Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.




Life sucks and I hate everything
Jan 10, 2018
Who are the people who posted here and ascended Inceldom by finding a gf? Do they even exist? I want prove of that.
Or is it just a myth? Not sure if ascending Inceldom is even possible. Once an Incel, always an Incel.
Most of the people that "ascended" inceldom already got laid without money exchanging hands before their "ascension".
They just stop posting here completely.
They just stop posting here completely.
How do you know they didn't rope?
I just want one prove with pics. But it seems that you cannot escape Inceldom. If you fall in, you're forever doomed in the black hole.
most people who "ascend' are not incels, just fakecels here talking about their looksmaxxxxing
they weren't incels to begin with then
@Octopusgun2 ascended through a nosejob, but he already had a nice eye area to go on. He's a 6/10, meaning Chad-lite.
most people who "ascend' are not incels, just fakecels here talking about their looksmaxxxxing
JFL at this statement. If you haven't tried looksmaxing you are a volcel. You can't expect to put 0 effort in and get results.
JFL at this statement. If you haven't tried looksmaxing you are a volcel. You can't expect to put 0 effort in and get results.
i'm not saying theres no point in looksmaxing
All fakecels should suffer the same fate as normies and (((others)))
How do you know they didn't rope?
I just want one prove with pics. But it seems that you cannot escape Inceldom. If you fall in, you're forever doomed in the black hole.
Most rope. I'd say only 5-10% of incels ever manage to ascend.

they weren't incels to begin with then
Fuck off with that no true scotsman fallacy
I plan to ascend in about an year from now. Looksmaxing plus foreigner game.
Incel means "involuntarily celibate."

Well if someone manages to get laid, they're no longer "involuntarily celibate."

To say they never WERE involuntarily celibate is false, just that they no longer are.

I would say that every male is involuntarily celibate at some point (usually when they're young they want sex/validation from females but don't know how to get it. Their game sucks, their looks suck, they're maybe not NT enough.)

And then everyman sort of spends the next 10 years post-puberty wandering thru the desert, trying out different ways to try to get female validation.

Most succeed but a small percentage remain unsuccessful into their 30's and 40's.

%100 of people eventually, if they work at it long enough and keep refinining their methods, eventually will get laid if they want to. It /will/ happen.

Call it "beta bucks" call it whatever you want.

It happens quicker if you have a good career. Like if you have a really good career at age 27, making alot of money, you will find someone to settle down with and have kids with.

Alot of our parents and grandparents did that.

For some ppl the issue is deeper than that, they want "validation" of getting laid "without paying for it."

Well if you buy someone a coffee on a date, are you "paying for it?"

If you show up sharp dressed, are you "paying for it?"

If your date sees your healthy body and guages your potential to work hard and provide, are you "paying for it?"

Intrinsic human value kinda doesn't exist.

Even if she fucks you at first sight, it's because she wants the semen to have a baby, in other words she is getting VALUE out of you.

All male and female relations are based on exchange of value.

Your biological value as a male specimen.

Your provision/protection value.

Like even between male friends, would you hang out with someone if they weren't interesting, funny, etc etc, if you weren't getting some sort of VALUE out of them?

People associate with each other based on giving and receiving value.

Comedy value, money value, biological value, etc etc.

So if someone wants to not be an incel anymore, they have to increase their value.

Being ugly is unfortunate but there's 10 other ways to skin a cat.

If you can't get laid with looks, you get laid by being an ogre, if you can't get laid by being an ogre then you work on career, if you can't get laid on career then you work on charisma and charm, you learn game, you looksmax, you gym-max, etc etc.

You boost whatever you can boost till you get an opportunity to jizz in someone's cervix.

As far as "women have it easy" yeah they do have it easy.

But at the cost of not having much control over the process.

As a man I can put on cool clothes and turn on the charm and run game, I can flash my bucks.

When I get what I want, I can go back to having a big scruffy beard, wear sweatpants and play world of warcraft.

Women can't really "turn it off."

They just sort of are born with alot of biological value that everyone wants, they can't even go buy milk without 30 guys hitting on them.

I'd rather be me than her.

I don't need 1000 suitors, I only need 1 or 2.

Sometimes I don't even want company, or I only want company when I want it.

When I was young my father gave me alot of advice on how to get girls easily.

1. Learn a musical instrument
2. Hit the gym
3. Have friends/social life

All of these things attract women like ants.
kek these replies.. Anyone can ascend unless you're deformed or live in a 3rd world shithole where you can't make money.
Obviously it depends from a person to person but MOST incels here could legit ascend through surgeries..

I would need 2 surgeries to ascend and 1 just to fix my very subhuman flaw. That's your ascesion buddy boyos.
Get surgery = better looking

Common sense. lol at people saying people who can ascend are fakecels meanwhile they can ascend themselves unless they're curries.
JFL at this statement. If you haven't tried looksmaxing you are a volcel. You can't expect to put 0 effort in and get results.
You spent thousands to improve yourself to be better looking? FAKECEL !!! BECAUSE U SPENT MONEY LOL !
You spent thousands to improve yourself to be better looking? FAKECEL !!! BECAUSE U SPENT MONEY LOL !
Thousands is an overstatement. And ofc I'm spending money lol, nothing comes free.
Incel means "involuntarily celibate."

Well if someone manages to get laid, they're no longer "involuntarily celibate."

To say they never WERE involuntarily celibate is false, just that they no longer are.

I would say that every male is involuntarily celibate at some point (usually when they're young they want sex/validation from females but don't know how to get it. Their game sucks, their looks suck, they're maybe not NT enough.)

And then everyman sort of spends the next 10 years post-puberty wandering thru the desert, trying out different ways to try to get female validation.

Most succeed but a small percentage remain unsuccessful into their 30's and 40's.

%100 of people eventually, if they work at it long enough and keep refinining their methods, eventually will get laid if they want to. It /will/ happen.

Call it "beta bucks" call it whatever you want.

It happens quicker if you have a good career. Like if you have a really good career at age 27, making alot of money, you will find someone to settle down with and have kids with.

Alot of our parents and grandparents did that.

For some ppl the issue is deeper than that, they want "validation" of getting laid "without paying for it."

Well if you buy someone a coffee on a date, are you "paying for it?"

If you show up sharp dressed, are you "paying for it?"

If your date sees your healthy body and guages your potential to work hard and provide, are you "paying for it?"

Intrinsic human value kinda doesn't exist.

Even if she fucks you at first sight, it's because she wants the semen to have a baby, in other words she is getting VALUE out of you.

All male and female relations are based on exchange of value.

Your biological value as a male specimen.

Your provision/protection value.

Like even between male friends, would you hang out with someone if they weren't interesting, funny, etc etc, if you weren't getting some sort of VALUE out of them?

People associate with each other based on giving and receiving value.

Comedy value, money value, biological value, etc etc.

So if someone wants to not be an incel anymore, they have to increase their value.

Being ugly is unfortunate but there's 10 other ways to skin a cat.

If you can't get laid with looks, you get laid by being an ogre, if you can't get laid by being an ogre then you work on career, if you can't get laid on career then you work on charisma and charm, you learn game, you looksmax, you gym-max, etc etc.

You boost whatever you can boost till you get an opportunity to jizz in someone's cervix.

As far as "women have it easy" yeah they do have it easy.

But at the cost of not having much control over the process.

As a man I can put on cool clothes and turn on the charm and run game, I can flash my bucks.

When I get what I want, I can go back to having a big scruffy beard, wear sweatpants and play world of warcraft.

Women can't really "turn it off."

They just sort of are born with alot of biological value that everyone wants, they can't even go buy milk without 30 guys hitting on them.

I'd rather be me than her.

I don't need 1000 suitors, I only need 1 or 2.

Sometimes I don't even want company, or I only want company when I want it.

When I was young my father gave me alot of advice on how to get girls easily.

1. Learn a musical instrument
2. Hit the gym
3. Have friends/social life

All of these things attract women like ants.
Those things only work for good looking people, or atleast tall average men.
I can tell that learning musical instruments definetely doesn't work if you're not good looking or charming at all. Hitting gym will and has never worked for manlets. More than enough prove there is. I know people over 20 who have lots of friends but struggle to find gf. I tried all these things, it's just Cope. White women don't want me, ethnics don't want me and even handicapped women rejected me. My value is literally a 0. Me and my workmate are trying online dating apps. While he's got several dates, I can't even make a conversation without getting ignored when a femoid finally responds while she's texting with 50 other guys at the same time. You really don't want to be me. Even if they aren't turned off by looks, women can smell mentalcels even from their phone. I really need a miracle to ascend from Inceldom. Or maybe just rope.
Those things only work for good looking people, or atleast tall average men.
I can tell that learning musical instruments definetely doesn't work if you're not good looking or charming at all. Hitting gym will and has never worked for manlets. More than enough prove there is. I know people over 20 who have lots of friends but struggle to find gf. I tried all these things, it's just Cope. White women don't want me, ethnics don't want me and even handicapped women rejected me. My value is literally a 0. Me and my workmate are trying online dating apps. While he's got several dates, I can't even make a conversation without getting ignored when a femoid finally responds while she's texting with 50 other guys at the same time. You really don't want to be me. Even if they aren't turned off by looks, women can smell mentalcels even from their phone. I really need a miracle to ascend from Inceldom. Or maybe just rope.

If you're mentalcel that probably means you're stuck in your head alot, self-doubting, self-defeating.

It's like anything else, if you have a problem you figure out how to fix it, there's classes, coaching, therapy, books, videos, etc etc. Go fix it. Hell go to a sex therapist or something, go to a dating coach, they take all the ugly people and set them up on dates with each other to boost their confidence.

I had a terrible time trying to get laid, I never had so much as a kiss until I was about 22, and it was one of those awkward kisses where I more or less shoved my tongue down her throat. Then I tried to get her to suck my dick and she peeled out of there like a bat out of hell, when she got home she broke up with me. This represented about two months of time getting to know her, taking her out, going to movies, etc.

Then I got laid at 23 by a prostitute, I figured, "let me get it out of my system." And this was the ugliest prostitute you could imagine. First I went to a strip club where I spent about $1000 in the "champaign room" getting lapdances for like 3-4 hours. Then I took a cab to the hispanic part of town, the cabbie asked around and dropped me off at a whorehouse. The place was a dump. I'm hearing sex sounds and beds creaking, and there's only 1 hooker on-duty, she's like 45 years old, missing 2 front teeth. So I said, "What the hell" and took her back, gave her $30, she put the condom on me and I started fucking her. After about 5 minutes she's yelling "Finish, finish, time's up." So I get off her and go jerk off in the corner. LOL

I was 24 when I had my first real girlfriend. She was like...250 pounds. But really cute. And she was 10 years older than me. She flew from LA to New York to meet me (desperation!) and we slept in the same bed. Then she looked at me with goo goo eyes and I knew it was on. I prolly fucked her for the next 6 hours. Tried to go down on her, and nearly vomited, her pussy stank. So I just put my dick back in and kept going.

Back then I was fucking stupid. Didn't wear a condom or anything. Could have caught a disease, could have got her pregnant, I was just so amazed that I was finally getting laid that my brains went out the window.

The next year at 25, I was with another woman and actually got married. I had a really good job and was making lots of money, so I flashed my beta bucks and it got me a super hot chick, easily 9/10 I would say. Back then I was also pretty fit too, I was gym-maxing. So I had gym AND money going for me, that was pretty much my sexual peak.

Marriage broke up the next year. She was pregnant but I told her to get an abortion and she did. Never saw her again.

Now I'm like...obese. Crappy job. I look pretty white but kinda eurasian.

I /think/ I can get laid if I really try hard, but I'm kinda MGTOW (in other words, the juice is not worth the squeeze.)

Even if I found the perfect woman, I have too much money and assets to risk it, I don't want to get dragged into court and dissected to pay for child support or whatever.

I've been tossing the idea around of going expat, maybe trying for a family in third-world country like the Phillipines or something.

I'm pretty jaded at this point, I don't believe in "real love" or anything like that.

I just want to have maybe 2 kids then I can fuck off and die or whatever, that's pretty much my mission in life right now.
If you're mentalcel that probably means you're stuck in your head alot, self-doubting, self-defeating.

It's like anything else, if you have a problem you figure out how to fix it, there's classes, coaching, therapy, books, videos, etc etc. Go fix it. Hell go to a sex therapist or something, go to a dating coach, they take all the ugly people and set them up on dates with each other to boost their confidence.

I had a terrible time trying to get laid, I never had so much as a kiss until I was about 22, and it was one of those awkward kisses where I more or less shoved my tongue down her throat. Then I tried to get her to suck my dick and she peeled out of there like a bat out of hell, when she got home she broke up with me. This represented about two months of time getting to know her, taking her out, going to movies, etc.

Then I got laid at 23 by a prostitute, I figured, "let me get it out of my system." And this was the ugliest prostitute you could imagine. First I went to a strip club where I spent about $1000 in the "champaign room" getting lapdances for like 3-4 hours. Then I took a cab to the hispanic part of town, the cabbie asked around and dropped me off at a whorehouse. The place was a dump. I'm hearing sex sounds and beds creaking, and there's only 1 hooker on-duty, she's like 45 years old, missing 2 front teeth. So I said, "What the hell" and took her back, gave her $30, she put the condom on me and I started fucking her. After about 5 minutes she's yelling "Finish, finish, time's up." So I get off her and go jerk off in the corner. LOL

I was 24 when I had my first real girlfriend. She was like...250 pounds. But really cute. And she was 10 years older than me. She flew from LA to New York to meet me (desperation!) and we slept in the same bed. Then she looked at me with goo goo eyes and I knew it was on. I prolly fucked her for the next 6 hours. Tried to go down on her, and nearly vomited, her pussy stank. So I just put my dick back in and kept going.

Back then I was fucking stupid. Didn't wear a condom or anything. Could have caught a disease, could have got her pregnant, I was just so amazed that I was finally getting laid that my brains went out the window.

The next year at 25, I was with another woman and actually got married. I had a really good job and was making lots of money, so I flashed my beta bucks and it got me a super hot chick, easily 9/10 I would say. Back then I was also pretty fit too, I was gym-maxing. So I had gym AND money going for me, that was pretty much my sexual peak.

Marriage broke up the next year. She was pregnant but I told her to get an abortion and she did. Never saw her again.

Now I'm like...obese. Crappy job. I look pretty white but kinda eurasian.

I /think/ I can get laid if I really try hard, but I'm kinda MGTOW (in other words, the juice is not worth the squeeze.)

Even if I found the perfect woman, I have too much money and assets to risk it, I don't want to get dragged into court and dissected to pay for child support or whatever.

I've been tossing the idea around of going expat, maybe trying for a family in third-world country like the Phillipines or something.

I'm pretty jaded at this point, I don't believe in "real love" or anything like that.

I just want to have maybe 2 kids then I can fuck off and die or whatever, that's pretty much my mission in life right now.

You are a little too bluepilled/redpilled for this forum, bro. Anyways, I guess the real question here is: was it worth it? Even after escaping inceldom for a brief period of your life, you are now HERE posting. If you can never find true love or are never able to easily get laid with a snap of your fingers, does your few meek years of experience become just become a trophy then, an unlocked achievement of life perhaps?

I struggle with this very question myself. I want to provide hope to other truecels, but the fact remains that nature corrected itself and now I am here posting, like as if it never happened.
Incel means "involuntarily celibate."

Well if someone manages to get laid, they're no longer "involuntarily celibate."

To say they never WERE involuntarily celibate is false, just that they no longer are.

I would say that every male is involuntarily celibate at some point (usually when they're young they want sex/validation from females but don't know how to get it. Their game sucks, their looks suck, they're maybe not NT enough.)

And then everyman sort of spends the next 10 years post-puberty wandering thru the desert, trying out different ways to try to get female validation.

Most succeed but a small percentage remain unsuccessful into their 30's and 40's.

%100 of people eventually, if they work at it long enough and keep refinining their methods, eventually will get laid if they want to. It /will/ happen.

Call it "beta bucks" call it whatever you want.

It happens quicker if you have a good career. Like if you have a really good career at age 27, making alot of money, you will find someone to settle down with and have kids with.

Alot of our parents and grandparents did that.

For some ppl the issue is deeper than that, they want "validation" of getting laid "without paying for it."

Well if you buy someone a coffee on a date, are you "paying for it?"

If you show up sharp dressed, are you "paying for it?"

If your date sees your healthy body and guages your potential to work hard and provide, are you "paying for it?"

Intrinsic human value kinda doesn't exist.

Even if she fucks you at first sight, it's because she wants the semen to have a baby, in other words she is getting VALUE out of you.

All male and female relations are based on exchange of value.

Your biological value as a male specimen.

Your provision/protection value.

Like even between male friends, would you hang out with someone if they weren't interesting, funny, etc etc, if you weren't getting some sort of VALUE out of them?

People associate with each other based on giving and receiving value.

Comedy value, money value, biological value, etc etc.

So if someone wants to not be an incel anymore, they have to increase their value.

Being ugly is unfortunate but there's 10 other ways to skin a cat.

If you can't get laid with looks, you get laid by being an ogre, if you can't get laid by being an ogre then you work on career, if you can't get laid on career then you work on charisma and charm, you learn game, you looksmax, you gym-max, etc etc.

You boost whatever you can boost till you get an opportunity to jizz in someone's cervix.

As far as "women have it easy" yeah they do have it easy.

But at the cost of not having much control over the process.

As a man I can put on cool clothes and turn on the charm and run game, I can flash my bucks.

When I get what I want, I can go back to having a big scruffy beard, wear sweatpants and play world of warcraft.

Women can't really "turn it off."

They just sort of are born with alot of biological value that everyone wants, they can't even go buy milk without 30 guys hitting on them.

I'd rather be me than her.

I don't need 1000 suitors, I only need 1 or 2.

Sometimes I don't even want company, or I only want company when I want it.

When I was young my father gave me alot of advice on how to get girls easily.

1. Learn a musical instrument
2. Hit the gym
3. Have friends/social life

All of these things attract women like ants.

Women don't like ugly ogres

Ask @Tellem-T
a handful of people have ascended but it's extremely rare
They all come back in the end.

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