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Are you unironically racist?

Are you unironically racist?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Just a little

  • I don't know what racism is

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I just hate people in general
im 50/50 i tolerate them but if theyre loud i just want to get the fuck away
Racism is shit.
I don't judge my brocels by the color of their skin.
I was only ever mistreated by sandniggers so yes, I am racist towards Semites like Jews and Arabs, they are the most evil and scheming people. Blacks are just stupid as hell, and Asians are pussies and don't bother me at all.
I'm not really racist, I'm often prejudiced based on the way someone talks

Well, I do try to let go of such with an open heart, then I form decisions whether I want to continue something or not

In a sense I am racist indeed, but if I'm racist, I wouldn't be able to reach people and I do want to help all races in general

Okay, I'm just kidding: I want to help a minority in ALL RACES of people and bias does help me depending on what I gain

So for example I wouldn't step out to help a good looking chad, because I think he has everything he needs and everyone can help him and most of the time everyone is helping him and/or trying to help him

I wouldn't really help incels either if I'm nervous or anxious and they don't say a word, because they're normally quiet as well and biased in meeting people, like me but it's usually nerve wrecking, they can't really help me either except stroke my ego
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I don't hate all niggers but most unironically, so yes. Some are cool. Especially older dudes or if they're from the south I've noticed. Or blackcels. But as whole, I hate them and a fair amount of spics.
Yes, I am racist.
Being racist is natural.
The bar for racism is low.

By definition, acknowledging that blacks have superior UV-Resistant skin is racism.

I don't intentionally treat people much different though; and that's what matters.
Only towards nigger chimps. But that can’t even be counted as racism, bc I don’t consider them human

Racism is negative bias based on skin color. But curries are as dark as many niggers and I have no problems with curries. Curries are great, hard workers and Inventors heavily invested in tech industry.

I hate niggers not bc of their skin color, but bc they shouldn’t be considered human. Any geographical location with a high populous of niggers always goes under as a slum

The same would happen if you tried assimilating bonobos and allowing them to become a large population segment
i hate everyone, foids , beckies, chads, chadlites, normies, high tier normies, spics, beaners, white trash, slavs, curries, sheboons, sandniggers, gooks, chinks, japs, kikes... niggers... and others...
fuck humans
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Oh yes, very much so.
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People still breed with them.
*women* still breed with them. That’s because women like animals. They fuck dogs and horses too. They’d rather fuck animals than low SMV men
Racism is based and good. Racism is a disdain of disgusting, dysgenic traits. Shitskins have too many genetic flaws to be tolerated. their short height, low IQ, ugly faces, and overall subhumanity makes it natural for gods like Europeans to hate them in fear of being contaminated by their filthy shit blood
Racism is based and good. Racism is a disdain of disgusting, dysgenic traits. Shitskins have too many genetic flaws to be tolerated. their short height, low IQ, ugly faces, and overall subhumanity makes it natural for gods like Europeans to hate them in fear of being contaminated by their filthy shit blood
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I will say whatever joke I want regardless if it's 'offensive' or 'politically correct' , but I won't discriminate and constantly bully because of race
I don’t hate anybody for their race, I just hate niggers and elements of nigger culture
Being racist is natural.
so is lookism.

I hate wanna-be white supremacists

(who are dysgenic and low-IQ 99% of the time jfl, if they're even white, the irony is unbearable),

and their gay cocksucking worshippers.
Racism is based and good. Racism is a disdain of disgusting, dysgenic traits. Shitskins have too many genetic flaws to be tolerated. their short height, low IQ, ugly faces, and overall subhumanity makes it natural for gods like Europeans to hate them in fear of being contaminated by their filthy shit blood

Like this faggot.
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racism is funny
pandaren are the best race
I am a curry supremacist
I don’t hate anybody for their race, I just hate niggers and elements of nigger culture
Based. The chimp culture is one of pure degeneracy
Depends how you define racist tbh.

I acknowledge that there is a hierarchy in terms of the overall attractiveness and capabilities of each race.

That said, I pretty much hate everyone. Like if you were dying on the sidewalk, I wouldn't give a fuck if you were a blue-eyed aryan or a nigger. I'd let you die either way. Guess that makes me a racist against the human race?
Not really, A little bit since I have less respect for black people
I prefer dealing with people who are like me, and all races are like that no matter what they say. Look at jail gangs.
Racism is based and good. Racism is a disdain of disgusting, dysgenic traits. Shitskins have too many genetic flaws to be tolerated. their short height, low IQ, ugly faces, and overall subhumanity makes it natural for gods like Europeans to hate them in fear of being contaminated by their filthy shit blood
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

I'm a race mixed castizo but can agree, whites are the peak of human evolution. I'm grateful for having at least some percentage of their DNA.
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Filthy sand nigger Turk. How ironic of you to complain about Europeans getting their blood contaminated by shitskin blood when you're the one crying on this forum about not getting your dick wet by them. Your shithole kebab country slaughtered millions over their religion and you have the nerve to talk about subhumanity. Pour gasoline all over yourself and light yourself on fucking fire while fucking a camel in the ass you donkey. You will get all the white European women you want in Jannah.
Silence, nigger gorilla
I am only "racist" because the media already thinks I'm racist. But, when I feel like calling someone something like nigger, it rarely lines up with them being black. For example, a coworker was making me mad, and I wanted to call him a nigger; even though he might be white than I am, and my parents were Amish.
I prefer race realist, based on statistics, but yes.
In the past racist was a person who believed in racial hierarchies, I don't think I believe in such. However because I'm white and I live in a white majority nation and I want to keep it that way, I guess I'm by default raycist by modern standards
No point in being racist when incel. At the end of the day, we all go to sleep alone regardless of race.
Foids and chads show no loyalty to race. Why should we?

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