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It's Over Arrangement of thoughts from today at college



May 2, 2018
Today I confirmed that the most gl guy of my class is having an affair with the most attractive female there. I saw her going for a peck kiss with him when they were saying goodbye to each other.

The most suifuel part is that he was kinda with a "don't make it so obvious to people" attitude about it, and she was the one taking the initiative to kiss him and acting as if she was unable to resist kissing him. Me and him had set to study a bit after the class in the library, and so we did. In all that time, plus the bus trip back home (he lives near me), he didn't even mention the girl. In fact, I did, twice, and he didn't, even once.

When I arrived at class today, I was a bit late and we were having a video presentation. I seated a bit away from the bulk of my classmates. At one point, shortly after arriving there, I looked towards their side and both this girl and another guy from there waved their hands to me. She even smiled. I felt so good for a moment. This is the closest from an IOI I have received from such a desirable, prime girl in pretty much all of my life. More than a decade, at the very least. I couldn't even pay attention to what was being said in the presentation for a good 10-15 minutes after that had happened.

But that was before that guy who has an affair with her showing up, after it, her attention was 100% on him. I became a background character.

She could make me so much happy it's ridiculous. If I dated her, I would feel nuclear lifefuel and never even cogitate missing a class or failing some subject (so that she would advance without me). But of course she chose the better-looking guy who doesn't care much about her over me.

Personality is also a meme in the sense that Chads/Chadlites only have the kind of (generally) confident personality they have because of their life experiences. I too would feel confident and nonchalantly about kissing a girl like her if I had a life full of such experiences, without even putting effort. But as I want it so much and can't have it, of course I get anxious, sad, beta, obsessive, misogynistic, you name it.

I consider hating Chads and Chadlites cucked. Why hating them instead of hating the foid? She's the one who chooses to ignore you and go for them. She's the one who dedicates her efforts to please them while letting you rot and possibly even rope. She's the one caressing his skin while you don't even know how cuddling with a female feels like. She's the one willing to sacrifice her throat's or anus's well being for the sake of sexually pleasing Chad while you even touching her is considered something criminal and preposterous.

I have had Chadlite friends trying to make girls they were fucking kiss a truecel friend of ours, but of course they refused doing so.

Hating the guys instead of the foids, and especially hating them without hating the foids, is the most gynocentric feeling ever. I hate foids, not superior males. This guy is a total bro and treats me super well, she's the one who ignores me and gives all her attention to him when he comes by.

Also, moneycoping is such a gigantic cope. This guy is broke. He comes originally from a smaller town some dozens of miles away from here, he's renting some cubicle and unashamedly says he sometimes doesn't even have food at home and that he's broke.

But he's having an affair with a 18 yo prime, ridiculously attractive girl while so many middle class or even rich guys rot. The old bald ones, even with all the money in the world, have to put up with older gold digger roasties without ever knowing the feeling that is routine for my gl classmate. This is also why I think the left is retarded for focusing so much on poverty, being poor doesn't even compare to the suffering of being an incel unless you're literally starving or have to wageslave in some shitty blue collar job (which many poor people don't since they live from handouts).

Bottom line, it's pretty much impossible to escape the upward/downward spiral cycle of life. If you're ugly, you'll most likely also become beta, and then either become a delusional cuck with a repulsive weak SJW personality or a misogynist full of hatred like most of us are. Likewise, if you're gl, you live a life full of positive reinforcement that will shape your demeanor and mentality in a positive way.
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I hate seeing happy couples it gives me this urge to kill either myself or them
Tbh I don't hate attractive men so much because they're getting foids, I hate them because they have a tendency to treat me like shit.
She's the one caressing his skin while you don't even know how cuddling with a female feels like.
I hate them because they have a tendency to treat me like shit.
All Chads, Chadlites and even high tier normies tend to treat me well.

All my plight has taken place in the hands of normies and foids.
damn sounds like pure torture, i would just skip the class if u could
I consider hating Chads and Chadlites cucked. Why hating them instead of hating the foid? She's the one who chooses to ignore you and go for them. She's the one who dedicates her efforts to please them while letting you rot and possibly even rope. She's the one caressing his skin while you don't even know how cuddling with a female feels like. She's the one willing to sacrifice her throat's or anus's well being for the sake of sexually pleasing Chad while you even touching her is considered something criminal and preposterous.

Never understood this line of thinking or why one enmity had to diminish the other as though hatred was finite and divisible.

An incel's relative deprivation is not made actually manifest until both parties consummate their lusts. The cunts may still desire Chad and vice versa, but they are not freely and visibly hostile to your will until they come together in iterative physical unions. Without Chad playing the game, the cunt just goes on waiting and burning itself out in unrealized lust only to dry up by the time its twenties are over. Too bad for the cunt, now the only people looking at it on the street are nauseating sub-8s. Without the cunt playing, the man could go on doing something productive instead of feminizing his mind and wasting his time doobing around in clubs. At the very least he wouldn't be a simian nuisance to you and the society that supports him.

Hedonism is not permissible to anyone. The whole "sex slaves" angle just strikes me as the opposite face of "gibs me Chad". Both are greedy, nonsensical, and bad models to keep social order.

One man, one women. Anyone who deviates from this is a contemptible dog - maybe men even more so because they should be sentient and rational enough to know the consequences their actions will have. In an ideal world, an exception might be a stock of prostitutes assembled from holes too stupid and depraved to control themselves in ordinary society and so are relegated to the servicing of any man's desire.

Hating the guys instead of the foids, and especially hating them without hating the foids, is the most gynocentric feeling ever. I hate foids, not superior males.

Calling these men "superior" in the first place is gynocentric, tautological on top of it.

Nothing you can do about women wanting genetically superior men. Women want men who are genetically superior. They are genetically superior because women want them.
All Chads, Chadlites and even high tier normies tend to treat me well.

All my plight has taken place in the hands of normies and foids.

I used to think this about holes too. They never gave me any problems directly.

Mostly it is normroaches, low-tier normroaches especially, but they're only the most direct and vicious competitors. It takes a bit more reflection to see the ways in which all of these other people are still fundamental enemies.

A lot of soycucks get duped into hating "brodudes" as the mean toxic masculinity guys or something stupid like that and totally ignore the complicity of holes in their loudness and ostentation. One should be careful of getting stuck in the opposite corner out of simple contrarianism however. Just because the broader world refuses to put deserved blame on holes doesn't mean that they're the only ones guilty.
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All Chads, Chadlites and even high tier normies tend to treat me well.

All my plight has taken place in the hands of normies and foids.
Yup, all my (considerable) life experience reflects this as well.
not body slamming her onto the ground
I have had Chadlite friends trying to make girls they were fucking kiss a truecel friend of ours, but of course they refused doing so.
Oh I missed this. This is so funny when it happens. Some chads and chadlites really don't know how foids operate and think this might be a fun idea, innocently suggesting to a foid "hey, why don't you hook up with xy for once?". The naivity of it is pretty incredible though. But it makes some sense, from their perspective foids aren't really discerning, approachable and welcoming to advances.
Never understood this line of thinking or why one enmity had to diminish the other as though hatred was finite and divisible.

An incel's relative deprivation is not made actually manifest until both parties consummate their lusts. The cunts may still desire Chad and vice versa, but they are not freely and visibly hostile to your will until they come together in iterative physical unions. Without Chad playing the game, the cunt just goes on waiting and burning itself out in unrealized lust only to dry up by the time its twenties are over. Too bad for the cunt, now the only people looking at it on the street are nauseating sub-8s. Without the cunt playing, the man could go on doing something productive instead of feminizing his mind and wasting his time doobing around in clubs. At the very least he wouldn't be a simian nuisance to you and the society that supports him.

Hedonism is not permissible to anyone. The whole "sex slaves" angle just strikes me as the opposite face of "gibs me Chad". Both are greedy, nonsensical, and bad models to keep social order.

One man, one women. Anyone who deviates from this is a contemptible dog - maybe men even more so because they should be sentient and rational enough to know the consequences their actions will have. In an ideal world, an exception might be a stock of prostitutes assembled from holes too stupid and depraved to control themselves in ordinary society and so are relegated to the servicing of any man's desire.

Calling these men "superior" in the first place is gynocentric, tautological on top of it.

Nothing you can do about women wanting genetically superior men. Women want men who are genetically superior. They are genetically superior because women want them.

I used to think this about holes too. They never gave me any problems directly.

Mostly it is normroaches, low-tier normroaches especially, but they're only the most direct and vicious competitors. It takes a bit more reflection to see the ways in which all of these other people are still fundamental enemies.

A lot of soycucks get duped into hating "brodudes" as the mean toxic masculinity guys or something stupid like that and totally ignore the complicity of holes in their loudness and ostentation. One should be careful of getting stuck in the opposite corner out of simple contrarianism however. Just because the broader world refuses to put deserved blame on holes doesn't mean that they're the only ones guilty.

Normies and holes are mostly responsible the rest of the blame should be put on the Jews for corrupting society
I thought you were an 30-year-old op. you're in an college with young ppl.?It's not cucked hate the chads or the another males than can get laid.
I hate them both , the foids and chads, the rest of men than can get laid, etc.
Today I confirmed that the most gl guy of my class is having an affair with the most attractive female there. I saw her going for a peck kiss with him when they were saying goodbye to each other.

The most suifuel part is that he was kinda with a "don't make it so obvious to people" attitude about it, and she was the one taking the initiative to kiss him and acting as if she was unable to resist kissing him. Me and him had set to study a bit after the class in the library, and so we did. In all that time, plus the bus trip back home (he lives near me), he didn't even mention the girl. In fact, I did, twice, and he didn't, even once.

When I arrived at class today, I was a bit late and we were having a video presentation. I seated a bit away from the bulk of my classmates. At one point, shortly after arriving there, I looked towards their side and both this girl and another guy from there waved their hands to me. She even smiled. I felt so good for a moment. This is the closest from an IOI I have received from such a desirable, prime girl in pretty much all of my life. More than a decade, at the very least. I couldn't even pay attention to what was being said in the presentation for a good 10-15 minutes after that had happened.

But that was before that guy who has an affair with her showing up, after it, her attention was 100% on him. I became a background character.

She could make me so much happy it's ridiculous. If I dated her, I would feel nuclear lifefuel and never even cogitate missing a class or failing some subject (so that she would advance without me). But of course she chose the better-looking guy who doesn't care much about her over me.

Personality is also a meme in the sense that Chads/Chadlites only have the kind of (generally) confident personality they have because of their life experiences. I too would feel confident and nonchalantly about kissing a girl like her if I had a life full of such experiences, without even putting effort. But as I want it so much and can't have it, of course I get anxious, sad, beta, obsessive, misogynistic, you name it.

I consider hating Chads and Chadlites cucked. Why hating them instead of hating the foid? She's the one who chooses to ignore you and go for them. She's the one who dedicates her efforts to please them while letting you rot and possibly even rope. She's the one caressing his skin while you don't even know how cuddling with a female feels like. She's the one willing to sacrifice her throat's or anus's well being for the sake of sexually pleasing Chad while you even touching her is considered something criminal and preposterous.

I have had Chadlite friends trying to make girls they were fucking kiss a truecel friend of ours, but of course they refused doing so.

Hating the guys instead of the foids, and especially hating them without hating the foids, is the most gynocentric feeling ever. I hate foids, not superior males. This guy is a total bro and treats me super well, she's the one who ignores me and gives all her attention to him when he comes by.

Also, moneycoping is such a gigantic cope. This guy is broke. He comes originally from a smaller town some dozens of miles away from here, he's renting some cubicle and unashamedly says he sometimes doesn't even have food at home and that he's broke.

But he's having an affair with a 18 yo prime, ridiculously attractive girl while so many middle class or even rich guys rot. The old bald ones, even with all the money in the world, have to put up with older gold digger roasties without ever knowing the feeling that is routine for my gl classmate. This is also why I think the left is retarded for focusing so much on poverty, being poor doesn't even compare to the suffering of being an incel unless you're literally starving or have to wageslave in some shitty blue collar job (which many poor people don't since they live from handouts).

Bottom line, it's pretty much impossible to escape the upward/downward spiral cycle of life. If you're ugly, you'll most likely also become beta, and then either become a delusional cuck with a repulsive weak SJW personality or a misogynist full of hatred like most of us are. Likewise, if you're gl, you live a life full of positive reinforcement that will shape your demeanor and mentality in a positive way.
How old is the chad?
Today I confirmed that the most gl guy of my class is having an affair with the most attractive female there. I saw her going for a peck kiss with him when they were saying goodbye to each other.

The most suifuel part is that he was kinda with a "don't make it so obvious to people" attitude about it, and she was the one taking the initiative to kiss him and acting as if she was unable to resist kissing him. Me and him had set to study a bit after the class in the library, and so we did. In all that time, plus the bus trip back home (he lives near me), he didn't even mention the girl. In fact, I did, twice, and he didn't, even once.

When I arrived at class today, I was a bit late and we were having a video presentation. I seated a bit away from the bulk of my classmates. At one point, shortly after arriving there, I looked towards their side and both this girl and another guy from there waved their hands to me. She even smiled. I felt so good for a moment. This is the closest from an IOI I have received from such a desirable, prime girl in pretty much all of my life. More than a decade, at the very least. I couldn't even pay attention to what was being said in the presentation for a good 10-15 minutes after that had happened.

But that was before that guy who has an affair with her showing up, after it, her attention was 100% on him. I became a background character.

She could make me so much happy it's ridiculous. If I dated her, I would feel nuclear lifefuel and never even cogitate missing a class or failing some subject (so that she would advance without me). But of course she chose the better-looking guy who doesn't care much about her over me.

Personality is also a meme in the sense that Chads/Chadlites only have the kind of (generally) confident personality they have because of their life experiences. I too would feel confident and nonchalantly about kissing a girl like her if I had a life full of such experiences, without even putting effort. But as I want it so much and can't have it, of course I get anxious, sad, beta, obsessive, misogynistic, you name it.

I consider hating Chads and Chadlites cucked. Why hating them instead of hating the foid? She's the one who chooses to ignore you and go for them. She's the one who dedicates her efforts to please them while letting you rot and possibly even rope. She's the one caressing his skin while you don't even know how cuddling with a female feels like. She's the one willing to sacrifice her throat's or anus's well being for the sake of sexually pleasing Chad while you even touching her is considered something criminal and preposterous.

I have had Chadlite friends trying to make girls they were fucking kiss a truecel friend of ours, but of course they refused doing so.

Hating the guys instead of the foids, and especially hating them without hating the foids, is the most gynocentric feeling ever. I hate foids, not superior males. This guy is a total bro and treats me super well, she's the one who ignores me and gives all her attention to him when he comes by.

Also, moneycoping is such a gigantic cope. This guy is broke. He comes originally from a smaller town some dozens of miles away from here, he's renting some cubicle and unashamedly says he sometimes doesn't even have food at home and that he's broke.

But he's having an affair with a 18 yo prime, ridiculously attractive girl while so many middle class or even rich guys rot. The old bald ones, even with all the money in the world, have to put up with older gold digger roasties without ever knowing the feeling that is routine for my gl classmate. This is also why I think the left is retarded for focusing so much on poverty, being poor doesn't even compare to the suffering of being an incel unless you're literally starving or have to wageslave in some shitty blue collar job (which many poor people don't since they live from handouts).

Bottom line, it's pretty much impossible to escape the upward/downward spiral cycle of life. If you're ugly, you'll most likely also become beta, and then either become a delusional cuck with a repulsive weak SJW personality or a misogynist full of hatred like most of us are. Likewise, if you're gl, you live a life full of positive reinforcement that will shape your demeanor and mentality in a positive way.
foids don't do this with you because they detect your toxic personality
Normies and holes are mostly responsible the rest of the blame should be put on the Jews for corrupting society

Jews are like holes in that most everyone refuses to hold them accountable for their perfidy, but this often leads to people then becoming monomaniacal in their focus on them.

Yeah the Jewish element is a key part of the degeneration of the modern West, but they couldn't have succeeded without the conniving, cutthroat stupidity of the normroach, "women's rights", material "progress" and technological buffers for social shocks, the death of religion and national/community ethic, demographic displacement, and the cabals of traitorous cosmopolitan elites (mostly WASPs in America) who fleeced and atomized the people they were supposed to steward.
Tbh I don't hate attractive men so much because they're getting foids, I hate them because they have a tendency to treat me like shit.
As does 85% of the people that I meet
Tbh I don't hate attractive men so much because they're getting foids, I hate them because they have a tendency to treat me like shit.

I hate chads that participate in hook up culture, they make it worse for all of us. Sex is not meant to be treated like a recreational drug.
Jews are like holes in that most everyone refuses to hold them accountable for their perfidy, but this often leads to people then becoming monomaniacal in their focus on them.

Yeah the Jewish element is a key part of the degeneration of the modern West, but they couldn't have succeeded without the conniving, cutthroat stupidity of the normroach, "women's rights", material "progress" and technological buffers for social shocks, the death of religion and national/community ethic, demographic displacement, and the cabals of traitorous cosmopolitan elites (mostly WASPs in America) who fleeced and atomized the people they were supposed to steward.
High IQ as always
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Jews are like holes in that most everyone refuses to hold them accountable for their perfidy, but this often leads to people then becoming monomaniacal in their focus on them.

Yeah the Jewish element is a key part of the degeneration of the modern West, but they couldn't have succeeded without the conniving, cutthroat stupidity of the normroach, "women's rights", material "progress" and technological buffers for social shocks, the death of religion and national/community ethic, demographic displacement, and the cabals of traitorous cosmopolitan elites (mostly WASPs in America) who fleeced and atomized the people they were supposed to steward.

but what i am saying is all of these events were orchestrated by the Jew all of these things the Jews funded and promoted to destabilize the west and amass powers for themselves
but what i am saying is all of these events were orchestrated by the Jew all of these things the Jews funded and promoted to destabilize the west and amass powers for themselves

Of course all of these events were ultimately congenial to their goals, but you're giving them too much credit to think they're pulling the strings behind all of it.

Take technological progress for instance. This is superficially advantageous in that it's eliminated diseases, provided some degree of material security for most people without too much effort on their parts, allowed for a wealth of "cultural" options, etc. These were goals toward which many minds were oriented in the interest of improving the world for themselves and "humanity". Likely no one forecasted that removing necessity from life and restructuring complex societies on a large scale would produce a mass of exploitable idlers. Certainly not that pathogens would evolve drug resistance far outpacing attempts to keep up, that the dependence on bureaucracies for the guarantee of security produces more anxiety than it eliminates, or that "entertainment" is poor palliative for anomie. Man's rationalism has always been poor in charting the real course of his historical development and you see only the disappointed hopes of utopians that their Earthly paradise ended up only being 56ers being able to livestream twerk videos, crash cars into each other, and eat 4000 calories a day; not multi-century plans laid down by clairvoyant Rothschilds.

Technology subordinating human fulfillment to seek its own propagation is a theme touched on by Kaczynski, Heidegger, and Ellul most notably. It's a simple fact of building a structure so complex and overburdened that it collapses inwards.

Past a certain point of development, cultures ossify and the men therein become occupied with exceptionally stupid and suicidal ideas. European liberalism has produced enough idiocies endogenously:

George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - A Dumbass Darwin Cuck Who Thought Sexual Selection Was an Intelligent, Progressive Process

John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women - The Anglo Utilitarian Who Was Passionate About Wymyn's Rights

Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House - Who Thought Marriage Oppressed Strong Wymyn

The WASP elites are another key part of this too. It's a simple fact that these people were disloyal saboteurs who didn't need any help destroying their own countries (even invited the judisch intelligentsia here in the first place as they were leaving Germany in the 30s). The Rockefellers were heavily involved in promoting birth control and abortion.

Of course the Jews are sucking blood from their hosts as always, but it's a mistake to think they've single-handedly orchestrated the downfall of complex societies. They're merely a slightly more advanced breed of ethnicoper, more adept in rank-climbing and institutional machinations.

As for "115 IQ", here's a short post explaining some of the problems with this contention:

The Myth of Jewish Intelligence

Many of the studies from which the results are drawn use unrepresentative populations, like students at elite schools. This is also narrowly focused on Ashkenazim - average IQ of Israel is 95.
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Of course all of these events were ultimately congenial to their goals, but you're giving them too much credit to think they're pulling the strings behind all of it.

Take technological progress for instance. This is superficially advantageous in that it's eliminated diseases, provided some degree of material security for most people without too much effort on their parts, allowed for a wealth of "cultural" options, etc. These were goals toward which many minds were oriented in the interest of improving the world for themselves and "humanity". Likely no one forecasted that removing necessity from life and restructuring complex societies on a large scale would produce a mass of exploitable idlers. Certainly not that pathogens would evolve drug resistance far outpacing attempts to keep up, that the dependence on bureaucracies for the guarantee of security produces more anxiety than it eliminates, or that "entertainment" is poor palliative for anomie. Man's rationalism has always been poor in charting the real course of his historical development and you see only the disappointed hopes of 19th century utopians that their Earthly paradise is only 56ers being able to livestream twerk videos, crash cars into each other, and eat 4000 calories a day; not multi-century plans laid down by clairvoyant Rothschilds.

Technology subordinating human fulfillment to seek its own propagation is a theme touched on by Kaczynski, Heidegger, and Ellul most notably. It's a simple fact of building a structure so complex and overburdened that it collapses inwards.

The WASP elites are another key part of this too. It's a simple fact that these people were disloyal saboteurs who didn't need any help destroying their own countries (even invited the judisch intelligentsia here in the first place as they were leaving Germany in the 30s). The Rockefellers were heavily involved in promoting birth control and abortion.

Of course the Jews are sucking blood from their hosts as always, but it's a mistake to think they've single-handedly orchestrated the downfall of complex societies. They're merely a slightly more advanced breed of ethnicoper, more adept in rank-climbing and institutional machinations.

As for "115 IQ", here's a short post explaining some of the problems with this contention:

The Myth of Jewish Intelligence

Many of the studies from which the results are drawn use unrepresentative populations, like students at elite schools. This is also narrowly focused on Ashkenazim - average IQ of Israel is 95.

you are right of course certain circumstances such as technological advancements was inevitable, however they did exploit such events to their benefit and are behind enough of these events to be considered a threat to global security and peace
jfl at having a oneitis in uni
PM me a pic of the guy.
You now witnessed the same thing I witnessed around an year ago.
I knew this Chadlite student at College for a while, and then we were in the same class during a period. He was single, and I rarely saw him around foids.
In the same class as ours, there was this really pretty young foid who was orbited by her ugly landwhale friends and a faggot. I though this foid was a lesbian at first, JFL.
Then the Chadlite started getting closer and closer to her after each class, sitting next to her. She had made it really easy for him as well. If it was an Incel, such as myself, she would feel repulsed at any attempts to get closer to her. I did talk to her a few times before, but only for College related stuff, and I got a rather cold reception.
The next thing I know, fast forwarding about 3 months later, I saw them (the pretty foid and the Chadlite) making out on a corridor of the campus.
It's like Chadlites and Chads are really fated to get the best girl around, period, even if they look like dykes or massively orbited by betas and uglier foids.
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Hedonism is not permissible to anyone. The whole "sex slaves" angle just strikes me as the opposite face of "gibs me Chad". Both are greedy, nonsensical, and bad models to keep social order.
I agree. I think monogamy is the solution to everything. Inceldom, feminism, low birth rates, etc.

I don't blame women for their lust after Chads. It's natural to have lust towards attractive people, I also have it and most people do. What is enraging is women vehemently refusing to even throw some minuscule leftovers to below average men, the amount of inequality is brutal, and to boot, they act as if this wasn't a problem at all, they brush inceldom aside as nothing, they don't sympathize with us a bit, and to boot even more, they tend to be very vocal about all kinds of inequalities, even the most irrelevant, even the completely made-up ones, at the same time as they ignore inceldom as a problem.

It's odious.

In an ideal world, an exception might be a stock of prostitutes assembled from holes too stupid and depraved to control themselves in ordinary society and so are relegated to the servicing of any man's desire.
Agreed again. Some women aren't fit to be wives, those can be prostitutes.

Calling these men "superior" in the first place is gynocentric, tautological on top of it.

Nothing you can do about women wanting genetically superior men. Women want men who are genetically superior. They are genetically superior because women want them.
I didn't get this part tbh.

Mostly it is normroaches, low-tier normroaches especially, but they're only the most direct and vicious competitors.
Yes bro.

A lot of soycucks get duped into hating "brodudes" as the mean toxic masculinity guys or something stupid like that and totally ignore the complicity of holes in their loudness and ostentation. One should be careful of getting stuck in the opposite corner out of simple contrarianism however. Just because the broader world refuses to put deserved blame on holes doesn't mean that they're the only ones guilty.
Wise words. Both extreme misogyny and extreme misandry are stupid. Putting any kind of ideology over reality is tbh.
JFL incels only want the most attractive women. Checkmate inkwells.
JFL incels only want the most attractive women. Checkmate inkwells.
I would fuck any girl from my class. This one is IMO the most desirable one there, but I think tons of people would disagree.

She just happens to fit my ideal of extremely neotenous face + hot body.
Calling these men "superior" in the first place is gynocentric, tautological on top of it.

Nothing you can do about women wanting genetically superior men. Women want men who are genetically superior. They are genetically superior because women want them.

I didn't get this part tbh.

Ah this is just what I see truly lying behind all discussions of "superiority" here. Who gives traits, or the genes the determine them, their valuation? Those who associate female choice with man's worth will assume anything they've chosen to be in itself superior and not a mere expression of the idiot craving of her demonic loins. This is tautological because it does not admit of any outside connection and is a concept defined only by referring back to itself in a closed loop, doubly gynocentric in that it inflates female caprice into the only valuing agent of her subordinate phenomenon, man.

So this looks like: women want men who have superior features like height, hunter eyes, and full heads of hair. The men who have these features are superior because women desire them and have chosen them. Women want good men with good features because being good is equivalent to being wanted by them. Being virtuous, intelligent, or perceptive are not good and are copes because they don't make sluts wet.

Ultimately this goes back to the Darwincuck teleological view of nature. In this shallow, mechanistic view of the world, expressed in maxims like "the purpose of life is to reproduce", the hole is necessarily elevated to a position of decisive importance, especially as the "nature" in "natural selection" is trimmed down to the female-led regulation of sexual access under artificial security and comfort. Turbo blackpilked "can't blame nature" types have fully assimilated the most perverse modern forms of woman worship.

On a tangent, this is a big problem with faganism and nature worship in general. It's not a coincidence that these religions would have fertility cults, goddesses, and female idols.
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