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Asian Stacies are the worse



Nov 7, 2017
They are entitled as fuck, they despise their culture and pretend to be white. They reject every asian normies and Chads who asks them out because they only want a white Chad. They are proof of the just be white theory. They are picky as fuck and are wearing fake up at all times. 

I'm not asian but I've seen how they act, if they were men, they would be rotting right here with us. Asian Stacies are the worse kinds, NEVER RESPECT AN ASIAN STACY
Asian females are either nerds or trashy as fuck. There seems to be no in between.

Asian males are almost all incel and yet I don't see many on here. It's like they happily accept their fate.
The asian men let this happen with their cuck beta ways.
I wish this "just be white" shit would work for me considering I'm as white as it gets.
Yep.. The fact that they gonna pass subhuman genes they still want chads
Solitarian_Walker said:
The asian men let this happen with their cuck beta ways.

Can confirm asian normies are cucks, they are the type of people you see on /r/niceguys
Asian females are the worst. ALL MEN OF ALL RACES SHOULD AVOID THEM AND LET THEM DIE ALONE WITH THEIR CATS. Don't even fuck them. Everyone (both male and female of all races) should avoid fucking/dating/marrying Asian femoids to teach them what it's like to be born as an Asian male/Hapa male.
Self-hating ethnic women disgusts me, especially the ones in uni, makes my fucking blood boil.

CopingGymcel said:
I wish this "just be white" shit would work for me considering I'm as white as it gets.
Don't worry about these types of thread; we all know that it starts with the face, man.
They just want white men. Any ethnic with yellow fever should give up and just fuck asian escorts.
the most stuck-up bitches on the planet. Extremely materialistic too
It’s a travesty how Asian women treat Asian men. They only want white Chads.
Asian femoids are the only girls attracted to me, fucking sucks because I like white girls only.
Asian stacies shouldn't have children. There's this long as fuck list of r/hapas about all the white supremacists who have asian gf's. What does that tell you about asian women's views towards their own kind? Their kids will be asians, just like them, and considering they detest their own kind, the kids upbringing will be pure mental torment. Knowing that society regards him as a lesser being and even his own mother detests him for no other reason than the fact that he is her son... Asian women are mental illness personified. This is what happens when women aren't controlled.
Currycel4Life said:
Asian stacies shouldn't have children. There's this long as fuck list of r/hapas about all the white supremacists who have asian gf's. What does that tell you about asian women's views towards their own kind? Their kids will be asians, just like them, and considering they detest their own kind, the kids upbringing will be pure mental torment. Knowing that society regards him as a lesser being and even his own mother detests him for no other reason than the fact that he is her son... Asian women are mental illness personified. This is what happens when women aren't controlled.

Yeah, r/hapas is one of the main reasons I avoid them like the plague. I could easily lose my incel status to one of them since they're so desperate for white cock but they disgust me & creep me out.
Currycel4Life said:
Asian stacies shouldn't have children. There's this long as fuck list of r/hapas about all the white supremacists who have asian gf's. What does that tell you about asian women's views towards their own kind? Their kids will be asians, just like them, and considering they detest their own kind, the kids upbringing will be pure mental torment. Knowing that society regards him as a lesser being and even his own mother detests him for no other reason than the fact that he is her son... Asian women are mental illness personified. This is what happens when women aren't controlled.

"the kids upbringing will be pure mental torment"

Hey you just described my childhood!
CeliacCel said:
Yeah, r/hapas is one of the main reasons I avoid them like the plague. I could easily lose my incel status to one of them since they're so desperate for white cock but they disgust me & creep me out.

Yeah, they're creepy. But if I was in your shoes I would only ever fuck them, never marry them. You can date them if you want to have a bit of fun but in the back of your mind remember not to take them seriously because of how mentally disturbed they are. Fuck 'em and toss 'em. If you don't, some other white dork will and that's what these women want: to be part of 'whiteness'. Once she's done sucking off hundreds of white cocks she'll eventually settle down with whatever lower class white dude decides upon the fatal flaw of settling down with one of these deranged gooklets. She'll never marry her own though, it would be a facet of great shame for her, being with an asian.
Currycel4Life said:
Yeah, they're creepy. But if I was in your shoes I would only ever fuck them, never marry them. You can date them if you want to have a bit of fun but in the back of your mind remember not to take them seriously because of how mentally disturbed they are. Fuck 'em and toss 'em. If you don't, some other white dork will and that's what these women want: to be part of 'whiteness'. Once she's done sucking off hundreds of white cocks she'll eventually settle down with whatever lower class white dude decides upon the fatal flaw of settling down with one of these deranged gooklets. She'll never marry her own though, it would be a facet of great shame for her, being with an asian.

True words man. I'm half curry btw
Currycel4Life said:
Yeah, they're creepy. But if I was in your shoes I would only ever fuck them, never marry them. You can date them if you want to have a bit of fun but in the back of your mind remember not to take them seriously because of how mentally disturbed they are. Fuck 'em and toss 'em. If you don't, some other white dork will and that's what these women want: to be part of 'whiteness'. Once she's done sucking off hundreds of white cocks she'll eventually settle down with whatever lower class white dude decides upon the fatal flaw of settling down with one of these deranged gooklets. She'll never marry her own though, it would be a facet of great shame for her, being with an asian.

I'm a fellow currycel.
CeliacCel said:
True words man. I'm half curry btw

Then you have no reason to not fuck these retarded subhuman cesspool fleshbags of mental illness. Fuck 'em and toss 'em. Just use them for fun and never settle down with one. They're deranged moron hypocrites who do not realise that THEY THEMSELVES ARE WHAT THEY DESPISE MOST. They'll do anything for white cock. I'm guessing you're not a typical curry if they want to fuck you. Who cares dude, fuck their deranged gook pussies, I hear insane people fuck the best. Abuse her a bit too, you'll have far more liberties with her than any other chick. Asian girls will put up with far more when it's someone outside of their race than they ever would another asian.
Asian women in the east overwhelmingly date/marry their own. Leading to a homogeneous but xenophobic society. Asians women become culturally corrupted in the west.
Asians are the race with by far the biggest difference in SMW between men and women. Asian women often have incredibly high SMV, while ricecels have incredibly low SMV, usually not being seen as sexual beings at all, but just as neutered, genderless humanoids who are at best attracted to tentacles and dolphins and disgusting shit you didn't even know exists. Ricecels thinking that they'd at least have a chance of finding an Asian partner are like short men thinking that they'd at least have a chance of finding a short girl partner.
Red Shambhala said:
Asians are the race with by far the biggest difference in SMW between men and women. Asian women often have incredibly high SMV, while ricecels have incredibly low SMV, usually not being seen as sexual beings at all, but just as neutered, genderless humanoids who are at best attracted to tentacles and dolphins and disgusting shit you didn't even know exists. Ricecels thinking that they'd at least have a chance of finding an Asian partner are like short men thinking that they'd at least have a chance of finding a short girl partner.

Only if we're talking about the west. That being said only 36% of asian women intermarry in the US but that's by far the highest % compared to other races/ethnicities.

It's amazing how many Asian men are incel in the west. It's like many of them accept that it's over for them so just give up on women completely.
iiiTeMpeR said:
The are entitled as fuck, they despise their culture and pretend to be white. They reject every asian normies and Chads who asks them out because they only want a white Chad. They are proof of the just be white theory. They are picky as fuck and are wearing fake up at all times. 

I'm not asian but I've seen how they act, if they were men, they would be rotting right here with us. Asian Stacies are the worse kinds, NEVER RESPECT AN ASIAN STACY

All femoids are morallets but Asianlets are the most depraved femoids I have ever encountered. I lived next to a Cambodian family as a kid and they had a daughter around the same age as me. She never spoke to me but I saw her push her younger brother out of a window once and I would occasionally see her throwing rocks at birds. I think she attempted to vivisection a dog in her backyard once.

I also remember this 9/10 Chinese girl who found out one of her classmates were raped and subsequently bullied her so hard over it she had to drop out. Then she started talking shit about Koreans and a couple of Korean girls in her class caught her alone in the car park and started beating her with empty soju bottles. They even circulated photos of her on social media and both her eyes were swollen, there was a large gash across her face.

Not sure if this makes me volcel but I would prefer not to date an Asianlet since the majority of them are mental illness personified.
Wrong, white women are the worst. No other race of women will make you feel as low as they do. Asian women are just about the same though, albeit much more timid.
I'm white and I have beenr ejected many times by Asian girls. They all want Chad.
incelman said:
I'm white and I have beenr ejected many times by Asian girls. They all want Chad.

same story with me. after one date they literally fucking ghost me..

being a 5'6 white boy with boyish looks+frame sucks
Yea asian women are the worst. ALL femails are terrible but asians act the most entitled and disgusting.
Also, r/AsiansGoneWild proves how validating degenerate whorish asian women really are.

shy asian girl is just a fucking meme. they're whores to chad if given the chance
Does anyone know if this is the case in the Philippines? I was thinking about going there
Battlefield3cel said:
Does anyone know if this is the case in the Philippines? I was thinking about going there

i would advice you to just go there to fuck and not plan to bring a pinoy back to where ever youre from
ovrload said:
same story with me. after one date they literally fucking ghost me..

being a 5'6 white boy with boyish looks+frame sucks

I've never been on a date. They ALL rejected me. I'm so subhuman I deserve to be beaten up and locked in my room.
ovrload said:
i would advice you to just go there to fuck and not plan to bring a pinoy back to where ever youre from

Battlefield3cel said:

if you want a cute girl to fuck i think they look better. but dont get too attached. otherwise the whores will rip your soul out lol
ovrload said:
if you want a cute girl to fuck i think they look better. but dont get too attached. otherwise the whores will rip your soul out lol

Thanks.  Ive been to vietnam before. Can confirm,  they're very cheap there
Battlefield3cel said:
Thanks.  Ive been to vietnam before. Can confirm,  they're very cheap there

ive had a thai gf but i was such an autist that i didnt have vaginal sex with her (performance anxiety i guess)
ovrload said:
ive had an thai gf but i was such an autist that i didnt have vaginal sex with her (performance anxiety i guess)

My condolences. Do you miss having a girlfriend as a companion?
Battlefield3cel said:
My condolences. Do you miss having a girlfriend as a companion?

sometimes. makes it hard living at parents home living on NEETbux.

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