That's where I draw the line, if the changes aren't permenant, then there's no point in doing it, I'm not doing a stringent penis exercise regiment for the rest of my life just for one more inch JFL. I have 5 inches. Imagine telling a 4 incher that he has to do all this work indefinitely just to have an average size penis and still not be sexually attractive, if this is the standard you have set in your mind then don't bother wasting your time doing it, those results are coping level results, you might as well do nothing and you'd achieve the same level of attractiveness.
If a method can get me 3 permanent inches in 5 years, I'd do it, and stop after 5 years, but 1 temporary inch in one year that has to be indefinitely maintained, you sound like a troll speaking as if that's good results.
I don't think you realize how time consuming this whole penis exercise thing if you're going to do it properly, based on what I've read on forums you have to warm up first, usually involves taking a cloth dipped in hot water and wrapping your penis in it for a while to make the tissue more malleable (hence my tip to look for a drug or substance that does this so you save time on the warm up), then there are the warm up exercises, the "beginner exercises" you do when just starting off, and after months of that, then you can do the extreme ones.
This accumulates to hours of time per day for an effective regiment, oh and guess what kills gains in this shit, lack of consistency, think you're going to miss one day and start tomorrow, guess what, your microtears have healed a bit over night, you've killed your gains by a percentage. You clearly haven't looked into this much, if you did you'd see how pointless it is to aim so low, or to use just the hand exercises rather than a device.
Also girth gains don't mean shit without sufficient length, you'll just end up with a chode dick. If your length is already so good that you only need to focus on girth, then wtf are you doing on this site, you could get laid by angle frauding dick pics.