An incel’s ascension is an inhuman process, where he has to surgerymax, break his bones, take roids, hit low bodyfat and practice a daily routine with diet and healthy lifestyle, just to get a low tier femoid pumped and dumped by Chads.
Chad just need to go out in a public place to be approached, he just have to live, no lookmaxing required.
This process is demotivational, and a sad cope when people realize that all the effort wasn’t worth the price. Because nowadays the woman is still seen as a price, but now low status males have to overcome a huge amount of difficulties to get modern women, and they are not worth that much.
Meanwhile, the typical femoid nowadays is living in tutorial mode, she can put no effort to improve herself, she can be fat and join the fat acceptance or feminism, she can still find beta shit-tier numales and feminist soyguys.
It’s never been so over in the history of humanity. It’s supremely over.