Thanks for participating, I really appreciate it. I score fairly similarily, between 124-130 on multiple tests. Do you feel affected in your social life?
Ah yes, very nice. Thanks for taking part, I was hoping that someone with an actual diagnosis would do the test. Damn, that sounds brutal as fuck. Do you at least get some sort of disability compensation or do you live in a shit-world country?
UK, best I could get is pip which is a fuck all amount, not bothered trying to claim it due to procrastination. Living with my dad ATM & once he's dead I'm going to be homeless, will come down to either coping with a shit tier job living isolated or the rope.
As for the first question, I feel like many ppl are not real or I'm a different species.
A quick bit of past situations.
Had a few women that were apparently interested through online dating but it either fell through after meeting them once or collapsed before even getting to irl meeting, they seemed distant & not receptive in person or it ended up they had a bf. Best I got was the HH part of khhv once or twice.
Father has undiagnosed high functioning autism, signs are there
Mother had telltale signs of Diogenes syndrome (not diagnosed, look it up for symptoms)
Grew up in poverty (neither parent held a job entire time I've been alive)
No extended familial support
Lived in a ghetto with high gang/criminal elements & immigrants (low amount of own nationality), got out a decade ago.
Was kept indoors during childhood due to parents fearful for my safety with all the gangs & psychotic kids in neighbourhood.
Never had guests around 99.9% of the time, mother instilled a sense of dread in myself & sister telling us to pretend we're not in if the doorbell rang or there was a phonecall.
No uncles or grandparents teaching me anything.
Father didn't teach me the things a male role model should.
Father was on valium unconscious or out gambling when I was young
Mother would be having manic depressive episodes at times & unapproachable.
Was anorexic as a child.
If we were to go outside my mother would have a ritual to "check" us incase something was caught on us or some nonsense (in her mind I believe the ritual kept us safe), had to climb out window a few times. (Like this lol
When I attempted stuff I'd get criticised by my dad for making a mess or not doing it properly so in the end decided there was less grief by not even attempting.
Would avoid eating all day at school due to a few issues but namely not wanting to be in a crowded, loud chaotic room full of unpredictable kids.
So called friends didn't support me when push came to shove.
Had to go to school dirty & with worn out clothes.
Have a low functioning Autistic nephew.
Living in these bizarre circumstances I never had anyone to tell me this is abnormal, I might have ASD & lived in isolation for many years only getting a diagnosis as an adult.
I think I might have bipolar or some shit as some days I feel fine ready to tackle stuff & can force myself to make eye contact & other days don't want to go outside & avoid eye contact. Feelings of utter despair & terror one day & laughing, positive feelings another. Totally random, no event or sleep pattern change affecting this.