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- Mar 6, 2018
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Mine are. I got screwed by the genetic lottery. My dad and both my brothers are taller and better looking. My sister is a blonde Stacy.
Brother: 6'3 6/10 and jacked AF. May as well be a tyrone
Sister: 8/10. Friends also tell me they werent really attracted to black/african girls but said she was hot AF.
Me: 5'9 2/10 Hideous OGRE.
https://incels.is/threads/ultimate-...emain-incel-for-the-rest-of-your-lives.28432/Mine are. I got screwed by the genetic lottery. My dad and both my brothers are taller and better looking. My sister is a blonde Stacy.
Lol bro how the fuck did you end up autist with a Chad father, mine was alpha but never taugh me anything it probably saw I would become a failureBoth parents are attractive. My dad was an Alain Delon look-alike back in the day, he must've had a slay count of at least 500+ but he was always tells me it was only like 100 something, literally a fucking Alain Delon lookalike. Mom was just above average woman
My 12 year old brother is fat almost bordering on obese but looks like the robust Chad stereotype. He even talks to girls and has a social circle in his school.
Jfl @ me.
must be pure and utter suicide fuelBrother: 6'3 6/10 and jacked AF. May as well be a tyrone
Sister: 8/10. Friends also tell me they werent really attracted to black/african girls but said she was hot AF.
Me: 5'9 2/10 Hideous OGRE.
Lol bro how the fuck did you end up autist with a Chad father, mine was alpha but never taugh me anything it probably saw I would become a failure
Dammit, me too I was ugly but try hard and low inhib aswell, video games fucked me aswell, fucking wow, good times tho when I was destroying alliance noobs with my orc warriori was low inhib as FUCK and non-autistic back then. when i got addicted to wow at 14-15 everything steadily changed and i became a high inhib autistic faggot who was scared to even leave the house
no idea tbh lol.
Dammit, me too I was ugly but try hard and low inhib aswell, video games fucked me aswell, fucking wow, good times tho when I was destroying alliance noobs with my orc warrior
fucking lol bro, i played private servers aswell, no money for retailLMAO my main was an orc war as well WTF
but mostly played private servers
I'm the ugliest in my whole family
My bro is shorter, fatter and uglier than me but he's married with 3 kids. He was an incel until his late twenties but got in shape and went out there and socialised and got snapped up by a black girl. He did have a good job and his own house at the time which I think was the reason he got picked up.
The mother is half herself so the kids have light brown skin, very curly hair rather than afro, african noses and lips. They're gorgeous kids but a bit weird and crazy.Lol how are his children looking? Rly vurious since he married blacky
I'm the ugliest in my whole family
i believe you lmaomog them all to oblivion