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Are you subhuman in stuff like sports, chess, "esports" (games"), music, art etc...?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
I'm horrible at this stuff. I used to cope with thinking I was very smart or something. I'm not actually that smart either though. My memory can be bad, I can't concentrate for shit and I'm too lazy to invest time into anything in order to actually develop my intelligence or a skill.

Anyway, I'm very subhuman at all these things. Kindergarteners draw better than me, I can fuck up a stick figure. I'm too high inhib to play music even though I have 2 guitars and my parents always encouraged me to play, I felt too anxious to play with anyone, especially my parents hearing me (even though they practically begged me to learn). I was also way too fucking lazy to practice so I never even learned chords. Ohh and my fingers were always too weak and I couldn't do that bar thing where you put your finger over the entire fret.

BUT THE WORST of all, video games. This is a personal fuck you from the universe. Many tens of thousands of hours spent in this life playing video games, never got good or even much above average at them. It's like proof I'm retarded.

For example I played League of Legends for idk how many fucking hours, on and off every other year or so since like 2010. I'm still fucking silver. Fucking silver, even with watching youtube guides and reading reddit advice and shit. Fuck, I suck. Although me playing while laying in bed with my laptop probably hinders me a bit. Still, if this ain't proof I'm retarded I don't know what is.
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yes I'm bad at everything tbh
I played the violin for a little bit until my stepfather destroyed it into a million pieces in one of his physically drunk abusive tirades.

I hated playing the violin though, and I would argue as a ricecel it completely derailed my SMV and people thought I was a huge nerd because of it, and I got picked on even more in school.

So don't complain too much if you can't play classical instruments or you suck at art. Most people can't even draw or play violins or anything like that, not to mention your SMV declines if you're into that.

But guitar though. Foids like that.
Yeah, but it's because of my laziness and lack of effort to spend the time to develop the skills.
I tried auditioning for advanced choir in high school but I was rejected :cryfeels:
I'm a mixed bag. I have always been a below average soccer player, but did make good passes at least. I'm good at volleyball considering how much practice I have. I make good services consistently. I used to be a fast runner, even won a "gold" meal in high school running against taller and fitter black dudes. I sucked at basketball in the few times I tried to play it.

I suck at chess and I'm not very good at most games tbh, but I was a good competitive Pokémon player. I remember winning one big server tournament back in the Pokémon Netbattle Supremacy days. I didn't have any talent, it was just sheer obsession, I played it a lot.

Musically, I can play some stuff decently but was always far from virtuoso level on anything. My main interest has always been songwritting and not technique though. I don't think my voice is good or that I'm very good at hitting and maintaining the notes right while singing, but it's not terrible either IMO. I don't have an "absolute ear" at all, I can never tell which note is being played even after years and years of playing music and I struggle with backing vocals and stuff like that (I get confused by the main melody). I have what they call "relative ear".

I used to draw and I was better than that girl from Reddit, kek, but far from great. I mostly just copied stuff.
Ya, I can't pay attention long enough to get good at anything
Iam decent at games tbh. I competed at the national level in curryland for Warcraft 3 ( which isn't saying a lot) and also quite quick on racing Sims like rfactor.

Too bad most women can sense that I post here.
I'm pretty good at Esports.
Also, I'm relatively good at music and art.
I have literally no talents, by that I mean I can't even snap my own fingers
0 talent brainletcel reporting in.
Im shit at everything
Im shit at sports, chess, music, drawing but I'm pretty good at esports if i set my mind to it. I was d1 in league season 4.
I'm still into chess. I'm worth around 1700 ELO.

I gave up on music long time ago. I barely listen to any, and I don't attempt to play any at all anymore. I used to play guitar until I admitted to myself that I have no musical talent whatsoever.

I'm into programming, as a dilettante. I contribute on rosettacode, for instance. I'm also on project euler, but I very much struggle there.
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I'm very good at learning languages, and I'm a polyglot.
I have developed this complex that no matter how hard i try , ill never be good at something than xyz .
This is due to being years of mocked , made fun of when i made the slightest mistakes doing things like these
I'm okay at anything that requires a good reaction time or strategic thinking. Any kind of physical fitness or strength tho and I was always hopeless.
I'm still into chess. I'm worth around 1700 ELO.

I gave up on music long time ago. I barely listen to any, and I don't attempt to play any at all anymore. I used to play guitar until I admitted to myself that I have no musical talent whatsoever.

I'm into programming, as a dilettante. I contribute on rosettacode, for instance. I'm also on project euler, but I very much struggle there.
Good job man, keep that stuff up, it's worth doing.
I'm very good at learning languages, and I'm a polyglot.
Not bad at all, can even be a marketable skill
I have developed this complex that no matter how hard i try , ill never be good at something than xyz .
This is due to being years of mocked , made fun of when i made the slightest mistakes doing things like these
I know this kind of feeling. Maybe not this in particular, but I know that no amount of advice will help you and it actually sounds cringy. So I just hope you can get over this and realize that nobody gives a shit about anybody else, everybody is too focused on themselves, so just do what you enjoy and try to get better at something if that would give you joy, because I'm sure you can do it.
I'm okay at anything that requires a good reaction time or strategic thinking. Any kind of physical fitness or strength tho and I was always hopeless.
That's actually very good. Physical stuff isn't that important, but quick and strategic thinking is very rare can be a very useful thing.
I always wanted to be good in olympic disciplines like throwing spears and shit since its white af, but I just fucking suck at it.
Made me quit pretty early on.

Overall nearly everything in life seems to be rigged against genetic trash like us, its not just our genetics but the universe wants us to fail and die.
when it comes to league i've averaged in gold and highest i been was gold 2 in promos for gold 1. Could have reached plat if i tried hard enough tbh
I have literally no talents, by that I mean I can't even snap my own fingers
Lol, i can't do that either, tbh. I'm genuinely too retartded, to be alive.
I would say I am good at call of duty but that’s it. I don’t have other skills. I usually have to cheat on tests in school to pass and I am bad at studying since I have no motivation
I always wanted to be good in olympic disciplines like throwing spears and shit since its white af, but I just fucking suck at it.
Made me quit pretty early on.

Overall nearly everything in life seems to be rigged against genetic trash like us, its not just our genetics but the universe wants us to fail and die.
Yeah I can see that. Even if you find it fun it can be discouraging to not see any progress. But tbh I think finding something fun and enjoyable is an incredibly wonderful thing, if you could find it in yourself to try you should, ignore any feelings of competitiveness and do it for the joy of doing it. Although I know this sounds very stupid and bluepilled, tbh I wouldn't do it cause I'm a lazy and apathetic bastard.
Lol, i can't do that either, tbh. I'm genuinely too retartded, to be alive.
I couldn't snap my fingers when I was younger but now I can kinda do it. But I'm bad at 99% of this kind of stuff. I can't blow gum for the life of me. Uhh, I can't seem to recall more of this kind of stuff, but I remember being very bad at most things of this kind.
if you could find it in yourself to try you should, ignore any feelings of competitiveness and do it for the joy of doing it.
Thats what I do with drawing and lifting weights, but the nature of it drives me to wanting to improve all the time and I feel like Im running out of time.
I want to be skilled and young, not skilled and old. Thats boring.
I'm horrible at this stuff. I used to cope with thinking I was very smart or something. I'm not actually that smart either though. My memory can be bad, I can't concentrate for shit and I'm too lazy to invest time into anything in order to actually develop my intelligence or a skill.

Anyway, I'm very subhuman at all these things. Kindergarteners draw better than me, I can fuck up a stick figure. I'm too high inhib to play music even though I have 2 guitars and my parents always encouraged me to play, I felt too anxious to play with anyone, especially my parents hearing me (even though they practically begged me to learn). I was also way too fucking lazy to practice so I never even learned chords. Ohh and my fingers were always too weak and I couldn't do that bar thing where you put your finger over the entire fret.

BUT THE WORST of all, video games. This is a personal fuck you from the universe. Many tens of thousands of hours spent in this life playing video games, never got good or even much above average at them. It's like proof I'm retarded.

For example I played League of Legends for idk how many fucking hours, on and off every other year or so since like 2010. I'm still fucking silver. Fucking silver, even with watching youtube guides and reading reddit advice and shit. Fuck, I suck. Although me playing while laying in bed with my laptop probably hinders me a bit. Still, if this ain't proof I'm retarded I don't know what is.
Just in harsh sports like basketball and american football.

I'd actually be very good at soccer had i been trained to it at an early age like a guinea pig.

I enjoy games and I like to win. I tend to win alot and only lose to more experienced players
I do pretty well academically but I am awful at anything extracurricular
I have no talents in art, creativity or sports at all. And I don't even play multiplayer games. The only thing I have ever been good at since early childhood is stemmaxxing.and i failed at that as well.
I do pretty well academically but I am awful at anything extracurricular
Yeah I did well academically too, but I chose easy majors with bullshit courses so I never even studied and had good grades, it wasn't about intelligence it was about bullshitting well. And because I look like a nerd and I'm quiet and wear glasses, the bullshit worked. I think the teachers and my colleagues always thought that "well, this guy is ugly and not good at anything, he's got to be smart. What he is saying sounds like bullshit but it can't be, right? I mean, he has nothing else going for him, if he isn't smart then he's just a subhuman waste of oxygen, so he's gotta be right".
I am pretty good at video games, but not esport level. As far as art goes, i can write ok, but i cant draw, paint, or compose music
I have no talents in art, creativity or sports at all. And I don't even play multiplayer games. The only thing I have ever been good at since early childhood is stemmaxxing.and i failed at that as well.
Well, you were good at stemmaxxing and that's something 99% of the population is envious of and wouldn't be good at if they spent most of their time studying it. I don't think you failed because you were stupid or not good at it, your life was probably just too tough and you lacked the positive reinforcements and support normies get in order to muster the proper motivation for studying.
Had a strong body, but bad motor coordination. I am also somewhst good in tactic and strategy boardgames. That's it otherwise I can subscribe most of what you said. Rly sounds like autism adhd. I know I asked already but have you looked into it and considered treatment? Adhd medication is of the few things that actually works.
Well, you were good at stemmaxxing and that's something 99% of the population is envious of and wouldn't be good at if they spent most of their time studying it. I don't think you failed because you were stupid or not good at it, your life was probably just too tough and you lacked the positive reinforcements and support normies get in order to muster the proper motivation for studying.
Maybe. It could be a combination of factors. Or maybe it is just my fault. I dunno. Science, math and computers just came easy to me even though I hated studying, these things I could bear and even enjoy.
BUT THE WORST of all, video games. This is a personal fuck you from the universe. Many tens of thousands of hours spent in this life playing video games, never got good or even much above average at them. It's like proof I'm retarded.
I know the feeling. Honestly I'm not sure what my main problem is, obviously most aren't going to be playing competitive games at a really high level regardless of effort, but I don't think I've ever been above average at anything multiplayer. I guess it's a combination of generally poor coordination, along with me not being very good at playing as a teammate, since I don't like communicating with random people, and I fail to provide necessary information even when not playing with randoms. Eventually I just stopped playing competitive multiplayer games. I just don't really enjoy them and I'm not very good at them. Also my social anxiety and general social incompetence make me next to useless in anything team oriented.

There is really nothing else that I'm good at either.
Thats what I do with drawing and lifting weights, but the nature of it drives me to wanting to improve all the time and I feel like Im running out of time.
I want to be skilled and young, not skilled and old. Thats boring.
Ohh shit I never thought about that. Skilled and young huh. Yeah that's something I've never experienced. Soon I'll be in old territory I guess, and yet I somehow still feel like life hasn't even begun yet.
I'm actually pretty good at drawing.
When I was in the mental health facility, other patients said my paintings are very creative and intriguing.
And they liked it when I explained to them what kind of emotions they convey.

Also there are social workers which help people with mental illness or disabilities.
You can do various past time activities like going bowling, hiking, grilling, visiting a museum and drawing together.
The social workers and some other clients also said to me that I am good at drawing.
I'm actually pretty good at drawing.
When I was in the mental health facility, other patients said my paintings are very creative and intriguing.
And they liked it when I explained to them what kind of emotions they convey.

Also there are social workers which help people with mental illness or disabilities.
You can do various past time activities like going bowling, hiking, grilling, visiting a museum and drawing together.
The social workers and some other clients also said to me that I am good at drawing.
That's great man. Drawing can be very calming and enjoyable. You should do it more often, as a recreational activity of course (some people expect to turn it into a money-making activity, and I think that always ends up with them hating the activity they once loved).
Ohh shit I never thought about that. Skilled and young huh. Yeah that's something I've never experienced. Soon I'll be in old territory I guess, and yet I somehow still feel like life hasn't even begun yet.
The most crushing thing is to see 18 year old millionare rap artists or some other scum. Today I looked at pictures of world war soldiers and realized at 22 Im their age. Im not a boy anymore. At my agr those dudes became fucking war heroes while I never was in a room alone with a grill.
The most crushing thing is to see 18 year old millionare rap artists or some other scum. Today I looked at pictures of world war soldiers and realized at 22 Im their age. Im not a boy anymore. At my agr those dudes became fucking war heroes while I never was in a room alone with a grill.
Brutal. I am starting to be filled with hate, envy and rage towards anyone more successful and better looking than me nowadays. Its just too insane, that all these fucking yeara have gone by and i am a still a fucking subhuman.
The most crushing thing is to see 18 year old millionare rap artists or some other scum. Today I looked at pictures of world war soldiers and realized at 22 Im their age. Im not a boy anymore. At my agr those dudes became fucking war heroes while I never was in a room alone with a grill.
The harsh truth is, most of us will never make it, unfortunately.
Neither in terms of economic wealth nor in terms of dating.
The most crushing thing is to see 18 year old millionare rap artists or some other scum. Today I looked at pictures of world war soldiers and realized at 22 Im their age. Im not a boy anymore. At my agr those dudes became fucking war heroes while I never was in a room alone with a grill.
I'm supposed to be a grown ass man, and yet I've spent all these years vegetating in front of a screen, mentally I'm a kid with no experiences, and yet I'm expected to be and looked at as a man.
The harsh truth is, most of us will never make it, unfortunately.
Neither in terms of economic wealth nor in terms of dating.
What kind of fucking world is this where you're still forced to work 8+ hours a day (and commute), and yet you're still not going to be economically successful. In my eyes, anybody who shows up and works that much, even if they're inefficient and not that good, deserves a freaking medal, because that's a lot of fucking hours of work.
What kind of fucking world is this where you're still forced to work 8+ hours a day (and commute), and yet you're still not going to be economically successful. In my eyes, anybody who shows up and works that much, even if they're inefficient and not that good, deserves a freaking medal, because that's a lot of fucking hours of work.
I actually got fired from my only job that I ever had for being too autistic.
Now I just receive Neetbux and stay at home most of the time.
The only real advantage for me being a mentalcel imo.
I actually got fired from my only job that I ever had for being too autistic.
Now I just receive Neetbux and stay at home most of the time.
The only real advantage for me being a mentalcel imo.
Not bad, at least it ended up alright. Maybe you can take the time and improve your mental health, to become more relaxed and at peace. Neetbux could be your key to happiness.

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