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Assuming the alt right are correct on jews wouldnt they be the most empathetic race



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
Supposedly the Jews were the cause of feminism and women's rights know would that imply they care?.

Think about it they were trying to give rights to women of this part of the conspiracy is right then it would imply Jews are a kinder race.

The mass immigration thing would also imply their kinder as they are trying to help people from very low standard countries and trying to elevate them up.

Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.

If Jews really are cause of all this aren't they the most empathetic race out their?
jews are the true masterrace

Assuming the alt right were right even by their premises jews would be the kindest people at the top.
ok (((@ryhan))) you don't need to be alt right to know the truth
ok (((@ryhan))) you don't need to be alt right to know the truth

Lmao based honestly I wish I had jew genes they are closer to European.

I wish man you do realize jews mog curry genes to another dimension reminder they are closer to European
When you think about it all of those things are to destroy bargaining power of workers by increasing the supply. Well except racemixing but who knows
Makes you wonder why they don't practice the 'kindness' of immigration and racemixing in their own country, don't it?
Supposedly the Jews were the cause of feminism and women's rights know would that imply they care?.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions,but this doesn't apply here as they have none.
Think about it they were trying to give rights to women of this part of the conspiracy is right then it would imply Jews are a kinder race.
if only the lonley guys dolphindiving off of balconies felt the same way
The mass immigration thing would also imply their kinder as they are trying to help people from very low standard countries and trying to elevate them up.
This is where you're wrong.Let's ignore migrant crime statistics for a second and say that they're loving people.
Even so,the jews refuse to take any for themselves,this is blatantly hypocritical.Divercity for thee but not for me.
Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.
o.0 as in white genes are attractive?I don't get your point.
If Jews really are cause of all this aren't they the most empathetic race out their?
Make no mistake.This wasn't done out of empathy.They intentionally gave the most easily manipulated demographic in the west the right to vote and therefore the right to vote for them.
There's a reason woman vote democrat.They've been conditioned to and their nature has helped in that conditioning.
Supposedly the Jews were the cause of feminism and women's rights know would that imply they care?.

Think about it they were trying to give rights to women of this part of the conspiracy is right then it would imply Jews are a kinder race.

The mass immigration thing would also imply their kinder as they are trying to help people from very low standard countries and trying to elevate them up.

Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.

If Jews really are cause of all this aren't they the most empathetic race out their?
Both feminism and mass immigration are horrible for the west. So in case it's true that they were causing it, it would mean that jews wants to damage the west.

Ask yourself why isn't there mass immigration to Israel?
that's something a dirty jew would say
Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.

I sometimes wonder if actually thinking this helps any whites sleep at night lmao.
"Assuming the alt right are correct"
Open borders for israel
Oy vey.

I'm a jewish gorilla

8ax8ntdwxh Julie Larsen Maher 9055 Western Lowland Gorilla Layla CON BZ 10 20 11 hr
jewish "kindness," is a weapon.

I've been hearing this really retarded argument that whites are some how the most empathetic race when if you actually follow their premises and give them their premises jews actually turn out more empathetic
How ?
The path to hell is paved with good intentions,but this doesn't apply here as they have none.

if only the lonley guys dolphindiving off of balconies felt the same way

This is where you're wrong.Let's ignore migrant crime statistics for a second and say that they're loving people.
Even so,the jews refuse to take any for themselves,this is blatantly hypocritical.Divercity for thee but not for me.

o.0 as in white genes are attractive?I don't get your point.

Make no mistake.This wasn't done out of empathy.They intentionally gave the most easily manipulated demographic in the west the right to vote and therefore the right to vote for them.
There's a reason woman vote democrat.They've been conditioned to and their nature has helped in that conditioning.

>>The path to hell is paved with good intentions,but this doesn't apply here as they have none.<<

But they do are you saying some one advocating for someone elses rights is know some how not doing it for good intentions ?

>>if only the lonley guys dolphindiving off of balconies felt the same way <<

But were not arguing the affects of the policies were arguing for the good intentions of the people if it truly is true jews gave women their rights and encouraged it that implies empathy.

You can't make a dysgenics argument either cause the foid choosing weeds out subhumans.

>>This is where you're wrong.Let's ignore migrant crime statistics for a second and say that they're loving people.
Even so,the jews refuse to take any for themselves,this is blatantly hypocritical.Divercity for thee but not for me. <<

Were not arguing on the results of their policies were arguing the intent as to why they done it and it would appear it's out of empathy i mean the western nations give money to poorer nations out of empathy so if the conspiracy is true fuck the outcomes for a 2nd the intent was in good faith.

As for the so called hypocrisy of the jews israel is not an ethno state it's not even close.

>>o.0 as in white genes are attractive?I don't get your point. <<

Whiter genes have a propensity to be attractive jew's encouraging race mixing helps the future generation out again it would indirectly lead to more empathy.

>>Make no mistake.This wasn't done out of empathy.They intentionally gave the most easily manipulated demographic in the west the right to vote and therefore the right to vote for them.
There's a reason woman vote democrat.They've been conditioned to and their nature has helped in that conditioning. <<

How do we know we can't infer this from what is happening as even by your own arguments you are claiming the path to hell is paved by good intentions.

Know we know most jews are leftists and leftists are more empathetic in general we can look at isreals views on gays.So most likely the mass immigration think again was done as a form of empathy for those suffering.

So far even given the arguments the right jews in terms intent are the most empathetic race.
I've been hearing this really retarded argument that whites are some how the most empathetic race when if you actually follow their premises and give them their premises jews actually turn out more empathetic
I guess doing basic research is difficult for you? Everything they do only benefits them. Why do you think they've been rejected from almost every nation they've infested? Not for being nice, that's for sure.
I guess doing basic research is difficult for you? Everything they do only benefits them. Why do you think they've been rejected from almost every nation they've infested? Not for being nice, that's for sure.

Again i'm giving your side the premises.

1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.

That being given the arguments offered here works with the 3 premises
Again i'm giving your side the premises.

1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.

That being given the arguments offered here works with the 3 premises
Sure was kind of them to do all that!

I guess u r right!
Jews don't do what they do out of the kindness of their hearts.

They do what they do because their role in nature seems to be that of humanity (or the white race's rather) natural parasite.

So much like a colony of termites goes about naturally destroying wooden structures Jews by nature wreck white nations after they infest the place in sufficient enough numbers to do so.

Jewish promotion of racial mongrelization is two fold.

1. Destroy the hated white aryan bloodline.

2. Create a low IQ, easier to rule over mass of coffee colored mulatto zombies.

Jews don't do what they do out of the kindness of their hearts.

They do what they do because their role in nature seems to be that of humanity (or the white race's rather) natural parasite.

So much like a colony of termites goes about naturally destroying wooden structures Jews by nature wreck white nations after they infest the place in sufficient enough numbers to do so.

Jewish promotion of racial mongrelization is two fold.

1. Destroy the hated white aryan bloodline.

2. Create a low IQ, easier to rule over mass of coffee colored mulatto zombies.

<<1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.>>

I'll write a reply with these premises grafted.

<<Jews don't do what they do out of the kindness of their hearts.>>

Why not ?

leftists are more empathetic and jews tend to be more for the left and more progressive in general my hypothsis follows human nature yours adds a conspiratorial stance where their doesn't need their to be 1.

<<They do what they do because their role in nature seems to be that of humanity (or the white race's rather) natural parasite.>>

How ? their way more proggresive than most other states in the middle east them being alive is a sign that things.

<<So much like a colony of termites goes about naturally destroying wooden structures Jews by nature wreck white nations after they infest the place in sufficient enough numbers to do so.>>

But again your making an assumption an active group of jews are actively intently wanting to destroy the west when in fact if you look at their own home country they follow the western ways.

<<Jewish promotion of racial mongrelization is two fold.>>

And i know your dysgenics cause your already arguing against race mixing.

<<1. Destroy the hated white aryan bloodline.>>

Do you mean hitlers ARYAN ? well shit their goes the balkans and slavs sorry bro cels do you mean modern day ARYANS ? of which then jew's would be off the aryan race as they semetic caucasoids.

Either way if it's the modern 1 then i guess jew's hate themselves.If it's Hitlers 1 then i guess vast majority of slavs and balkan cels aren't even white but their still encouraging mass immigration their so which is it ?.

<<2. Create a low IQ, easier to rule over mass of coffee colored mulatto zombies.>>

IQ is the dumbest fucking cope in history in fact larger brains often equates to larger forman fossa which equates to a shit tier cranial base which equates to inceldom in fact high iq 1 could say is the cause of inceldom.

I wanted to show gif but this subhuman site won't let me.

But in short the larger your brain is the larger your forman fossa which translates to basically subhuman looks the smaller it is the better looking you are and according to rushton the dumber you are.
Why not ?

They are psychopaths/narcissists and these type of mentally ill individuals have no conscience or emotions and only engage in manipulation and head games playing in order to gain a momentary adrenaline rush from it that gives them an ever so brief escape from their natural anhedonia.

leftists are more empathetic and jews tend to be more for the left and more progressive in general my hypothsis follows human nature yours adds a conspiratorial stance where their doesn't need their to be 1.

Jews created modern leftism via first creating Christ insanity with which they mentally enslaved the white race and used our natural military might to conquer the world for them. Later Jews took Christ insanity as a blueprint for Communism and thus Communism ie Christ insanity's political variant was born. The Jews rule ZOG USA and ZOG Britain with a "soft communism" these days commonly referred to as "Cultural Marxism". They and their leftist dupes/useful idiots have already completed "The long march through the institutions" which is why you have been tricked/brainwashed/propagandized into believing leftists are the natural soft, cuddly and "empathic" side of the political coin when they simply want the power to subjugate and harm whites and control non whites like the tyrants they themselves really are but only "claimed" the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to be. Hitler whom saved Europe from Jew Communism and tried to wake the world up before its too late and the Jews enslave us all at which point they will eventually destroy the entire world, the human species and themselves in the process since their nature is literally one of destruction which means despite their most ardent desires they are unfit to rule anyone, much less themselves so their rule can only ever ultimately end in disaster. This is why Hitler said during WWII that if Jewry ultimately succeeds in its goals this world will once again travel through space devoid of ALL life.

How ? their way more proggresive than most other states in the middle east them being alive is a sign that things.

Read up.

Also they stole another people's country but somehow hypocrites that they are its "ok when they do it" but "not ok" when whites supposedly did it with the Native Americans.

(In truth whites were on the American continent first as the Solutrean people and finds such as the Kennewickman among others have largely been surpressed to cover up this fact. The Jews even had the army corps of engineers dynamite and cover up a dig site that had tons of archaeological evidence proving whites were on the American land mass first.)

"First" being important because Jews always claim in their mass media and movies that whoever gets to a landmass first or lived on it first is it's rightful inhabitants.

Well then by their own logic America should be exclusively a white country and they should fight for this instead of constantly encouraging hatred against us and saying we stole America from the so called "natives" when we once again are the actual genuine and authentic "true Native Americans" etc, etc.

But again your making an assumption an active group of jews are actively intently wanting to destroy the west when in fact if you look at their own home country they follow the western ways.

What is ongoing in world politics now regarding America is most definitely NOT "western ways" ie our country was set up by the founding fathers to be isolationist. The Jews made it globalist since that only AIDS their communist goals via the subsequent destruction of culture and racial mongrelization and corrupting of bloodlines that globalization enables, encourages and promotes. Globalisation destruction of culture is done by attempting to equalize and make everything the same which sounds good on it's surface but not so good when you soon discover that previous cultural institutions, shops, restaurants and businesses are ALL replaced by degenerate shopping malls, Mcdonalds's, Monsanto, etc, etc.

When you're left with only one alternative meaning one global "same culture" you're fucked when that culture/government goes corrupt which we KNOW for a FACT the Jewish ruled UK and USA already are.

You literally have nowhere left to turn for freedom or to make a living or get healthy food and drinks, etc, etc.

You have to eat the unhealthy Mcniggers burger, the unhealthy Monsanto poisoned GMO crops, you have to take the mercury soaked autism producing vaccinations, etc, etc.

No viable alternatives exist in a totally Jewish run and dominated world system ie the Jew (New) World Order ie their planned global communist dictatorship.

And i know your dysgenics cause your already arguing against race mixing.

No, I am for eugenics.

Mongrelization doesn't help whites or non whites.

Infact many if not all of them are said to be born sterile but even worse than that if a mixed raced non white gets say an illness like say a certain form of cancer it can be far harder if not impossible for them to find a proper organ donor match that their body won't reject.

Shit, its hard even now for racially pure individuals to find said organs but again even harder for mixed people to do so.

Do you mean hitlers ARYAN ? well shit their goes the balkans and slavs sorry bro cels do you mean modern day ARYANS ? of which then jew's would be off the aryan race as they semetic caucasoids.

Jews consider ALL white people to be "Nazis" regardless of whether they are ethnically German or not.

Pay close attention to how they behave to any and all whites of any ethnicity who speak out against their program and you'll soon realize this.

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Maurice Samuel

<<2. Create a low IQ, easier to rule over mass of coffee colored mulatto zombies.>>

IQ is the dumbest fucking cope in history in fact larger brains often equates to larger forman fossa which equates to a shit tier cranial base which equates to inceldom in fact high iq 1 could say is the cause of inceldom.

Read "The Bell Curve".

The scientists that wrote it were as impartial and as far away from my views as they could get, yet they were persecuted by Jews and their useful leftist idiots because it spoke to the truth of how low IQ among non whites will only lead to poverty, squalor and nonstop conflict, chaos and crime with superior intelligent races that they live in the proximity of ie whites.

Its also the reason this forum is plagued by non whites VAST inferiority complex.

I have no idea what he's saying (he's probably speaking Yiddish) but i kek'd at the end
Again i'm giving your side the premises.

1 Jews were the causes of feminism and womens rights.
2 Jews support race mixing.
3 Jews support mass immigration.

That being given the arguments offered here works with the 3 premises
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They are psychopaths/narcissists and these type of mentally ill individuals have no conscience or emotions and only engage in manipulation and head games playing in order to gain a momentary adrenaline rush from it that gives them an ever so brief escape from their natural anhedonia.

Jews created modern leftism via first creating Christ insanity with which they mentally enslaved the white race and used our natural military might to conquer the world for them. Later Jews took Christ insanity as a blueprint for Communism and thus Communism ie Christ insanity's political variant was born. The Jews rule ZOG USA and ZOG Britain with a "soft communism" these days commonly referred to as "Cultural Marxism". They and their leftist dupes/useful idiots have already completed "The long march through the institutions" which is why you have been tricked/brainwashed/propagandized into believing leftists are the natural soft, cuddly and "empathic" side of the political coin when they simply want the power to subjugate and harm whites and control non whites like the tyrants they themselves really are but only "claimed" the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to be. Hitler whom saved Europe from Jew Communism and tried to wake the world up before its too late and the Jews enslave us all at which point they will eventually destroy the entire world, the human species and themselves in the process since their nature is literally one of destruction which means despite their most ardent desires they are unfit to rule anyone, much less themselves so their rule can only ever ultimately end in disaster. This is why Hitler said during WWII that if Jewry ultimately succeeds in its goals this world will once again travel through space devoid of ALL life.

Read up.

Also they stole another people's country but somehow hypocrites that they are its "ok when they do it" but "not ok" when whites supposedly did it with the Native Americans.

(In truth whites were on the American continent first as the Solutrean people and finds such as the Kennewickman among others have largely been surpressed to cover up this fact. The Jews even had the army corps of engineers dynamite and cover up a dig site that had tons of archaeological evidence proving whites were on the American land mass first.)

"First" being important because Jews always claim in their mass media and movies that whoever gets to a landmass first or lived on it first is it's rightful inhabitants.

Well then by their own logic America should be exclusively a white country and they should fight for this instead of constantly encouraging hatred against us and saying we stole America from the so called "natives" when we once again are the actual genuine and authentic "true Native Americans" etc, etc.

What is ongoing in world politics now regarding America is most definitely NOT "western ways" ie our country was set up by the founding fathers to be isolationist. The Jews made it globalist since that only AIDS their communist goals via the subsequent destruction of culture and racial mongrelization and corrupting of bloodlines that globalization enables, encourages and promotes. Globalisation destruction of culture is done by attempting to equalize and make everything the same which sounds good on it's surface but not so good when you soon discover that previous cultural institutions, shops, restaurants and businesses are ALL replaced by degenerate shopping malls, Mcdonalds's, Monsanto, etc, etc.

When you're left with only one alternative meaning one global "same culture" you're fucked when that culture/government goes corrupt which we KNOW for a FACT the Jewish ruled UK and USA already are.

You literally have nowhere left to turn for freedom or to make a living or get healthy food and drinks, etc, etc.

You have to eat the unhealthy Mcniggers burger, the unhealthy Monsanto poisoned GMO crops, you have to take the mercury soaked autism producing vaccinations, etc, etc.

No viable alternatives exist in a totally Jewish run and dominated world system ie the Jew (New) World Order ie their planned global communist dictatorship.

No, I am for eugenics.

Mongrelization doesn't help whites or non whites.

Infact many if not all of them are said to be born sterile but even worse than that if a mixed raced non white gets say an illness like say a certain form of cancer it can be far harder if not impossible for them to find a proper organ donor match that their body won't reject.

Shit, its hard even now for racially pure individuals to find said organs but again even harder for mixed people to do so.

Jews consider ALL white people to be "Nazis" regardless of whether they are ethnically German or not.

Pay close attention to how they behave to any and all whites of any ethnicity who speak out against their program and you'll soon realize this.

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Maurice Samuel

<<2. Create a low IQ, easier to rule over mass of coffee colored mulatto zombies.>>

Read "The Bell Curve".

The scientists that wrote it were as impartial and as far away from my views as they could get, yet they were persecuted by Jews and their useful leftist idiots because it spoke to the truth of how low IQ among non whites will only lead to poverty, squalor and nonstop conflict, chaos and crime with superior intelligent races that they live in the proximity of ie whites.

Its also the reason this forum is plagued by non whites VAST inferiority complex.

>>Jews created modern leftism via first creating Christ insanity with which they mentally enslaved the white race and used our natural military might to conquer the world for them. <<

That's not Jews forcing them to do anything it actually benefits us to have is-real as an ally cause it is in us interest and i perfer the US Government being at the top.Your a cuckhold if you wanna destroy american interests.Also it's not jew's forcing us it's Christian zionists.

It's done some very good things it kills of extremist rouge nazi states without us having to do any work it's like our hand in a different region.

<<Later Jews took Christ insanity as a blueprint for Communism and thus Communism ie Christ insanity's political variant was born. <<

Marx had a literal work on the Jewish question lmao Isreal was literally inplace to stop arab communism this is a bold faced lie.

>>The Jews rule ZOG USA and ZOG Britain with a "soft communism" these days commonly referred to as "Cultural Marxism". <<

Alright lets do a list count off the prominent theorists also note jews are humans and people have bad ideas however like their are marxist their are also caiptailist jews.

Herbert Marcuse

The guys nationality is
  • German
  • American

Theodor W. Adorno

Walter Benjamin

This guy is Ashkenazim fair enough However he wasn't a cultural Marxist in the classical sense nor was he Zionist he sought to further his own values Jewish values which were progressive which he believed in.

>>There Benjamin had his first exposure to Zionism, which had not been part of his liberal upbringing. This gave him occasion to formulate his own ideas about the meaning of Judaism. Benjamin distanced himself from political and nationalist Zionism, instead developing in his own thinking what he called a kind of "cultural Zionism"—an attitude that recognized and promoted Judaism and Jewish values. In Benjamin's formulation his Jewishness meant a commitment to the furtherance of European culture. <<

So not a conspirator more like a philosopher that was doing it out of the goodness of his heart know we can have a seperate dicussion of weather what you think he was doing was moral act or not but he thought he was and he was doing it out of his own moral goodness.

Study jewish ethics before spewing that they think the goyim are subhuman they don't.

Their much more progressive than most in that sense and it really shows in their form of government so some jewish conspirator is highly dissengious as an argument.

This this Was a jew true However i never said all jews were good also this dude was considered strange even by other frank furt theorists especially on his ideas.

>>In Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse is critical of Fromm: In the beginning, he was a radical theorist, but later he turned to conformity. Marcuse also noted that Fromm, as well as his close colleagues Sullivan and Karen Horney, removed Freud's libido theory and other radical concepts, which thus reduced psychoanalysis to a set of idealist ethics, which only embrace the status quo <<

This guy wasn't jewish but born in Gummersbach, Rhine Province Again i'm noticing a pattern here very little jews and even when their are jew's they turn out to be Philosophers or nuts whom their own institution calls cranks.

<<Alfred Schmidt (philosopher)>>

This guy again wasn't a jew and was born in Germany.

Again a non jew.

This guy was a vehement anti totalitarian his idea's was showing psychological connection to how people's want for order will some times over take their need for freedom.

Read his works their very interesting.

Otto Kirchheimer

This guy was was a jew but he was also germanic of a german ancestry so he would be european as well.

So far all the prominent theorists aren't jewish at all and the ones that are aren't offering theories that are that out their it's a university ffs they are known to be credible they have to be.

>>They and their leftist dupes/useful idiots have already completed "The long march through the institutions" which is why you have been tricked/brainwashed/propagandized into believing leftists are the natural soft, cuddly and "empathic" side of the political coin when they simply want the power to subjugate and harm whites and control non whites like the tyrants they themselves really are but only "claimed" the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to be. <<

Leftists are more empathetic over all their more progressive overall so leftism in intent is very empathetic know in practice it shows different things and i mean economic leftism not cultural leftism by this i mean the socialism or communism or these cancerous ideologies these types show disastrous implementation policies however in intent they were done very kind.

As for Harming whites what have they done ? Race Mixing ? that benefits literally everyone if your not for this your literally encouraging dysgenics.

If your gonna use the cultural identity meme that mixed race kids don't have a cultural identity to hold onto mixed kids tend to reject a mono racial identity to begin with they instead prefer mixed this goes agaist the thesis most people like to define themselves by race as mixed raced certainly prefer not no.


So the Moral argument of racial identity is out and it would imply this is inherited by the upbringing and not intrinsic to genes seeing as mixed kids don't identify as any 1 specific race again leading to the idea of political race as being a sentiment for nationalism as being a cultural thing.And cultures change all the time and if the jews are trying to change it to something more progressive how is it evil ?.

<< Hitler whom saved Europe from Jew Communism and tried to wake the world up before its too late and the Jews enslave us all at which point they will eventually destroy the entire world, the human species and themselves in the process since their nature is literally one of destruction which means despite their most ardent desires they are unfit to rule anyone, much less themselves so their rule can only ever ultimately end in disaster. This is why Hitler said during WWII that if Jewry ultimately succeeds in its goals this world will once again travel through space devoid of ALL life.>>

1 Hitler collaborated with STALIN.

2 Hitler and Stalin had the same thoughts on the value of human life.

Stalin was quoted as to have said single deaths are a tragedy millions are statistics.

Hitler was quoted to have said consciousness is a Jewish invention.

3 The leaders differed very slightly in intent Stalin wanted power for himself same with Hitler.

4 According to your side might makes right so if they have taken down HITLER created the state of Israel and they publicly own a state which is a first world state in a region filled with 3rd worlds that in itself would imply they are indeed the Master race.

5 Hitler looked to straw man Jews it would have always been increasing once you feed a dictator to lunch hell have your entire family slaughtered.

Read up.

That is way to long to read if your gonna post arguments post it here if not i'm gonna assume you haven't even read the damn thing and are just cherry picking links.

<<Also they stole another people's country but somehow hypocrites that they are its "ok when they do it" but "not ok" when whites supposedly did it with the Native Americans.>>

Again cite the bit in the page where it claims that pls i am not reading that entire thing.

<<Also they stole another people's country but somehow hypocrites that they are its "ok when they do it" but "not ok" when whites supposedly did it with the Native Americans.

(In truth whites were on the American continent first as the Solutrean people and finds such as the Kennewickman among others have largely been surpressed to cover up this fact. The Jews even had the army corps of engineers dynamite and cover up a dig site that had tons of archaeological evidence proving whites were on the American land mass first.)>>

1 Even if i was to accept that the solutrean people as first people of the Americas this is a red herring and has nothing to do with the argument stop changing it cause i see the subtle shift your doing here.

2 I don't care who was their first even if you were right the native Americans would have homstead the land for centuries meaning in all essentials that land was their's so even if this was right you being born some where doesn't give you a genetic right to it you have to homestead it first.The Native Americans did.

<<"First" being important because Jews always claim in their mass media and movies that whoever gets to a landmass first or lived on it first is it's rightful inhabitants.>>

Wait wait wait how did we get onto this topic we were arguing weather jew's were the more empathetic race or not how did we shift to native American's also like i said before i don't buy into the genetic claim to land i by into the homestead claim to land the native Americans were their for 100's of years they homestead the land they lived on that land they build shelters and inventions on it or all intents and purposes it's their they have a legal right to it.

<<Well then by their own logic America should be exclusively a white country and they should fight for this instead of constantly encouraging hatred against us and saying we stole America from the so called "natives" when we once again are the actual genuine and authentic "true Native Americans" etc, etc.>>

1 Your assuming i accept that hypothsis when the hypothsis has issues.

2 I don't by into the genetic claim to land i by into how long have they lived their for generation's what have they cultivated.

3 Jew's had literally nothing to do with this at all what so ever.

>>What is ongoing in world politics now regarding America is most definitely NOT "western ways" ie our country was set up by the founding fathers to be isolationist. <<

1 Who said that America was modeled after JOHN LOCKE the guy was all about LIFE LIBERTY AND PROPERTY the founding fathers would very much so support the toppling dicators.

2 What is Western has evolved for the better and were richer cause of it.

3 The founding fathers weren't infallible they were smart men of their day.

>>The Jews made it globalist since that only AIDS their communist goals via the subsequent destruction of culture and racial mongrelization and corrupting of bloodlines that globalization enables, encourages and promotes.<<

1 Show proof jew's cause cultural destruction as the guys you cited the Frankfurt school vast majority were Germans.

2 The US being a global power is all about Americanism the American way is Anti totalitarian.

3 As for the mongeralization of blood lines mixed kids vast majority of the time look better so much for being for eugenics your for dysgenics.

Also i will clarify i am for voluntary eugenics this is stuff like culturally encouraging race mixing rather than any state effort.

<< Globalisation destruction of culture is done by attempting to equalize and make everything the same which sounds good on it's surface but not so good when you soon discover that previous cultural institutions, shops, restaurants and businesses are ALL replaced by degenerate shopping malls, Mcdonalds's, Monsanto, etc, etc.>>

1.You do realize those things that replaced the antecedent are better right ? be realistic here what would the average consumer pay for more labor from a 3rd worldist that costs half the fucking price or labor from a first 1st worldist that would charge 3x as much ?

Think long and hard on that .

2 The world has gotten less violent over all as well that is a benefit of globalization the world becoming more integrated means more countries can trust each other meaning more countries can develop faster translating to more overall less violent crime rates which shows in data we are the least violent generation.

3 Globalization doesn't look to equalize everything it makes it so the poorest of the poor become richer.

I would right more but seeing as i have wrote however seeing as though i have written over 2800 words i think i will let you chew on this.

They do though So even giving these premises their still more kinder

Sure, they allow immigration, for Jews. They are a non-immigration country for everyone else. Even Bibi himself states that Israel exists for the Jews exclusively. They are starting to literally test for Jewishness for one to immigrate . This proves that Jewishness is genetic, not a set of 'shared ideas'. (For those who don't want to read the articles, they literally test a specific DNA strand to determine if one is appropriately [i.e. Ashkenazi] Jewish or not).

If Israel is so kind and pro-immigrant, why haven't they taken in any Syrian or Iraqi refugees that have poured out of those respective countries? Why did they expel thousands of Ethopians who had traveled to Israel seeking refuge a couple years back?

As for inter-marriage, it's very looked down up and the state of Israel is taking steps to eradicate it, not promote it. This is what Birthright Israel is all about. For years, the state has had people that go around in an effort to discourage Jewish girls from getting too close to Arab men. Jewish leaders have stated on the record they consider marriage to non-Jews to be nothing short of a "second Holocaust". That's how abominable it is in their eyes.

(JFL fellow incels, imagine if your country paid you to take an all expenses paid trip abroad to meet your oneitis...)

Finally, LOL at the video's claim that about 20% of the Israeli population is Arab as if it's a mark of Israeli's based "tolerance for diversity". No. Those people all live in occupied East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and I guarantee the current number isn't 20% any longer, given Blompf's recent decree that Golan belongs to Israel in addition to Israel's daily further encroachments in East Jerusalem. The bulldozers will no doubt reduce that number in short order. Those people are second class inhabitants already.

Most jews are secular
We know. Many are atheists. Jewishness is racial.
ryhan said:
That's not Jews forcing them to do anything it actually benefits us to have is-real as an ally cause it is in us interest and i perfer the US Government being at the top.Your a cuckhold if you wanna destroy american interests.Also it's not jew's forcing us it's Christian zionists.

The above could be summed up as: "Missing the point: The Post".

It does NOT benefit us to have Israel as an ally AT ALL.

We should be isolationist as we were from our founding and not busy trying to be "world police" which only brings unnecessary problems our way as well makes us mass murderers for corrupt Jewish interests to boot.

The Jewish middle eastern wars are illegal and immoral and if you go along with them that makes YOU a cuck.

Genuine strong alpha men resist that which is EVIL and IMMORAL and the Jews are EXACTLY THAT.

The Jew wars also consume vast quantities of our nation's wealth which should instead be used on infrastructure that would benefit the American people such as hospitals, roads, bridges, etc, etc.

Overall the take home point from my response to you here is the British/US enabling of Jews to steal the Palestinians land has only produced world wide hostility towards whites/Americans when had we not been manipulated (and or taken along for the ride by corrupt elites within our own race) to follow them/help them in their plans we'd be at peace with not only the muslim world but every other race in the world today. Well for all intents and purposes it would be called "peace" anyway as I know even if Jews did not exist we'd still need a standing military so as to protect us from and watch out for threats from abroad.

Lastly our "greatest ally" was behind both the USS Libety and 9/11 false flag attacks against our nation.

I wouldn't exactly call that friendship or a beneficial relationship of any sort.

Beneficial to only Jewish and race traitor white elites perhaps but to literally no one else.

The bottom line is without the Jews and their malicious intent we'd be far better off as a country in a countless number of ways from health, wealth to overall happiness and quality of life.

As Dr. Pierce so aptly put it: "The Jews ARE our misfortune".


ryhan said:
Marx had a literal work on the Jewish question lmao Isreal was literally inplace to stop arab communism this is a bold faced lie.

So what if he did? Jews play both sides of an issue to fool the stupid goyim into thinking they are against eachother and thus that Jews can be genuinely on opposing sides of things which is supposed to make us stupid goyim feel safe and that "they are just like us" but the reality is that they are only one one side ie their own and all that they do is to fool us, corral us and control us to their desired end goals.

Not sure what you're trying to say with the second part of your post? The wording is damned confusing. Arabs communists? What??

ryhan said:
Alright lets do a list count off the prominent theorists also note jews are humans and people have bad ideas however like their are marxist their are also caiptailist jews.

No. There is only ONE kind of Jew and that is the Jew that seeks to dominate over and control the goyim. Their preferred ideology to do this with is unrestrained Communism as they had in the Soviet Jewnion where they could go around rounding up and slaughtering millions of whites and dumping our corpses into football sized fields after shooting us in the back of the head in various small rooms, the activity of which was known as "wet work" due to all the blood that stained said small enclaveareas with a little drain in the floor for the blood to flow into.

The point however is they'll use whats available to them at the time to best control whatever target population (usually white) that they intend to rule over hence we've got soft cultural Marxist communism in the US which they hope to eventually grow to the unrestrained variety over time which is why these SJW shitheads have started appearing over the last few years ie "the long march through the institutions" allowed Jews and their useful idiots to gradually creep into higher education/academia and corrupt the minds of the next batch/generation of American youths as ex KGB officer Uri Bezmenov pointed out was to happen about 30-40 years before it actually did happen.

ryhan said:
jews are humans

They are human shaped parasites.

ryhan said:
In Benjamin's formulation his Jewishness meant a commitment to the furtherance of European culture.

This is as I've long said and lamented about...

Whites and apparently even non whites alike simply do NOT understand psychopathy in any way sense or form as a whole/group collective.

Nor do you/my fellow whites (as a group) understand Jewish group evolutionary strategy and how they evolved over time to get over on people ie fool them via their use of language.

They developed incredible language skills during their time in the middle east over the eons haggling, buying and selling as well probably in hiding their schemes and what they were really up to from the "stupid goyim".

To explain things for you better.

When a Jew talks about "human" rights he is really only speaking about his fellow Jews.

This is simply something whites/non whites do NOT understand and probably never will about them.

When the Jew you mentioned talked about "european culture" and or advancing it he was really talking about Jewish culture.

Yes the word goyim doesn't specifically mean "cattle" it means "nations" but since Jews have said that all non Jews are akin to being their mere cattle "goyim" manages to mean "cattle" in a de facto sense.

Anyway to those in the know about the Jews different use of language, we've long correctly compared them to the Saruman character from Lord Of the Rings as in the books it was said that Saruman had a silver tongued voice that was irresistable to the masses ie it meant he could manipulate anyone easily just by his voice, just by talking to them, just like a Jew can, etc, etc.

Also the whole "Saruman of many colors" phrase attributed to his character in the book probably also serves as a good analogy how Jews will play whatever role they are required to play to best blend in and not stand out in their host society.

ryhan said:
Their much more progressive than most in that sense and it really shows in their form of government so some jewish conspirator is highly dissengious as an argument.

The Jewish meaning of "progressiveness" simply means degeneracy as evinced by the degenerate and thoroughly corrupt Weimar Republic before the rise of Hitler where Jews would pimp out 12 year old girls to the highest bidder and where debauchery, drunkness and promiscuity were the norm. Sound familiar? It should since Clown World is basically Weimar 2.0 or a Neo Weimar so to speak.

The movie "Cabaret" sums up quite well the corruption of German society under Jewish influence at that time.

As for your list of theorists all that it proves is that whites have a lot of traitors in our own ranks which is something myself and no other pro white racialist would ever even think of denying.

Yet if these are theorists on Communism it just goes to show something I've always said and that is Jews are experts on white psychology ie they know our psychological weaknesses (and that of other races) almost instinctively/inherintely and go about exploiting them to the nth degree.

Whites deep down would like a fair world where everyone is the same, gets the same things and everyone gets along and communism promises them that pie in the sky fairytale just like Christ insanity before it promised a different kind of "brotherhood of man" and whites lap this Jewish slop right up.

Its the chase after the impossible dream you see.

Whites or at least whites that are intrinstically drawn to communism can't simply give up the idea and come to terms with the fact that the human species ie neither our race nor non whites is up to the task of creating a Communist government that does not turn into an open and unabashed tyranny. Its sadly just not in our nature but try telling a true blue (or rather red) communist devotee that and they'll simply fire off the old platitude of theirs that "real communism hasn't been tried yet!"

Sane people's reply to that tired old response:

Yes its been tried and it failed because it goes against human nature.

ryhan said:
As for Harming whites what have they done ? Race Mixing ? that benefits literally everyone if your not for this your literally encouraging dysgenics.

Race mixing benefits NO ONE.

Race mixing= dysgenics defined.

On AVERAGE when you mix a white with a black and get say a mixed race half black son what you GENERALLY end up with is simply a more intelligent and capable CRIMINAL.

How does that benefit society?

Well I suppose you COULD argue that it creates jobs.

I mean with tons of this type being born every day the need for police, medical personal, psychologists, builders, more prisons to house the soon to be criminals in etc increases along with the need to get qualified people to train more of these professionals to contain the mixed raced menaces to society as well repair all that they destroy constantly as is their nature.

>>Jews created modern leftism via first creating Christ insanity with which they mentally enslaved the white race and used our natural military might to conquer the world for them. <<

ryhan said:
That's not Jews forcing them to do anything it actually benefits us to have is-real as an ally cause it is in us interest and i perfer the US Government being at the top.Your a cuckhold if you wanna destroy american interests.Also it's not jew's forcing us it's Christian zionists.

Christians/Christian zionists would not exist as a religious/political group had Jews not plagiarized Christ insanity into existance to begin with from the Roman's earlier Mithra religion (among other earlier religions) to manipulate large numbers of whites to do their bidding through the brainwashing of this shitty cult of their design.

ryhan said:
1 Hitler collaborated with STALIN.

All nations leaders talk with and make deals with eachother when and where they deem appropriate. Its natural and is suggestive of nothing nefarious.

ryhan said:
2 Hitler and Stalin had the same thoughts on the value of human life.

Says the Jews.

The truth is Hitler loved the German people and nation.

ryhan said:
Stalin was quoted as to have said single deaths are a tragedy millions are statistics.

Yeah, he was a real piece of shit. Not surprised the Jews used him as their puppet figurehead. Though I believe eventually they had a Jewish prostitute kill him (poison I think?) when it was shown he was not going to remain meekly under their control and was becoming dangerous to their interests.

ryhan said:
Hitler was quoted to have said consciousness is a Jewish invention.

I believe he was talking about the slave morality brought into the world via Christ insanity which basically propagandized the "good samaritan" idea that we all (but usually in practice just whites specifically) should look out and care for non whites "others" even if its to our own detriment to do so. Self sacrifice is big in the cross cuck cult incase you haven't noticed via all the dumb white bitches who get killed year after year venturing into Booly land (Ape-freaka) only to be raped and slaughtered by the "colored brothers" they were attempting to save by giving free food and money to. None of these moronic Christian missionary whites will ever get the message that alchemy spiritual or otherwise simply does not work ie you cannot change a nigger into a human being by putting it into a suit and opening books (the Bible in this case) at it.

ryhan said:
According to your side might makes right so if they have taken down HITLER created the state of Israel and they publicly own a state which is a first world state in a region filled with 3rd worlds that in itself would imply they are indeed the Master race.

If they were a true master race they would've accomplished this entirely on their own but they didn't.

As parasites they couldn't.

Here is a quote from Hitler to explain things for you better than perhaps I ever could:

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone."
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jewish "kindness," is a weapon.
Everything Jewish is a weapon from the perspective of (informed) non-Jews.

Was asking him in the Socratic sense, but today wasn't the day for his awakening sadly :feelsugh:
Sure, they allow immigration, for Jews. They are a non-immigration country for everyone else. Even Bibi himself states that Israel exists for the Jews exclusively. They are starting to literally test for Jewishness for one to immigrate . This proves that Jewishness is genetic, not a set of 'shared ideas'. (For those who don't want to read the articles, they literally test a specific DNA strand to determine if one is appropriately [i.e. Ashkenazi] Jewish or not).

If Israel is so kind and pro-immigrant, why haven't they taken in any Syrian or Iraqi refugees that have poured out of those respective countries? Why did they expel thousands of Ethopians who had traveled to Israel seeking refuge a couple years back?

As for inter-marriage, it's very looked down up and the state of Israel is taking steps to eradicate it, not promote it. This is what Birthright Israel is all about. For years, the state has had people that go around in an effort to discourage Jewish girls from getting too close to Arab men. Jewish leaders have stated on the record they consider marriage to non-Jews to be nothing short of a "second Holocaust". That's how abominable it is in their eyes.

(JFL fellow incels, imagine if your country paid you to take an all expenses paid trip abroad to meet your oneitis...)

Finally, LOL at the video's claim that about 20% of the Israeli population is Arab as if it's a mark of Israeli's based "tolerance for diversity". No. Those people all live in occupied East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and I guarantee the current number isn't 20% any longer, given Blompf's recent decree that Golan belongs to Israel in addition to Israel's daily further encroachments in East Jerusalem. The bulldozers will no doubt reduce that number in short order. Those people are second class inhabitants already.

We know. Many are atheists. Jewishness is racial.

Sure, they allow immigration, for Jews. They are a non-immigration country for everyone else.

Jewish before i start i will define as tripartite thing religious ethnic national.

Even your own link encourages converts who convert to Judaism as a proxy for citizenship and any one can convert nothing is stopping people.


Also this is how they measure the paternality of Jewish roots they measure by convert but it is not strict to any geographic location in other words it's not limited to ethnics isrealites like the days of Jesus but actually European jew's blacks jew's you can be off multi ethnic back grounds as long as you have Jewish root ancestor meaning 1 paternal father they count that as a genetic jew however jew is not a genetic trait as you seem to think as in they are a seperate mono race of their own their not their multi ethnic.

>>Even Bibi himself states that Israel exists for the Jews exclusively.<<

But as i said before Jew is a tripartite thing it's a nationality as well so off course isreal belongs to national Jew's the reason they say this is to say isreal is isreal's and not the arab's they do this for reasons but the main purpose is to recognize it as a state and not a proxy for anything.

<<This proves that Jewishness is genetic, not a set of 'shared ideas'. (For those who don't want to read the articles, they literally test a specific DNA strand to determine if one is appropriately [i.e. Ashkenazi] Jewish or not). <<

No it doesn't as i just said jew is a tripartite thing you have couple of ways of citizenship genetic meaning measuring 1 paternal convert or you convert to Judiasm however jew is not a mono race of it's own race black or white or asian.

You can jewish whites jewish blacks jewish asians off course they suffer racism but noneoftheless their Jewish.

<<If Israel is so kind and pro-immigrant, why haven't they taken in any Syrian or Iraqi refugees that have poured out of those respective countries? Why did they expel thousands of Ethopians who had traveled to Israel seeking refuge a couple years back?>>

1 The syrian and iraqi ones are cause their not religious jew's and they would accept coverts but then do you think syrians are willing to convert ?.

2 AS for the Ethopian thing true that's fair critism however i will point you will still find ethnic jews who aren't whites or jewish genetically but are reilgiously so they count as genetic jew's.

<<As for inter-marriage, it's very looked down up and the state of Israel is taking steps to eradicate it, not promote it. This is what Birthright Israel is all about. For years, the state has had people that go around in an effort to discourage Jewish girls from getting too close to Arab men. Jewish leaders have stated on the record they consider marriage to non-Jews to be nothing short of a "second Holocaust". That's how abominable it is in their eyes.>>

But their talking in a reilgious context remember jew is tripartite thing and in the states most jew's tend to fuck outwards with non jew's they are talking about preserving the religion cause often reilgion gets lost after outside marriage.

in fact your own source says this.

<<But Peretz’s comment, in addition to being profoundly insulting, is profoundly revealing. Barak Ravid, the Israeli reporter who broke the story in a piece for Axios, suggests that it highlights a “growing rift” between Israel’s Orthodox Jews and America’s “much more liberal” Jewish majority. But the rift is even bigger than that. Peretz’s comment and its reception indicate competing visions for what it means to be “Jewish,” which threaten to undermine the historically close ties between the world’s two largest Jewish communities.>>

Their talking about in a religious context here also a political 1 as well as they seem to hate liberalism for some reason atleast the conservative branch within isreal.

<<Finally, LOL at the video's claim that about 20% of the Israeli population is Arab as if it's a mark of Israeli's based "tolerance for diversity". No. Those people all live in occupied East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and I guarantee the current number isn't 20% any longer, given Blompf's recent decree that Golan belongs to Israel in addition to Israel's daily further encroachments in East Jerusalem. The bulldozers will no doubt reduce that number in short order. Those people are second class inhabitants already.>>

The number has know increased to 21 percent of arab's


Funny you should mention that in terms of status they have equal voting rights especially unlike arab countries they allow women to vote.


Just lol at you even trying to play off as though these people are being treated as 2nd class citizens.
It's all about Rome. Jews know it

"alt-right" lol
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No idea man I am low iq
Supposedly the Jews were the cause of feminism and women's rights know would that imply they care?.

Think about it they were trying to give rights to women of this part of the conspiracy is right then it would imply Jews are a kinder race.

The mass immigration thing would also imply their kinder as they are trying to help people from very low standard countries and trying to elevate them up.

Race mixing let's face it only whites win out on you can see tinder results so the next generation benefit as well from whiter genes over all.

If Jews really are cause of all this aren't they the most empathetic race out their?
Kikes want an idiotic mixed population with no history and that is easy to control.
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