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Aspergers is worse than looks



Jan 10, 2018
Remember that 80% of communication is non-verbal. How you hold yourself, walk, eye contact, etc. Even if you are average, giving off an aspie vibe drops you 5 points. I'm not going to show the video but there is some autistic tard on YT who is Chad like. Women mention his looks, but I doubt very much they would approach him let alone date him. Short of a girl pulling down my pants in the store, I had no clue how to interact with women. I know I had iois the past (I'm from the pre internet era) but had zero clue. I also had no friends. Well I was friends with some nerd and we built radios and computer shit.
All I know is that I am done for
Why aren't you going to show the video? I wanna see it. Also, I'd rather be an 8+/10 aspie than 2/10 low inhib NT.
As far as looks vs aspie, I think aspie is worse.
yup aspie drops you 3 points atleast
In my personal (thus obviously biased and anecdotal) observations, Asperger's and autism seems to correlate with general physical "weirdness" in facial traits and body shape. Anyone else notice this?

I swear they don't look like normal people, prior to their observable behaviours.
In my personal (thus obviously biased and anecdotal) observations, Asperger's and autism seems to correlate with general physical "weirdness" in facial traits and body shape. Anyone else notice this?

I swear they don't look like normal people, prior to their observable behaviours.

Most of the autism/aspie pics I've seen, the guy's face looks "off."

Like it's weird or crooked somehow.

You can pretty much tell anything you need to know just from someone's face, you can tell how intelligent they look (which usually correlates to how intelligent they are.)

KEK, I saw that video a while ago, I tried to find it again but I couldn't. Thanks! IIRC, his name was Kevin. I haven't played it yet.
KEK, I saw that video a while ago, I tried to find it again but I couldn't. Thanks! IIRC, his name was Kevin. I haven't played it yet.
Yah. Sure he is extreme, but take away his meltdown, leave his stare and eye contact, etc. You get the idea.
Tfw aspie and ugly.
being an aspie is why im even on this forum in the first place

if looks were "everything" i wouldn't even know what the term incel means jfl
there are legit chad autists out there, NT+avg looks>good looks autist
there are legit chad autists out there, NT+avg looks>good looks autist

yep, low inhibition is everything. no one wants some autistic faggot who can barely even speak
In my personal (thus obviously biased and anecdotal) observations, Asperger's and autism seems to correlate with general physical "weirdness" in facial traits and body shape. Anyone else notice this?

I swear they don't look like normal people, prior to their observable behaviours.

Uncanny valley territory.
in my case i am fucked on both ends.
yep, low inhibition is everything. no one wants some autistic faggot who can barely even speak
as long as its NT low inhib e.g they actually know what theyre doing, cringey aspies trying to be kunfidently low inhib must die
looks trump everything but yeah, awkward guys always look far worse
Yah. Sure he is extreme, but take away his meltdown, leave his stare and eye contact, etc. You get the idea.
Yeah I do. I remember him looking more Chad-like though.
How do I tell if I'm aspie without getting diagnosed?

I can fake being normal.
so much fucking cope there is no such thing as assburger if you had true autism you would be too retarded to do anything including posting on here just face the facts you are ugly and inferior thats why you are incel
so much fucking cope there is no such thing as assburger if you had true autism you would be too retarded to do anything including posting on here just face the facts you are ugly and inferior thats why you are incel
What a retarded thing to say. Not all autists are low IQ you know.
Here comes the autistic/aspergers cope again. You are incel 100% because of your looks. There are people with aspergers who have gfs. You just don't have one because you're ugly and that's the bottom line
The worst thing about being autistic is the fact that women give extremely subtle IOI's so you cannot fucking tell even if a girl likes you until she kisses you/fucks you/tells you.
No, no, no. Looks > all.
The worst thing about being autistic is the fact that women give extremely subtle IOI's so you cannot fucking tell even if a girl likes you until she kisses you/fucks you/tells you.
"Remember that 80% of communication is non-verbal"

lol, you actually believe that?
In my personal (thus obviously biased and anecdotal) observations, Asperger's and autism seems to correlate with general physical "weirdness" in facial traits and body shape. Anyone else notice this?

I swear they don't look like normal people, prior to their observable behaviours.
I have noticed this, too. I have a bad frame, horrible face, and I'm an obvious sperg. Whether it's because of my posture or demeanor or just my looks, normies can detect within a fraction of a second that I'm subhuman genetic trash.

I bet this correlates also to having parents who were old when you were born. My mom was 46 when I was born, went through menopause shortly after. My autism / inceldom was a sure thing, basically.
extremely low IQ post, aspergers is a problem but if you're good looking it doesn't matter
Here comes the autistic/aspergers cope again. You are incel 100% because of your looks. There are people with aspergers who have gfs. You just don't have one because you're ugly and that's the bottom line

This. Can't believe so much bluepill cope in one thread.

If you are autistic but good looking you are probably "quirky", "unique" and "deep".
Here comes the autistic/aspergers cope again. You are incel 100% because of your looks. There are people with aspergers who have gfs. You just don't have one because you're ugly and that's the bottom line
Most guys with autism do not have gfs despite looking no different than the average person. You're full of shit.
Indeed. I've seen guys with Inceltier looks who've got cute girlfriends. It's certainly isn't over if you're below average looking but it truly is if you're Aspie + below average. Femoids hate guys with Aspergers because they display the typical ugly nice guy syndrome. Aspiecells are doomed for life.
It's not just foids that will reject you,everyone will,from school to your job, society will just throw you away like trash and give NEETBux to make you shut up. it's beyond over for aspiecels.
You guys prove the personality meme correct.

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