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Experiment Are you scared of death?

Are you afraid of death?

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Serge’s alt.
Apr 18, 2018
Spending a large percentage of my life wishing that I was dead caused my fear of death to evaporate, I now no longer see it the same way despite no longer actively wishing to die (most of the time.) I am actually grateful for this change of heart. Those who have so much still to cling on to in life fear losing it so much, having nothing frees you from this foreboding doom. Nothing to nothing changes nothing and I am apathetic towards the thought of my own death at the worst of times, what is your approach to death?
It will suck if its painful. Aside from that not scary at all
I fear the mental pain of dying, knowing that I won't exist in a few years say when in about to die
It will suck if its painful. Aside from that not scary at all
I totally agree, I can understand why your average normie with a lot to cling onto in this life is put off by the idea of rotting in the ground though. I find there to be something romantic about it.
I fear the mental pain of dying, knowing that I won't exist in a few years say when in about to die
There are things about being dead to which I look forward to, I cannot say whether I will still think that way when approaching my death bed, it depends what my life looks like at that point. I’m not sure whether I would want to wish to die at that point, for it would mean my life still wasn’t worth living. You can’t have it both ways I suppose.
I know im coping hard, but i dont want to die yet because still have bit of hope left that i will eventually someday have a shot at normal life after ive maxxed everything. Oh and i also wanna have sex before i die idc if i have to pay for it.
I can only comprehend the reality of death when I am alone in my thoughts, often only late at night. The waking mind must have some serious coping mechanisms.
Death is ınevitable ending there is nothing you can to do not die
I can only comprehend the reality of death when I am alone in my thoughts, often only late at night. The waking mind must have some serious coping mechanisms.
You just explained why so many people are capable of functioning under the impending doom that death is supposed to represent for all of us. I believe humans developed culture as a means to distract us from death, as we developed the ability to become aware of it, we needed to develop effective ways to mask it’s true meaning, and distract us from it’s ever-present inevitably.
Doesn't matter, dead or "alive" it's all the same.
Being on the twilight between sleep and wake will take it's toll on you.
Im afraid of dying because even a .000001% chance a hell exists + i end up going there is enough to terrify me, especially considering my luck :lul::lul:
I fear both, despite being obsessed with suicide. Death itself, far more than the pain of dying.
The notion of bein dead is what scares me, as I won't be able to think about anything ever again, not even to the fact that I'm not able to think anymore.
Cold death.
I will probably die a long and horrible death like brain cancer or some shit like that because the fate is against me.
I'm not afraid of "death", I'm afraid of not existing at all.
I'm tempted to sui,I just don't want to ruin my parents lives.

Also,I'm scared of hell.
it's scary thinking about how after we die we'll never exist again
I am sometimes afraid that there is reincarnation as I don't want to return to this hell.
But death as end of consciousness - I am not afraid.
Choice 4. Only reasonable choice when you have swallowed the Abrahamic "metaphysical pill".
Absolutely terrified. I'm hoping there really is no hell afterwards.
Im afraid of dying because even a .000001% chance a hell exists + i end up going there is enough to terrify me, especially considering my luck :lul::lul:
You shouldn’t worry, the chances are lower than that. Also, I have always thought the idea of a God who sends people to hell for committing suicide is totally morally inconsistent. What kind of benevolent creator puts you into a shitty life and then punishes you for rejecting it?
no point in living my life
You shouldn’t worry, the chances are lower than that. Also, I have always thought the idea of a God who sends people to hell for committing suicide is totally morally inconsistent. What kind of benevolent creator puts you into a shitty life and then punishes you for rejecting it?
gulp down that soylent, atheist boy
I'm not afraid of "death", I'm afraid of not existing at all.
There is a dangerous phobia which very high number of people have namely FOMO(fear of missing out), I think that's ur issue, and I fear that too
I've read that most people who were on the verge of death reported that it's a rather pleasant and calm feeling which is why I'm not afraid of the process of dying - and am obviously not intending to research it properly to possibly have that change.

I'm rather unsure whether I'm afraid of the notion of being dead - on one hand I don't particularly mind having my life as it is right now end, however then again I'm uncomfortable with it ending when I am in such a pathetic state. I don't want to die a NEET to be quite honest.
no point in living my life

gulp down that soylent, atheist boy
Tastes far better than the cyanide kool-aid you’re gulping down, religiouscel.
Tastes far better than the cyanide kool-aid you’re gulping down, religiouscel.
Islam is the only thing left to put foids in their place. Atheism is used by stacies to freely fuck and normies to orbit without religious code to discipline them
Islam is the only thing left to put foids in their place. Atheism is used by stacies to freely fuck and normies to orbit without religious code to discipline them
Islam may appeal to you because of it’s reinforcement of traditional gender roles, but that doesn’t make it true. Just because you think sexuality should be contained doesn’t mean that Mohammad flew into space on a winged horse and cut the moon in two.
Islam may appeal to you because of it’s reinforcement of traditional gender roles, but that doesn’t make it true. Just because you think sexuality should be contained doesn’t mean that Mohammad flew into space on a winged horse and cut the moon in two.
more believable than we came out of pure coincidence.
more believable than we came out of pure coincidence.
It’s honestly not, actually. From what we can see, everything that happens within our universe does so according to physical laws that we can measure and predict with great reliability. We can presume that the genesis of life is in accordance with these physical laws as well, though we haven’t quite discovered it yet. To presume that there is some all-powerful anthropomorphic mind behind this great mystery we call existence only belittles it in my view.
It’s honestly not, actually. From what we can see, everything that happens within our universe does so according to physical laws that we can measure and predict with great reliability. We can presume that the genesis of life is in accordance with these physical laws as well, though we haven’t quite discovered it yet. To presume that there is some all-powerful anthropomorphic mind behind this great mystery we call existence only belittles it in my view.
Who created these physical laws
Who created these physical laws
Not necessarily anyone, it is presumed that the laws of physics are subject to variability beyond our universe and are not a universal constant throughout all of existence, this is why they appear to be so perfectly calibrated for sustaining life. Your point seems to be; but something can’t come from nothing. Allah is something isn’t he? Where did he come from then?
Not necessarily anyone, it is presumed that the laws of physics are subject to variability beyond our universe and are not a universal constant throughout all of existence, this is why they appear to be so perfectly calibrated for sustaining life. Your point seems to be; but something can’t come from nothing. Allah is something isn’t he? Where did he come from then?
He created himself. Way more alpha than your bluepill soylent stuff
Praise be to Allah
He created himself. Way more alpha than your bluepill soylent stuff
Maybe, far less rational though.
Praise be to Allah
Which answer best suits you on the poll btw? I’d be interested to know.
Choice 4. Only reasonable choice when you have swallowed the Abrahamic "metaphysical pill".
Have you? I often suspected that your desire for life elongation and transhumanism stemmed from a deep-rooted thanatophobia over any metaphysical motivations. Good to have you back btw.

P.S. I’m not sure about Tom Cruise, the broodingly pensive eyes of ChaDelon suited you perfectly imo.
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You managed to find the most incel looking picture of RiCHAD Ramirez, what’s the thought process behind that?
I just liked it because he's grinning in it.
You shouldn’t worry, the chances are lower than that. Also, I have always thought the idea of a God who sends people to hell for committing suicide is totally morally inconsistent. What kind of benevolent creator puts you into a shitty life and then punishes you for rejecting it?
I dont necessarily believe he has to be benevolent to exist.

My view is that the first matter that came up + all the laws of nature had to have a source. The soutce behind the creation of these things have to be supernatural since it controls the laws of the universe. Even if its not a single being i dont eliminate the idea that the universe in general could be god. This is the problem with the atheist quote

"If a god can come out of nowhere, so can the universe. Therefore we don't need a god."

But then wouldnt that mean the universe is god? Im still not entirely sure about gods existence, but i lean more towards theism.

Now with the hell question, the chance of it existing is higher than 0. Im too pessimistic to be comfortable with that.
It will suck if its painful. Aside from that not scary at all
Think about it, most deaths happen incredibly fast (car crashes, heart attacks, overdoses, dying while asleep) it seems like that moment of searing pain would be intense but realistically all the adrenaline in your body would cancel ot out.
I dont necessarily believe he has to be benevolent to exist.

My view is that the first matter that came up + all the laws of nature had to have a source. The soutce behind the creation of these things have to be supernatural since it controls the laws of the universe. Even if its not a single being i dont eliminate the idea that the universe in general could be god. This is the problem with the atheist quote

"If a god can come out of nowhere, so can the universe. Therefore we don't need a god."

But then wouldnt that mean the universe is god? Im still not entirely sure about gods existence, but i lean more towards theism.

Now with the hell question, the chance of it existing is higher than 0. Im too pessimistic to be comfortable with that.
For me the chances are 0. Simply because if you look at the world you can see clearly that it is not designed to facilitate human happiness, there is far too much non-human caused suffering present in the world, from natural disasters to degenerative diseases, viruses and countless excruciating ways to die slowly at the hands of the natural world, doesn’t matter if you’re a grown man, a pregnant woman or a newborn child. A God who allows this and yet commands his creations to behave in a way that contradicts it (I.e. cleaning up the crap the natural world has left us with) is a morally inconsistent god, and whether or not you believe he exists, you must recognise that this level of hippocracy at the very least renders him unworthy of our worship, much less our adulation and praise. All religious scripture teach that god is morally infallible in all things, but here we can see that just isn’t so.

Envision it this way, if I were to develop a computer program that could virtually simulate a universe in such extensive detail that the sentient beings that evolved within this universe were actually conscious enough to feel pain, would I not be morally responsible for their suffering? I would be their god, their creator. If I then demanded they worship me despite doing nothing to relieve them of their existential threats and uncalulable suffering throughout the generations this would render me downright immoral by any objective measure of morality.

This is what I will never understand about the religious assertion that atheists are ‘moral relativists’ who are incapable of believing in objective moral axioms. In light of the metaphor I just presented, so are they. They have a different moral standard for their creator than they would an everyday man, and thus believe in a ‘relative morality’ far more than any atheist. A god that sends a man to hell for wanting to end his own life is a tyrant in light of the morally horrendous crimes against life that he has visited upon us, or hasn’t cared to prevent.

Furthermore, there are more convincing theories to explain the calibration of physical law than ‘it was made by an all powerful being’, multiverse theory being one of them. If you believe ‘in that case the universe is god’ then I suppose there is little response I can give to that. What I can say for fact is that the idea that this all powerful force behind the creation of the life has a vested interest in the activity of humans is absolutely absurd, for the reasons I stated earlier. For your belief that “he doesn’t have to be benevolent to exist” I would say; Why create a species that are liable to your judgement and punishment for not upholding your moral code if the very code you have prescribed them is contradicted by the very world you have given them to live in? A god who values these moral principles so highly that he is willing to punish his creations for all eternity for not upholding them, would surely not be so evil and careless as to have broken all of his own moral principles within the very design of the inhospitable and pain-filled world he has given them to live in. If he cares so much about morality, then why doesn’t he ascribe to it himself? Simple answer; he doesn’t care about it, or he doesn’t exist, either way, you’re safe from hell.
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I dont really give a fuck anymore, I havent killed myself because I’ve already experienced enough physcial snd emotional pain and I dont wanna go to hell
I dont really give a fuck anymore, I havent killed myself because I’ve already experienced enough physcial snd emotional pain and I dont wanna go to hell
If you believe in hell then you must read the comment I posted above yours. I do not suggest you kill yourself, through the process of learning about history, philosophy and science you can glean more fulfilment in this life than the delusion of eternal paradise or eternal suffering could ever give. My life is testament to that.
I'm not afraid of "death", I'm afraid of not existing at all.
Really? What is it about that notion that you find so unpalatable?
According to the poll, most of the forum aren’t.
They just think they're not. As an organism the fear of death is hardwired in me. Buddhist monks meditate for years and years and go without material pleasures for most of their lives to shed that fear, and I suspect many of them still have it in the back of their minds. To think that you're not afraid of death just because you've had suicidal thoughts in the past is just laughable.
They just think they're not. As an organism the fear of death is hardwired in me. Buddhist monks meditate for years and years and go without material pleasures for most of their lives to shed that fear, and I suspect many of them still have it in the back of their minds. To think that you're not afraid of death just because you've had suicidal thoughts in the past is just laughable.
If a murderer was chasing me with a knife, yes, I’d run away because I am scared of pain, being killed and the process of dying. If someone told me I will die soon, painlessly and without knowing about it, I would not be fearful. This was an option in the poll.
If a murderer was chasing me with a knife, yes, I’d run away because I am scared of pain, being killed and the process of dying. If someone told me I will die soon, painlessly and without knowing about it, I would not be fearful. This was an option in the poll.

Again, this is just speculation on your part. People with terminal illnesses are given news like that all the time and actually have to go to therapy/are given drugs because the anxiety it causes completely destroys their time left on earth. Sure, probably when death is just on the horizon, some people finally make their peace with it, especially if they're old and have lived a long and full life. The same cannot be said of the young. Not to mention being alright with it after the fact is totally different from being afraid of the prospect itself.

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