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Ashes of the Last Cope (Part 3, cont)



Jul 9, 2018
Part 1 and 2
Part 3 (beginning)

Covert coping strategies serve a two fold purpose: they are designed to numb ones pain or frustration
with the world, while also providing relief in the form of escapism. Like their overt counterparts, they
take on many forms, be it as a substance or a lifestyle choice. Their goal, however, is not to achieve
actualization, but exist as a means to cope with the fact that such an achievement is impossible.

The substances people turn to as a covert strategy are obvious: alcohol, drugs (both prescription or
narcotic), comfort eating, or pornography could all constitute as such. Whenever such copes are put
into use, the intent of the user is to achieve a kind of high; the pleasure centers of the brain are flooded
from indulgence, resulting in a sense of rapture that overt strategies could never give them. In a way,
such a high is a type of actualization for the inferior; they can never know true pleasure from the
endless cycle of self improvement, which only offers them empty promises in exchange a lifetime of
fruitless labor. In contrast, covert strategies actually deliver a feeling of elation, with very little delay
and without the demand of slavish effort.

Not all covert strategies, however, are limited to addiction or substance abuse; a lifestyle such as that of
the Hikkomori of Japan, who banish themselves into their rooms with little contact with the world,
could also be described as a type of covert strategy. This – like addiction – is an extreme example,
however; most people are still able to conduct ordinary lives, while only relying on a covert strategy to
satisfy a single need. A man might still work, pay his bills, and file his taxes on time, thus appearing to
be normal and functional to those around him. In private, however, he may indulge himself in
pornographic fantasies, because the fact that he is unattractive disqualifies him from ever enjoying a
partner in a healthy relationship.

Both covert coping strategies, and the people who use them, are often looked down on by society at
large. The latter may enforce policies to limit access to said copes, or the attempt might be made to try
and ban them altogether. What constitutes as a covert strategy is not always clear. They linger in a type
of gray area, especially in western countries, and whether they are embraced or despised depends
heavily on context. Alcohol – for instance – is sold and served in many stores, and is enjoyed by party
goers and the occasional social drinker. But a man seen drunk in the streets will be charged with public
intoxication, and sent by the police to detox at the local precinct.

As one may observe, it is not always the cope itself that society frowns upon, but rather the dependency
one might develop around them. The reasons for this have already been stated, sharing large overlap
with overt strategies in this way; the rejection of overt strategies in favor of covert ones undermines the
conviction that advocates may hold in the former, as they rely on reinforcement to maintain their
beliefs. If one to were to explore why certain people turn to covert strategies, they run the risk of
exposing themselves to genetic determinism; Thus their faith in the myth of control and the religion of
effort may either be shaken or irreversibly lost.

Covert coping strategy may provide temporary relief, but in the case of the inferior, they are all doomed
to fail. The human brain is easily pleased, but it quickly builds up a tolerance, and one may launch a
vain cycle of seeking out new coping strategies. This explains the transition surrounding gateway
drugs, or the development of obscene fetishes among pornographic viewers. Some people reach death
before they run out of copes, while others overindulge, allowing their cope of choice to destroy them, a
fate often seen with alcohol cirrhosis or a fatal drug overdose.

It is not uncommon for the inferior to retreat back to overt strategies, either from a jolt of motivation, or
to escape long bouts of depression. However, like jailhouse conversions, these are often short lived;
most people will fluctuate between overt and covert, their genes determining how much time they
spend in pursuit of one or the other. Many of these souls will find recourse after a brief time in limbo,
but the genetically inferior are often trapped in this cycle. They will walk the path of Hugo – the
mighty Gladiator – dabbling and immersing in one cope after the other. Finally, after some time, they
will reach the end of that path, and there they will come face to face with the last cope.

When a man's final refuge has been burned to the ground, and the ashes of the last cope are blown
away before him, he will then have no choice but to face the abyss, and in that moment, he will have
only three options left. Most men will collapse and succumb to their despair, while a few may go
insane, yet among those who lived questioning the outcome of their lives, they may find themselves
now questioning the very point of life itself.

There are those who spend their whole lives questioning and searching for the meaning of their
existence. Some will turn to philosophy, and bathe themselves in metaphysics, while others might try to
find that meaning within religion or the sciences. For the inferior however, such a search will not be
necessary, as the answer to that question is abundantly clear:

The inferior exist because they were born, which is the exact same reason as everybody else. Life; it is
not a gift to be shared, but something imposed on all of man, who are brought into the world without
having any say in the matter. Once this becomes clear, one born inferior may lose any attachment to the
world, and if he possesses enough strength, he may choose to dispense with it.
Holy shit you actually wrote this stuff out

I'll bookmark your shit to read later tbh sorry i said dn read

(mfw viewing this wall of text I will read maybe....)
I love it. Thanks for sharing again.

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