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Are you bothered by the thought that you didn´t achieve anything



Feb 15, 2018
Or do you just don´t give Af about it? tbh
I'm definitely bothered by it. :'(
Being in college doesn't help. If I graduate it means nothing since I am subhuman and behind my peers.

The only way is if I can become s millionaire or be famous
I dont really care, Im content
The knowledge that I'm an underachiever is crawling in my head constantly.
Mr Joyboy said:
The knowledge that I'm an underachiever is crawling in my head constantly.
Yes. However, not because I'm an underachiever. It's because I never had a chance to accomplish anything I'd deem meaningful. Doing mundane wageslavery for people I hate and to make more money for people I hate only made me more depressed. Tolerable employment for the gov't was the pinnacle of my depression.
am bothered that am not attractive
I'm only bothered I can't get sex in this shitty world
It doesn't bother me. My only life goal is to remain content until death. Life is pointless if you're miserable. I cope my way through.
depends on the time of the day
DestroyedLife said:
Retarded answer. tbh

when I'm numb enough- no.

when I'm self-aware enough- yes.

makes sense tbh
I have no aspirations anymore. Since I was young and bluepilled I've had to gradually accept less and less, gradually knocking all of the normal human milestones off my list when I realized I could never have them.
No, should I be?
yes its more suifuel than inceldom. Who give a fuck about gettling laid when you can't accomplish nothing, just another cell in the body of the earth... nothing special about you why are u even live... why am i even alive...
Yes im, but i will take action in a few days. I will not accept to keep living like that.
KilluminoidBR said:
Yes im, but i will take action in a few days. I will not accept to keep living like that.

What will you do?

I´m in the same situation, just wondering..
IncelAnders said:
What will you do?

I´m in the same situation, just wondering..

I cant tell here now. At the end of this month i will make a topic here explaining everything, step by step.

Add me so i remember to tag you :)
Yeah. I always thought id be destined for greater things. I didnt realize id be rotting at home playing vidya in my parents house.
In the grand scheme of things? No, because everyone is just another brick in the wall, every action, past or present, we have taken is meaningless, and even the greatest of men will be forgotten
Definitely. Although I can avoid those feelings for a while.

Once you're a Black Pilled NEETcel, you don't have anything else to worry about other than access to food and shelter. I am grateful for those basics. I cannot deal with people, so this is my fate.

I'd love to make money, but I cannot cope with most jobs today, so I embrace NEETdom. I don't even care about full-time jobs anymore. If I work, I want to minimize the time I have to spend outside the home. I am trying to find some 'happiness' from a sane work-life balance. 2-3 days a week, instead of 5 days.
My goal every single day is to avoid that thought as much as possible.
Truth is though, I'm a complete failure that never should have been born.
I don't have feelings about anything.

I'm empty.
WorldRulerAisha said:
I dont really care, Im content

This for the most part. Although I should be a programmer or engineer or something else high tier due to muh potential. Oh well, I'm living comfortably anyway.
IDC about it. I just want to live comfortably. is that too much to ask?
KilluminoidBR said:
I cant tell here now. At the end of this month i will make a topic here explaining everything, step by step.

Add me so i remember to tag you :)

It's easy for you to change your life. For us truecels tho, it's over.
last year I thought I would be working at a marketing firm in a major city. But I'm sitting on my laptop at the kitchen table in my pajamas waiting for the oven to preheat
Don't care really. Haven't gone to college, probably never will. I hate wageslaving but I hate school and actually putting in effort even more. I'll never get a good high paying job or do anything meaningful but so long as I have vidya and anime, I don't mind.
Stanx22 said:
It's easy for you to change your life. For us truecels tho, it's over.

Ye its a pity you are not even a truecel, you are just fat and balding, so stop drama plz.
KilluminoidBR said:
Ye its a pity you are not even a truecel, you are just fat and balding, so stop drama plz.

Fat lmao. I'm 169 cm and 69 KG, how is that fat ? And you're talking about baldness as if it wasn't a death sentence in addition to being short and ugly.
Destroyed my whole life because I achieved nothing. I didn't even get a bloody chance. low iq, short and being ugly is the complete bottom for incels and almost for life itself.
IronMike said:
last year I thought I would be working at a marketing firm in a major city.  But I'm sitting on my laptop at the kitchen table in my pajamas waiting for the oven to preheat

It's 100% because of being short. Short guys are fucked in the working field.
BlackPill47 said:
Definitely. Although I can avoid those feelings for a while.

Once you're a Black Pilled NEETcel, you don't have anything else to worry about other than access to food and shelter. I am grateful for those basics. I cannot deal with people, so this is my fate.

I'd love to make money, but I cannot cope with most jobs today, so I embrace NEETdom. I don't even care about full-time jobs anymore. If I work, I want to minimize the time I have to spend outside the home. I am trying to find some 'happiness' from a sane work-life balance. 2-3 days a week, instead of 5 days.
Stanx22 said:
Fat lmao. I'm 169 cm and 69 KG, how is that fat ? And you're talking about baldness as if it wasn't a death sentence in addition to being short and ugly.

You really think 69 KG at 1,69m its fat?? Im 65kg at 1,72m and i still have some fat in my abdomen. Yes, you are relatively fat.

If you get a hair implant and hit the gym im sure you can get laid, especially in Egipht.

No way there is no hope for you unless you dont even try. If you want to i can show you photos of 3 different 3/10 TRUECELS i know IRL, and you will se the difference between they and you, even if you do not admit it...
If you're bothered by lack of achievement, ask yourself if you're bothered because you are dissapointed in yourself, or if you are bothered by the fact that you think other people are dissapointed in you.

If it's the latter reason then stop being bothered. The vast mass of other people around you are simply propping up their lives with personal debt and earning an income that is derived from government debt spending. In other words, the average person's achievements are really just nothing. They are simply the conduit through which all this debt passes. For a time only.

Sure, you have some real achievers who have made various breakthroughs. But the VAST majority of people are just sucking off of the debt titty.
I have a good career, all that is missing is a hot wife.
platypus said:
If you're bothered by lack of achievement, ask yourself if you're bothered because you are dissapointed in yourself, or if you are bothered by the fact that you think other people are dissapointed in you.

If it's the latter reason then stop being bothered. The vast mass of other people around you are simply propping up their lives with personal debt and earning an income that is derived from government debt spending. In other words, the average person's achievements are really just nothing. They are simply the conduit through which all this debt passes. For a time only.

Sure, you have some real achievers who have made various breakthroughs. But the VAST majority of people are just sucking off of the debt titty.

I never said it bothered me. I was probably the laziest kid in my entire schoollife, even in elementary school my mom FORCED me to do my homework, otherwise i would be probably in this school for lifetime. I was always so fucking lazy... because it seemed so fking pointless to me to achieve anything. I just wanted to have fun... fun alltime. And school wasn´t one of those funny things tho. And this mindset hasn´t really changed and probably never will.
Depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Mostly yes.
yes it eats at me everyday. it will eat at me more when i get older so i am planning to end it at 30yrs if my life doesnt get better.

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