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JFL As a misogynist, I actually like the "4B" movement



Sexlessness survivor
Nov 4, 2022
I like any ideology that aims to separate men and women. I hate women and if they don't let me have sex with them, then their presence in my life is WORTHLESS and they should be as separated from me as possible.

I hate women, each time I visit reddit and see the things women there say I remember that women are woke, that they are radical feminists and that they are my political enemy. We, men, need to get rid of them, here's my idea:

My country should be divided in half, all men should be forced to live on one side and all women should be forced to live on the other side. I want men and women to live completely separate lives, I want little boys to never see a woman in their lives and never be corrupted and ruined by those evil animals, I want them to not be corrupted by female ideas like for example woke ideas, feminism and astrology.

I want radical feminists who hate men to have the opportunity to stop interacting with us forever and leave us in peace and stop irritating us with their disgusting presence.

I want promiscuous Chads who have all the sex we can't have to be forced to live a life of celibacy so that they are forced to live as miserable as us incels.

And this is how we are going to reproduce as a species: we are not going to reproduce sexually, instead, we're going to generate babies artificially by extracting the sperm of the genetically superior men and putting it inside genetically superior women. This way, we're going to create an eugenic society in which men and women aren't going to interact with each other. A society without mothers, without sisters, without feminists, without females... we need to make it a reality.
I like any ideology that aims to separate men and women. I hate women and if they don't let me have sex with them, then their presence in my life is WORTHLESS and they should be as separated from me as possible.

I hate women, each time I visit reddit and see the things women there say I remember that women are woke, that they are radical feminists and that they are my political enemy. We, men, need to get rid of them, here's my idea:

My country should be divided in half, all men should be forced to live on one side and all women should be forced to live on the other side. I want men and women to live completely separate lives, I want little boys to never see a woman in their lives and never be corrupted and ruined by those evil animals, I want them to not be corrupted by female ideas like for example woke ideas, feminism and astrology.

I want radical feminists who hate men to have the opportunity to stop interacting with us forever and leave us in peace and stop irritating us with their disgusting presence.

I want promiscuous Chads who have all the sex we can't have to be forced to live a life of celibacy so that they are forced to live as miserable as us incels.

And this is how we are going to reproduce as a species: we are not going to reproduce sexually, instead, we're going to generate babies artificially by extracting the sperm of the genetically superior men and putting it inside genetically superior women. This way, we're going to create an eugenic society in which men and women aren't going to interact with each other. A society without mothers, without sisters, without feminists, without females... we need to make it a reality.
4b movement, aka true equality, women also get to suffer in school and work culture. Watch how these same women forfeit their rights to migrants cuz of diversity

i support total divide, these purposeless people will serve one purpose, to bring the world down, and bring back hardship, i will thrive
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
I like any ideology that aims to separate men and women. I hate women and if they don't let me have sex with them, then their presence in my life is WORTHLESS and they should be as separated from me as possible.

I hate women, each time I visit reddit and see the things women there say I remember that women are woke, that they are radical feminists and that they are my political enemy. We, men, need to get rid of them, here's my idea:

My country should be divided in half, all men should be forced to live on one side and all women should be forced to live on the other side. I want men and women to live completely separate lives, I want little boys to never see a woman in their lives and never be corrupted and ruined by those evil animals, I want them to not be corrupted by female ideas like for example woke ideas, feminism and astrology.

I want radical feminists who hate men to have the opportunity to stop interacting with us forever and leave us in peace and stop irritating us with their disgusting presence.

I want promiscuous Chads who have all the sex we can't have to be forced to live a life of celibacy so that they are forced to live as miserable as us incels.

And this is how we are going to reproduce as a species: we are not going to reproduce sexually, instead, we're going to generate babies artificially by extracting the sperm of the genetically superior men and putting it inside genetically superior women. This way, we're going to create an eugenic society in which men and women aren't going to interact with each other. A society without mothers, without sisters, without feminists, without females... we need to make it a reality.
a world without men = a world with invisible men, haha
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
it does indeed work, they just don't render male workers as human
4b movement, aka true equality, women also get to suffer in school and work culture. Watch how these same women forfeit their rights to migrants cuz of diversity
Women can't logic, they are contradictorial animals and that's why we must force them to separate with us.

We only want them for their bodies, because that's the only thing of value women have, there's nothing of value in their minds and personalities, if they aren't going to give us their bodies then we no longer need them in our lives.
typical femenists, blame normal men, not rich people
Women can't logic, they are contradictorial animals and that's why we must force them to separate with us.

We only want them for their bodies, because that's the only thing of value women have, there's nothing of value in their minds and personalities, if they aren't going to give us their bodies then we no longer need them in our lives.
as normal, the gender pay gap falls onto the priveleged pizza delivery man, and the privleged fireworker, not the rich people. Women will run laps before facing logics,
Why are you being so soy, why stop at separation?
typical femenists, blame normal men, not rich people
Feminists when it comes to innocent men: "kill all men, they are rapists!!!!"

Feminists when it comes to actual rapists: "how can you support death penalty?! we no longer live in the middle ages! :foidSoy::foidSoy:"
Why are you being so soy, why stop at separation?
I personally don't want to fuck a woman who doesn't want to fuck me. Sex is more exciting if it's reciprocated.

If women can't build a society, then I want their society to collapse and if they want us back they will have to come crawling to us asking for forgiveness, and if they don't do that then I no longer care.

I just don't want femons to vote woke and corrupt the society I live in with their choices, I want my life to not be affected by their political inferiority.
I personally don't want to fuck a woman who doesn't want to fuck me. Sex is more exciting if it's reciprocated.

If women can't build a society, then I want their society to collapse and if they want us back they will have to come crawling to us asking for forgiveness, and if they don't do that then I no longer care.

I just don't want femons to vote woke and corrupt the society I live in with their choices, I want my life to not be affected by their political inferiority.
Gl kek. If you're a trucel, no woman would want to fuck you and desire you.

If women come back begging, within 1-2 generations society will just be as hypergamous as today. If women are given a choice, they'll never settle for anything but the best.

The reason our ancestors even got laid was because women were dependant on men financially. Do you really think they actually loved their husbands with a burning desire?
babies artificially by extracting the sperm of the genetically superior men and putting it inside genetically superior women.
Economically impossible. IVF is expensive at average of 10 000 USD.

That's a full genioplasty right there.
Good riddance.

With that said, if these foids want to opt out of society / not want anything to do with men, etc. Then male tax dollars should be opted out of funding these whores. Just like the show Survivor, the foids will end up losing and crawling back to men - that or they self-sabotage and kill themselves (which is fine too). The collapse is here, we might as well accept it.
Economically impossible. IVF is expensive at average of 10 000 USD.

That's a full genioplasty right there.
We men will find a solution, we men always do, we are superior.

Also, by eliminating women, we will eliminate a lot of things that make us waste money, things like feminism and gender ideology, so it's not going to be as bad as you said.
We men will find a solution, we men always do, we are superior.

Also, by eliminating women, we will eliminate a lot of things that make us waste money, things like feminism and gender ideology, so it's not going to be as bad as you said.
And it's never going to happen. But if you write a novel about this, I will read it.
And this is how we are going to reproduce as a species: we are not going to reproduce sexually, instead, we're going to generate babies artificially by extracting the sperm of the genetically superior men and putting it inside genetically superior women. This way, we're going to create an eugenic society in which men and women aren't going to interact with each other. A society without mothers, without sisters, without feminists, without females... we need to make it a reality.
So Krypton before Jor-El's normie rebellion.

All hail General Zod!
And it's never going to happen. But if you write a novel about this, I will read it.
Yes,I should write a novel about this, in fact, I should produce a movie about it, or a series.

You know what? I'm going to start writing it now:

The rejected by society then created a terrorist group that searched for sexually active men, kidnapped them and cut their dicks off, the objective was simple: "if we can't enjoy a sexually active life, then noone else should".

They hated woke culture, they hated those who preached about sexual liberation because there wasn't any sexual liberation for them, there was only sexual liberation for the oppressive majority, they felt they weren't invited to the party, and now they were angry, they wanted to destroy the party. They hated wokeism, but then they realized that wokeism was a consequence of democracy: "if women can vote, then they are going to make society woke, because women aren't rational, they are emotional and inferior".

Now, the terrorists had a different objective, they didn't just want to eliminate sex, they wanted to eliminate every interaction between men and women and wanted to create a society in which women weren't invited. They wanted to create a society in which human reproduction was carried out by artificially producing babies by extracting sperm from genetically superior men and putting it into genetically superior women, they wanted to create a post-sexual humanity where humanity no longer depended on women.
Whores going their own way while freeloading on men's labour and resources. I would whole-heartedly support a true WGTOW movement.
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
I hate women and if they don't let me have sex with them, then their presence in my life is WORTHLESS and they should be as separated from me as possible.
State mandated wives and sex Slaves should solve your problem.
After you´re done fucking them, lock these whores up in a cage for a couple of hours, until the urges come back
We only want them for their bodies, because that's the only thing of value women have, there's nothing of value in their minds and personalities, if they aren't going to give us their bodies then we no longer need them in our lives.
For their giga sex/warm aura
If whores hate men so much then fine, they can go live alone without any of the infraestructure and technologies that men have created, let's see how long their society lasts
Astrology was a sacred knowledge of the priestly elites of Babylon, from there it spread to the rest of the world.

That the idiots of women have appropriated this knowledge, degrading its general quality, does not mean that it is a feminine trend.
4b is basically the female equivalent to mgtow only difference is that mgtow is actually mstow
This is the future of society in my opinion. People hating each other divided by sex, ethnicity, social class, sports team etc. all living alone and not being able to trust anyone. Everyone completely on his own especially once the nuclear family has been completely destroyed

its a very depressing and grim future
Yes,I should write a novel about this, in fact, I should produce a movie about it, or a series.

You know what? I'm going to start writing it now:

The rejected by society then created a terrorist group that searched for sexually active men, kidnapped them and cut their dicks off, the objective was simple: "if we can't enjoy a sexually active life, then noone else should".

They hated woke culture, they hated those who preached about sexual liberation because there wasn't any sexual liberation for them, there was only sexual liberation for the oppressive majority, they felt they weren't invited to the party, and now they were angry, they wanted to destroy the party. They hated wokeism, but then they realized that wokeism was a consequence of democracy: "if women can vote, then they are going to make society woke, because women aren't rational, they are emotional and inferior".

Now, the terrorists had a different objective, they didn't just want to eliminate sex, they wanted to eliminate every interaction between men and women and wanted to create a society in which women weren't invited. They wanted to create a society in which human reproduction was carried out by artificially producing babies by extracting sperm from genetically superior men and putting it into genetically superior women, they wanted to create a post-sexual humanity where humanity no longer depended on women.
Don't forget to add one child policy I hate those big families that have alot of kids those disgusting animals are overpopulating the world and being too over power this is why I view as Chiang Ching-kuo my heroe for the population control. I hate black, Muslims, and some of those latino people because they make too many kids
I want radical feminists who hate men to have the opportunity to stop interacting with us forever and leave us in peace and stop irritating us with their disgusting presence.
100% agreed
And it seems like the almost only way to stop normgroids simping and let them know the truth, who are the ones who really have to "go outside and touch the grass"
Whores going their own way while freeloading on men's labour and resources. I would whole-heartedly support a true WGTOW movement.
Exactly, we the undesirables shouldn't contribute to their life quality with our wage-slavery and taxes.
For their giga sex/warm aura
As much as I can't help but be fascinated by their feminine aura, I hate knowing that it's the only thing they are willing to let me appreciate, while Chad can appreciate the tattoo they have on their back while destroying them in all fours.
Don't forget to add one child policy I hate those big families that have alot of kids those disgusting animals are overpopulating the world and being too over power this is why I view as Chiang Ching-kuo my heroe for the population control. I hate black, Muslims, and some of those latino people because they make too many kids
In my ideal society, only people with enough economical resources will be able to have children, making it impossible for those inferior sexhavers who reproduce too much to multiply their poverty and ignorance.

Also, I'm not sure if overpopulation is that much of a problem, I think the problem with climate change is more about CO2, but in my ideal society that would be studied.
4b is already happening for incels/sub5 men
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
sharia law worldwide
I believe we should collect the eggs of superior women and then kill them all and only chads get to reproduce and we give everyman a fleshlight. YE2024
4b is basically the female equivalent to mgtow only difference is that mgtow is actually mstow
This is the future of society in my opinion. People hating each other divided by sex, ethnicity, social class, sports team etc. all living alone and not being able to trust anyone. Everyone completely on his own especially once the nuclear family has been completely destroyed

its a very depressing and grim future
All according to jewish plans
All according to jewish plans
I think its by design so people can't come together in large groups and revolt against the government
We were never going to get laid anyway. Women are only able to withhold sex because men let them. The more men and women become estranged from each other, the sooner we can go full mask off and just rape them without consequence. This kind of feminist accelerationism is only good for truecels.
those movements were created only because Chad wouldn't want to commit and only used them as the cumrag. They are pathetic animals that only have Chads in their minds 24/7 living rent free. They really think all men are Chads but don't see 95% of us.
In my ideal society, only people with enough economical resources will be able to have children, making it impossible for those inferior sexhavers who reproduce too much to multiply their poverty and ignorance.

Also, I'm not sure if overpopulation is that much of a problem, I think the problem with climate change is more about CO2, but in my ideal society that would be studied.
As long as they only have one child, that's why I hate Africans, Arabs, and Latinos because they make too many kids. I envy those big families
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
Good, they're only radicalizing normie guys and hopefully once they make birth rates reach critical level it'll be legal to rape or have food farms or whatever
I want to enslave them. They don't deserve to be free. An all-women country just doesn't work. All the manual laborers are men. All the technicians are men. I want them actually oppressed.
Let them die on their own unless they legally volunteer to become sex slaves.
Truecel trait: you had to google what this 4b movement is

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