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SuicideFuel As a black man, my parents are responsible of my inceldom.



Jun 25, 2022
My parents pretended to love me but fucking abused me emotionally. As long my basics need are satisfied, they think I am happy.
If they really loved me they would encourage me to get nice haircut with my long hair instead of telling me to cut them.

Many girls would find me attractive with the hair. I could probably ascend.

-In highschool if I want to go somewhere else I had to lie so they'd let me go out. Even though one day at a birthday party (small one not the one you Americans have) my father saw me leaving the house at 5pm , it was about 7pm he started calling me . The food wasn't even served yet. I rushed and left around 8.

My cousin was having birthday pool party (my cousins , his sister's in law overall not more than 8 persons). He asked my cousin many questions before accepting I could go out. At the end of the day it was late, he asked my father if I could stay end comeback tomorrow morning. He accepted after many reflections. I was very ashamed in front of everyone.My cousin's sister in law said he shouldn't be this hard with me and my brother because we're boys not girls.

At my cousin's engagement, there was beer on the table. I went to take one he asked me to put it back in front of everyone while my little cousin (3 years younger than me) was drinking. I was 15-16years old at that time. I was very frustrated during the moment. He left at 8:00pm I didn't enjoy anything (the food , the moment... Etc)

I could have had some Americans friends when I first visited the US in 2017.Sometimes they would play at night . But he and my aunt had the same ideology, by 8:00pm everyone must be inside.

If my parents were cool , I could go outside with the normies (even though we're not close enough to be called friends but we grew in the neighborhood together). I would be social know to talk to girls ... Etc

Often we sit in front my house talking about everything, and then he just showed up and called me and my brother to come at he house immediately because it's late (8-9pm) .In front of my friends.He wasn't joking . Many times the gate was closed with the padlock. I had text my brother to open for me . Even though my parents often asked him to not open for me. One day no one opened for me , I was about to sleep at my grandma's house. My Grandma accepted but after called him (my father ) to let me in.

I hated December the normies in my neighborhood are going outside. They often left their house on December 24th and return on December 25th same for December 31th and January 1th. Meanwhile at 8pm I have to be my house without electricity doing nothing.
One December 24 th I asked him to go in that fair (2-5mins distance by feet).He refused, I cried that night.

I had a shitty childhood and no memories.
At some point they didn't want me to interract with the guys anymore because they smoke and are vulgar . It was right but they didn't influences me .I stayed the same. They think because I had a soccer ball , toys and PlayStation it was enough to stay friendless at home.

Most of these guys don't struggle with girls while I'm incel. Even though we grew together. Some of them are younger than me and mog me to oblivion. They always tell me to get braids . Unfortunately my parents would kicked me out.

That's why I wanted to study in another country so I could be independent and do whatever I want .

I am 24 now and would never get along and forget my parents for the sufferings they caused me. Even though they tried to act nice.
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Black parenthood is similar to balkan parents jfl. So conservative and afraid of their children doing something wrong and restricting them. What they don't know though is that they are ruining their children's lives by not letting them get through experiences that you can only experience once. This is crucial for a child's development and his self-confidence. My dad used to do similar stuff by often restricting me to do exciting for me activities. Part of the reason why i am incel is exactly because I come from an unstable family.
Black parenthood is similar to balkan parents jfl. So conservative and afraid of their children doing something wrong and restricting them. What they don't know though is that they are ruining their children's lives by not letting them get through experiences that you can only experience once. This is crucial for a child's development and his self-confidence. My dad used to do similar stuff by often restricting me to do exciting for me activities. Part of the reason why i am incel is exactly because I come from an unstable family.
I just don't have luck , many black parents are cool to be honest.

Yeah missing those experience is very brutal. Even though you experienced them later on in life it would not me the same . The agepill is too brutal.

On of the normies told me I should try to get girlfriend know how relationship works because it's not when you find a woman and just marry her . After that the marriage is broken you're lost.He also told me you have to do those things when you're older you won't have regrets, you won't be frustrated...

Those guys are 23 years old at best and experienced everything in sex.
genetics matter more than parenting
Sexhavers mess up all of our lives. And it starts in the parental home.
genetics matter more than parenting
A bad environment can seriously fuck you up in the head even if you arent ugly but i agree
A bad environment can seriously fuck you up in the head even if you arent ugly but i agree
incel genetics bad environment = trauma
Chad genes bad environment = dark triad chad
My family is Christian.
@Ci Jey is also a victim of conservative christian parents hence why hes an abused dog now and not a violent latino mogger.
@Ci Jey is also a victim of conservative christian parents hence why hes an abused dog now and not a violent latino mogger.
I could easily tell he was a fellow abused dog from the first moment boyo
My parents pretended to love me but fucking abused me emotionally. As long my basics need are satisfied, they think I am happy.
If they really loved me they would encourage me to get nice haircut with my long hair instead of telling me to cut them.

Many girls would find me attractive with the hair. I could probably ascend.

-In highschool if I want to go somewhere else I had to lie so they'd let me go out. Even though one day at a birthday party (small one not the one you Americans have) my father saw me leaving the house at 5pm , it was about 7pm he started calling me . The food wasn't even served yet. I rushed and left around 8.

My cousin was having birthday pool party (my cousins , his sister's in law overall not more than 8 persons). He asked my cousin many questions before accepting I could go out. At the end of the day it was late, he asked my father if I could stay end comeback tomorrow morning. He accepted after many reflections. I was very ashamed in front of everyone.My cousin's sister in law said he shouldn't be this hard with me and my brother because we're boys not girls.

At my cousin's engagement, there was beer on the table. I went to take one he asked me to put it back in front of everyone while my little cousin (3 years younger than me) was drinking. I was 15-16years old at that time. I was very frustrated during the moment. He left at 8:00pm I didn't enjoy anything (the food , the moment... Etc)

I could have had some Americans friends when I first visited the US in 2017.Sometimes they would play at night . But he and my aunt had the same ideology, by 8:00pm everyone must be inside.

If my parents were cool , I could go outside with the normies (even though we're not close enough to be called friends but we grew in the neighborhood together). I would be social know to talk to girls ... Etc

Often we sit in front my house talking about everything, and then he just showed up and called me and my brother to come at he house immediately because it's late (8-9pm) .In front of my friends.He wasn't joking . Many times the gate was closed with the padlock. I had text my brother to open for me . Even though my parents often asked him to not open for me. One day no one opened for me , I was about to sleep at my grandma's house. My Grandma accepted but after called him (my father ) to let me in.

I hated December the normies in my neighborhood are going outside. They often left their house on December 24th and return on December 25th same for December 31th and January 1th. Meanwhile at 8pm I have to be my house without electricity doing nothing.
One December 24 th I asked him to go in that fair (2-5mins distance by feet).He refused, I cried that night.

I had a shitty childhood and no memories.
At some point they didn't want me to interract with the guys anymore because they smoke and are vulgar . It was right but they didn't influences me .I stayed the same. They think because I had a soccer ball , toys and PlayStation it was enough to stay friendless at home.

Most of these guys don't struggle with girls while I'm incel. Even though we grew together. Some of them are younger than me and mog me to oblivion. They always tell me to get braids . Unfortunately my parents would kicked me out.

That's why I wanted to study in another country so I could be independent and do whatever I want .

I am 24 now and would never get along and forget my parents for the sufferings they caused me. Even though they tried to act nice.

blacks cannot be incels by genetics, there is choice involved. Go to the gym, work on your body and act confident. You will get pussy of all races - even ugly blacks can ascend
blacks cannot be incels by genetics, there is choice involved. Go to the gym, work on your body and act confident. You will get pussy of all races - even ugly blacks can ascend
I started going to the gym in the end of January.
give it 4 months. black genetics will kick in. pussy will follow
Even though I am hectomorph And stayed at 145 lbs for a long time?
Sexhavers mess up all of our lives. And it starts in the parental home.
This young girl wanted to do the braids for me. While her big sister is not home I could ascend with her even though I'd not make a love relationship with her.

I tought she appreciated me but she was like that with all the normies too.
I hears the normies fucked her many times. That news fucked my mind.
Her house was close too mine. Her sister didn't want her to stay at her house anymore, she left and never came back . I left the country and never saw her anymore. I regretted that
Back then people invited you places now you're not getting no invites, it's bad enough being an incel but with no socialisation it takes a toll.
I have very overprotective/restrictive black parents too. If I could travel back in time and prevent my parents from meeting, I would.
Back then people invited you places now you're not getting no invites, it's bad enough being an incel but with no socialisation it takes a toll.
Life ends after highschool.
There wasn't too much lookism involved too at that time. If someone is having a birthday party , most people are invited. But some students liked to invite their close friends. If it wasn't jestermaxed I'd be an outcast. I tried to fit in with the cool guys ( they were called "the 7")

I spend many time with them , but I didn't have gf and many characteristics they had (style, outfit,...)
I have very overprotective/restrictive black parents too. If I could travel back in time and prevent my parents from meeting, I would.
The crazy part is my cousin's are living pretty good (me and my brother are leaving hell)
Her and her sister are cool with their parents.

I have the same age with her . Her sister has the same age with my brother.

My cousin, My cousin's sister, my brother sexlifemog me to oblivion.
Life ends after highschool.
There wasn't too much lookism involved too at that time. If someone is having a birthday party , most people are invited. But some students liked to invite their close friends. If it wasn't jestermaxed I'd be an outcast. I tried to fit in with the cool guys ( they were called "the 7")

I spend many time with them , but I didn't have gf and many characteristics they had (style, outfit,...)
I agree man I had the same experiences as a kid didn't go to parties or certain events and shit instead I had "fun" in other ways.
Back then people invited you places now you're not getting no invites, it's bad enough being an incel but with no socialisation it takes a toll.
In college I went to at most 3 parties (organized by my fellow stem friends).
black genetics will kick in

I don't like Germa anymore, but it seems they wanted only a specific pairing.


My cousin, My cousin's sister, my brother sexlifemog me to oblivion.
Fucking brutal. I couldn't imagine being around other family members close to my age who mog me so much. I am an only child (another trucel trait)
I agree man I had the same experiences as a kid didn't go to parties or certain events and shit instead I had "fun" in other ways.
They thought studymax is the way.
Fucking brutal. I couldn't imagine being around other family members close to my age who mog me so much. I am an only child (another trucel trait)
I have on little cousin she's probably 4-6 years younger than me . Things she had done, places she went .... I could never have those.
Nationality of you and your parents?
Well, there are no qualms about it. Your parents were overbearing and stringent. They thought safeguarding your purity was imperative and, in doing so, impeded your natural development.
Well, there are no qualms about it. Your parents were overbearing and stringent. They thought safeguarding your purity was imperative and, in doing so, impeded your natural development.
At the end I am the only one who lost. My brother ascended because he's extroverted. Things didn't turned well for me though.
At the end I am the only one who lost. My brother ascended because he's extroverted. Things didn't turned well for me though.
You would have been extroverted too had your father not prevented it.
Giga over. Haitians totally handicap their kids a lot of the time
That's why I want a culture change (go to a white church, eat American food,talk only English) unfortunately I'm in my aunt's house and my father is here .
blacks cannot be incels by genetics, there is choice involved. Go to the gym, work on your body and act confident. You will get pussy of all races - even ugly blacks can ascend
Very low IQ take

Very low IQ take
I'd say it's rare for black to be incels in their home country because the Blackpill isn't too brutal there, however you might find incels like me.

In other countries blacks can be incel.
black people problems,yeah it sucks
@Ci Jey is also a victim of conservative christian parents hence why hes an abused dog now and not a violent latino mogger.
My parents pretended to love me but fucking abused me emotionally. As long my basics need are satisfied, they think I am happy.
If they really loved me they would encourage me to get nice haircut with my long hair instead of telling me to cut them.

Many girls would find me attractive with the hair. I could probably ascend.

-In highschool if I want to go somewhere else I had to lie so they'd let me go out. Even though one day at a birthday party (small one not the one you Americans have) my father saw me leaving the house at 5pm , it was about 7pm he started calling me . The food wasn't even served yet. I rushed and left around 8.

My cousin was having birthday pool party (my cousins , his sister's in law overall not more than 8 persons). He asked my cousin many questions before accepting I could go out. At the end of the day it was late, he asked my father if I could stay end comeback tomorrow morning. He accepted after many reflections. I was very ashamed in front of everyone.My cousin's sister in law said he shouldn't be this hard with me and my brother because we're boys not girls.

At my cousin's engagement, there was beer on the table. I went to take one he asked me to put it back in front of everyone while my little cousin (3 years younger than me) was drinking. I was 15-16years old at that time. I was very frustrated during the moment. He left at 8:00pm I didn't enjoy anything (the food , the moment... Etc)

I could have had some Americans friends when I first visited the US in 2017.Sometimes they would play at night . But he and my aunt had the same ideology, by 8:00pm everyone must be inside.

If my parents were cool , I could go outside with the normies (even though we're not close enough to be called friends but we grew in the neighborhood together). I would be social know to talk to girls ... Etc

Often we sit in front my house talking about everything, and then he just showed up and called me and my brother to come at he house immediately because it's late (8-9pm) .In front of my friends.He wasn't joking . Many times the gate was closed with the padlock. I had text my brother to open for me . Even though my parents often asked him to not open for me. One day no one opened for me , I was about to sleep at my grandma's house. My Grandma accepted but after called him (my father ) to let me in.

I hated December the normies in my neighborhood are going outside. They often left their house on December 24th and return on December 25th same for December 31th and January 1th. Meanwhile at 8pm I have to be my house without electricity doing nothing.
One December 24 th I asked him to go in that fair (2-5mins distance by feet).He refused, I cried that night.

I had a shitty childhood and no memories.
At some point they didn't want me to interract with the guys anymore because they smoke and are vulgar . It was right but they didn't influences me .I stayed the same. They think because I had a soccer ball , toys and PlayStation it was enough to stay friendless at home.

Most of these guys don't struggle with girls while I'm incel. Even though we grew together. Some of them are younger than me and mog me to oblivion. They always tell me to get braids . Unfortunately my parents would kicked me out.

That's why I wanted to study in another country so I could be independent and do whatever I want .

I am 24 now and would never get along and forget my parents for the sufferings they caused me. Even though they tried to act nice.
i’m the jewish version of this.
Although even if I weren’t restricted I think my ugliness and autism might have repelled people anyways no matter.
i’m the jewish version of this.
Although even if I weren’t restricted I think my ugliness and autism might have repelled people anyways no matter.
Missing childhood life is crucial.

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