Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Are you really incel, or do you just think you're incel?



Schizo Neet
Oct 5, 2022
What proof do you have that you are really incel? What confirms it?
That I have several holes trying to disprove rs6042314.
Do you want to have sex?

If yes, have you had sex?

If no, you're an incel.
You're celibate, involuntarily; meaning no matter what you reasonably try, you're still celibate. :feelzez:
What proof do you have that you are really incel? What confirms it?
Long lonely walks at night and getting disrespect at every fucking step.
I have approached dozens of foids and was rejected. No one is bigger trucel
I'm ugly + non-NT, no more proof needed
My proof is that foids are unattracted to me.
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I'm a 34yo virgin and I'm on the autism spectrum (officially diagnosed)
I'm ugly, not that tall, don't even interact with human beings other than my mom on a daily basis. Got laughed at and rejected by foids in school, ostracized by society, what more proof could you possibly want.
the proof is in the pudding yo.
made it to where i am invisible to girls.
I'm 27, autistic, short, mentally ill, and too scared to fuck a girl. Though I'm talking (long distance) to one finally. So failed normie?
Women hate me for even existing so there's that
Short ugly non-nt khhv dicklet

I think these are enough reasons to consider myself worthy of being part of this community
im 23 and no female ever touched my penis
well haven’t had sex in so many years i qualify incel at this point , fit incel more than normie
I had sex 4 months ago but feels like 4 years. When did you do it last?
KHHV and sub5
I'm 5'6, I look ultra subhuman and no woman has ever been interested in me
Nobody wants to have sex with me.
I feel bad for you. When it's over you'll suffer.

He'll learn the hard way, many of us did.


"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You must be afraid of nonwhite men. How pathetic.",
"headline": "Migrants land on Spanish beach, flee as tourists look on",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/migrants-land-spanish-beach-flee-tourists-look-150223753.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Jul 29 02:08:54 UTC 2018"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing \"fake\" here. Whites are too primitive to resist their racist instincts.",
"headline": "Nazis, racists, bigots: Extremism on US ballot in 2018",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/nazis-racists-bigots-extremism-us-ballot-2018-053425570.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Jul 29 09:08:26 UTC 2018"
40 years old. No wife, no kids, never had a girlfriend. 5'4, about 30 lbs overweight, balding, grey hairs on head and face, disgusting looking face with forrest whitaker eyes. A porn collection so huge I started jerking off to it at the beginning of the year and still got about 700 plus of about 2200 videos to go. Sex drive low enough to not even care if I ever stick my dick in a woman's pussy or not any time soon.

Weekly brushes with death mixing THC, pills and cheap wine while listening to love songs talking about shit I'll never know the true meaning of. Despite being the most girl crazy of my high school friends, I'm the only one of them present day that is neither a father or husband. Not only rejected by women, but rejected in favor of men who beat them, cheat on them, verbally abuse them, date rape them, steal from them, and abuse their kids because I'm so much of a disgustingly fuck ugly subhuman that I make guys like this look good. Routinely get violent ideas in my head involving various chads, brodys, and normies who think my feeble and pathetic appearance somehow makes me harmless. Comforted by the relatively decent self defense laws around here being in my favor should something happen, but still making a genuine attempt to keep ideas as exactly that, ideas.

Anything else you need to know ?
i think that i am really incel
Oh boy, if you saw me in real life you wouldn't be wondering "Is he incel or does he just think he is incel"
Any whitecel here looking for unicorn white tradwife is volcel and fakecel

EC937878 6CEF 4E00 9B77 2669F20E25DF
Sub5, currycel, autistic. KHHV as well so it’s pretty clear.
>Day 11,758 - Vaginas touched by me = 0
>Dont know what a hug feels like
>Wish these things weren't the case
>Efforts to make these things not the case fail regardless
>Get mocked relentlessly due to how I look
>It's over

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