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SuicideFuel Asperger foid model mogs 90% of us

  • Thread starter Cybersex is our hope
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Cybersex is our hope

Cybersex is our hope

Jul 4, 2018
Don't know if you knew her but she is an aspie foid model (nina marker). The worst shit is that while aspie men rot without jobs and social circles becoming 40 yo KHV (pretty much my future i suppose) she is still cheerished and paid for actually breathing even tho she has a fucking masculine face making her look like a 18 years old guy if she has not makeup and with short hair. There's more than that tho: if she tried to LARP as a young guy on tinder she would probably get more matches from foids than we'll ever do.

Female body+Male brain= fucking atomic bomb
Making women equal to men= making women actually superior to men since they gain our functionality while keeping their biological nobility making us basically empty shells


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Autistic women still hook up, date, and marry with normie guys regardless of their physical appearance. They don’t have to be a model.

You’re right about everything else though, autistic men have no hope, and either rope or live a life of cope. Currently 31 year old autistic guy here, going on 32 soon, living cope mode.

I recently made a tinder account as a woman by just gender swapping my face and got 76 matches within 30 minutes.
As if NT/aspergers matters for foids.

That shit only matters for men.

Men are magnitudes more forgiving to flaws in women than women are to men.
Autistic women still hook up, date, and marry with normie guys regardless of their physical appearance. They don’t have to be a model.
Yes but the tragic side of this peculiar case is that she can also LARP as a young boy and being seen as a sort of Chad (and mog many of us)
As if NT/aspergers matters for foids.

That shit only matters for men.

Men are magnitudes more forgiving to flaws in women than women are to men.
Much more than that. Men find flaws in foids attractive
She looks more masc than me. Jfl

That is how the average "mentalcel" on incel forums looks like
She looks more masc than me. Jfl

She looks like a Chad. I'm filled with rage now. I just can't accept how this whore just managed to succeed despite her huge non NT mind and behaviour and despite not being feminine and seductive at all due to aspergerism (extreme male brain) while not only aspie men rot alone but also all those men who don't conform to normal male behaviour that foids want
That is how the average "mentalcel" on incel forums looks like
I can't overcome the rage caused by her being more attractive than me EVEN AS A PERCEIVED MALE
She looks like a man, not that I wouldn't of course, she's thin and female. But how is she a model?

She looks like a man, not that I wouldn't of course, she's thin and female. But how is she a model?

She is quite attractive if dressed up as a foid and with the correct hairstyle however she looks "off" as fuck (as another aspie foid i know). The main problem is that they tend to fit very well when dressed up as boys. They act like boys and interact pretty much the same. It's not like dyke mentally challenged fat lesbians with short hair who actually are perceived as women even if extremely non attractive nor like retarded feminists who try to imitate men while they only imitate the parody of men they have in mind (like children with adults). This is something completely different: my reptilian brain somehow perceives them as males even tho they aren't. It's cringy af. Yet they still manage to succeed, hookup and being fucking models. I'm feeling a mixture of rage and deep sadness and desperation now as i think about how they can have such a non-conformist, totally non-feminine behaviour and still gain billions and go to the top ranks of society while i, as an aspie male of the same age, feel like i'm swimming like crazy just to stay on the surface and not drown
cute tbh
8/10 to me, any autist can be a model provided he has looks. Girls will thrist for GIGA self harming autists if he looks like o pry so perfectly understandable that foid with the "model" looks can make it as one even though she is autistic
She looks like a dude from that angle.
As if NT/aspergers matters for foids.

That shit only matters for men.

Men are magnitudes more forgiving to flaws in women than women are to men.
It matters a lot. Aspergian/BAP females are not as easily able to effortlessly lie, manipulate and commit adultery as the standard NT foid. They don´t have the same social fluidity.

What makes NT-foids so dangerous? It´s the high degree of empathy and emotionizing which is used for harm. If this ability is reduced, you get a loyal wife with a small social circle. But these women are in high demand, and Chad will take them.
It matters a lot. Aspergian/BAP females are not as easily able to effortlessly lie, manipulate and commit adultery as the standard NT foid. They don´t have the same social fluidity.

What makes NT-foids so dangerous? It´s the high degree of empathy and emotionizing which is used for harm. If this ability is reduced, you get a loyal wife with a small social circle. But these women are in high demand, and Chad will take them.
Exactly. 0 effect on SMV. Whereas if a guy isn’t NT, He needs to have extremely good looks to make up for it. And even then, all things being equal, foids will pick NT chad over aspie chad
Exactly. 0 effect on SMV. Whereas if a guy isn’t NT, He needs to have extremely good looks to make up for it. And even then, all things being equal, foids will pick NT chad over aspie chad
Less neurotypicality in women will increase their SMV to men.

We understand the extreme male brain where there was to much testosterone in the embryonic fluid. That is autism.

But what is the "extreme female brain" where there was to little testosterone in the embryonic fluid? This causes excessive social or empathizing needs and can be described as histrionic and borderline personality disorder.

Chad will take the loyal, understanding and good women when he eventually settles down. That will be the BAP-female.

Chadlite will settle for the slightly less stable ones.

Normies will settle for those with latent personality disorders. And they will be passed on to betabuxxers when the divorce cycle starts.
Making women equal to men= making women actually superior to men since they gain our functionality while keeping their biological nobility making us basically empty shells

Those hunter eyes damn, her damn eyes mog mine to oblivion lmao. I think there´s an error in this assumption. Femoids can´t be made our equal, due to pure biological constraints. Females will always reason as females, running on their resource squandering and hypergamous firmware of theirs. Instead, if you mean that they are forced (and helped quite a lot with affirmative action and such, to level the field...) in a role that causes men to become redundant, then I agree with you.

Moreover, I don´t even think they have "biological nobility", I believe you mean that they are the gatekeeper of reproduction since they constitute the only limit to any numerical increases of a given population. What´s the nobility in basically behaving like a sperm receptacle who pits males one against one another?
just be female theory
It matters a lot. Aspergian/BAP females are not as easily able to effortlessly lie, manipulate and commit adultery as the standard NT foid. They don´t have the same social fluidity.
There can be a downside tho like non NT foids having the same hypergamic instinct just without the ability to mask it with emotions/crying/pathologically lying and shit like that. Hell, the aspie foid i know actually told a friend of mine she wouldn't date him but she'll jump on him if he buys an expensive house in Sardinia. She said that with like 0 inhibition or remorse or even the slightest emotional inclination. Just KeK
Fuck this foid mog me and the entire forum to the hell
Those hunter eyes damn, her damn eyes mog mine to oblivion lmao. I think there´s an error in this assumption. Femoids can´t be made our equal, due to pure biological constraints. Females will always reason as females, running on their resource squandering and hypergamous firmware of theirs. Instead, if you mean that they are forced (and helped quite a lot with affirmative action and such, to level the field...) in a role that causes men to become redundant, then I agree with you.

Moreover, I don´t even think they have "biological nobility", I believe you mean that they are the gatekeeper of reproduction since they constitute the only limit to any numerical increases of a given population. What´s the nobility in basically behaving like a sperm receptacle who pits males one against one another?
I was referring to aspie foid who tend to have higher prenatal T and it affects their brain making them more masculine in thoughts than the average foid (and most of the times even in looks). If there would be a foid with 100% male intelligence, mindset and 360 awareness + an attractive body she would easily dominate a fucking nation. Foid have higher sexual value but lower productivity value so men have to use their productivity value and skills to compensate. If women can gain that ability without losing their biological rarity that would completely make the average man an useless empty shell to her.

PS: I wasn't meant to say women are actually "Noble". That term was just "usefull" to give an idea of how precious foids are relatively to a male in terms of sex and reproduction XD
just be female theory
Male with non-conformist non masculine mind= dry pussy
Female with non conformist masculine mind=Hard dicks
Fuck this foid mog me and the entire forum to the hell
And she really looks like a fucking good looking (yet weirdo) teen guy whenever she isn't well dressed and with fakeup


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If there would be a foid with 100% male intelligence, mindset and 360 awareness + an attractive body she would easily dominate a fucking nation.
Angela Merkel did that without being good looking. She is definitely on the spectrum.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, could be a case in point. A biographical portrait (Radice, 2013) pointed out that “she always wanted to use power. It’s just that before the [Berlin] wall came down, she wanted power over molecules… and after the wall came down, it was power on a wider stage.” Merkel studied physics and holds a doctoral degree (Lachmann and Reuth, 2013). People in the “hard” sciences tend to have more autistic traits than others (Austin, 2005).

As a girl, Merkel took part in the “Math Olympics” (Müller-Lissner, 2015), and knew all the names of members of the East German as well as the West German governments, but still “… tried not to be a nerd” (Mills, 2008, p. 25). She was also physically clumsy, and has explained: “What a normal person can do quite naturally, I had to process consciously and perform laboriously. I was a little idiot when it came to moving. My patient parents always had to tell me how to walk down a hill – from a technical point of view” (see Leßnerkraus, 2005, p. 97, my translation). An associate who has known her long says Merkel is “very difficult to know … She is like a computer …” (see Packer, 2014). In political meetings, “she is almost uncannily immersed in the details of whatever is under discussion” (Irwin, 2015). Other observers have called Merkel “remote,” “a bit awkward,” and noted her “analytical detachment” (see Packer, 2014). High-functioning people with autism are often seen as analytical (Bryson, 2005), and can be socially detached (Soderstrom et al., 2002).

Angela Merkel did that without being good looking. She is definitely on the spectrum.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, could be a case in point. A biographical portrait (Radice, 2013) pointed out that “she always wanted to use power. It’s just that before the [Berlin] wall came down, she wanted power over molecules… and after the wall came down, it was power on a wider stage.” Merkel studied physics and holds a doctoral degree (Lachmann and Reuth, 2013). People in the “hard” sciences tend to have more autistic traits than others (Austin, 2005).

As a girl, Merkel took part in the “Math Olympics” (Müller-Lissner, 2015), and knew all the names of members of the East German as well as the West German governments, but still “… tried not to be a nerd” (Mills, 2008, p. 25). She was also physically clumsy, and has explained: “What a normal person can do quite naturally, I had to process consciously and perform laboriously. I was a little idiot when it came to moving. My patient parents always had to tell me how to walk down a hill – from a technical point of view” (see Leßnerkraus, 2005, p. 97, my translation). An associate who has known her long says Merkel is “very difficult to know … She is like a computer …” (see Packer, 2014). In political meetings, “she is almost uncannily immersed in the details of whatever is under discussion” (Irwin, 2015). Other observers have called Merkel “remote,” “a bit awkward,” and noted her “analytical detachment” (see Packer, 2014). High-functioning people with autism are often seen as analytical (Bryson, 2005), and can be socially detached (Soderstrom et al., 2002).

Interesting. Now just think about an attractive male brain foid and her possibilities . Devastating

PS: Merkel the traitor has ruined the aspie brand. Sad to know she is one of us
I meant that, since she already was non NT.
She even said that she is the proof that non NT people can have big success and enjoy life. Stupid whore, like it's not the fact that you are non NT AND FEMALE that actually made you a potential billionaire
. If this ability is reduced, you get a loyal wife with a small social circle. But these women are in high demand, and Chad will take them.
I doubt they'd be as patient with a aspie male model.
Why they'd bother if they can get a valid one.
I doubt they'd be as patient with a aspie male model.
Why they'd bother if they can get a valid one.
Exactly. An aspie male can ascend only if he is lucky to be very good at IT/computers and he really likes that stuff. If not, he can just wait to die alone
Looks handsome, JFL @ that being a female.
Not really my cup of tea tbh.
Aspie foids will still live the perfect life, nothing new here, fuck this world
That’s gigaStacy
a good-looking aspie man finds women, the ugly men withouth mental problems are fucked
Just Exist Mode is the law.
Just Exist Mode is the law.
Just be a foid with some flaws and you'll get even more dicks theory
PS: Let's make the suifuel even stronger. I googled her heigh and she is around 5'11.
It matters a lot. Aspergian/BAP females are not as easily able to effortlessly lie, manipulate and commit adultery as the standard NT foid. They don´t have the same social fluidity.

What makes NT-foids so dangerous? It´s the high degree of empathy and emotionizing which is used for harm. If this ability is reduced, you get a loyal wife with a small social circle. But these women are in high demand, and Chad will take them.
Autistic foids have an easier life than Chad. Their biggest issues are things like "I keep saying awkward things to my friends and my boyfriend :(

In other words autism is a non issue for foids.
Autistic foids have an easier life than Chad. Their biggest issues are things like "I keep saying awkward things to my friends and my boyfriend :(

In other words autism is a non issue for foids.
Are there actual issues for foids?
Knew of an aspie girl who ate her hair and talked to her car like it was a person. She had no less than five Chads chasing her. If a male did that? Suicide by age 17.
Those hunter eyes damn, her damn eyes mog mine to oblivion lmao. I think there´s an error in this assumption. Femoids can´t be made our equal, due to pure biological constraints. Females will always reason as females, running on their resource squandering and hypergamous firmware of theirs. Instead, if you mean that they are forced (and helped quite a lot with affirmative action and such, to level the field...) in a role that causes men to become redundant, then I agree with you.

Moreover, I don´t even think they have "biological nobility", I believe you mean that they are the gatekeeper of reproduction since they constitute the only limit to any numerical increases of a given population. What´s the nobility in basically behaving like a sperm receptacle who pits males one against one another?
Nobility=power. What more power is there than making beings twice as strong as you fight for your attention?
If you want to see juggernaut law in action, look no further than autistic females.
Autism or any mental issue isn’t really much of a hindrance for a foids love life tbh
Could pass for a guy.
Of course I'd still take her.
I was referring to aspie foid who tend to have higher prenatal T and it affects their brain making them more masculine in thoughts than the average foid (and most of the times even in looks). If there would be a foid with 100% male intelligence, mindset and 360 awareness + an attractive body she would easily dominate a fucking nation. Foid have higher sexual value but lower productivity value so men have to use their productivity value and skills to compensate. If women can gain that ability without losing their biological rarity that would completely make the average man an useless empty shell to her.

PS: I wasn't meant to say women are actually "Noble". That term was just "usefull" to give an idea of how precious foids are relatively to a male in terms of sex and reproduction XD

Male with non-conformist non masculine mind= dry pussy
Female with non conformist masculine mind=Hard dicks

And she really looks like a fucking good looking (yet weirdo) teen guy whenever she isn't well dressed and with fakeup

No worries, I understand what you meant now :feelsokman: We´re lucky that a femoid with a 100% male firmware doesn´t exist, we would be fucked in a very short time. I bet that an experiment on tinder with her larping as a guy would yield many matches. What baffles me a bit is that masculine femoids are usually ugly, but that´s quite an exception.

Nobility=power. What more power is there than making beings twice as strong as you fight for your attention?

In a sense, you think you´re right. It´s the power of control, and it is everything, especially in such a heavily networked society as ours. I would tentatively say that a more interconnected society favors female agenda, at least indirectly. More connections = more males who skins each other alive to have a go to her pussy.

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