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Experiment are you more annoyed with being sub-human or incel?



Aug 7, 2018
what pisses you off more

being a sub-human



if you could fix one of these things. you either turn into a 6'5" robust chad that can't get laid. you had to stay virgin for life. and if you tried sex, you would die.

or you stay sub-human as you are, but get laid with females.

what would you choose?
Stay subhuman but be treated like I'm Chad, anything beats long-term crippling loneliness
1st one by far. Sex is overrated and boring, have already slept with a prostitute. For me personally, getting a nice fap has always been better than the idea of actual sex.
It is the attention I'm after, which is guaranteed as a Chad.
Honestly I know this sounds crazy but I would rather look like chad and not get laid. The sheer amount of respect chad gets no amount of sex can replace it. I would take the world over.
I'm not a subhuman, we are above humans....
Subhuman - I would accept castration in a heartbeat if I got beauty in exchange
neither because I think I'm above everyone else, including myself, I mean I KNOW I am.
Being a sub-human is what caused my inceldom among other things.

First one no question.
I am the most annoyed with being a brainlet unable to function.
Oh fuck I'd definitely be a sex-getting sub-human! My appearance is only a means to an end (that end being fucking).

It shouldn't even be a question.
subhuman. im more concerned about overall genetic inferiority than my lack of sex.
Subhuman, because I can't cope with most of things in life, social interactions, finding a girlfriend, being loved.
Though, incel in my fight.
Look at all the subhuman replies. If only mainstream society sees this as our problem, not "entitlement to sex", but rather desire to not be treated like trash.
Look at all the subhuman replies. If only mainstream society sees this as our problem, not "entitlement to sex", but rather desire to not be treated like trash.
I'd remain subhuman and have love sex and happiness

Guys only want to be Chad to fix their incel status
I’d rather not be subhuman I don’t care about sex I’m just tired of seeing my ugly fucking face in the mirror every day
I'm tired of being a subhuman trash.
Being subhuman is far more damaging, you get subjected to injustices in every aspect of life and will suffer overwhelming loneliness and depression.

I could honestly live in celibacy if i was just treated nicely in everyday life, i have many goals outside of women yet people are the biggest obstacle in achieving them, all because i'm an ugly curry.
Get sex like chad while being ugly.
The former for sure. Imagine walking around being 6'7 with a huge skull and frame. Mogging everyone and everything who crosses your path.

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