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Discussion at what age it is officially over ?



mentally ill
Mar 25, 2024
i think in 2024 if you are a khhv at 20 it is truly over. imagine being a khhv + aspergers like me in 2024 brutal
Im 24 and KHHV
Yes something around 20+ is over

Especially id you're isolated, have no friends, no social circles to meet women.

at what age it is officially over ?​

If your born into horrible circumstances, its over at birth.
If your born into horrible circumstances, its over at birth.
yes but according to the normies? at what age it is going to bother them if they ask you ?
I think reaching your mid 20s while still being a KHHV is the point of no return. You're just missing too much experience. All kinds of experience.
Same fucking question, every fucking day GrAY

Same fucking question, every fucking day GrAY

this is the first time i asked this question
He was talking generally, not just about you, GrAY mong. This shit has been asked a million times, use your brain and look at older threads if you really want answers. Or do you just want attention
After your early 20s is over.
There are different stages of over but is definitly over at 40.

20-maybe you will have luck in university
25 -maybe you will have luck to get someone at your job
30 -maybe you can go to cooking classes or dancing ones and have luck there

At 40 it's very very hard and even If you ascend the traumatism of the past will hunt you forever.It will suck the soul out of you.Its too late to matter anymore.
18. By that age you are supposed to have decent working and sexual experience, so you won't become an outcast or modern slave and you have a chance to have a good relationship. You will most likely suffer more or less for the rest of your life almost at every aspect in your life if you fail these during your teen years.
Missing out on teen love is something you will never recover from, but you can still ascend. I would say it's over at 30+. If you reach 30 and are still a virgin you will likely remain that way for life, especially now as we enter extreme hoe-flation and runaway hypergamy. Every year is harder than the last.

I'm a KHHV in his 30s. Truecels like me are rare. Most guys on this forum will ascend. OP will likely ascend.
No such thing as a certain age. Either it has always been over or it has never been over.
No such thing as a certain age. Either it has always been over or it has never been over.
True, but if someone is not aware of this by himself, he should still realize that something is deeply wrong if he still hasn't lost it by the end of the first year at uni for instance.
Though in my defence I knew it was over at 12
from the moment of conception
I think 23-ish is when you could call it over. Thats when you are expected to have some experience.
as soon as you finish puberty, barring any serious deformities
17-18 is already loser territory
Exactly. Al these people saying it’s not over until you’re a KHHV in your mid twenties are coping. If you hit 18 and have no experience, you are left in the dust. Heck, I felt like a loser at 17 as a KHHV because I saw almost everyone in relationships. It’s going to be very hard to ascend once you leave high school as a lonely loser. Your teenage years ARE your formative years that set the trajectory for the rest of your life. If you were a lonely loser with no friends or gf during high school, that’s pretty much how the rest of your life will likely play out. If you had a good friend group, had a gf, and were happy in your teenage years, then the rest of your life will probably continue like that.
At 18 you'll know if you're genetically disabled. Your only future is betabuxxing or inceldom
I saw a post on Reddit once where this guys sister said he was 16 and never had a gf, never talks to girls, and only has guy friends. She thought he might be gay. Some people literally just assume you’re gay if you don’t have experience after a certain age. They can’t imagine that you are a regular straight guy who wants a gf badly but can’t get one. Like, is it that fucking easy for normies to get girlfriends? Once you hit 16-17 and have zero experience, some damage is already done. I’d say at 18 it’s truly over and there is no recovering even if you do ascend somehow. Once you hit 19, it just seems to get even worse and it’s almost impossible to ascend. Even if by some miracle a girl was attracted to me now and was flirting with me, I’d fumble it because I’m a dummy with no experience. You can’t just spawn social skills you never got a chance to learn. “You are forever orphaned by the teenage love you never had”.
Exactly. Al these people saying it’s not over until you’re a KHHV in your mid twenties are coping. If you hit 18 and have no experience, you are left in the dust. Heck, I felt like a loser at 17 as a KHHV because I saw almost everyone in relationships. It’s going to be very hard to ascend once you leave high school as a lonely loser. Your teenage years ARE your formative years that set the trajectory for the rest of your life. If you were a lonely loser with no friends or gf during high school, that’s pretty much how the rest of your life will likely play out. If you had a good friend group, had a gf, and were happy in your teenage years, then the rest of your life will probably continue like that.
This is going to be a very controversial take but I noticed people really started bullying me bad in third grade but teachers still were okay to me to an extent or at least ignored me it wasn't until teachers started bullying me with the kids at 9 10 years old so I personally think that men hit the wall at 10 it's over if you don't have any friends or liked by anybody at that age I was bullied by everyone I'm surprised I haven't decided to commit suicide already nothing has changed in my life has gotten a lot worse I just want to die already

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I saw a post on Reddit once where this guys sister said he was 16 and never had a gf, never talks to girls, and only has guy friends. She thought he might be gay. Some people literally just assume you’re gay if you don’t have experience after a certain age. They can’t imagine that you are a regular straight guy who wants a gf badly but can’t get one. Like, is it that fucking easy for normies to get girlfriends? Once you hit 16-17 and have zero experience, some damage is already done. I’d say at 18 it’s truly over and there is no recovering even if you do ascend somehow. Once you hit 19, it just seems to get even worse and it’s almost impossible to ascend. Even if by some miracle a girl was attracted to me now and was flirting with me, I’d fumble it because I’m a dummy with no experience. You can’t just spawn social skills you never got a chance to learn. “You are forever orphaned by the teenage love you never had”.
I agree with the idea that you lack social skills and can't really catch up, but I don't think you as a person are fundamentally damaged after a certain age, unless you count being bitter about wasted time.
I'm 35yo and based on my experience, it's over at about 30yo. Around ~27yo is when you can start to feel the end is approaching.

You can usually accurately predict a person's trajectory around ~16yo with accuracy improving up to around ~20yo. Usually at ~20yo you know whether by the end of ~30yo it'll be failure or if you have a decent chance of success.
I agree with the idea that you lack social skills and can't really catch up, but I don't think you as a person are fundamentally damaged after a certain age, unless you count being bitter about wasted time.
That's mostly true, but if you've been rotting in loneliness long enough during your formative teen years, it just kind of creates a void in you that can never be filled completely. The youtuber Rehab Room once said something like, "There will always be a hole in your soul; a dark corner in your mind calling you no matter where you go." Another good quote I heard somewhere else was, "You are forever orphaned by the teenage love you never had." I do agree that you aren't necessarily going to turn into a bad person, but you are likely to struggle a lot more with self esteem and depression.

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