents over adults would by definition make you a hebephile/ephebophile which is not the norm of adult male sexuality

Maybe in the modern world, which shames attraction to teens. I would say that ephebophilia at least is completely normal and healthy to act upon. Hebephilia is debatable.
Yes, but OKC allows women from 18+, and the preferred age wasn't 18. And it deviates higher than 20 (though marginally) with increased male age. 20 is a reasonable age to expect most men to prefer based on all factors listed in my reply above.

If you're aware of any studies that show differently, I'd be interested to see them. Currently, this is the evidence we have.
Find me the demographics (by age) of the users on okcupid...
Also, “pubescents” is usually 11-14, not most teenagers. Teens are usually post pubescents.
Even the cucks admit it


A497E17D 1DB1 4E39 AC97 472775654695
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Full sexual maturity is above 14 usually. Breast size may increase a bit after 14 but that’s it.


Massively disagree with that. You’d be crazy if you believe that women vastly mature (mentally) above a certain teenage age. Yes, parts of the brain might still grow, but most of the brain reaches “adult” levels at teenage years. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/brainwaves/the-neuroscience-of-twenty-somethings/

But again we are dealing with topics such as sex and relationships. You would be deluded if you think we require a vast amount of “adultness” to interact normally and have healthy sexual relationships. That’s cucktears logic. Adult foids all behave like children once they see a Chad.

Maybe in the modern world, which shames attraction to teens. I would say that ephebophilia at least is completely normal and healthy to act upon. Hebephilia is debatable.

Find me the demographics (by age) of the users on okcupid...

In modern women, peak fertility is in the early 20s, so yes, the female body is continuing to mature up to this point, and it is reasonable to expect that average men might then find this adult age range most attractive:

The studies showing the normal age response curve for average healthy men I posted were based around phallometry which is the study of penile responses, not social perspectives on what are appropriate or not. These responses have been consistent from country to country. There are established normal curves. And established curves for hebe/ephebo/pedo-philes as well.

The fact that the normal male phallometry also matches what we see from online dating creates consensus.

I am not interested in debating your personal opinion. These types of discussions tend to bring a whole whackload of delusional pedos/ephebes/hebes out of the woodwork, and every single one of them is always convinced that if the law was changed every guy would be banging kids, which isn't at all what the science suggests. I sincerely don't mean any personal disrespect to you by saying that. But it's something I have commonly observed in general.

If you have actually scientific proof of what you're saying, then post it. Otherwise, your opinion is worth as much to me as a rabid feminist's. Or any random Joe on the street. Opinions in general are meaningless. The scientific method is the closest we can come to actual truth. So I go based on science.
In modern women, peak fertility is in the early 20s, so yes, the female body is continuing to mature up to this point, and it is reasonable to expect that average men might then find this adult age range most attractive:

The studies showing the normal age response curve for average healthy men were based around phallometry which is the study of penile responses, not social perspectives on what are appropriate or not. These responses have been consistent from country to country. The fact that the phallometry also matches what we see from online dating creates consensus.

I am not interested in debating your personal opinion. These types of discussions tend to bring a whole whackload of delusional pedos/ephebes/hebes out of the woodwork, and every single one of them is always convinced that if the law was changed every guy would be banging kids, which isn't at all what the science suggests. I don't mean any personal disrespect by saying that to you. But it's something I have commonly observed in general.

If you have actually scientific proof of what you're saying, then post it. Otherwise, your opinion is worth as much to me as a rabid feminist's. Opinions in general are meaningless. The scientific method is the closest we can come to actual truth. So I go based on science.
The fertility of teens is actually 4% greater than that of the age group 20-24

The studies showing the normal age response curve for average healthy men were based around phallometry which is the study of penile responses, not social perspectives on what are appropriate or not. These responses have been consistent from country to country. The fact that the phallometry also matches what we see from online dating creates consensus.
Your studies literally included pubescents, prepubescents, and adults.
14+ Teens aren’t pubescents. They’re post pubescents.
The fertility of teens is actually 4% greater than that of the age group 20-24


Your studies literally included pubescents, prepubescents, and adults.
14+ Teens aren’t pubescents. They’re post pubescents.

There is a higher rate of stillbirth and other complications in women <20:



You can read the individual articles if you'd like regarding phallometry. They describe their classifications in more depth. The point of the studies was not to manipulate the outcome by warping the definitions of words, but to clearly present children, adolescents (aka pubescent), and adults (aka postpubescent) and measure the penis responses to those.

For the record, I don't think there's anything wrong with being a hebephile/ephebophile. No one chooses their sexual orientation. But I do believe that the rate of obligate hebephilia/ephebophilia (ie. Inability to be aroused by adult women and only able to be aroused by pubescent females) is likely very low. Most men can probably be aroused if they choose by any women in this range. If that's the case, you likely do yourself no benefits by indulging that side of your mind or overly buying into it.

If you can equally be aroused by adult >18 women that is perfectly legal, why subject yourself to risks of jail, ruin, and destruction by obsessing over girls that are maybe 2 years younger than that?

It seems foolish and small minded to me. Until parents wish to lower the AoC, it will never happen. Parents write laws. Parents elect politicians. Politicians are parents themselves. Childless incels have no voice in that process. So this is the world we live in. And it will continue to be the world we live in.
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No red-blooded man should feel bad about wanting fresh JB pussy, making this thread is a public service. Good job OP.
There is a higher rate of stillbirth and other complications in women <20:



You can read the individual articles if you'd like regarding phallometry. They describe their classifications in more depth. The point of the studies was not to manipulate the outcome by warping the definitions of words, but to clearly present children, adolescents (aka pubescent), and adults (aka postpubescent) and measure the penis responses to those.
Actually, most studies which talk about “complications” regarding teen girl pregnancies say that it’s mostly prevalent in women under 15 if the pregnancy isn’t properly taken care of.

Keep in mind that these “complications” are mostly based on whether a woman’s body can conceive a child, and considering that most 14+ year old women are post pubertal (wide enough hips, etc) it should be okay (generally).
No red-blooded man should feel bad about wanting fresh JB pussy, making this thread is a public service. Good job OP.
This guy argues like cucktears and is actually against the idea.
No red-blooded man should feel bad about wanting fresh JB pussy, making this thread is a public service. Good job OP.

Yeah sure. No problem. But just don't blame me if you ever act on that "want" and end up in jail.

My final point of all this is that just because it's normal to want something, doesn't mean it's a good idea to pursue it.

I want to drink Coke and eat pizza every day. It doesn't mean I do it. Similarly, sometimes I'd like to bash people's heads in. It's normal for a man to feel aggressive or violent sometimes. Again, I don't do it.

Everyone should be careful, exercise self control, and stay safe. A boner is not worth a lifetime in jail over.

If you believe the law should change, then become a politician.

Good luck convincing every parent in the world that they should let you as an adult man have sex with their children.
Yeah sure. No problem. But just don't blame me if you ever act on that "want" and end up in jail.

My final point of all this is that just because it's normal to want something, doesn't mean it's a good idea to pursue it.

I want to drink Coke and eat pizza every day. It doesn't mean I do it. Similarly, sometimes I'd like to bash people's heads in. Again, I don't do it.

Everyone should be careful, exercise self control, and stay safe. A boner is not worth a lifetime in jail over.
Also by your graph, we should pursue women around 30 since it’s safest for them to have kids.
Also by your graph, we should pursue women around 30 since it’s safest for them to have kids.

If you can provide any studies that show all the phallometric studies and online studies I posted are wrong, and that average healthy men are all actually hebephiles/ephebophiles as you would seemingly like to believe, then please post them.

Don't have any?

Then all you are providing is your opinion which as I said I have no interest in. Opinions are meaningless.

40 years of phallometric data and more recent online dating data are summarized in this thread.
If you can provide any studies that show all the phallometric studies and online studies I posted are wrong, and that average healthy men are all actually hebephiles/ephebophiles, then please post them.

Don't have any?

Then all you are providing is your opinion which as I said I have no interest in. Opinions are meaningless.

40 years of phallometric data and more recent online dating data are summarized in this thread.
Your data includes pubescents, pre pubescents, and “adults.”
Most teens are not pubescents. They are post pubescents.
Your data includes pubescents, pre pubescents, and “adults.”
Most teens are not pubescents. They are post pubescents.

The primary article was run as follows:

"The stimuii consisted of colour slides of nude males and females, representing three age groups (children 4-10 yrs, adolescents 12-16 yrs, adults 17-36 yrs) as determined from age estimates by pediatricians and anthropologists."

That coincides with the definition of "adult" for most countries' AoC.

Perhaps instead of just arguing with me about semantics for the sake of arguing, if you really care, you should go through all the citations summarized in the original post and read them yourself to see how the categories were defined.

In this study of normal men, adult (17-36) beat adolescent (12-16) females for sexual arousal. And that is considered the normal response in this field of research as it has been replicated many times since.
Look, I want to give you an article (the article itself has various studies and citations listed and conducted a similar study to yours), but you’ll criticize it since it’s URL is literally “ipce.info” something like that.
Shows that at least 80% of men are ephebophiles
The primary article was run as follows:

"The stimuii consisted of colour slides of nude males and females, representing three age groups (children 4-10 yrs, adolescents 12-16 yrs, adults 17-36 yrs) as determined from age estimates by pediatricians and anthropologists."

That coincides with the definition of "adult" for most countries' AoC.

Perhaps instead of just arguing with me about semantics for the sake of arguing, if you really care, you should go through all the citations summarized in the original post and read them yourself to see how the categories were defined.

In this study of normal men, adult (17-36) beat adolescent (12-16) females for sexual arousal. And that is considered the normal response in this field of research as it has been replicated many times since.
Only a portion of the “adolescent women” were post pubescents though (14-16), yet the outcome was still as close.
Look, I want to give you an article (the article itself has various studies and citations listed and conducted a similar study to yours), but you’ll criticize it since it’s URL is literally “ipce.info” something like that.
Shows that at least 80% of men are ephebophiles

The definition of an ephebophile is a man who has a stronger sexual response to adolescents than to adult women. I am aware of no phallometric studies that have demonstrated this to be the default in the general population.

However, all studies have shown most normal men can be aroused by adolescents to almost the same degree as by adult women.

This again is my point. For average men, the sexual arousal by adult women is only slightly greater than by adolescent females. Thus most men can be similarly aroused by both adolescents or adult women.

If a roughly equal arousal is possible by both groups of women, why fixate on the illegal aged females who can land you in jail for dozens of years just for having a single picture of one on your computer?

Why not recognize that that would be foolish, and focus instead on the females 2-3 years older that look fairly similar and are perfectly legal?

I don't think most men could even reliably tell the difference between a 16 and an 18 year old. And even if they could, it wouldn't be like they're two different species to distinguish.

From the phallometric data, the rate of obligate ephebophilia (ie. unable to be aroused by adult women, only can be aroused by adolescents) is likely very very low, since the overlap between arousal from adult women and adolescent women is so great.

Most likely, if a man has developed that condition, it is due to psychological factors like the ones I listed above (considering adult women "used up", fetishizing the "purity" of adolescents due to being incel, etc.) and not biological inborn factors. And again, if this is the case, you have a choice and can make smarter decisions.
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From the phallometric data, the rate of obligate ephebophilia (ie. unable to be aroused by adult women, only can be aroused by adolescents) is likely very very low, since the overlap between arousal from adult women and adolescent women is so great.
Yes I agree with you. Most men are sexually aroused by women with tits and asses, and your study even showed them being attracted to 12-13 year olds. Hebephilia or ephebophilia isn’t defined as “only being attracted” to pubescents or teens. It’s literally defined having attraction toward them. And above a certain age (imo, should be 13), I believe it should be legal to marry them, maybe fuck them at like 14 since western foids have wide enough hips at that age to conceive a healthy kid.

Obviously what you said is followed by most people already since we don’t wanna get tyroned. But either way, I believe that there reaches a reasonabl age where it should be legal (you seem like a low enforcement agent tbh). Parents dgaf about their teen daughters fucking Chads. If they were wise enough like they used to be for most of humanity under patriarchal times they’d send their virgin teen daughter to a grown male instead of letting her be promiscuous.
Yes I agree with you. Most men are sexually aroused by women with tits and asses, and your study even showed them being attracted to 12-13 year olds. Hebephilia or ephebophilia isn’t defined as “only being attracted” to pubescents or teens. It’s literally defined having attraction toward them. And above a certain age (imo, should be 13), I believe it should be legal to marry them, maybe fuck them at like 14 since western foids have wide enough hips at that age to conceive a healthy kid.

Obviously what you said is followed by most people already since we don’t wanna get tyroned. But either way, I believe that there reaches a reasonabl age where it should be legal (you seem like a low enforcement agent tbh). Parents dgaf about their teen daughters fucking Chads. If they were wise enough like they used to be for most of humanity under patriarchal times they’d send their virgin teen daughter to a grown male instead of letting her be promiscuous.

No, that's not the definition of the terms, and that's exactly the point of this thread.

It's normal for most men to be capable of sexual arousal from seeing female adolescents or even children. But that does not mean most men are pedophiles. The scientific definition of pedophilia is having a GREATER degree of arousal from children than from any other age group. The same applies for hebephilia and ephebophilia with their respective ages.

This article for example used phallometry to successfully separate out pedophiles from hebephiles based on their different response curves:

This distinction is important because it's the entire point - being capable of experiencing a boner over a female child or adolescent is normal for most men based on science and that does not make you a pedophile.

Once we can agree on those terminologies and that point, then the only thing we disagree on is why society treats AoC the way it does and whether it will change. I believe parents allow same age Chads to fuck their daughters because they know there is no law they can enact to stop it. If they could stop their kids from being sexually active at all, many would. But they can't. What they can do is restrict the ages of potential partners, so at least they don't have to find out 40 year old Jerry from work is the guy banging their 15 year old daughter.

Imagine yourself as a parent. I doubt you would rather find out your 50 year old boss has started porking your grade 7 daughter instead of some equal age weasel in her class. That's how most parents look at it, so that's the law we are stuck with. I don't think it will ever change. To change it you'd have to convince an entire nation full of parents that you as an adult should be able to have sex with their kids. Like I said - not going to happen.
Matriarchal societies had JB fucking as well, so feminists nees to stop with the whole 'patriarchy makes men pedophiles' crap.
Definition of AOC is also related to the historical stresses Western 'Civilisation' has gone through, eg millions of men dieing in WW 1+2, causing more women to look after themselves, higher wducation requirements for jobs because imperialism exports capital to oppressed countries, etc.
What they can do is restrict the ages of potential partners, so at least they don't have to find out 40 year old Jerry from work is the guy banging their 15 year old daughter.

Imagine yourself as a parent. I doubt you would rather find out your 50 year old boss has started porking your grade 7 daughter instead of some equal age weasel in her class. That's how most parents look at it, so that's the law we are stuck with. I don't think it will ever change. To change it you'd have to convince an entire nation full of parents that you as an adult should be able to have sex with their kids. Like I said - not going to happen.

The law wasn’t pushed by parents. It was pushed by feminists who were jealous about teen girls receiving success more than them

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The reason why most brainwashed American parents think like that is because the culture here is so Puritan on the issue. Whereas in Western Europe and obviously Islamic societies (when we’re talking about marriage), it’s more open.

I would be totally fine in letting a 40 year old man marry my 15 year old daughter, obviously if he’s financially secure and all.
Regarding childbirth mortality, here are the stats from a cucked site (https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bits...154099902762203722.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)

Results: Rates of infant mortality are substantially higher for 15-year-olds (8.1/1000 live births) compared with 16–17-year-olds (6.3/1000 live births) and 18–19-year-olds (5.4/1000 live births).

This is what these cucktears are calling “substantially higher” kek just because the dividing number is significant (1.5 times higher).

They don’t consider the fact that these rates are completely low and these differences aren’t important at all. If the rate for women 15 and under was 2/1000 and that of 18-19 women was 1/1000 the cucks will go crazy at the “2 times higher-100% greater” difference. It’s ridiculous.
The law wasn’t pushed by parents. It was pushed by feminists who were jealous about teen girls receiving success more than them

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The reason why most brainwashed American parents think like that is because the culture here is so Puritan on the issue. Whereas in Western Europe and obviously Islamic societies (when we’re talking about marriage), it’s more open.

I would be totally fine in letting a 40 year old man marry my 15 year old daughter, obviously if he’s financially secure and all.

Here's the thing about political lobbying. ANYONE can do it. The people that succeed are the ones who push agendas that the general population is comfortable with.

Nathan Larson has tried to get elected on a platform of legalizing pedophilia:

Do you think he will be successful? Obviously not because most people don't want that.

Most parents consider it one of their primary goals in raising adolescents to delay the kids' first age of sexual activity as long as possible:

If you tell a typical male or female parent that their 14 year old daughter is having sex they are more likely to flip out than say "Oh good, well I hope it's with an older suitor so we can marry her off and get her out of the house". Ask a typical man how he would feel if you told him his 13 year old girl was fucking a 30 year old man. His blood will immediately boil at the cuckery.

That older perspective only existed when women were considered functionally useless. Now most parents want their kids of both genders to spend 4-10 years in university and become engineers or get a PhD etc. Having sex at young ages with any type of partner is considered a parental failure because it counts as degeneracy like boozing or weed use.

So while feminists might have pushed for it, parents have been all willing to do anything they can to suppress heir children's sexuality and that continues to be the case. No parent is pushing their kid to be sexually active at a younger age. They're all trying to find ways to delay it as far as possible.

An entire movie which was immensely popular was recently released on this premise, and this was about girls graduating high school:

If you want to move public sentiment you have to understand where it truly is and why. Parents are the primary politicians and voters in this world. How they want policy run is what decides it. Not Nathan Larson. Not hebephiles/ephebophiles. As long as most parents don't want their 13 year old kids fucking in any capacity, no one is going to change any laws to more broadly permit it.
I don't think society denies that men can be excited by female teenagers and children. It rather says that you should be able to exert mental control on your body urges. Very interesting write-up nonetheless.
That older perspective only existed when women were considered functionally useless
Women need to return as the property of their fathers and then there needs to be a transfer of property. Change the culture from within first, slow steps.

you tell a typical male or female parent that their 14 year old daughter is having sex they are more likely to flip out than say "Oh good, well I hope it's with an older suitor so we can marry her off and get her out of the house". Ask a typical man how he would feel if you told him his 13 year old girl was fucking a 30 year old man. His blood will immediately boil at the cuckery.

Most parents are liberals want their teen daughters having sex with teen Chads, not just with average males who are older because of the halo effect. A typical man is cucked and would allow his daughter to be fucked left and right as long as it’s with a man she “loves” or some shit. That’s how cucked American society has become. Instead of marrying the teen daughters to a grown male who cares for her they want them to ride the carousel. They aren’t conservatives anymore.
We need a dictatorship that’s taken by force
It rather says that you should be able to exert mental control on your body urges

I’m still not convinced why it’s bad to act upon your instincts if your attracted to teens (which most men are), if the law were to be changed for ex.
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Women need to return as the property of their fathers and then there needs to be a transfer of property. Change the culture from within first, slow steps.

I’m still not convinced why it’s bad to act upon your instincts if your attracted to teens (which most men are), if the law were to be changed for ex.

I don't believe in objective morality. It doesn't exist. All morality is individual, subjective, and depends on the precise circumstances. Therefore I'm not someone who wants to argue about morality.

Nathan Larson believes that it is possible for a man and a child to have a loving sexual relationship without harm to the child. Is this possible? The ancient Greeks agreed with him Modern society thinks this concept is "sick". Are we right and they wrong? Or vice versa? The fact that morality changes faster than evolution suggests it's largely a social construct.

Morality plays two roles in decision making:

1) A person must be comfortable with their own actions and be able to live with themselves for their own behavior (internal morality).
2) Group morality, or the consensus morality of society, is codified into law, and if you want to live in the society, you must then abide by that law.

So Nathan may feel it is totally fine for him to want to have sex with his toddler daughter. And it is his right to feel that way. There is no such thing as thought crime (yet). But society has decided this is not permissible and laws have been written against it. If he wants to stay in group society, he must follow the group morality.

The problem with your ambition to change society's perspective on AoC is it's almost guaranteed to fail. You keep reflecting on olden times when men married off their daughters like property as soon as possible. This was done because females in those times were completely useless. They had no value. They were just another mouth to feed. So the parents were happy to be rid of them ASAP.

This is not how our modern world works. Women today are dramatically more valuable then men. Their SMV is so high they can auction their virginity for hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have higher rates of university education than men. So why wouldn't parents want to protect them and keep them to themselves?

Your notion that average parents are "happy" when their 8th grade daughter is getting plowed by Chad is ridiculous. I have seen no such thing online or in real life. Parents are always trying to delay and cockblock as much as they can. Most parents would be happy if their kids never had sex until at least 17-18. If there was any practical way to use the law to stop young kids from fucking each other at all, most parents would be happy. They want their kids studying and doing kid's stuff, not fucking and catching herpes at 14 years old.

To convince people to lower the AoC, you'd have to convince the parents of most 13 year old girls that their daughter's life would be better if a 25+ year old man was fucking her. You are simply not going to be able to do that. Her virginity alone is worth 6 figures. What are you offering for it? The fact that you have a job? Big deal. There's good odds she'll be making more than you in 20 years. That you can provide a home? She can stay with her parents until she's set up and then get her own.

You have nothing to offer that is going to be worthwhile here. You can't win that battle.

So whether you find it moral or not to have sex with that 13 year old girl is irrelevant. You need to convince the parents, and not only her parents, but most parents in general. Because group morality, ie. the law, is the main thing that dictates what we can or can't do.
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The problem with your ambition to change society's perspective on the morality of when a girl should be able to have sex with an adult man is it's almost guaranteed to fail
Only in modern society because parents are cucked.

You keep reflecting on olden times when men married off their daughters like property as soon as possible. This was done because females in those times were completely useless. They had no value. They were just another mouth to feed. So the parents were happy to be rid of them ASAP.

Yes, and we should return to this. Females shouldn’t have any educational value.

Your notion that average parents are "happy" when their 8th grade daughter is getting plowed by Chad is ridiculous. I have seen no such thing online or in real life. Parents are always trying to delay and cockblock as much as they can. Most parents would be happy if their kids never had sex until at least 17-18. If there was any practical way to use the law to stop young kids from fucking each other at all, most parents would be happy. They want their kids studying and doing kid's stuff, not fucking and catching herpes at 14 years old.

Most liberal parents don’t, at least for women 14-16. I live in a liberal state and can confirm this. They want their daughters to freely explore their sexuality or some BS like that. If parents really didn’t want their daughters to have sex then they wouldn’t approve them to attend classes that teach about sex education. I was literally in a class like that in 9th grade, and the parents approved all of their kids to attend (you had the option as a parent to say no and restrict your children from attending).

To convince people to lower the AoC, you'd have to convince the parents of most 13 year old girls that their daughter's life would be better if a 25+ year old man was fucking her.

You keep using the term “fucking.”
Yes, a daughter’s live would be far superior if she married a 25 year old man who was loyal, was more financially secure, reasonable, responsible etc. (it would benefit both parties) instead of her getting pumped and dumped by teen Chads left and right (oh and don’t repeat these static responses that parents don’t want that- I explained how that’s false, at least in liberal states).

What are you offering? The fact that you have a job? Big deal. There's good odds she'll be making more than you in 20 years

Females shouldn’t be able to work in my opinion, at least when they’re married to a husband. Instead of marrying at 30 or at 25 after getting education to work, they should directly raise a family, and there’s no reason to wait until a certain older age.

You need to convince the parents, and not only her parents, but most parents in general. Because group morality, ie. the law, is the main thing that dictates what we can or can't do.

Take away a woman’s right to education. Here’s another interesting thread


Regarding “fertility” it’s probably not that different, but why wait until 20, let’s say, for a woman to get married if my society would not even allow her to have a job when she gets children?
This just confirms what I've already said many times - it's normal to fuck 13/14 yo jb. In times of arranged marriages, 14 years was the girls age when her father gave her to her new owner. It was a perfect system
AoC laws were not designed based on biology. AoC laws were written by parents based on what age most parents prefer to have total control over their children until. Since most parents feel it is important for them to control their children until at least they finish high school, the most common AoC for sex with adults in the west is 16-18.
Cope. They still don't have control over them even with the laws. Nothing is stopping their whore daughters from fucking teenage chads, and even chads in their 20's. The only thing the law does is stop sub6's from fucking them.
We are animals, driven by animal instincts, but we have self awareness and self control. Just because our instincts tell us to do something, doesn't mean we have to. And whether an instinct is normal or not does not reflect whether or not we should act on it. But regardless of our actions, it is important to be able to recognize what is normal. And whether society wants to admit it or not, this is normal male sexuality.
Jfl if you think this cucked society is normal. You would't be calling it normal if foid were treated the same way.
Women need to return as the property of their fathers and then there needs to be a transfer of property. Change the culture from within first, slow steps.

Most parents are liberals want their teen daughters having sex with teen Chads, not just with average males who are older because of the halo effect. A typical man is cucked and would allow his daughter to be fucked left and right as long as it’s with a man she “loves” or some shit. That’s how cucked American society has become. Instead of marrying the teen daughters to a grown male who cares for her they want them to ride the carousel. They aren’t conservatives anymore.

We need a dictatorship that’s taken by force

I’m still not convinced why it’s bad to act upon your instincts if your attracted to teens (which most men are), if the law were to be changed for ex.
Funny they never tell foids to suppress their instincts.
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Topics like this only give us a bad name in my opinion.
we already have a bad name
But what I mean is it gives people fuel to make out that this is the reason for our incledom I.e. “incels are all paedos bro. That’s why they can’t get girls”.

I am not attracted to prepubescent girls and don’t want to be generalised into being thought of this way.
But what I mean is it gives people fuel to make out that this is the reason for our incledom I.e. “incels are all paedos bro. That’s why they can’t get girls”.

I am not attracted to prepubescent girls and don’t want to be generalised into being thought of this way.
Some incels are into feet, some are into milfs, and others are into lolis. They can't put all incels in one box. But incels are one of the only groups who are brave enough to have objective discussions about jb's.
If you aren't attracted to high-quality jail bait you are sick not the other way around. Again another thing Islam is blackpilled on.
But what I mean is it gives people fuel to make out that this is the reason for our incledom I.e. “incels are all paedos bro. That’s why they can’t get girls”.

I am not attracted to prepubescent girls and don’t want to be generalised into being thought of this way.

This has nothing to do with incels specifically or why most men are incels. It is a summary of all the scientific evidence on the natural patterns of male sexual arousal. According to scientific research at least 52-58% of normal healthy men are arousable by pictures of naked prepubescent females and almost all are arousable by pubescent and adult women.

This is conventionally accepted in the scientific field as a "normal arousal response". The formal term for it is the "classical control profile".

The fact that you consider this disturbing and fear it will give you a "bad name" if people are aware of it is exactly my point. People and society as a whole are not aware that this is the natural pattern of healthy male sexuality, and they don't understand that this does not make 52-58% of men pedophiles.

In short, don't blame me for the way the male sex drive works. This research field is far older than me. And the research has been consistent across decades and various countries. The fact that you feel we as men should need to bury and silence this research speaks volumes about how male phobic our society has become.

I personally don't believe any science should be buried as long as it is conducted in a valid and reproducible way. Science is the closest thing we have to objective truth in this world. And this is simply what the science says.
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"*Gasp!* That can't be right! I hate Jared from Subway more than anyone!!
Virture-signaling shit-heads"

I personally don't believe any science should be buried as long as it is conducted in a valid and reproducible way. Science is the closest thing we have to objective truth in this world. And this is simply what the science says.
Hear hear! The most important science to dissemenate is that which challenges our pre-conceived world views.
Only recently have people expressed concern. When you look at the whole timescale of things throughout history, this "perverse" ideology has only been enacted in a period of less than 1% throughout our biological history.

Remember, freakin Jerry Seinfeld in his TV prime (almost 40) fell for and was dating a 16/17 year old girl and no one really had a problem with it. Imagine the field day if it happened today?

Also, a lot of the most iconic and popular songs ever written were about underage girls. That super annoying "Sweet Caroline" is about a 12yr old girl... actually, they say the girl wasn't even 12 yet when it was written.
Topics like this only give us a bad name in my opinion.
Agree. Fucking pedos, gtfo of this forum. You're not incel, because you're ugly, you're incel because you want to fuck children. Fucking disgusting. Ffs..
I don’t care if it’s natural. It’s also natural that women hate ugly men, but that doesn’t make it okay.
Ever since my high school oneitis got pumped and dumped by a 6’5 college chad I have had nothing but hatred for pedos.

Incels are never even pedos, jb would not touch us in a million years. YEt we get blamed for the actions of chads and chadlite as usual.
Agree. Fucking pedos, gtfo of this forum. You're not incel, because you're ugly, you're incel because you want to fuck children. Fucking disgusting. Ffs..

Have you actually read the thread or just the title? This thread is about scientific studies that describe the natural penile responses of healthy average men to naked pictures of females of all ages. Penis response is an involuntary. If 52-58% of healthy men get a penile response to a photo of a prepubescent female child, that is neither "their fault" not does it imply they "want to fuck children". It's simply an involuntary response that is considered scientifically normal.

Similarly if >90% of healthy normal men have a penile response to naked pictures of adolescent females this does not necessarily mean they want to fuck these girls either.

The entire point of this field of research is that the healthy normal male sex drive can respond to almost the entire age range of females. That's just science. Pretending our biology doesn't work this way does not change the reality. This is therefore important to acknowledge.

However, as I have said I believe that at least based on our current culture morals (ie. Laws), this is something that is equally important for men not to indulge. Whether an individual believes our biology is working correctly or not in this regard, the laws are clear, and pursuing this drive has a high probability of resulting in a lifetime of imprisonment.

So either we as men must exercise self control, or the laws must be changed to better match our natural biology. That is for society to decide as a whole. It's certainly not my decision to make.
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This is old news, like thousands of years old news. Why on earth modern day normies think wanting to fuck a 15 year old girl is "pedophilia" is beyond me, probably because of CP laws.
This is forbidden knowledge.
It is normal for me to want my neighbor's Cadillac. It's only a crime if I act on it.
I do think parents(both mothers and fathers) of young children should be the ones in control of deciding what the age of consent should be through voting or as elected officials. I do not view the current system as a failure in that sense.

What is natural for men is not necessarily what's right for society. Society controls our urges to use violence, as well as our sexual urges where they may do harm.

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