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Assuming the alt right are correct on jews wouldnt they be the most empathetic race

Jews in their own and the average stormfronter's mind:
Screen 3

Jews irl:
Download 2

Supposedly the Jews were the cause of feminism and women's rights know would that imply they care?.

Think about it they were trying to give rights to women of this part of the conspiracy is right then it would imply Jews are a kinder race.

The mass immigration thing would also imply their kinder as they are trying to help people from very low standard countries and trying to elevate them up.

Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.

If Jews really are cause of all this aren't they the most empathetic race out their?
Jews are not a race lol
Mel brooks totally looks like lee corso

They are barely even a religion. More like a rich person club
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The above could be summed up as: "Missing the point: The Post".

It does NOT benefit us to have Israel as an ally AT ALL.

We should be isolationist as we were from our founding and not busy trying to be "world police" which only brings unnecessary problems our way as well makes us mass murderers for corrupt Jewish interests to boot.

The Jewish middle eastern wars are illegal and immoral and if you go along with them that makes YOU a cuck.

Genuine strong alpha men resist that which is EVIL and IMMORAL and the Jews are EXACTLY THAT.

The Jew wars also consume vast quantities of our nation's wealth which should instead be used on infrastructure that would benefit the American people such as hospitals, roads, bridges, etc, etc.

Overall the take home point from my response to you here is the British/US enabling of Jews to steal the Palestinians land has only produced world wide hostility towards whites/Americans when had we not been manipulated (and or taken along for the ride by corrupt elites within our own race) to follow them/help them in their plans we'd be at peace with not only the muslim world but every other race in the world today. Well for all intents and purposes it would be called "peace" anyway as I know even if Jews did not exist we'd still need a standing military so as to protect us from and watch out for threats from abroad.

Lastly our "greatest ally" was behind both the USS Libety and 9/11 false flag attacks against our nation.

I wouldn't exactly call that friendship or a beneficial relationship of any sort.

Beneficial to only Jewish and race traitor white elites perhaps but to literally no one else.

The bottom line is without the Jews and their malicious intent we'd be far better off as a country in a countless number of ways from health, wealth to overall happiness and quality of life.

As Dr. Pierce so aptly put it: "The Jews ARE our misfortune".


So what if he did? Jews play both sides of an issue to fool the stupid goyim into thinking they are against eachother and thus that Jews can be genuinely on opposing sides of things which is supposed to make us stupid goyim feel safe and that "they are just like us" but the reality is that they are only one one side ie their own and all that they do is to fool us, corral us and control us to their desired end goals.

Not sure what you're trying to say with the second part of your post? The wording is damned confusing. Arabs communists? What??

No. There is only ONE kind of Jew and that is the Jew that seeks to dominate over and control the goyim. Their preferred ideology to do this with is unrestrained Communism as they had in the Soviet Jewnion where they could go around rounding up and slaughtering millions of whites and dumping our corpses into football sized fields after shooting us in the back of the head in various small rooms, the activity of which was known as "wet work" due to all the blood that stained said small enclaveareas with a little drain in the floor for the blood to flow into.

The point however is they'll use whats available to them at the time to best control whatever target population (usually white) that they intend to rule over hence we've got soft cultural Marxist communism in the US which they hope to eventually grow to the unrestrained variety over time which is why these SJW shitheads have started appearing over the last few years ie "the long march through the institutions" allowed Jews and their useful idiots to gradually creep into higher education/academia and corrupt the minds of the next batch/generation of American youths as ex KGB officer Uri Bezmenov pointed out was to happen about 30-40 years before it actually did happen.

They are human shaped parasites.

This is as I've long said and lamented about...

Whites and apparently even non whites alike simply do NOT understand psychopathy in any way sense or form as a whole/group collective.

Nor do you/my fellow whites (as a group) understand Jewish group evolutionary strategy and how they evolved over time to get over on people ie fool them via their use of language.

They developed incredible language skills during their time in the middle east over the eons haggling, buying and selling as well probably in hiding their schemes and what they were really up to from the "stupid goyim".

To explain things for you better.

When a Jew talks about "human" rights he is really only speaking about his fellow Jews.

This is simply something whites/non whites do NOT understand and probably never will about them.

When the Jew you mentioned talked about "european culture" and or advancing it he was really talking about Jewish culture.

Yes the word goyim doesn't specifically mean "cattle" it means "nations" but since Jews have said that all non Jews are akin to being their mere cattle "goyim" manages to mean "cattle" in a de facto sense.

Anyway to those in the know about the Jews different use of language, we've long correctly compared them to the Saruman character from Lord Of the Rings as in the books it was said that Saruman had a silver tongued voice that was irresistable to the masses ie it meant he could manipulate anyone easily just by his voice, just by talking to them, just like a Jew can, etc, etc.

Also the whole "Saruman of many colors" phrase attributed to his character in the book probably also serves as a good analogy how Jews will play whatever role they are required to play to best blend in and not stand out in their host society.

The Jewish meaning of "progressiveness" simply means degeneracy as evinced by the degenerate and thoroughly corrupt Weimar Republic before the rise of Hitler where Jews would pimp out 12 year old girls to the highest bidder and where debauchery, drunkness and promiscuity were the norm. Sound familiar? It should since Clown World is basically Weimar 2.0 or a Neo Weimar so to speak.

The movie "Cabaret" sums up quite well the corruption of German society under Jewish influence at that time.

As for your list of theorists all that it proves is that whites have a lot of traitors in our own ranks which is something myself and no other pro white racialist would ever even think of denying.

Yet if these are theorists on Communism it just goes to show something I've always said and that is Jews are experts on white psychology ie they know our psychological weaknesses (and that of other races) almost instinctively/inherintely and go about exploiting them to the nth degree.

Whites deep down would like a fair world where everyone is the same, gets the same things and everyone gets along and communism promises them that pie in the sky fairytale just like Christ insanity before it promised a different kind of "brotherhood of man" and whites lap this Jewish slop right up.

Its the chase after the impossible dream you see.

Whites or at least whites that are intrinstically drawn to communism can't simply give up the idea and come to terms with the fact that the human species ie neither our race nor non whites is up to the task of creating a Communist government that does not turn into an open and unabashed tyranny. Its sadly just not in our nature but try telling a true blue (or rather red) communist devotee that and they'll simply fire off the old platitude of theirs that "real communism hasn't been tried yet!"

Sane people's reply to that tired old response:

Yes its been tried and it failed because it goes against human nature.

Race mixing benefits NO ONE.

Race mixing= dysgenics defined.

On AVERAGE when you mix a white with a black and get say a mixed race half black son what you GENERALLY end up with is simply a more intelligent and capable CRIMINAL.

How does that benefit society?

Well I suppose you COULD argue that it creates jobs.

I mean with tons of this type being born every day the need for police, medical personal, psychologists, builders, more prisons to house the soon to be criminals in etc increases along with the need to get qualified people to train more of these professionals to contain the mixed raced menaces to society as well repair all that they destroy constantly as is their nature.

>>Jews created modern leftism via first creating Christ insanity with which they mentally enslaved the white race and used our natural military might to conquer the world for them. <<

Christians/Christian zionists would not exist as a religious/political group had Jews not plagiarized Christ insanity into existance to begin with from the Roman's earlier Mithra religion (among other earlier religions) to manipulate large numbers of whites to do their bidding through the brainwashing of this shitty cult of their design.

All nations leaders talk with and make deals with eachother when and where they deem appropriate. Its natural and is suggestive of nothing nefarious.

Says the Jews.

The truth is Hitler loved the German people and nation.

Yeah, he was a real piece of shit. Not surprised the Jews used him as their puppet figurehead. Though I believe eventually they had a Jewish prostitute kill him (poison I think?) when it was shown he was not going to remain meekly under their control and was becoming dangerous to their interests.

I believe he was talking about the slave morality brought into the world via Christ insanity which basically propagandized the "good samaritan" idea that we all (but usually in practice just whites specifically) should look out and care for non whites "others" even if its to our own detriment to do so. Self sacrifice is big in the cross cuck cult incase you haven't noticed via all the dumb white bitches who get killed year after year venturing into Booly land (Ape-freaka) only to be raped and slaughtered by the "colored brothers" they were attempting to save by giving free food and money to. None of these moronic Christian missionary whites will ever get the message that alchemy spiritual or otherwise simply does not work ie you cannot change a nigger into a human being by putting it into a suit and opening books (the Bible in this case) at it.

If they were a true master race they would've accomplished this entirely on their own but they didn't.

As parasites they couldn't.

Here is a quote from Hitler to explain things for you better than perhaps I ever could:

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone."

>>It does NOT benefit us to have Israel as an ally AT ALL.<<

1 Isreal is sign of american presence within foreign nations that benefits us as we stay at the top and our ideals of freedom spread this is what the founders wanted to expand liberty everywhere.

2 In terms of permanency it has been doing it's job well it was originally was a bull wark against communism know it's a bull wark against Islamism in terms of beneficality to us we gained ideologically.

<<We should be isolationist as we were from our founding and not busy trying to be "world police" which only brings unnecessary problems our way as well makes us mass murderers for corrupt Jewish interests to boot.>>

1 I don't particularly care what the founders thought exactly their long dead and gone and their opinion should not be respected in a modern day audiance as their ideas widely out dated.

2 the founding fathers were not isolationists in a permanent context their were specific policies that was meant to buy america time this means nothing on the permanence of those policies its just the context the founders were in.


<<The Jewish middle eastern wars are illegal and immoral and if you go along with them that makes YOU a cuck.>>

Buddy you no right to call me a cuckold when your defending the other side the dictatorial twats in these other nations.

Lets take the iraq war at max 150 thousand died a violent death mean while


Mean while this dictator alone killed nearly 900 k people


This mad man broke international law by attacking a nation unjustly and in a sense of conquest.

We have tons and tons of evidence of the evil shit this fucker did don't dare call me a cuckhold for refusing to bow down to a genocidal tyrant.

<<The Jew wars also consume vast quantities of our nation's wealth which should instead be used on infrastructure that would benefit the American people such as hospitals, roads, bridges, etc, etc.>>

We build these foreign nations up for nations up for a couple of reasons.

1 it helps bolster defense of that country that helps us expand our influnce onto that part of the world.

2 We want as many just form of government out their and we don't want genocidal maniacs over their and Israel is fighting every ffs their in a war that's why they get the most.


Also just so you know isreal isn't actually the country getting most donated to it's arabs mainly.

<<Overall the take home point from my response to you here is the British/US enabling of Jews to steal the Palestinians land has only produced world wide hostility towards whites/Americans when had we not been manipulated (and or taken along for the ride by corrupt elites within our own race) to follow them/help them in their plans we'd be at peace with not only the muslim world but every other race in the world today. Well for all intents and purposes it would be called "peace" anyway as I know even if Jews did not exist we'd still need a standing military so as to protect us from and watch out for threats from abroad.>>

1 Palestinians enjoy equal rights as jew's.Also i don't give a flying fuck what dictators think about us these people send their own people to the gas chambers ffs i care about what will help them and so far intervention while it has caused tempoary suffering means that the people can know build them selves up again.

2 This seems like disgusting appeasement your willing to suck dictators dicks rather than looking at allies to help squash them dictats isreal is a foreign arm of the us in the middle east and it shows by the policies their.

<<Lastly our "greatest ally" was behind both the USS Libety and 9/11 false flag attacks against our nation.>>

The dude literally had a fatwa written agaist the us this dude was known to be clincally insane are you seriously suggesting this dude couldn't have done 9/11 ?


He hated us for supporting Isreal he had literal things written down about killing us lmao if you think it was the jew's though.

<<Beneficial to only Jewish and race traitor white elites perhaps but to literally no one else.>>

Dude we benefit from all this mainly cause our influence expands and more people become well off know why is that good ? well the more free the world gets the less wars you get the more innovation you start getting and slowly but surely the more the standards of living rise for everyone.


The thing quote mines hard falsifies quotes and infers stuff from quotes that were fabricated sigh no surprise here.

But even to grant that premise that yes the Talmud says really bad things vast majority of jew's are are secular and the ones that do practice the faith are traditional jew's their not the ultra religious type.


This is very important because even if the Talmud did say that the book it quotes is so obscure most jew's don't even follow it and the ones that do are such in a minority that it might as well not even be an issue and some of the book qouted aren't even proper talmud accepted books by scholars.

>>So what if he did? Jews play both sides of an issue to fool the stupid goyim into thinking they are against eachother and thus that Jews can be genuinely on opposing sides of things which is supposed to make us stupid goyim feel safe and that "they are just like us" but the reality is that they are only one one side ie their own and all that they do is to fool us, corral us and control us to their desired end goals. <<

Okay let's look at what communism is for a second.It's a form of government where the means of production is owned by a centralized hierarchy where everyone is equal and no one is above the other.

Know what have jew's historically been known for ? commerce why do you think they were hated by other people especially the soviets i mean the jew's were such great communists even though their culture and reilgion were literally forcefully changed making them literally secular but communism is so pro jewish right.

NVM the fact that the only reason hitler opposed the jew's was cause they were prosperous and he needed an excuse to kill no it was cause the jew's were a vermin onto larger society.

<<Not sure what you're trying to say with the second part of your post? The wording is damned confusing. Arabs communists? What??>>

Their was a soviet influence in that region at that time it's why i am pro American Imperialism it's a moral act rather than a nationalistic act i don't by into the idea that we should benefit at the expense of others i think we should gain and the other side should also gain.

If we are to intervene we want to make it quick and we want to make sure both sides benefit.

>>No. There is only ONE kind of Jew and that is the Jew that seeks to dominate over and control the goyim. Their preferred ideology to do this with is unrestrained Communism as they had in the Soviet Jewnion where they could go around rounding up and slaughtering millions of whites and dumping our corpses into football sized fields after shooting us in the back of the head in various small rooms, the activity of which was known as "wet work" due to all the blood that stained said small enclaveareas with a little drain in the floor for the blood to flow into. <<

Oh my boys down at moscow loved the jew's so much they seized synagouges and forced secularized the entire jewish state my boi's down at moscow loved russia so much that they emigrated out of the soviet union.

Also as for the claim jew's caused this why would jew's want to kill roughly 82500 of their people ? cause roughly 1.1 percent suffered from the holocaust ? further more this is going by higher estimates the number narrowed down to 7.5 million dead the lesser estimates is at 3 percent to 3.5 so even if this were true why would jew's kill their own.

If jew's think the goyim mean nothing and jewish life paramount to them why would they toss out 82500 lives ? i don't think you understand how large that is that's almost an small community so why would jew's want this ?

<<The point however is they'll use whats available to them at the time to best control whatever target population (usually white) that they intend to rule over hence we've got soft cultural Marxist communism in the US which they hope to eventually grow to the unrestrained variety over time which is why these SJW shitheads have started appearing over the last few years ie "the long march through the institutions" allowed Jews and their useful idiots to gradually creep into higher education/academia and corrupt the minds of the next batch/generation of American youths as ex KGB officer Uri Bezmenov pointed out was to happen about 30-40 years before it actually did happen.>>

1. The cultural Marxists mentioned only a handful were jew's.

2 I have seen YURI BEMEZNOV'S work he was talking about soviet influnce at that fucking time what he was saying does not apply to day we don't have literal communist states any more.

3 I love you brought Bemeznov up cause he would have called you a use full idiot for dictators he has defended us imperialism many a time.

4 The very fact that your blaming jew's on Marxism when Marxism Literally denounces religion and forces secularization is a bold pile of dishonesty. IF their are cultural Marxists their not jew's their Marxist professors.If you watch him you will see the KGB don't need to do much really they have use full idiots marxist idealists often to preach for them.

They don't do a single thing they let you fire a shot on your own foot.

<<They are human shaped parasites.>>

Why so far you have spewing bullshit from very biased sources even the thing you post wasn't even in reference to jew's and no longer applies to day.

<<This is as I've long said and lamented about...

Whites and apparently even non whites alike simply do NOT understand psychopathy in any way sense or form as a whole/group collective.>>

1 Human beings aren't collectives were individuals you have no right to complain about Ukrainians that died if your not treating those dead as individuals. Nor do you have any right to moral superiority if you don't treat those alive as individuals.

By this i mean human beings don't look to further their race in terms of group thoughts but they seek to live their own live.

2 Entire groups of people aren't psycopathic intrinsically especially not the Jew's.

>>They developed incredible language skills during their time in the middle east over the eons haggling, buying and selling as well probably in hiding their schemes and what they were really up to from the "stupid goyim". <<

1 Those living in Jewish states are equal under the law that is something you don't find in the rest of the arab states even Palestinians.

2 This seems to support economic anti antisemitism


Assumption 1 all jew's are wealthy is simply not true.

Assumption 2 on jew's being greedy and stingy

>>The average annual Jewish household donates $2,526 to charity yearly, far more than the $1,749 their Protestant counterparts give or the $1,142 for Catholics, according to data from Giving USA <<

Lets do some simple math here the average population of jew's in Isreal is roughly 6.5 million so i will round down.

To 6 million so 6mx2526=15156000000

That kinda falsifies the thesis that jew's are greedy.

3rd assumption is debunked here.


4 TH assumption 2nd part were all materialists some what we like to pretend were spiritual beings but were not were very phyical the fact that their materialistic is a good thing not a bad.

2ND point profit isn't intrinsic to the faith but charity is however it is also not immoral to make profit.

5TH That goes agaist the torah which the jew's have to follow and jew's belive if you don't follow the torah you lose light in gods eyes.


I could carry on but i feel like i have dragged on for 2 fucking long.

So far every single claim has been conspiratorial nonsense that a 12 second google search could have falsified half of your claims.
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I couldn't help but appreciate the irony in light of the subject at hand (Israel), that your response was posted at 9:11 am, Eastern Time :feelswow:

Joking aside, dude, we can't even follow half what you wrote in that last post. The lack of punctuation and run-on sentences are ridiculous. Some quick items before getting to the main point:

-Your original question supposes that Jewishness is racial. You literally asked "wouldn't (jews) be the most empathetic race". Now you're trying to pivot and say it's all this other stuff. No.
“Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race.”-Rabbi Stephen Wise, Rabbi & Zionist leader
"The Jews are divided into two categories, those who admit they belong to a race distinguished by a history thousands of years old, and those who don’t. The latter are open to the charge of dishonesty."-Nahum Goldman, Founder of the World Jewish Congress
-You said the Arab population increased in Israel. The statistic you provided is from Rosh Hashanah 2019. I referenced Blompf's declaration that Golan belongs to the Jews, which happened well after Rosh Hashanah 2019. So no as well. To claim that Arabs there aren't second class citizens is to ipso facto show profound ignorance of the subject.

The main point is this though. Your OP questions whether or not Jews are in fact a kind and loving race because they promote feminism :whatfeels:, inter-marriage and massive immigration from other parts of the world. The bottom line, is that they don't do this crap in their own country, yet they promote it in ours. This should cause one to ask some hard questions as to why this is. Immigration is selective and is reserved for Jews in Israel. They don't take in any of the poor people from other low standard of living countries, yet they push it in ours. Marriage to non-Jews is discouraged through cultural pressure and organizations such as Birthright Israel, yet it's endlessly promoted in the media and entertainment here in an effort to make it an acceptable cultural norm.

They do this for a reason. From their perspective, it keeps their heritage and culture in tact. It keeps the fabric of their nation in tact.They do it because they know that inter-marriage and clusterfuck immigration over time reduces group solidarity and makes nations financially and culturally weaker. You're insane if you think America and Europe have become better places in recent decades as a result of this stuff.

No one benefits from race mixing; not whites, blacks, Asians, or anyone. If the endless wars for Greater Israel weren't continually taking place, those who are now refugees would be living in their country rather than being displaced into others. It would be a win for them and a win for the societies that are struggling to absorb them on a number of levels. And feminism...you can't be serious, right?

Jewish 'morality' differs greatly from that of a Christian, Islamic, or eastern societies. Jewish 'kindness' is really Jewish cleverness. It is not kindness in the sense that other peoples around the world think of it. Jews only practice kindness toward their own people and they themselves, admit this. They think of things as "what's good for the Jews", not "what is good for (insert the USA or European country they are living in)".

I don't understand why you are defending Israel so ardently. Are you Jewish yourself? I'm not going to pile on you personally if you are.

That said, if you are not Jewish, that's a shame. For one to stand up for a group of people that thinks of you as a form a livestock, as noted in their own teachings and traditions, is unbelievably cucked. I hope you will see the light.
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JFL if you think jews aren't a race
JFL if you think jews aren't a race
I too will never get people who claim Jews aren't a race, something the Jews themselves boast about all over the place. Drives me insane. :feelsree:
I too will never get people who claim Jews aren't a race, something the Jews themselves boast about all over the place. Drives me insane. :feelsree:
Then they pretend to be white when it suits them
Then they pretend to be white when it suits them
Exactly. Especially when they can use their 'whiteness' to sink us. Chameleonmaxxing is what they do.

All these Hollywood or (((Michael Bloomberg))) types confessing their faux 'white privilege' nowadays comes to mind as a recent example. Saboteurs, pure and simple.
Exactly. Especially when they can use their 'whiteness' to sink us. Chameleonmaxxing is what they do.

All these Hollywood or (((Michael Bloomberg))) types confessing their faux 'white privilege' nowadays comes to mind as a recent example. Saboteurs, pure and simple.

Meanwhile these goys defend them on incel forums :feelskek:
Meanwhile these goys defend them on incel forums :feelskek:
LOL, seriously you can't make this stuff up! The brainwashing is so thorough in some. (((They))) literally facilitated the creation of clown world and made our state in life possible in the first place!. Gah! :feelsgah:
Sephardic jews are the best, kill the Ashkenazis.
Then they pretend to be white when it suits them

The late Jew Mike Wallace did this during an interview he did of Louis Farrakhan the Nation Of Islam leader a long time ago.

I believe the quote of Wallace's went something along the lines of this after Farrakhan most likely called America out for being historical exploiters and enslavers of blacks.

"B-but minister I'm not a white man, I'm a Jew and historically we have been persecuted just as badly as blacks if not moreso".

What a laugh.
I couldn't help but appreciate the irony in light of the subject at hand (Israel), that your response was posted at 9:11 am, Eastern Time :feelswow:

Joking aside, dude, we can't even follow half what you wrote in that last post. The lack of punctuation and run-on sentences are ridiculous. Some quick items before getting to the main point:

-Your original question supposes that Jewishness is racial. You literally asked "wouldn't (jews) be the most empathetic race". Now you're trying to pivot and say it's all this other stuff. No.

-You said the Arab population increased in Israel. The statistic you provided is from Rosh Hashanah 2019. I referenced Blompf's declaration that Golan belongs to the Jews, which happened well after Rosh Hashanah 2019. So no as well. To claim that Arabs there aren't second class citizens is to ipso facto show profound ignorance of the subject.

The main point is this though. Your OP questions whether or not Jews are in fact a kind and loving race because they promote feminism :whatfeels:, inter-marriage and massive immigration from other parts of the world. The bottom line, is that they don't do this crap in their own country, yet they promote it in ours. This should cause one to ask some hard questions as to why this is. Immigration is selective and is reserved for Jews in Israel. They don't take in any of the poor people from other low standard of living countries, yet they push it in ours. Marriage to non-Jews is discouraged through cultural pressure and organizations such as Birthright Israel, yet it's endlessly promoted in the media and entertainment here in an effort to make it an acceptable cultural norm.

They do this for a reason. From their perspective, it keeps their heritage and culture in tact. It keeps the fabric of their nation in tact.They do it because they know that inter-marriage and clusterfuck immigration over time reduces group solidarity and makes nations financially and culturally weaker. You're insane if you think America and Europe have become better places in recent decades as a result of this stuff.

No one benefits from race mixing; not whites, blacks, Asians, or anyone. If the endless wars for Greater Israel weren't continually taking place, those who are now refugees would be living in their country rather than being displaced into others. It would be a win for them and a win for the societies that are struggling to absorb them on a number of levels. And feminism...you can't be serious, right?

Jewish 'morality' differs greatly from that of a Christian, Islamic, or eastern societies. Jewish 'kindness' is really Jewish cleverness. It is not kindness in the sense that other peoples around the world think of it. Jews only practice kindness toward their own people and they themselves, admit this. They think of things as "what's good for the Jews", not "what is good for (insert the USA or European country they are living in)".

I don't understand why you are defending Israel so ardently. Are you Jewish yourself? I'm not going to pile on you personally if you are.

That said, if you are not Jewish, that's a shame. For one to stand up for a group of people that thinks of you as a form a livestock, as noted in their own teachings and traditions, is unbelievably cucked. I hope you will see the light.

<<I couldn't help but appreciate the irony in light of the subject at hand (Israel), that your response was posted at 9:11 am, Eastern Time :feelswow:>>

Fucking brilliant i'll cheer to that shit my post did 9/11.

>>Joking aside, dude, we can't even follow half what you wrote in that last post. The lack of punctuation and run-on sentences are ridiculous. Some quick items before getting to the main point:<<

True tbqh however i find it hard to do punctuation in general mainly cause my sentences are so long.

>>-Your original question supposes that Jewishness is racial. You literally asked "wouldn't (jews) be the most empathetic race". Now you're trying to pivot and say it's all this other stuff. No.<<

My original post didn't clarify my full stance on what jew is i never said i accepted jew as a racial epithet either i was giving it for the sake of argument that assume these 3 arguments are right in intent wouldn't they be the most empathetic.

>>1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration. <<

Your argument shifted that to jew's not doing it in their own home country which is isreal itself.My argument then clarified what these people mean by jew.How they measure paternal ancestry and also it clarified that jew isn't a correct racial epithet but more of a mono racial epithet.

My original stance was originally to support the original claim that jew's in general had more empathetic tendencies overall.You changed arguments a little bit when you started arguing about their own home country which is a separate argument.

To which then i clarified what was being specifically spoken to as i defined jew as a tripartite thing and so do these people.Which you then chose to use to mean interchangeable to mean ethnicity must be the same as faith.

Which is indicated by the link you sent showing where they were trying to stop Jewish women from trying to breed with Arab men however when looking at the article you can see the reason was religious reasons rather than ethnic reasons.

Which indirectly correlated with their ethnicity but it was never the ethnicity that caused it it was rather religious reasons.

So it was never a racial thing to begin with.The most likely reason is cause of religious conflict and the fact that religion tends to cause marriage issues.

Assume for the sake of argument these 3 premises are true.
1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.
4 If Jew's support feminism and women right's it's out of benevolence and the fact that they are trying to help minority groups.
5 Race mixing is the only form of positive eugenics cause it allows the foids to choose the best looking of any race and breed with them adding to gene diversity creating overall less incels.
6 Mass immigration helps us indirectly helps create more jobs and is overall a positive benefit to society economically speaking atleast in the long run.
C1 Jew's overall are the most empathetic.

R1 Their pro immigration for everyone else.
R2 Jewish is a genetic thing (which is some what agree with)
R3 If Isreal is so pro immigration why do they expel so many other immigrants.)
R4 Race mixing is discouraged within is real.
R5 BLOMF Says gloan heights belong to Israel.
RC1 Israeli's aren't the most empathetic race.

RE 1 We can see Immigration within the Israeli region is increasing in general and not all are ethnic jew's their coverted jew's doing aliyah or their workers.


That implies 1 specific thing immigration is actually accepted their and is rising contrary to popular belife.

RE 2 while i agree jew is a genetic thing i do not think it's a mono racial thing you can trace a paternal ancestor back far enough to see evidence of conversion to judaism but that remains same for all races it's not like Ashkenazim are the only jew's.

RE3 I will need further context as to why they reject some immigrants however for the Syrians i can safely say they are at war and whilst at war you don't allow people from the enemy side in.Unless of course they have lived here for years.And if you do you double check their back ground.

RE4 By the state yes however you yourself admitted most jew's don't care and are more than willing to race mix in fact they do most jew's in that arab link are actually secular and breed out.

RE5 I actually support that fuck SYRIA in general the people are better of under netanyahu than fucking Bashar the butcher period.

REC3 Jews are still a moral people.

>>-You said the Arab population increased in Israel. The statistic you provided is from Rosh Hashanah 2019. I referenced Blompf's declaration that Golan belongs to the Jews, which happened well after Rosh Hashanah 2019. So no as well. To claim that Arabs there aren't second class citizens is to ipso facto show profound ignorance of the subject. <<

NVM their does seem to be a bunch of international law violations i wasn't aware they detain without due process so the state of is-real has unjust parts never the less it is not a ethno state this and it's not Jewish people doing this it's the government of is-real itself.

This i begrudgingly admit is a fair criticism that needs to be addressed.If an entire ethnic groups rights are being suppressed then the state is a immoral 1 at that.That being said this is a valid criticism levied against Israel that it is colonialist and not imperialist know i'm pro imperialism cause i like the idea of universal natural rights world wide but i don't like colonialism cause it uses state evil to support it's own interests.

That being said Their are also human rights violations by their own goverment that also needs to be addressed.


Honestly if we carry on what were doing and we set up puppet states that act in the interest in human rights and freedoms then that seems to be the better solution that that also helps strengthen an anti assad agenda as the bastard is a genocidal monster.

>>The main point is this though. Your OP questions whether or not Jews are in fact a kind and loving race because they promote feminism :whatfeels:, inter-marriage and massive immigration from other parts of the world. The bottom line, is that they don't do this crap in their own country, yet they promote it in ours. <<

Every single thing you said turned out to be hugely misinterpreted minus the colonial tendencies of Israel so i see 1 bit of hypocrisy.

>>Immigration is selective and is reserved for Jews in Israel. They don't take in any of the poor people from other low standard of living countries, yet they push it in ours. <<

That's wrong the largest amount of immigration was from Ukraine and Russia these are very poor nations in terms of rought living conditions.

>> Marriage to non-Jews is discouraged through cultural pressure and organizations such as Birthright Israel, yet it's endlessly promoted in the media and entertainment here in an effort to make it an acceptable cultural norm. <<

1 marriage to non jew's is discouraged by the Government not the people as you yourself admit. When it uses the term non jew's it is specifically talking in context in a religious context as Arabs are off a different faith and interfaith marriages don't often work out.

2 The Birth right is-real doesn't actually discourage race mixing if you read it is simple about jew's discovering their heritage this implies


It is not a state sponsored thing either apart from some funding from Germany but that is mainly cause of negotiating compensation for the holocaust.The rest is funded by rich private philanthropists.


Also they count converted jew's as of same status as ethnic jew's this is important because when the Israeli governments or any governments want to encourage birth rates they don't look at it as a ethnic or racial level but off a religious level or a national level in this case it's religion.

>>They do this for a reason. From their perspective, it keeps their heritage and culture in tact. <<

I wouldn't mind this for Germans if voluntary philanthropists decided to create a program to discover German or British Heirtage it's not like i'm agaist that just don't make other states pay for it unless they are victims of a holocaust so the Russians would have to pay Ukrainians.

Also don't do it based on a racial level as the Jewish 1 certainly doesn't it does it on a religious level mainly for the Germanics i wouldn't mind their to be voluntary programs showing those of a Germanic heritage to discover their roots at the same time though don't encourage it specifically for any racially superior reasons.

The Jewish program isn't even to say jew's are superior it's literally just to help jew's discover their heritage.and if it isn't a state based thing and it is happening voluntarily of off peoples own volition and their is no coercion where is the issue here please point it out.

<< It keeps the fabric of their nation in tact.They do it because they know that inter-marriage and clusterfuck immigration over time reduces group solidarity and makes nations financially and culturally weaker.

1. Okay as i showed most immigrants are from comparable 3rd world nations.

2 What do you mean by intermarriage this is very specific here and it seems to be a subtle Bait and switch when jew's mean intermarriage they mean intermarrying of faiths.They don't mean it in a racial sense mean while the sense your using it is seems to be in a racially motivated sense which the Jewish ones is not.

3 most the cluster fuck of immigrants polled were white.


Also as i just said what is wrong with mass immigration how does it makes any country worse off ?

Are we looking at short term consequences or long term?

<<you're insane if you think America and Europe have become better places in recent decades as a result of this stuff.>>

I mean we can compare the standard of living rises within other poorer nations to see were better of today than ever before.

What caused it ? is capitalism and so far every where seems to be getting richer also.

The highest amount of immigrants in proportion to their own population is the Arab states and contrary to popular belife the countries polled are very high on the index of economic freedoms are doing very well financially.


The higher the immigrant rate the richer the country know this may just be a correlation not a causation to which i simple respond with sure but when we look at the scales of ecanomic freedom the richest countries tend to score higher on the index of economic freedom suggesting immigration doesn't hurt us culture but actually benefits us in general.

Also the culture thing immigrants have brought tons of things to us in general culturally speaking 1 good example would be asa Yoelson


The dude transformed the 20th century in the music field so much more immigrants adding nothing to culture.

>>No one benefits from race mixing; not whites, blacks, Asians, or anyone <<

Hugely disagree here i don't belive in racial nationalism or anything based on that i don't believe in a loyalty to ones race creed or ethnicity so tell me again what do we lose from race mixing i can tell you how ethnics win.

Mainly cause whiter genes ends up creating more sexy children the caucasoid skull is the sexiest skull out their to date why would you not wanna spread those genes.

. >>If the endless wars for Greater Israel weren't continually taking place, those who are now refugees would be living in their country rather than being displaced into others. <<

Know the Government helped take down a despotic tyrant did it destablize it for a while yes however it also gave the people freedom that's some thing we don't praise.


Know what we should be doing is not leaving that place but building it up this is how destabilized nations fall to terrorism and despotism we should do what we done to japan to syria build it up.Also the deaths done by us were down by accident the deaths done by this evil bastard was on purpose.

Over 85000 people were killed in cold blood with torture not innocent accidents deaths in ill intent.


How are these wars for greater isreal and not a humanitarian thing ?

>>It would be a win for them and a win for the societies that are struggling to absorb them on a number of levels. And feminism...you can't be serious, right? <<

1 What do you mean societies that are struggling to absorve the immigrants in relation to the host population the US UK CANADA these places still have majority their own host demographics.Meanwhile arab states are doing very well economically but not only that but they have higher amounts immigrants in proportion to their population.

2 As said before Israel immigration rate is higher today and the vast majority immigrants from ukraine and russia very poor 3RD world nations.

>>Jewish 'morality' differs greatly from that of a Christian, Islamic, or eastern societies. Jewish 'kindness' is really Jewish cleverness. <<

>The average annual Jewish household donates $2,526 to charity yearly, far more than the $1,749 their Protestant counterparts give or the $1,142 for Catholics, according to data from Giving USA <<

Lets do some simple math here the average population of jew's in Isreal is roughly 6.5 million so i will round down.

To 6 million so 6mx2526=15156000000

In terms of financial contributions their much more moral in terms of their governance in comparison to these to other states in the middle east they are much more kind.

>>I don't understand why you are defending Israel so ardently. Are you Jewish yourself? I'm not going to pile on you personally if you are.

That said, if you are not Jewish, that's a shame. For one to stand up for a group of people that thinks of you as a form a livestock, as noted in their own teachings and traditions, is unbelievably cucked. I hope you will see the light. <<

No I defend jew's cause they are pro eugenicists like myself being pro race mixing genetically is more pro eugenics as we know the caucaus skull is the most sexy skull that is why the next generation we need to create a superior breed of human.

Supporting foids to breed with subhuman whites rather than encouraging the best looking of the white race to breed with a large number of ethnic women is dysgenics to the core.

Know if your worried about the white birth rate all i say is like no one is stopping the white birth rate lmao.My idea though was to have the best looking of the white race to breed with Bengali women gook women nigger women so you get very good looking children and then for those good looking men to reproduce with their own kind this way literally everyone benefits.

Then my idea would be to put government programmers to stop subhuman whites subhuman gooks bengalis and niggas from reproducing.Know that is not to say they can't enjoy sex they just couldn't reproduce the only people that could reproduce would be european nordic men with ethnic women.

Amazon product ASIN 1569808023
Fucking brilliant i'll cheer to that shit my post did 9/11.

Which is indicated by the link you sent showing where they were trying to stop Jewish women from trying to breed with Arab men however when looking at the article you can see the reason was religious reasons rather than ethnic reasons. Which indirectly correlated with their ethnicity but it was never the ethnicity that caused it it was rather religious reasons.
They are directly correlated. The religion serves the race. If some normie goy idiot wants to convert to the religion, they can attempt it (if the Rabbi even lets them), but they're going to be mogged the entire time by Jews who straight up tell them they aren't real Jews. Real Jews have Jewish blood.

Assume for the sake of argument these 3 premises are true.
1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.
Agree with these.

4 If Jew's support feminism and women right's it's out of benevolence and the fact that they are trying to help minority groups.
No, it's to destroy majority groups and ultimately the minority ones as well. If Jews are supporting feminism and women's rights out of 'benevolence', that argument implies that women require benevolence as a result of being treated unfairly. I disagree wholeheartedly. Women had a very honorable position in pre-clown world society and society was much better off with them in that position. Society is not better off with women working, whoring around, etc.

5 Race mixing is the only form of positive eugenics cause it allows the foids to choose the best looking of any race and breed with them adding to gene diversity creating overall less incels.
What!?!? You think foids should choose the best looking of any race and breed with them? That's exactly what they are doing now. They are running amuck and fucking as many Chads as humanly possible whom they find to be "best looking". We know this has lead to the complete breakdown of western society from firsthand experience. You areliterally arguing for your own inceldom. That's so cucked. I can't even believe I'm arguing this point on an incel forum :feelsclown: :feelsrope:

6 Mass immigration helps us indirectly helps create more jobs and is overall a positive benefit to society economically speaking atleast in the long run.
No it doesn't. A woman from Central America and her six kids coming into the US creates zero jobs. It creates seven welfare recipients.

RE 1 We can see Immigration within the Israeli region is increasing in general and not all are ethnic jew's their coverted jew's doing aliyah or their workers.
Hareetz admits even the immigrants who aren't considered 'real Jews' by the Rabbi's "are Jews" in fact, as they are coming via the Law of Return (meaning they have Jewish blood).

Those the Rabbi's consider Jewish untermensch are those not of the Ashkenazi subtype. Keep in mind that's the DNA strand they are testing for. Jews have a racial superiority system even within their own race fyi. JFL at Russian Jews who come to Israel, but aren't the right kind of Jew to receive first class citizen treatment :lul::lul::lul:

RE4 By the state yes however you yourself admitted most jew's don't care and are more than willing to race mix in fact they do most jew's in that arab link are actually secular and breed out.
I never said most Jews don't care about race mixing. They want the racial 'superiority' they themselves brag about to continue.

RE5 I actually support that fuck SYRIA in general the people are better of under netanyahu than fucking Bashar the butcher period.
Butcher? More like victim of Israeli false flags. And besides, what goes on in Syria is none of Israel's business. They are just looking for an excuse to expand their territory. Just like they wanted to do in Lebanon until Hezbollah kicked Bibi's ass back to where it came from.

That's wrong the largest amount of immigration was from Ukraine and Russia these are very poor nations in terms of rought living conditions.
Russia and Ukraine are not third world countries.

The Birth right is-real doesn't actually discourage race mixing if you read it is simple about jew's discovering their heritage this implies. It is not a state sponsored thing either apart from some funding from Germany but that is mainly cause of negotiating compensation for the holocaust.The rest is funded by rich private philanthropists.
Dude, 27% of the funding comes from the government of Israel. It says so right on their website. The people at Birthright even admit that Jews who go on these trips marry fellow Jews at higher rates than those who don't. There's a definitive bonding aspect to it:

“Because our main goal at (Birthright) is to strengthen Jewish identity and bring Jews closer together, we consider it a privilege that we’ve allowed hundreds of couples to meet and build Jewish homes around the world. This is also in line with the findings of a study by Brandeis University that showed Birthright participants are 45 percent more likely to marry Jewish spouses.”-Doron Karni, vice president of international marketing for Birthright.

I wouldn't mind this for Germans if voluntary philanthropists decided to create a program to discover German or British Heirtage
Those who run the west would never allow this. Jews want other peoples to be ashamed of their heritage.

The Jewish program isn't even to say jew's are superior it's literally just to help jew's discover their heritage.
It is state sponsored by Israel. The Jews claim they are superior to everyone else all the time. Clearly you are not familiar with their concept of 'Jewish exceptionalism' at all.

3 most the cluster fuck of immigrants polled were white.
No, they are Hispanic. Read the next paragraph of the website.

I mean we can compare the standard of living rises within other poorer nations to see were better of today than ever before.What caused it ? is capitalism and so far every where seems to be getting richer also.
Rich ((((investors))) are getting richer. Common people are not getting richer. The middle class is disappearing in America. The vast majority of working people live paycheck to paycheck. 40 million are on food stamps. 20% receive some form of government assistance. Men in general are not being employed in well paying jobs worthy of their skills and intellect. The common man is being crushed. People should be fleeing the hellhole known as America, not coming into it.

Also the culture thing immigrants have brought tons of things to us in general culturally speaking 1 good example would be asa Yoelson
I've had a close relationship with music my entire life and have never heard of the guy.

Good for him though. The issue at hand is the Jewish open borders for America & Europe/walls for Israel modus operandi. The hypocrisy between the two positions proves that the Jews do not hold their position regarding American & European immigration out of benevolence.

How are these wars for greater isreal and not a humanitarian thing ?
:feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:

The average annual Jewish household donates $2,526 to charity yearly, far more than the $1,749 their Protestant counterparts give or the $1,142 for Catholics, according to data from Giving USA <<
I would expect this because 1) Jews make more money than any other religious group and 2) most people who give to charity do it to lower their tax liability. Not a coincidence.

No I defend jew's...
With that said, this is going to be my final post in this topic sub.

TLDR: The answer to the original question for the topic is unequivocally "no".
Last edited:

They are directly correlated. The religion serves the race. If some normie goy idiot wants to convert to the religion, they can attempt it (if the Rabbi even lets them), but they're going to be mogged the entire time by Jews who straight up tell them they aren't real Jews. Real Jews have Jewish blood.

Agree with these.

No, it's to destroy majority groups and ultimately the minority ones as well. If Jews are supporting feminism and women's rights out of 'benevolence', that argument implies that women require benevolence as a result of being treated unfairly. I disagree wholeheartedly. Women had a very honorable position in pre-clown world society and society was much better off with them in that position. Society is not better off with women working, whoring around, etc.

What!?!? You think foids should choose the best looking of any race and breed with them? That's exactly what they are doing now. They are running amuck and fucking as many Chads as humanly possible whom they find to be "best looking". We know this has lead to the complete breakdown of western society from firsthand experience. You areliterally arguing for your own inceldom. That's so cucked. I can't even believe I'm arguing this point on an incel forum :feelsclown: :feelsrope:

No it doesn't. A woman from Central America and her six kids coming into the US creates zero jobs. It creates seven welfare recipients.

Hareetz admits even the immigrants who aren't considered 'real Jews' by the Rabbi's "are Jews" in fact, as they are coming via the Law of Return (meaning they have Jewish blood).

Those the Rabbi's consider Jewish untermensch are those not of the Ashkenazi subtype. Keep in mind that's the DNA strand they are testing for. Jews have a racial superiority system even within their own race fyi. JFL at Russian Jews who come to Israel, but aren't the right kind of Jew to receive first class citizen treatment :lul::lul::lul:

I never said most Jews don't care about race mixing. They want the racial 'superiority' they themselves brag about to continue.

Butcher? More like victim of Israeli false flags. And besides, what goes on in Syria is none of Israel's business. They are just looking for an excuse to expand their territory. Just like they wanted to do in Lebanon until Hezbollah kicked Bibi's ass back to where it came from.

Russia and Ukraine are not third world countries.

Dude, 27% of the funding comes from the government of Israel. It says so right on their website. The people at Birthright even admit that Jews who go on these trips marry fellow Jews at higher rates than those who don't. There's a definitive bonding aspect to it:

Those who run the west would never allow this. Jews want other peoples to be ashamed of their heritage.

It is state sponsored by Israel. The Jews claim they are superior to everyone else all the time. Clearly you are not familiar with their concept of 'Jewish exceptionalism' at all.

No, they are Hispanic. Read the next paragraph of the website.

Rich ((((investors))) are getting richer. Common people are not getting richer. The middle class is disappearing in America. The vast majority of working people live paycheck to paycheck. 40 million are on food stamps. 20% receive some form of government assistance. Men in general are not being employed in well paying jobs worthy of their skills and intellect. The common man is being crushed. People should be fleeing the hellhole known as America, not coming into it.

I've had a close relationship with music my entire life and have never heard of the guy.

Good for him though. The issue at hand is the Jewish open borders for America & Europe/walls for Israel modus operandi. The hypocrisy between the two positions proves that the Jews do not hold their position regarding American & European immigration out of benevolence.

:feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:

I would expect this because 1) Jews make more money than any other religious group and 2) most people who give to charity do it to lower their tax liability. Not a coincidence.

With that said, this is going to be my final post in this topic sub.

TLDR: The answer to the original question for the topic is unequivocally "no".

I could do another long response but this would take more research and that takes atleast a couple of hours 1 cause you need to include the full context and give the over side of the argument.

But in short I will sum up why I support Jews..

1 I'm pro full open borders any where unless we are at war with that nation.
2jews support race mixing which is a form of eugenics atleast genetically as mixed kids are more physically fit.
3 I advocate white gigachads solely breeding ethnic women. Why? Cause like I said before the northern European skull is the Sexiest skull I want that to come down to bengalis.
4 Inceldom exists because of subhumans existing as a result of them being able to breed. Know why do they breed? Beta bux.
5 I want to slowly but surely wipe out ethnic genes over a couple of long genetic displacement.
6 I want the future for ethnics to be like where they all look like meeks.

Those are my reasons for defending Jews mainly I love the idea of true eugenics rather than the mongeralist shit hitler was supporting.

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